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tobberydberg | Hi all! Have forgotten to send out a reminder for todays meeting. Take this message as a reminder - meeting at 1400 UTC in this channel! :-) | 12:44 |
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tobberydberg | o/ | 14:01 |
witek | hi | 14:01 |
tobberydberg | Hi witek | 14:03 |
tobberydberg | I wonder if more people will drop in here | 14:03 |
wondra | hi | 14:04 |
tobberydberg | hi wondra | 14:04 |
tobberydberg | Been some time since the last meeting :-) | 14:05 |
tobberydberg | #startmeeting publiccloud_wg | 14:06 |
openstack | Meeting started Thu Jul 4 14:06:23 2019 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is tobberydberg. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. | 14:06 |
openstack | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 14:06 |
*** openstack changes topic to " (Meeting topic: publiccloud_wg)" | 14:06 | |
openstack | The meeting name has been set to 'publiccloud_wg' | 14:06 |
tobberydberg | Lets wait a few more minutes and see if more folks drop in | 14:06 |
tobberydberg | AP from last meeting was to "finalize" the list of things we need to measure | 14:09 |
tobberydberg | Not sure much have bee added since last meeting | 14:10 |
tobberydberg | We have a quite solid list of things though that I think is enough for a start, if we find a solution for those I guess more can be covered in whatever solution for collecting data we come up with | 14:11 |
tobberydberg | Other thoughts around that? | 14:11 |
tobberydberg | #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/publiccloud-sig-billing-implementation-proposal | 14:12 |
witek | I think we can put up a support table, which measurements can be collected by which solutions as of now | 14:14 |
tobberydberg | That is probably a good idea | 14:15 |
tobberydberg | For that we also need suggestions of how to collect the data | 14:17 |
witek | Prometheus, Ceilometer, Monasca, Collectd | 14:17 |
witek | anything else? | 14:17 |
* tobberydberg looking in old logs | 14:18 | |
tobberydberg | But that sounds like the ones that we have talked about | 14:19 |
tobberydberg | I wonder if one of them individually can solve all needs? | 14:22 |
witek | yes, it would be good to find out | 14:23 |
witek | can help on Monasca side | 14:24 |
tobberydberg | +1 | 14:24 |
tobberydberg | So, next step i to do the mapping to metric vs method(s) from what it looks like | 14:26 |
witek | etherpad is probably not the best place to collect this, as it doesn't offer nice table formatting | 14:28 |
tobberydberg | correct ... started a topic there just now where we can describe what the purpose is and maybe start ... excel or something id probably better | 14:30 |
witek | wiki or ethercalc.o.o ? | 14:32 |
witek | google docs works as well | 14:32 |
tobberydberg | google sheet is probably a good idea | 14:33 |
witek | +! | 14:34 |
witek | +1 :) | 14:34 |
tobberydberg | Added a section there for mentioning the methods of collecting data, can be good to sum up the pros and cons about the different methods as well | 14:37 |
witek | good point | 14:38 |
tobberydberg | Which is something that we can try to write down there before next meeting | 14:39 |
tobberydberg | Not sure how it looks around the globe when it comes to vacations and stuff ... personally I will be around 2 more weeks before I take some time off, so would be good to have that done in 2 weeks | 14:40 |
tobberydberg | I think it would be good if we send out a mail to the mailing list about this and try to get some people in there to leave their comments before that a well | 14:41 |
witek | yes, the meeting is almost empty today | 14:42 |
tobberydberg | yes | 14:44 |
tobberydberg | I'll send out an email about this (shame on me for this time) and hope we have some comments for next meeting, and some more at the meeting | 14:45 |
tobberydberg | Should we aim for next week you think? | 14:45 |
tobberydberg | Or, use the slotwe have in 2 weeks? | 14:46 |
witek | not sure | 14:46 |
witek | I'd prefer next week I think | 14:47 |
tobberydberg | I see if I can make that as well! | 14:48 |
tobberydberg | I think we call it the day with that :-) | 14:48 |
tobberydberg | Thanks for joining ... we moving slowly in some direction ;-) | 14:48 |
witek | thanks for hosting, see you next time | 14:49 |
tobberydberg | #endmeeting | 14:49 |
*** openstack changes topic to "New meeting time!! Thursday odd weeks at 1400 UTC in this channel!!" | 14:49 | |
openstack | Meeting ended Thu Jul 4 14:49:43 2019 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) | 14:49 |
openstack | Minutes: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/publiccloud_wg/2019/publiccloud_wg.2019-07-04-14.06.html | 14:49 |
openstack | Minutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/publiccloud_wg/2019/publiccloud_wg.2019-07-04-14.06.txt | 14:49 |
openstack | Log: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/publiccloud_wg/2019/publiccloud_wg.2019-07-04-14.06.log.html | 14:49 |
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