Wednesday, 2018-05-09

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zhipenghi tobberydberg06:23
tobberydbergMorning zhipeng06:25
zhipengmorning :)06:26
zhipenghope not interrupting your coffee :)06:26
tobberydberghehe, no problem ... have a pretty fresh one in my hand right now =)06:26
zhipengsounds good :)06:27
tobberydbergSo, should we start with the list or just touch base around your call yestrday?06:29
zhipengi'm okey either way06:30
tobberydbergLets just have a quick chat around the blockchain06:31
zhipengso as you might already noticed, the etc dev team has finished the poc of the sidechain implementation06:32
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zhipengso the core team and I had a zoom call yesterday06:32
zhipengto again confirm our use case, and set the MVP goal for this year06:32
zhipengI'm glad that the ETC dev team is very nice, techy and not hype-proned at all06:33
tobberydbergSounds promising06:33
zhipengso the MVP goal we discussed was that, for Vancouver Summit, Darcy could join your talk, and give a preliminary demo of the sidechain implementation06:34
zhipengit will not be our ledger yet, just functionality06:34
zhipengand by Nov, i.e Berlin Summit, we want to have a sizable testnet setup06:34
zhipengand possible keynote demo06:34
tobberydbergThat is awesome06:34
tobberydbergI will swing this by aprice as well06:35
zhipengand the team also floated some interesting idea as well, so let's see how we could proceed this year :)06:35
tobberydbergok, interesting06:35
zhipengya so i think you could carve out like the end part of the talk to Darcy06:35
zhipengif you would like to :)06:35
zhipenghow long will the talk last ?06:36
tobberydbergSounds perfect to me! My plan is to cover basic understanding of PP, what have been done, what feedback we have gotten ... and then finish of with what we see for the future06:37
tobberydbergSo it is a perfect match06:37
zhipengsounds great :)06:37
tobberydbergWell, it's a 40 minute slot .. 30 min of talking and 10 min question. My plan is to keep it a little short so the video can be useful for "marketing purposes" for us06:38
zhipeng40 mins is an ideal length for three people sharing06:39
tobberydbergDo you think he needs like 10 minutes or so?06:39
zhipengaround 10 would be great06:40
tobberydbergI will start working out the skeleton of the presentation today ... so adding him as the last part there ... then finish of with promoting our Forum session for PP06:41
tobberydbergWould be super if he could join that session06:41
zhipenggr8t !06:41
zhipenghe will be there06:41
zhipengSo since we touched upon PP, should we discuss a little bit about passport v2 this year ?06:42
tobberydbergperfect! I will have a chat with him as well soonish to sync a little bit06:42
zhipengso I looked into my minutes in Dublin again06:42
zhipengI see the notes on adding QR code support06:42
zhipengmaybe more detailed category on "ARM supported" or "IPv6 enabled"06:43
zhipengI think that were two items definitely worth mentioning for v2 plan06:43
zhipengmy colleague suggested to me the other day06:44
zhipengwe could also consider adding serverless to the category06:44
tobberydbergNot bad ... not the expert of qr codes in any sense though06:44
zhipengQR code could be handled by the foundation mkt team06:45
tobberydbergBut if to be implemented, we should write a spec about it for sure06:45
zhipengQR code does not need a spec right ?06:47
tobberydbergTo not make it to much for upcoming cycle, you think that QR code support and Blockchain demo is "enough" ?06:47
tobberydbergwell, don't need to no, but wouldn't it be nice to have a spec how we se PP QR code implementation?06:48
zhipengI think the QR code will basically a scannable passport website url06:50
zhipengso should be easy06:50
zhipengQR code + category + blockchain, sounds a good v2 feature plan :)06:51
tobberydbergSounds good. But please loop me in a little more how you think around the category stuff? =)06:52
zhipengI think the category basically means that we could help marketing certain specific features of a member cloud06:58
zhipenglike ARM, IPv6, microservice, serverless, k8s/cloudfoundry06:59
tobberydbergsorry sorry sorry06:59
tobberydbergyes, totally agree =)06:59
zhipengso if we could highlight that on PP website, it would be helpful :)07:00
tobberydbergWill get a new coffee so Í really wake up07:00
tobberydbergNew coffee in hand, so now I might wake up =)07:04
tobberydbergI think this sounds good and in line with what we discussed in Dublin07:04
tobberydbergThe only thing "missing" there is the joint thing with SDK certification etc07:05
tobberydbergBut I would guess that could be something more visionary right now and won't be possible to sort out until Berlin07:06
tobberydbergNot 100% related to PP - separate "project"07:06
zhipengyes definitely07:07
tobberydbergStill think we should continue those discussions and keep it warm07:07
zhipengso this year's WG task: feature list + PPv2 + SDK cert07:07
zhipengchir shoge has provided some initial thoughts on the testing setup07:07
tobberydbergAlso think we should keep missing features list as an ongoing thing to feed more feedback into the community07:08
zhipengso I think Berlin could be a good time for release of the certificate07:08
zhipenglet's switch to feature list :)07:08
tobberydbergyes, just one quick first07:08
zhipengI think besides what we have at the moment, which concentrates on OpenStack missing/desired features07:09
tobberydbergdo you think we will have time for the SDK stuff until Berlin as well?07:09
zhipengwe should consider expand the feature list to include PaaS and other components07:09
zhipengtobberydberg on SDK, yes of course07:09
tobberydbergOk, lets keep that as a goal as well then07:09
zhipengback to feature list07:10
tobberydbergHope to continue the discussions with Chris and Dims in Vancouver then. Need a spec for sue07:10
tobberydbergyes, back to that =)07:10
tobberydbergLike that idea07:11
zhipeng my rationale is that public cloud does not limit to OpenStack based functionalities, although 90% of the current services mostly are based upon OpenStack infrastructure07:11
zhipengso we should encourage public clouds adding more interesting open source features07:11
zhipengand our WG could be the place that everyone comes in and raise the feature request07:12
tobberydbergGoes in line with where OpenStack is heading07:12
zhipengyes, it is good both on technical sense as well as for mkt purpose07:12
tobberydberg"open infra"07:12
tobberydbergyes, for sure07:13
tobberydbergOne thing first though, would be nice to get good structure and workflow around the list first =)07:13
zhipengyes defnitely07:13
zhipengoverall, that should be plenty of exicting information for our Vancouver talk :)07:14
tobberydbergWell, talk is only around PP =)07:16
tobberydbergBut yes, we have some interesting ideas for the future07:17
zhipengah right07:17
tobberydbergBut hopefully we will have even more for a Berlin talk =)07:17
zhipengthat's for sure :)07:17
tobberydbergBTW ... planning to attend PTG in Denver?07:17
zhipengyes for now lol07:19
zhipengif funding not fluctuate again before PTG07:20
tobberydbergLets hope not then =)07:20
tobberydbergI've bought my PTG event ticket07:20
zhipengmaybe I should do the same soon07:20
tobberydbergCheaper until 11th or 17th of May :-)07:21
tobberydbergThen they double the price07:21
tobberydbergBut ok, that is pretty of topic =)07:22
zhipeng:) yep07:24
tobberydbergpasuder and his team transfered a few items in Dublin (cred to that) ... I've been slacking there... should we just start with moving stuff that we are assigned to our selves?07:24
zhipengwrong channel ?07:25
zhipengpasuder and his team ?07:25
tobberydbergNo, in Dublin they took a few items from the missing features list and created bugs in launchpad07:26
zhipengah ok07:26
tobberydbergso, my suggestion ... we do the same right now07:26
zhipengokey no probelm07:28
tobberydbergWhich just failed for me...07:30
tobberydberghmm.... timeout error07:30
tobberydbergLet me know if you succeed with your bug-creation07:32
zhipengi will try when i get home, company VDI not very convenient on OpenStack stuff :P07:33
zhipengon that note, shall we move off to storyboard instead of launchpad ?07:35
zhipengfor bug/issues and stuff07:35
tobberydbergNot sure. We started to move to launchpad and we dont have a space at storyboard so think that we can stick to that for a while07:37
zhipengwe could always talk to kendall to start the migration07:38
zhipengi just did with the cyborg project07:38
tobberydbergI'm not against it....use board and worklist for the WG planning stuff?07:40
zhipengya it is the same with launchpad07:41
tobberydbergHave a project there we post stories?07:42
zhipengno just regular bug reporting07:42
zhipengand also other agile development stuff07:43
tobberydbergMaybe worth it. Let's bring it up for discussion at an upcoming meeting07:45
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tobberydbergDoes priority stuff work well there?07:47
tobberydbergHaving issues with my Ubuntu one login so can't login...07:47
zhipengstoryboard only requries openstack id I think07:49
tobberydbergYes ... which I have issues with all the time =)07:49
tobberydbergIt's really strange ... every time I get signed out ... I need to reset my password to get in again07:50
tobberydbergWhat do you think should be the focus on the Forum session in Vancouver?07:52
zhipengyou must have been using a centos machine07:52
zhipengwhat the topic title for the Forum ?07:52
tobberydbergI would like to have all "bugs" (items) in launchpad for example. So that we have that up to date07:53
tobberydbergWell, mean, should we focus on getting more stuff in there or discussion things we have on the list?07:53
tobberydbergThinking about Matts feedback, lets not discuss the same things over and over again ... we should have a set of items prepared that need clarification / discussion, not "lets discuss the whole list agian"07:54
zhipengwould be great to discuss the progress of what we have now07:54
tobberydbergYes, so, informing everyone about the "new list in launchpad" and get people to post comment there and set status?07:56
zhipengthat'd be great07:56
tobberydbergBut also pick out a few important once that we think needs more discussions /clarification07:57
zhipengyes for sure07:58
tobberydbergCould that be a thing for the agenda for tomorrows meeting?08:01
zhipengif we get enough attendance08:02
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tobberydbergWould be good ... if not, you and me might have an extra chat next week around it08:14
zhipengyep :)08:17
zhipengregarding the third co-chair08:17
zhipengwe should set a time table for that08:17
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