Monday, 2013-12-09

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openstackgerritKen'ichi Ohmichi proposed a change to openstack/tempest: Enable HostsAdminTestXML
openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed a change to openstack/tempest: keystoneclient scenario test
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/tempest: port test_server_rescue into v3 part2
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openstackgerritxu-haiwei proposed a change to openstack/tempest: Separate negative tests for test_services in Tempest
openstackrecheckopenstack/tempest change: failed tempest because of:
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openstackgerritDaisuke Morita proposed a change to openstack/tempest: Add tests for testing swift bulk middleware
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openstackrecheckopenstack/python-novaclient change: failed tempest with an unrecognized error01:56
openstackrecheckopenstack/tempest change: failed tempest because of:
openstackgerritSukhdev Kapur proposed a change to openstack-dev/devstack: ML2 can't seem to load type drivers
openstackrecheckopenstack/heat change: failed tempest with an unrecognized error02:14
openstackrecheckopenstack/heat change: failed tempest because of:
openstackrecheckopenstack/heat change: failed tempest because of:
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-dev/devstack: Make tempest L3 capable plugin aware.
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openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed a change to openstack/tempest: keystoneclient scenario test
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openstackrecheckopenstack/tempest change: failed tempest with an unrecognized error03:21
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openstackrecheckopenstack/nova change: failed tempest because of:
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/tempest: Separate negative tests for test_services in Tempest
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openstackgerritxu-haiwei proposed a change to openstack/tempest: Separate negative tests for test_availability_zone in Tempest
openstackrecheckopenstack/keystone change: failed tempest with an unrecognized error04:38
openstackgerritMatthew Oliver proposed a change to openstack-dev/devstack: Modified the create_nova_conf function to add the $KEYSTONE_AUTH_PORT to the keystone_authtoken section. This is required as without this nova doesn't communicate to the keystone server generating an "Unauthorised (HTTP 401)" page when acceesing /admin/.
openstackgerritKen'ichi Ohmichi proposed a change to openstack/tempest: Fix display_name of volume for test_volumes_list
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openstackgerritxu-haiwei proposed a change to openstack/tempest: Separate negative tests for test_fixed_ips in Tempest
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openstackgerritxu-haiwei proposed a change to openstack/tempest: Separate negative tests for test_fixed_ips
Anjuafazekas:  ping05:11
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openstackgerritxu-haiwei proposed a change to openstack/tempest: Separate negative tests for test_availability_zone
openstackgerritHoisaleshwara Madan V S proposed a change to openstack/tempest: Moves negative tests from api/compute/servers/test_virtual_interfaces
openstackrecheckopenstack/nova change: failed tempest because of:
openstackgerritAbhijeet Malawade proposed a change to openstack/tempest: Add testcases for volume
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openstackrecheckopenstack/glance change: failed tempest because of:
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openstackgerritAbhijeet Malawade proposed a change to openstack/tempest: Add testcases for security groups
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openstackrecheckopenstack/cinder change: failed tempest because of:
openstackgerritAbhijeet Malawade proposed a change to openstack/tempest: Add testcases for images
openstackrecheckopenstack/glance change: failed tempest because of: and
openstackrecheckopenstack/glance change: failed tempest with an unrecognized error06:53
openstackrecheckopenstack/ceilometer change: failed tempest with an unrecognized error06:59
openstackgerritZhi Kun Liu proposed a change to openstack/tempest: add admin server tests
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openstackgerritYair Fried proposed a change to openstack/tempest: scenario/network_basic_ops: detach floating-ip
openstackrecheckopenstack/neutron change: failed tempest because of:
openstackgerritLiang Chen proposed a change to openstack-dev/devstack: Add version path to marconi endpoiont
openstackgerritxu-haiwei proposed a change to openstack/tempest: Separate negative tests for test_availability_zone
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openstackgerritxu-haiwei proposed a change to openstack/tempest: Separate negative tests for test_fixed_ips
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openstackgerritgongysh proposed a change to openstack/tempest: Add the external gateway interface to vpn router
openstackgerritYair Fried proposed a change to openstack/tempest: Adds ping method to remote client
openstackrecheckopenstack/nova change: failed tempest because of:
afazekasAnju: pong07:30
openstackrecheckopenstack/keystone change: failed tempest because of:
Anjuchange of this comment is ok only ? as test_get_availability_zone_list_with_non_admin_user is exits in this file ?07:39
Anjuafazekas:  ^^^07:41
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openstackrecheckopenstack/python-keystoneclient change: failed tempest because of: and
openstackrecheckopenstack/python-keystoneclient change: failed tempest because of:
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afazekasAnju: strange, looks like both the admin and not admin test case does the same thing08:02
* afazekas I will be back08:03
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openstackrecheckopenstack/tempest change: failed tempest because of:
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openstackgerritxu-haiwei proposed a change to openstack/tempest: Separate negative tests for test_availability_zone
openstackrecheckopenstack/cinder change: failed tempest with an unrecognized error08:11
openstackgerritIvan-Zhu proposed a change to openstack/tempest: port test_server_metadata and test_server_personality into v3 part2
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openstackrecheckopenstack/neutron change: failed tempest with an unrecognized error08:25
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openstackgerritxu-haiwei proposed a change to openstack/tempest: Separate negative tests for test_fixed_ips
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed a change to openstack/tempest: Separate negative tests for test_networks
openstackgerritxu-haiwei proposed a change to openstack/tempest: Modify the name of a negative test class
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openstackrecheckopenstack/tempest change: failed tempest with an unrecognized error08:43
openstackgerritChenZheng proposed a change to openstack/tempest: Test for the update extra route
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openstackrecheckopenstack/tempest change: failed tempest with an unrecognized error08:51
openstackrecheckopenstack/nova change: failed tempest because of:
openstackgerritIvan-Zhu proposed a change to openstack/tempest: port test_keypairs into nova v3 part1
openstackgerritIvan-Zhu proposed a change to openstack/tempest: port test_keypairs into nova v3 part2
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openstackgerritIvan-Zhu proposed a change to openstack/tempest: port test_keypairs into nova v3 part1
openstackgerritIvan-Zhu proposed a change to openstack/tempest: port test_keypairs into nova v3 part2
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openstackrecheckopenstack/cinder change: failed tempest because of:
openstackgerritZhi Kun Liu proposed a change to openstack/tempest: port test_servers* into Nova V3 tests - part1 (WORKINPROGRESS)
openstackgerritZhi Kun Liu proposed a change to openstack/tempest: port admin/test_servers* into Nova V3 tests part1(WORKINPROGRESS)
Anjuafazekas:  ping09:24
Anjudid you see both fucntions09:24
Anjuone is giving list and other one giving details09:25
openstackrecheckopenstack/heat change: failed tempest with an unrecognized error09:29
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openstackrecheckopenstack/neutron change: failed tempest because of:
afazekasAnju: I have no issue with the current doc string, but if you could send a more detailed description would be nice09:56
openstackgerritIvan-Zhu proposed a change to openstack/tempest: port related volumes tests into nova v3 part1
openstackgerritIvan-Zhu proposed a change to openstack/tempest: port related volumes tests into nova v3 part2
openstackrecheckopenstack/nova change: failed tempest with an unrecognized error09:56
Anjuafazekas:  I have fixed that in nova client09:57
Anjuand then we can remove the test from the non admin client09:58
AnjuI will share with you09:58
openstackgerritIvan-Zhu proposed a change to openstack/tempest: port related volumes tests into nova v3 part2
openstackgerritIvan-Zhu proposed a change to openstack/tempest: port related volumes tests into nova v3 part2
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openstackrecheckopenstack/tempest change: failed tempest because of:
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed a change to openstack/tempest: Separate negative tests for test_networks
openstackgerritRohan Kanade proposed a change to openstack/tempest: Handle rest client 500 response if non-json body
openstackrecheckopenstack/tempest change: failed tempest because of:
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openstackgerrithuangtianhua proposed a change to openstack/tempest: Add tests for snapshot_metadata
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openstackrecheckopenstack/horizon change: failed tempest with an unrecognized error11:02
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed a change to openstack/tempest: Separate negative tests for test_networks
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openstackrecheckopenstack/horizon change: failed tempest because of:
openstackrecheckopenstack/cinder change: failed tempest because of:
openstackgerritBob Ball proposed a change to openstack/tempest: Race condition in ListImageFilters tests
openstackrecheckopenstack/tempest change: failed tempest with an unrecognized error11:27
openstackgerritxu-haiwei proposed a change to openstack/tempest: Separate negative tests for test_availability_zone
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openstackrecheckopenstack/cinder change: failed tempest because of:
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openstackgerritRafael Folco proposed a change to openstack-dev/devstack: Qemu emulator requires at least 128MB of memory to boot on ppc64
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openstackgerritRafael Folco proposed a change to openstack-dev/devstack: Qemu emulator requires at least 128MB of memory to boot on ppc64
amotokiDoes anyone see this bug ?11:53
amotokisorry.... wrong channel.11:54
openstackrecheckopenstack/nova change: failed tempest because of:
openstackrecheckopenstack/nova change: failed tempest because of:
openstackrecheckopenstack/tempest change: failed tempest with an unrecognized error12:02
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openstackrecheckopenstack/tempest change: failed tempest with an unrecognized error12:16
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openstackgerritBob Ball proposed a change to openstack/tempest: Race condition in ListImageFilters tests
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed a change to openstack/tempest: Separate negative tests for test_networks
openstackrecheckopenstack/cinder change: failed tempest with an unrecognized error12:47
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed a change to openstack/tempest: Separate negative tests for test_networks
openstackrecheckopenstack/neutron change: failed tempest because of: and
openstackgerritCyril Roelandt proposed a change to openstack/tempest: Neutron metering agent: add CRUD tests
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openstackrecheckopenstack/nova change: failed tempest with an unrecognized error13:19
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openstackrecheckopenstack/heat change: failed tempest because of:
openstackgerritArx Cruz proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Adding an option to use qpid instead of rabbit or zeromq
Anjucyeoh : ping13:30
openstackrecheckopenstack/heat change: failed tempest because of:
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openstackgerritBob Ball proposed a change to openstack/tempest: Race condition in ListImageFilters tests
openstackrecheckopenstack/horizon change: failed tempest because of:
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openstackgerritDarragh O'Reilly proposed a change to openstack-dev/devstack: Make resume file logging if enabled
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openstackgerritAkihiro Motoki proposed a change to openstack-dev/devstack: Stop Neutron advanced service external processes
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matelHi, Is there a way I can reproduce a jenkins job run myself? Is there any documentation on how the test instance is created (base-image -> node in a pool -> running tests)? I would like to come up with a script that creates a XenServer node.14:03
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openstackrecheckopenstack/nova change: failed tempest with an unrecognized error14:08
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openstackgerritBob Ball proposed a change to openstack-dev/devstack: XenAPI:  Increase DomU's memory
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openstackgerritZhi Kun Liu proposed a change to openstack/tempest: port admin/test_servers* into Nova V3 tests part2
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openstackrecheckopenstack/python-novaclient change: failed tempest because of:
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-dev/devstack: xenapi: display IP and DevStack result on console
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openstackrecheckopenstack/nova change: failed tempest because of:
dkranzjog0: ping14:41
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dkranzjog0, sdague : I'm pretty disappointed with this being marked as Low, which means won't fix:
openstackrecheckopenstack/nova change: failed tempest because of:
dkranzIs dumping a wrong-number-of-arguments stacktrace really so unimportant to understand why it is happening?14:43
openstackgerritQianLin proposed a change to openstack/tempest: add a negative test for test_images
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openstackrecheckopenstack/heat change: failed tempest because of:
openstackrecheckopenstack/python-heatclient change: failed tempest because of:
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openstackgerritZhi Kun Liu proposed a change to openstack/tempest: port admin/test_servers* into Nova V3 tests part1
openstackrecheckopenstack/glance change: failed tempest with an unrecognized error14:54
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openstackrecheckopenstack/nova change: failed tempest with an unrecognized error14:55
openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed a change to openstack/tempest: keystoneclient scenario test
bknudsonAnyone from qa have time to discuss ?14:57
bknudsonspecifically where in the directory structure to put the keystoneclient tests14:57
bknudsonWhen shardy was working on this before blueprint was discussed at summit he had it in a new directory14:58
bknudsonnot sure if that's where you wanted it... I've got the tests in scenarios since that was mentioned in mordred's email.15:00
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openstackrecheckopenstack/glance change: failed tempest with an unrecognized error15:02
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openstackrecheckopenstack/tempest change: failed tempest with an unrecognized error15:03
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mordredbknudson: everything I say is always right15:04
bknudsonmordred: I'm not sure if you actually meant to put it in the "scenarios" directory in qa.15:05
bknudsonin tempes15:05
mordredbknudson: me either. but I _hear_ that's where things that test using the client libs rather than rest re-impls go15:05
* mordred taking off on plane - may not respond to conversation for a little bit ...15:06
openstackrecheckopenstack/keystone change: failed tempest with an unrecognized error15:07
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bknudsonThere's another review that has new keystoneclient tests in a different directory.15:13
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openstackgerritVadim Rovachev proposed a change to openstack/tempest: Create client, tests and config for Ceilometer API
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openstackrecheckopenstack/horizon change: failed tempest because of:
sdaguebknudson: so the net of the conversation from the ML and the design summit session15:26
sdague1) things that use the client libs go in scenario today15:26
bknudsonthese tests are going to use the client libs.15:27
sdague2) API tests are still primary concern, and the reason keystone got into issues was the fact than none of these interfaces had API tests in tempest15:27
bknudsonnote that these tests are barely API tests.15:28
sdaguethus... we're not taking client lib testing in that doesn't have API tests for those functions15:28
openstackrecheckopenstack/oslo.messaging change: failed tempest with an unrecognized error15:28
sdaguebknudson: yep, I think in this case they are probably fine15:28
sdaguebut I just wanted to reiterate the fact that lots of teams think their client libs are their API.  And they aren not. :)15:29
sdaguetheir API is their API.15:29
bknudsonyou mean the REST API is their API?15:29
bknudsonsdague: so you're happy putting the tests in scenario?15:30
bknudsonsdague: got a minute to take a quick look at ?15:31
bknudsonand point out if I'm doing anything obviously wrong15:31
bknudsonthe next step is to just get all the tests from keystone and put them in there.15:31
sdaguein general yes at least. we'll see about the specifics.15:31
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openstackrecheckopenstack/python-novaclient change: failed tempest with an unrecognized error15:31
bknudsonthe only test is at line 148 ... the rest is setup/fixture stuff15:31
sdagueok, so I think that's where we need to back up a little with the statement "get all the tests" over15:31
sdaguebecause that's where I think there is still a potential difference of opinion. Because I actually think the client libs can be sufficiently tested if the REST API is tested in live env, and the clients are mock tested15:32
bknudsonso what the keystoneclient tests in keystone do is test with different versions of the client libs... this lets us test for breaking backwards-compat15:34
bknudson(the tests do more than that, too, like testing the keystone server function)15:34
openstackgerritZhi Kun Liu proposed a change to openstack/tempest: move negative tests out of test_services in nova v3
bknudsonI'm not sure how we would test with different versions of the client libs using mock?15:35
bknudsonessentially it checks out version 0.1.1 and runs the tests; checks out essex-3, tests; checks out master, tests15:36
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sdaguebknudson: so how do you propose to do that infra?15:36
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bknudsonsdague: to me it sounds slightly similar to grenade, in that there are multiple releases involved.15:37
sdagueso I can review that first patch, as what it is. But I think there are enough complexity here in what you think you are doing that we should probably have a plan put together in ether pad, because there is a lot of niggly here.15:37
bknudsonso maybe there's a gate job specifically for this.15:37
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sdagueyeh, so before going full hog down this path, I want better ideas of where we are going than *maybe* :)15:38
openstackrecheckopenstack/python-heatclient change: failed tempest because of:
sdagueso I think the steps are in the wrong order actually15:39
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sdaguebecause it all falls apart if you don't have this gating15:40
sdagueand gating on whatever your compat story is15:40
sdagueso #4 needs a story first15:41
sdaguebecause everything else will inform from there15:41
sdagueand understanding grenade and d-g for grenade would be useful, because you need to understand the zuul implications15:41
sdaguedevstack gate15:43
sdaguebasically you need to remember this rule: you can not use git commands in your tests in the gate15:43
sdaguethat's 100% firm rule because of how the gate needs to function with zuul15:44
bknudsonI was expecting the correct keystoneclient to be checked out already somehow. (not like how we're doing it now)15:44
sdaguebknudson: ok, so the infrastructure for doing that on the client side doesn't currently exist15:45
sdagueso someone needs to sign up for that piece, otherwise it just won't end up happening, and I actually think that solving that, you could do a lot with existing jobs, then evolve them forward in a gate friendly way15:46
* sdague finally sees this is an ML thread.... will comment over there15:47
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openstackrecheckopenstack/nova change: failed tempest with an unrecognized error15:51
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed a change to openstack/tempest: Add config options for enabled extensions
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openstackrecheckopenstack/tempest change: failed tempest with an unrecognized error16:03
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openstackrecheckopenstack/python-glanceclient change: failed tempest with an unrecognized error16:11
openstackrecheckopenstack/python-neutronclient change: failed tempest with an unrecognized error16:13
openstackgerritQianLin proposed a change to openstack/tempest: add a negative test for test_images
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-dev/devstack: Setup user and endpoints for Savanna
openstackrecheckopenstack/swift change: failed tempest because of:
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mlavallesdague: ping16:28
openstackrecheckopenstack/heat change: failed tempest with an unrecognized error16:28
openstackrecheckopenstack/nova change: failed tempest because of:
sdaguemlavalle: pong16:29
openstackgerritDean Troyer proposed a change to openstack-dev/devstack: Fix a couple of INI whitespace bugs
mlavallesdague: when you have a chance, take a look at
mlavallesdague: I am asking feedback also from the Neutron team. Once I have everybody's feedback, I will send an email to the ML so we can recruit people to help with this16:31
openstackrecheckopenstack/nova change: failed tempest because of: and
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sdagueok, will do16:32
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sdagueit will be late today16:32
mlavallesdague: take your time …. :-)16:33
openstackrecheckopenstack/tempest change: failed tempest because of:
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed a change to openstack/tempest: Remove generic_setup_package() function
openstackgerritAkihiro Motoki proposed a change to openstack-dev/devstack: Stop Neutron advanced service external processes
openstackrecheckopenstack/glance change: failed tempest because of:
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openstackrecheckopenstack/nova change: failed tempest with an unrecognized error16:43
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openstackgerritadalbas proposed a change to openstack/tempest: Separate negative tests in flavors/test_flavors
openstackrecheckopenstack/tempest change: failed tempest with an unrecognized error16:53
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openstackrecheckopenstack/glance change: failed tempest because of:
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openstackgerritBob Ball proposed a change to openstack/tempest: Race condition in ListImageFilters tests
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openstackrecheckopenstack/nova change: failed tempest because of:
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openstackrecheckopenstack/glance change: failed tempest because of:
openstackrecheckopenstack-dev/devstack change: failed tempest because of:
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed a change to openstack/tempest: Remove generic_setup_package() function
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openstackrecheckopenstack/nova change: failed tempest because of:
openstackgerritadalbas proposed a change to openstack/tempest: Separate negative tests in flavors/test_flavors
openstackrecheckopenstack/python-keystoneclient change: failed tempest with an unrecognized error17:55
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openstackgerritBob Ball proposed a change to openstack/tempest: Race condition in ListImageFilters tests
openstackrecheckopenstack/cinder change: failed tempest with an unrecognized error18:03
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openstackgerritMauro S. M. Rodrigues proposed a change to openstack-dev/grenade: Tempest should be configured with upgrade projects only
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed a change to openstack/tempest: Remove remaining code from compute __init__
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openstackrecheckopenstack/glance change: failed tempest because of:
mriedemmtreinish: sdague: jog0: i'm going to add an e-r query for bug 1221247 based on this log19:04
mriedemquestion is,19:04
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Use select-mirror in devstack-gate
mriedemis "ERROR keystone-all serve Failed to start the admin server" better than "[Errno 98] Address already in use"?19:04
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sdaguemriedem: the first one I think19:05
sdagueas address already in use could come up for other things19:05
mriedemsdague: that's what i thought too, more specific19:05
clarkbmriedem: there is a bug for that already19:06
* clarkb double checks the numbers19:06
mriedemclarkb: there is a bug 1221247, but not an e-r query19:06
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mriedemi'm gonna add the e-r query19:06
clarkbmriedem: hold on19:07
clarkbmriedem: is the bug we should make all the others dups of19:08
clarkbit isn't a CI bug19:08
clarkbit is a devstack/keystone/linux/IANA bug19:08
mriedemclarkb: cool, i'll dupe against that and write the e-r query for 125348219:09
clarkbI have pretty much abandoned my devstack change to change the keystone port beacuse non of the keystone devs liked it19:09
clarkbhoepfully they will make devstack do the right thing instead19:10
mlavalleadalbas: ping19:10
morganfainbergclarkb, i think we have a pending changeset to make default host to listen on19:10
adalbasmlavalle, pong19:10
morganfainbergclarkb, and that should help for devstack afaict.19:10
clarkbmorganfainberg: it won't fix the problem19:10
mlavalleadalbas: I just filed this bug:
clarkbmorganfainberg: the proble here is that most suggestions aren't fixes19:10
clarkbthe only way to actually fix it is to stop using that port19:11
morganfainbergclarkb, the fix (at least for gate) is to change the ephemeral port range19:11
mlavalleadalbas: I'll submit a patch set tonight when I get to my development system19:11
clarkbmorganfainberg: no that isn't the fix19:11
morganfainbergclarkb, unless we abandon the port.19:11
clarkbmorganfainberg: because devstack runs after the host is up19:11
mlavalleadalbas: just trying to simplify your 'triaging' duties a little bit19:11
clarkbit can help, but won't fix it19:11
morganfainbergif the image devstack is based on changes the port range *sysctl* it would fix it19:11
clarkbmorganfainberg: but we don't make those changes to those images19:12
morganfainbergclarkb, thats what i meant, not devstack change.  i agree that doesn't fix it.19:12
clarkbbecause devstack needs to test itself19:12
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morganfainbergclarkb, well... if the right answer is to say "change ephemeral port range", and it's well documented, makign that change to the image should be fine.  but... that being said, short of abandoning the IANA port, there really isn't a good option19:13
adalbasmlavalle, tks!19:13
mlavalleadalbas :-)19:13
openstackgerritArx Cruz proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Adding an option to use qpid instead of rabbit or zeromq
clarkbmorganfainberg: I think most people were happy with using apache and 443, but no one volunteered to make that change19:13
adalbasmlavalle, do you know if only core members can mark the importance of the bug?19:13
mlavalleadalbas: mhhhh… not really19:14
mlavallesdague or dkranz should know19:14
morganfainbergclarkb, i thought i saw something about that... ayoung might have started working on it?  though i'm not 100% sure.  I know it's on my backlog to look at but i need some breathing room before i can (and I-2 is a hard deadline for keystone)19:14
sdagueadalbas: no it's an open bug group19:14
adalbassdague, dkranz , who can alter the importance of the bug?19:15
sdagueadalbas: anyone who has joined the tempest-bugs group19:15
morganfainbergclarkb, likely i'll be digging into that post I-2 if its not been looked at by then. (or when i have a weekend to poke at devstack next)19:15
adalbassdague, ok, so that's what i'm missing :)19:15
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add e-r query for bug 1253482
adalbassdague, could you add me to that group?19:17
mriedemsdague: mtreinish: clarkb: ^19:17
sdagueadalbas: anyone can add themselves to the group, it's an open group19:17
clarkbmorganfainberg: cool thanks. I am just slightly frustrated because apache is apparently the way to run keystone, but it is completely untested, would fix a semi problematic bug, and yet no on is working on it afaict19:18
openstackrecheckopenstack/nova change: failed tempest because of:
clarkbmriedem: is "serve" what actually shows up in the log?19:21
clarkbI would expect "server" or "service" could be a tyop19:21
mriedemsee the bottom19:21
mriedemlogstash shows 5 hits in 7 days19:21
openstackgerritMauro S. M. Rodrigues proposed a change to openstack-dev/grenade: Modify upgrade-* scripts to allow skip configuration if not needed
openstackgerritMauro S. M. Rodrigues proposed a change to openstack-dev/grenade: Tempest should be configured with upgrade projects only
clarkbmriedem: thanks19:22
openstackrecheckopenstack/heat change: failed tempest because of:
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add e-r query for bug 1253482
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openstackrecheckopenstack/horizon change: failed tempest because of:
openstackrecheckopenstack/python-neutronclient change: failed tempest because of:
adalbasmlavalle, the bug you pointed is not related to, right?19:31
mlavalleadalbas: it is….. actually the bug I just filed today is triggering this one19:32
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mlavalleadalbas: just keep in mind that is not necessarily going to be fixed once we fix the one I filed today…… 1251448 is like a mutating virus…… it has several manifestations….. the problem with the vpnaas test is the current one19:33
adalbasmlavalle, ok. tks for the explanation.19:34
adalbasmlavalle, i was looking at the logstash, but it looks like the same error it is hitting is related to the neutron bug.19:35
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-dev/devstack: Fix a couple of INI whitespace bugs
mlavalleadalbas: yeah, I believe that once we remove the vpnaas bug, we are going to get back to the underlying Neutron issue…. but for the time being the vpnaas tests problem is masking it19:36
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openstackrecheckopenstack/swift change: failed tempest with an unrecognized error19:41
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack/tempest: test that empty body metadata request returns a 400
dkranzclarkb: Re your comment about keystone and apache19:52
dkranzclarkb: keystone and ceilometer both do not support horizontally scalable api services and tell you to use apache for real use19:52
openstackrecheckopenstack/cinder change: failed tempest because of:
dkranzclarkb: BUt as you said we don't test that.19:52
dkranzclarkb: Perhaps we should19:52
clarkbdkranz: right, but then neither of them test that with our CI infrastructure19:52
clarkbdkranz: we absolutely should19:53
morganfainbergdkranz, ok, i'll also look at ceilometer when i get there in I-2 unless someone gets to it first19:53
morganfainberg(or when i have a spare weekend)19:53
dkranzmorganfainberg: Thanks, that would be great.19:53
clarkbI think devstack should just install those things with apache by default19:53
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clarkbthen everyone wins19:53
morganfainbergclarkb, ++19:53
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dkranzmorganfainberg: I would like to send an email about this issue. Is there some background about what you are doing?19:53
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openstackrecheckopenstack/cinder change: failed tempest because of:
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morganfainbergdkranz, basically, we agreed that keystone should be run under apache by default in devstack, solves the IANA and ephermeral port conflicts
dkranzmorganfainberg: Cool! I just wanted to make sure the ceilo folks knew about this issue because it came up last week.19:57
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openstackrecheckopenstack/neutron change: failed tempest because of:
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed a change to openstack/tempest: Stop running TempestConfig() on import
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed a change to openstack/tempest: Remove remaining code from compute __init__
sdaguedkranz: so I think I'm most of the way to the bottom of that nova bug with update_all having the wrong number of args20:07
sdaguethat part of the wsgi stack behaves not so well when body is expected, and we don't get it20:07
maurosr_sdague: when you have sometime look this and then, then dprince's
sdaguemaurosr_: sweet20:10
maurosr_and sorry, the last one
maurosr_sdague: ^20:11
clarkbmaurosr_: sdague: are those the changes needed to get grenade doing havana to master?20:11
maurosr_clarkb: exactly20:11
maurosr_kind of hard to figureout the way to remove dependencies and test it as close as possible of what d-g does20:12
sdaguemaurosr_: ok, reviewed the first one20:12
sdagueif you could take a look20:12
maurosr_sdague: updating in a second20:13
sdaguethe second one looks good20:14
sdagueshould be on top of ?20:14
sdaguei.e. put it into that patch series20:15
openstackgerritMauro S. M. Rodrigues proposed a change to openstack-dev/grenade: Modify upgrade-* scripts to allow skip configuration if not needed
maurosr_sdague: yup my bad, forgot, one more second20:16
openstackgerritMauro S. M. Rodrigues proposed a change to openstack-dev/grenade: Add clean configuration files to upgrade from H to I
maurosr_sdague: ^20:17
sdaguemaurosr_: I think yuo just lost the link to 60901 in the process of pushing that last one20:17
sdagueso on 60795 is it possible to take that standard block of yours and make it into a bash function we can just use?20:17
sdagueI'm a little concerned by the amount of copy/paste between those20:17
sdagueif you do it with a consolidated function I'll +2 and approve it through20:18
maurosr_sdague: yup in fact there is a lot of refactoring that can be done on those upgrade files20:18
sdagueyeh, the rest can wait, but right now I'd at least like to not make that one worse :)20:18
maurosr_sdague: so explaining, dprince's patch failled due to heat not available cause we dont have upgrade-heat, so first patch will set tempest to test only the projects that we have uprade file20:19
sdaguemaurosr: ok20:20
maurosr_the second one enables to skip an specific version of upgrade, I mean from-<release>/upgrade-<project> ideally we don't need them as soon as the release is out to upgrade to the on development release, this ones removes de cross dependencie with dprince's patch20:20
sdague seems to be based on an out of date patch though, so it probably could use a rebase on master regardless20:20
sdagueok, I think I understand how these fit together20:21
maurosr_and finally just add grenade confs to h=>i20:21
sdagueso yeh, if you could work on that function we should be able to start landing these within the hour20:21
maurosr_ok, rebase and create the function... some more minutes hehe20:23
openstackgerritMauro S. M. Rodrigues proposed a change to openstack-dev/grenade: Tempest should be configured with upgrade projects only
openstackrecheckopenstack/tempest change: failed tempest with an unrecognized error20:26
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed a change to openstack/tempest: Stop running TempestConfig() on import
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-dev/devstack: Assign unique name to each fake nova-compute
openstackrecheckopenstack/cinder change: failed tempest with an unrecognized error20:39
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anteayasdague: EmilienM has a new patch up for Neutron support in Grenade jobs:
anteayawould be nice to gather feedback if we can to discuss it at our meeting20:47
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sdagueanteaya: sure, just getting over to it now20:49
anteayasdague: thank you20:50
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openstackrecheckopenstack/requirements change: failed tempest because of: and
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sdaguedkranz: yeh, so that bug turns out to be something we let through by not checking that metadata updates errored -
sdaguewhen they were totally invalid20:58
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sdaguedkranz: do you have a blueprint for the error clean ups?21:03
dkranzsdague: Yes, but on the phone now. Few minutes.21:03
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dkranzsdague: I forgot to close it :)21:05
dkranzsdague: Maybe we should leave it open with a zero-out-whitelist item21:05
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack/tempest: test that empty body metadata request returns a 400
dkranzsdague: There were a bunch of responses to my email about testing ironic in the gate, but we still need to decide whether to accept any tests that are not running yet.21:13
dkranzsdague: Do you think we should take a hard line about this?21:14
dkranzsdague: Or allow a "feature" that says real hardare is available and otherwise skips some tests?21:14
dkranzsdague: I would be willing to accept that.21:14
clarkbdkranz: I wouldn't merge the tempest tests until the change to run the jobs goes in21:14
mtreinishdkranz: we don't accept tests that aren't running21:15
clarkbdkranz: shouldn't be much longer21:15
dkranzclarkb: I was not questioning that.21:15
sdagueyeh, I think we need to keep a pretty firm line on that.21:15
dkranzclarkb: But even after, there will still be some subset of the tests that still need real hardware21:15
dkranzsdague: ok, so we will say the ones that need real hardware are in the same category as other drivers that now need third-party reporting21:16
sdagueyeh, I think that's consistent21:17
clarkbI believe that is what the ml thread basically concluded as well21:18
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openstackrecheckopenstack/nova change: failed tempest because of:
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openstackrecheckopenstack/tempest change: failed tempest with an unrecognized error21:47
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: make launchpad integration optional
openstackrecheckopenstack/neutron change: failed tempest because of:
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openstackrecheckopenstack/neutron change: failed tempest because of:
openstackrecheckopenstack/neutron change: failed tempest because of: and
openstackrecheckopenstack/neutron change: failed tempest with an unrecognized error22:17
dkranzsdague: Are we -1'ing for setUpClass or tearDownClass that just calls super?22:22
StevenKdkranz: If it only calls super(), there is no point having it?22:22
dkranzStevenK: There is no need, but I see it often enough that I wonder if some people just think it should be there.22:23
StevenKI'd rather we just educated them via reviews22:24
sdaguedkranz: yes22:24
dkranzStevenK: Sure22:24
sdagueStevenK: +122:24
dkranzsdague: I was partly motivated to ask because I just saw a +2 from you that had just such a tearDownClass calling only super.22:25
dkranzsdague: And didn't know if it was intentional or not.22:25
sdaguedkranz: well, then I probably screwed up22:25
dkranzsdague: ok :)22:25
sdaguereview url?22:25
dkranzsdague: Just a sec22:25
dkranzsdague: Sorry, I lost it. Will -1 when I see it again.22:27
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/tempest: Add mock to test-requirements.txt
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/tempest: Adds paramiko logs to console output
sdaguedkranz: yeh, I messed up, that should be a -1 for that22:31
dkranzsdague: I actually have to run right now. I'll take care of it later if you don't.22:31
openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed a change to openstack/tempest: keystoneclient scenario test
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openstackgerritgongysh proposed a change to openstack/tempest: Add the external gateway interface to vpn router
openstackrecheckopenstack/nova change: failed tempest because of:
openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed a change to openstack/tempest: keystoneclient scenario test
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Don't fix disks before rexecing
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed a change to openstack/tempest: Stop running TempestConfig() on import
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Use the ephemeral disk on rackspace performance nodes
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed a change to openstack/tempest: Separate negative tests for test_networks
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Don't fix disks before rexecing
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Don't fix disks before rexecing
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Don't fix disks before rexecing
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openstackrecheckopenstack/nova change: failed tempest because of:
openstackgerritSalvatore Orlando proposed a change to openstack-dev/devstack: Default to /24 prefix for floating IP range with neutron
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Don't fix disks before rexecing
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openstackrecheckopenstack/tempest change: failed tempest with an unrecognized error23:32
openstackgerritxu-haiwei proposed a change to openstack/tempest: Separate negative tests for test_availability_zone
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openstackrecheckopenstack-infra/devstack-gate change: failed tempest with an unrecognized error23:51
openstackrecheckopenstack/keystone change: failed tempest with an unrecognized error23:54
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openstackrecheckopenstack-infra/devstack-gate change: failed tempest with an unrecognized error23:58

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