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tobberydberg | Reminder: Meeting today at 1400 UTC | 09:15 |
tobberydberg | Agenda found at https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/publiccloud-wg | 09:15 |
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tobberydberg | o/ | 14:01 |
zhipeng | o/ | 14:01 |
tobberydberg | Who's around for todays meeting? | 14:01 |
tobberydberg | hi zhipeng | 14:02 |
zhipeng | :) | 14:02 |
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tobberydberg | Just you ad med zhipeng =) | 14:05 |
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zhipeng | I guess so :) | 14:05 |
tobberydberg | Maybe we have some more people dropping in later here... | 14:06 |
zhipeng | How's the weather over there ? | 14:06 |
tobberydberg | #startmeeting publiccloud_wg | 14:06 |
openstack | Meeting started Thu Feb 28 14:06:14 2019 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is tobberydberg. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. | 14:06 |
openstack | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 14:06 |
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openstack | The meeting name has been set to 'publiccloud_wg' | 14:06 |
tobberydberg | Weather is actually awesome right now for being this time of the year | 14:06 |
tobberydberg | but it will soon go back to crap again =) | 14:07 |
tobberydberg | So, to the meeting agenda.... | 14:07 |
tobberydberg | #topic 1. Train goal: Deletion of resources | 14:07 |
*** openstack changes topic to "1. Train goal: Deletion of resources (Meeting topic: publiccloud_wg)" | 14:07 | |
zhipeng | Adrian has been driving that nicely ? | 14:08 |
tobberydberg | As you are aware of - this is proposed as a community wide goal for Train | 14:08 |
tobberydberg | very nice work | 14:08 |
tobberydberg | #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/639010/ | 14:08 |
zhipeng | Great ! I need to review that | 14:08 |
tobberydberg | Would like to just ping for this and if you have feedback of the proposed ... add comments! | 14:09 |
zhipeng | Definitely will take a look | 14:09 |
tobberydberg | I'll try to help out as much as I can, but will not be much code.. | 14:09 |
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tobberydberg | I think adriant have summed that up in a very good way and captured the use case and problem | 14:11 |
tobberydberg | oh, just pinged him unintentionally ... sorry | 14:11 |
zhipeng | Yep | 14:12 |
tobberydberg | so ... next item... | 14:12 |
zhipeng | Haha | 14:12 |
tobberydberg | #topic 2. Summit Denver forum topics | 14:12 |
*** openstack changes topic to "2. Summit Denver forum topics (Meeting topic: publiccloud_wg)" | 14:12 | |
tobberydberg | Summit coming up and deadline for proposing Forum topics is 10th of March | 14:13 |
zhipeng | Unfortunately I won't be able to go to Denver | 14:13 |
tobberydberg | Kidding me? | 14:13 |
tobberydberg | :-) | 14:13 |
zhipeng | Given the time and the tension lol | 14:14 |
zhipeng | But look forward to have you in China in November ! | 14:14 |
tobberydberg | Yea, I really hope I will be able to go there! | 14:15 |
tobberydberg | Even though you are not going ... any opinions on topics to elaborate on at the Forum? | 14:16 |
zhipeng | I think at least some discussion regarding Train goals ? | 14:18 |
tobberydberg | Train goals for PCWG, or what are you thinking? | 14:19 |
tobberydberg | What else? | 14:24 |
tobberydberg | Follow up on https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/BER-change-ownership-of-resources | 14:24 |
tobberydberg | ? | 14:24 |
tobberydberg | Should we continue to have a forum session regarding missing features and the passport program? | 14:24 |
tobberydberg | Also thinking SDK certification? | 14:24 |
zhipeng | Yes I was thinking about like the resources ownership one | 14:25 |
zhipeng | I think maybe we should put passport program in the backburner for a while | 14:26 |
zhipeng | SDK Cert is still worth doing | 14:26 |
tobberydberg | Missing feature? | 14:27 |
tobberydberg | OR ... "The community wide operators need"-thing | 14:27 |
zhipeng | Missing features as in general for project deletion, ownership, ... | 14:28 |
zhipeng | We could push a top 3 from missing features as PCWG input of Train goal | 14:28 |
tobberydberg | Was thinking more as a session collecting "new things" - like a possibility for new users to bring issues to the community | 14:29 |
zhipeng | Ya that sounds good as well | 14:29 |
tobberydberg | Not public cloud specific, more operators in general | 14:30 |
zhipeng | Will you go to the Berlin Ops Meetup ? | 14:31 |
tobberydberg | No, unfortunate not | 14:33 |
tobberydberg | Was hoping to be able to go, but do not have the time | 14:33 |
zhipeng | Ah ok | 14:33 |
tobberydberg | Was hoping to go to the UK event as well, but that doesn't look good either... | 14:34 |
zhipeng | lol | 14:35 |
tobberydberg | Ok. I've added some suggestions to the etherpad ... will reach out to potential co-organizers of those as well | 14:36 |
tobberydberg | we might need one for the deletion of resources as well | 14:36 |
zhipeng | Yes | 14:37 |
tobberydberg | next topic | 14:37 |
tobberydberg | #topic 3. Followup goals | 14:37 |
*** openstack changes topic to "3. Followup goals (Meeting topic: publiccloud_wg)" | 14:37 | |
tobberydberg | We actually did set some goals for this cycle.... | 14:37 |
tobberydberg | starting from top | 14:38 |
tobberydberg | Future of Passport program | 14:38 |
zhipeng | lol | 14:38 |
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zhipeng | Can't see foundation has much interest in it now | 14:38 |
tobberydberg | WE haven't done much, but we had some discussion on going back to base and rewrite the "requirments" and focus on qualiity | 14:39 |
tobberydberg | Well, I guess they they still are... | 14:39 |
tobberydberg | But not sure | 14:39 |
tobberydberg | They have gotten new applications | 14:39 |
zhipeng | Ya I see that | 14:40 |
tobberydberg | I reviewed some ... might have forgot one as well | 14:40 |
tobberydberg | will have to check on that | 14:40 |
tobberydberg | Would be good to get that spec for that done, with the filtering option on the o.o as well | 14:41 |
zhipeng | Ah right, the filtering option | 14:42 |
tobberydberg | So, work needed before we can move on, and help needed from more parties for it to survive and be better | 14:42 |
zhipeng | Yes | 14:43 |
zhipeng | Absolutely agree with that | 14:43 |
tobberydberg | With more people on the meetings, things would be easier... ;-) | 14:44 |
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tobberydberg | Missing features.... | 14:45 |
tobberydberg | not much work done there either since last time, but we have an ok structure for now to keep it as is and make prio of that | 14:46 |
zhipeng | Ya I think have a top 2 or 3 and push it for cycle goal would be a good close loop | 14:47 |
tobberydberg | exactly | 14:47 |
tobberydberg | SDK Certification - OpenLAB collaboration | 14:48 |
tobberydberg | That is something that we really should help our more on | 14:48 |
tobberydberg | Not sure about the latest there... | 14:48 |
tobberydberg | But I will follow up with mrhillsman on that one | 14:48 |
tobberydberg | UC Collaboration | 14:49 |
tobberydberg | I guess both we and the UC have failed there :-) | 14:49 |
zhipeng | Haha | 14:50 |
tobberydberg | I did one thing in stockholm at the Nordic event ... didn't take the time to do anything great with that feedback together with UC, but will try to followup with that as well | 14:52 |
tobberydberg | Hmmmm...my IRC client just made something strange | 14:53 |
tobberydberg | if you wrote something, please write again =) | 14:53 |
zhipeng | Nope was just waiting for your input :) | 14:54 |
tobberydberg | on what? =) | 14:55 |
tobberydberg | guess I missed that question of yours | 14:56 |
zhipeng | On everything lol | 14:56 |
tobberydberg | #topic . Other topics | 14:56 |
*** openstack changes topic to ". Other topics (Meeting topic: publiccloud_wg)" | 14:56 | |
tobberydberg | hahaha | 14:56 |
tobberydberg | worlds peace is what I vote for then! :-) | 14:57 |
tobberydberg | *World | 14:57 |
mrhillsman | o/ | 14:57 |
mrhillsman | sorry i missed meeting | 14:57 |
tobberydberg | no worries mrhillsman .... as you can see we are about to solve world peace | 14:57 |
zhipeng | Hey Melvin :) | 14:57 |
mrhillsman | lol | 14:57 |
mrhillsman | i will read over the log | 14:58 |
mrhillsman | thought the meeting was yesterday | 14:58 |
mrhillsman | was online and forgot to update my calendar to today | 14:58 |
tobberydberg | please do ... I will try to attend a UC meeting soon =) | 14:58 |
tobberydberg | Also, thinking about some forum topics that we can talk about then | 14:58 |
mrhillsman | ++ | 14:58 |
tobberydberg | If you are awake I might ping you in 30 min, have another meeting coming up in 30 sec ... ;-) | 14:59 |
tobberydberg | zhipeng ... should we start to have the meetings on even weeks wednesdays at 0700 UTC? | 15:00 |
tobberydberg | to get some traction maybe? | 15:00 |
zhipeng | For Adrian at least lol | 15:00 |
tobberydberg | yea, but for others as well that might be in that TZ ... or just for us to have a dedicated time to get some collb work done | 15:01 |
tobberydberg | Thanks for today ... have to run here....lets try to talk next week in wednesday then =) Counting on you! :-) | 15:02 |
tobberydberg | #endmeeting | 15:02 |
*** openstack changes topic to "New meeting time!! Thursday odd weeks at 1400 UTC in this channel!!" | 15:02 | |
tobberydberg | hmmm | 15:02 |
openstack | Meeting ended Thu Feb 28 15:02:49 2019 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) | 15:02 |
openstack | Minutes: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/publiccloud_wg/2019/publiccloud_wg.2019-02-28-14.06.html | 15:02 |
openstack | Minutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/publiccloud_wg/2019/publiccloud_wg.2019-02-28-14.06.txt | 15:02 |
openstack | Log: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/publiccloud_wg/2019/publiccloud_wg.2019-02-28-14.06.log.html | 15:02 |
tobberydberg | there it woke up the bot ... took some time =) | 15:03 |
zhipeng | :) | 15:03 |
zhipeng | Bot needs warming up | 15:03 |
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