Thursday, 2014-09-11

openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed a change to openstack/tempest: javelin: add network and secgroup resources
openstackgerritChris Dent proposed a change to openstack-dev/devstack: Replace screen_it() with run_process() throughout
cdentjogo, dtroyer ^ I have to give up for the night00:11
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openstackgerritMiguel Lavalle proposed a change to openstack/tempest: Fix tempest.scenario.manager.ScenarioTest
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/tempest: Allow out of quota failure status code to be 413 or 403
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openstackgerritDaisuke Morita proposed a change to openstack/tempest: Replace confusing member name
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openstackgerritDaisuke Morita proposed a change to openstack/tempest: Add a test for deleting multiple objects by POST method
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/tempest: Migrate security_groups_basic to tempest clients
yfriedmasayukig: andreaf: could you please take a look at this. it's ready for merge.
openstackgerritBenny Kopilov proposed a change to openstack/tempest: glance v1 add image with duplicate id
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yfriedmasayukig: ping07:44
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yfrieddoes anyone know why we expose the clients in specifically in why can't we use "self.clients.network_clients" instead of "self.network_clients"?07:46
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ashishgdoes anybody know why i am hitting conflict issue with
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openstackgerritMarc Koderer proposed a change to openstack/tempest: Add test to validate negative testing schema's
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gmannashishg: may be this will help - fetch your patch - (git fetch refs/changes/27/115527/1 && git checkout FETCH_HEAD)08:55
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gmannashishg: create a patch from this  - git log -p -n1 > <new patch file path>08:56
gmannashishg: checkout the master, update it and the apply your patch on that new branch from master by - patch -p1 < <created patch file>08:56
gmannashishg: if there is any conflict those you need to resolve manually08:57
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yfriedandreaf_: a quick question about
yfriedandreaf_: to you mean that we want be able to override setUpClass, but instead we have our own "setup_class()" we can override, that will be always called form ancestor's setUpClass?09:18
ashishg<gmann>: apply your patch on that new branch from master by - patch -p1 < <created patch file>  not able to get it ?09:19
gmannashishg: after creating the patch file. checkout the master and then creat new branch from master (git checkout -b <new branhc name>)09:23
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gmannashishg: then on that new branch run  patch -p1 < <created patch file> . it will apply the patch to new branch09:24
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openstackgerritafazekas proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: multi-node dg setup
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/tempest: Move response code checking to client for v3 identity tests
openstackgerritNir Magnezi proposed a change to openstack/tempest: Adds status check for router Port in scenarios
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/tempest: Add baremetal API tests about console
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ashishg<gmann>I was able to resolve the conflicts but in the commit message when i perform git commit -a --amend i am seeing some other commits message(Merge "Migrate security_groups_basic to tempest clients") should i edit the message or i am doing something wrong10:03
gmannashishg: that great. for commit msg as this is new branch you need to write the commit msg again. just copy paste from gerrit10:05
gmanndo not runt git commit --amend. just run 'git commit'10:05
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ashishg<gmann> performing tsocks git review getting error : tsocks git review Errors running git rebase -i remotes/gerrit/master error: could not apply 47100bb... Port  API Tests Enhancement When you have resolved this problem run "git rebase --continue". If you would prefer to skip this patch, instead run "git rebase --skip". To check out the original branch and stop rebasing run "git rebase --abort". Could not apply 47100bb... Port10:14
ashishg<gmann > Switching to some no branch10:15
gmannashishg: how you created your new branch from master only right?10:16
ashishg<gmann> yes10:17
openstackgerritRohan Kanade proposed a change to openstack/tempest: Add subnet tests for extra attributes
ashishg<gmann> git checkout master git checkout -b Test-Port-User-Defined-Mac110:20
gmannashishg: what patch file shows? only your changes right10:21
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ashishg<gmann>git checkout -b Test-Port-User-Defined-Mac1 patch -p1 < ashish.patch patching file tempest/api/network/ Hunk #1 succeeded at 233 (offset -5 lines). git status # On branch Test-Port-User-Defined-Mac1 # Changes not staged for commit: #   (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed) #   (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory) # #       modified:   tempest/api/netw10:24
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gmannashishg: git status? only your 1 file change right10:27
ashishg<gmann> yes10:27
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gmannashishg: just check manually in that file for any conflict10:32
ashishg<gmann> yes it has <<<<<<< HEAD  >>>>>>> 47100bb... Port  API Tests Enhancement10:36
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gmannashishg: :). just fix those. then it will work10:37
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mkodererdkranz: could you have a look to
mkodererdkranz: some of the existing schemas are already broken :(11:24
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openstackgerritTomas Sedovic proposed a change to openstack/tempest: Use the AWS instance type in the cfn_init scenario
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afazekas_mkoderer, dkranz:
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openstackgerritTomas Sedovic proposed a change to openstack/tempest: Use the AWS instance type in the cfn_init scenario
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openstackgerritAndrea Frittoli  proposed a change to openstack/qa-specs: add bp:resource-cleanup
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andreafdkranz: ping - regarding - resource cleanup spec, I fixed two typos and added an etherpad link, if you have time for a quick re-review13:11
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dkranzandreaf: ok, done13:13
andreafdkranz: thank you!13:13
andreafmtreinish: ping - regarding resource cleanup spec ( - do you think we got enough reviews? I'd like to start working on that pretty soon if possible13:15
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mtreinishandreaf: ok, I'll take a look at it now13:27
andreafmtreinish, thank you13:28
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bobjHello everybody. I'm trying run stress test on object storage module using tempest, I using @test.stresstest but these approach doesn't work. Somebody can help me?13:50
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mtreinishmkoderer: ^^^13:53
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mtreinishandreaf: reviewed, if you respin it quickly we can fast path it through14:02
mtreinishbobj: you need to provide a bit more info on why it doesn't work14:03
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openstackgerritgit-harry proposed a change to openstack/tempest: VolumeMultiBackendTest: delete error volumes
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack/tempest: always check servers are active before rescuing
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sdaguedkranz: so that's based on a bug you triaged, where I think the tempest side is actually part of the problem (or at least not helping in the solution)14:41
hockeynutGreetings all - trying to figure out where our Barbican tests need to live (in our Barbican repo or in tempest repo).  Was under the impression that they live in Barbican repo, so that's where our devstack gated tests live for now.  Do they need to move?14:42
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mtreinishhockeynut: it depends on what the tests are doing14:45
mtreinishhockeynut: that being said, having some tempest coverage is a graduation requirement though14:47
mtreinishthe tests which would be best to have in tempest are ones that tickle integration between barbican and another project14:47
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hockeynutmtreinish - these are our functional tests - only integration is with keystone for auth14:48
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mtreinishhockeynut: do you have a link?14:48
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hockeynutmtreinish that is the beginning - we are adding more, but want to be sure we're on the right track14:51
mtreinishhockeynut: ok so that kinda of testing is something we're pushing to have back in the projects (right now they're in tempest)14:52
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mtreinishbut, the way you're using tempest inside barbican like that probably isn't the best idea14:52
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mtreinishbecause tempest doesn't provide any stability on it's interfaces14:52
hockeynutmtreinish I'm open to suggestions...14:52
mtreinishhockeynut: what you really want is:
mtreinishbut that's still a WIP14:53
hockeynutmtreinish - for our info, what kind of tests are supposed to go into tempest repo?  Anything we need for Barbican?14:53
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hockeynutmtreinish just integration?  or other?14:54
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mtreinishhockeynut: ideally long term it'll be just integration. But for right now I'm thinking that those tests maybe should be in tempest (which I'm reluctant to say especially if we're going to ask you to move them back in a cycle or 2)14:55
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mtreinishbut it really is a project level decision to a certain degree, what goes in tempest is waht you want to be co-gating when barbican is integrated14:55
mtreinishand you still need to setup a devstack-gate job that runs tempest with barbican enabled14:56
hockeynutmtreinish we do have that job and its working today14:56
mtreinishwell, if it runs tempest then it should be an experimental job on tempest, and any other projects which will start using barbican then14:57
hockeynutalso I have no problem with the WIP aspect - that's business as usual :-)14:57
hockeynutright now we don't do anything w/experimental.14:57
mtreinishhockeynut: well it hasn't even existed for a week yet :)14:57
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mtreinishit's only for cli testing right now, and I haven't pushed it to pypi yet14:58
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hockeynuta week is better than nothing :-)  Howsabout we stick with our current setup and when you're happy with the tempest-lib then we migrate?14:59
dkranzsdague: I agree with the comments Matt R made in the ticket and that was the reason I pushed it to nova. I could be wrong of course.14:59
sdaguedkranz: did you see my proposed tempest side enhancement for it?14:59
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dkranzsdague: yes15:00
bobjmtreinish I'm using @test.stresstest on test_create_object, but when I ran the tempest and checked results I get test_create_object[gate,stress] OK  0.96. However I think these time is very low to a stress test execution15:00
bobjmtreinish: I'm using @test.stresstest on test_create_object, but when I ran the tempest and checked results I get test_create_object[gate,stress] OK  0.96. However I think these time is very low to a stress test execution15:00
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mtreinishhockeynut: that's fine, but you'll still need to have something in tempest. If there are tests from your functional test suite that you think makes sense to eventually be co-gating you should put that in tempest15:01
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hockeynuthow do you determine if a test needs to be co-gating?15:02
dkranzsdague: It seemed to me that setUpClass and all the addCleanUps mean that the test is always ACTIVE when it starts15:02
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hockeynutwould that be other components who have a dependency on Barbican?15:03
dkranzsdague: So I don't think your change is wrong but I don't see how it fixes the problem is there was one.15:03
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mtreinishhockeynut: yeah, that's one way. Another is to have a test case which involves more than just barbican to work15:04
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hockeynutok - that makes sense15:04
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hockeynutmtreinish thanks for the info - greatly appreciated!!15:05
mtreinishbobj: if you've decoratored the test you'll need to use the run_stress command to run it as a stress test. Doing a normal test run doesn't do that15:05
mtreinishbobj: see the stress tox job in tox.ini for an example. I also think there is something in the tempest docs about using the command15:05
sdaguedkranz: well, it would at least make it more clear to debug15:05
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mtreinishhockeynut: sure np, if you need anymore help feel free to ping me15:06
hockeynutyou can bet on it :-)15:07
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bobjmtreinish: I'm looking a little bit more in the tempest docs and I'll try to run using tox.ini too. Thank!15:11
andreafmtreinish: ok thanks for your comments. I'm fine with the approach of you proposed of first making the setupclass safe and then do the staged approach15:11
andreafmtreinish: for the names, is something like safe_class_setup and safe_class_teardown or did you have anything specific in mind15:13
mtreinishandreaf: no I didn't have anything in mind, I just thought that calling it setup_class wasn't really different enough15:15
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andreafmtreinish: well I don't know it's what they are - it could be pre_tests_hook - once we go to the staged approach it will be split in several methods anyways15:18
mtreinishandreaf: well, it was a suggestion. I was just thinking about trying to talk about it in person, how would you know which one we were talking about15:19
mtreinishI'll leave it up to you though15:19
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openstackgerritJim Rollenhagen proposed a change to openstack/tempest: Support lack of ephemeral volumes for baremetal
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openstackgerritJim Rollenhagen proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Don't use ephemeral volumes for Ironic agent driver
openstackgerritJim Rollenhagen proposed a change to openstack/tempest: Support lack of ephemeral volumes for baremetal
openstackgerritTomas Sedovic proposed a change to openstack/tempest: Use the AWS instance type in the cfn_init scenario
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openstackgerritJohn Davidge proposed a change to openstack-dev/devstack: Add IPv6 support for tenant data network
openstackgerritJim Rollenhagen proposed a change to openstack/tempest: Support lack of ephemeral volumes for baremetal
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openstackgerritMauro Rodrigues proposed a change to openstack/tempest: Change LOG.exception to for skipped tests
openstackgerritMauro Rodrigues proposed a change to openstack/tempest: Fix safe_setup decorator to not call tearDownClass for skipped tests
openstackgerritMauro Rodrigues proposed a change to openstack/tempest: Add unittests for safe setup decorator
cdentdtroyer, jogo, sdague: This change is now passing its tests but only because nova-compute has gone back to using screen_it to start up. When using run_process, the cells job fails.16:02
cdentI fought with it last night to try to figure out why but the late hour and my ignorance got the better of me. Any ideas/help?16:02
sdaguecdent: it works for the non cells jobs?16:02
sdagueso... honestly, I'd say propose deleting the cells job at the same time16:02
sdagueit doesn't do anything useful16:02
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cdentthis is the failure from before I switched it back to screen it:
cdentI'd be curious to know what's going on because clearly there is something different between how the process is started and that difference is meaningful16:05
cdentand potentially a clue to other broken crap16:05
cdentthat is: we have a situation now where a minor change is making a significant difference in behavior, if we can determine what that is we'll have super powers16:05
cdentbut at the moment, I'm stuck on how to dig effectively16:05
cdent(note the failure happens in a local devstack too)16:07
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sdaguecdent: actually, what's the version that fails cells?16:14
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cdentsorry sdague had to run something to the neighbors, what you after?16:17
sdagueI wanted to see the patch version that worked on everything except cells16:17
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Remove query for (fixed) bug 1338844
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cdenthowever you can see the crux of the biscuit at line 675 here:,cm16:20
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cdentit may be as simple as the directory change16:20
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sdaguecdent: we're still missing a set of quotes there16:21
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cdentthe implication being that nova-compute is not getting the proper config?16:22
* cdent looks in logs from local tests16:22
openstackgerritTomas Sedovic proposed a change to openstack/tempest: Use the AWS instance type in the cfn_init scenario
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* cdent recalls now16:34
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cdentsdague: simple quotes at that section do not work: they get out of balance as the args are passed through run_process and _run_process16:35
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cdentyou end up with a syntax error when the command is actually called16:35
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openstackgerritJohn Davidge proposed a change to openstack-dev/devstack: Add IPv6 support for tenant data network
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Remove query for (fixed) bug 1338844
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openstackgerritAndrea Frittoli  proposed a change to openstack/qa-specs: add bp:resource-cleanup
andreafmtreinish, ^^^^17:01
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bobjHello, I'm trying to run stress test in the object storage module using tempest, but when I ran "run-tempest-stress" an message is showed "run-tempest-stress command not found". What am I forgetting?17:07
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed a change to openstack/tempest: Updated from global requirements
sdaguelifeless: so this smells very much like a fixtures bug itself - - at least I can't see how it's raisable in nova or oslo.db code17:24
sdaguealso, I can't assign it to python-fixtures, because launchpad has timed out on my twice trying to do so17:24
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openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Update query for bug 1334142
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openstackgerritArmando Migliaccio proposed a change to openstack/tempest: Fix MismatchError for LB scenario test
andreafmtreinish, non-isolated jobs in experimental pipeline:
notmynamedkranz: also, (so as not to consume your meeting time)...I looked at swift's internal functional tests. we're testing for specific status codes. I want to know if we change a response code with a patch. but at the same time, eg a new possibility of 2xx-series response to a PUT request isn't something that should a priori be rejected18:01
openstackgerritChris Dent proposed a change to openstack-dev/devstack: Replace screen_it() with run_process() throughout
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mtreinishandreaf: cool, thanks18:02
mkoderermtreinish: about the tempest-lib.. wouldn't it a good idea to split tempest/ into logical pieces?18:02
dkranznotmyname: It is a philosophical question whether a particular 2xx value is specified as part of the contract18:02
dkranznotmyname: all I was saying is that swift takes one view and every other project takes the other view18:03
dkranznotmyname: I am not even sure which is right18:03
notmynamedkranz: yeah. or at least theres some tension there over what the server is expected to send vs what the client is expected to accept18:03
mtreinishmkoderer: yeah, there is going to be a decorators class, etc18:03
mkoderermtreinish: yep... and we should move all the negative testing classes out18:03
mtreinishright now I just migrated the history for everything (which was probably a mistake), but am only using the very core of the base test class18:03
mtreinishmkoderer: yeah, feel free to do that after we push the first release out18:04
mkoderermtreinish: yep, I will do that18:05
mtreinishmkoderer: the only thing is I'm trying to avoid using oslo.config for the library is that something that you can do as a refactor for the negative testing?18:06
mtreinishI don't remember how coupled it was to config18:06
mkoderermtreinish: negative testing has only one config parameter18:07
mkodererif I remember correctly18:07
mtreinishmkoderer: ok cool, could that be passed in as a param instead?18:07
mkoderermtreinish: it's just the generator... yep we can do that in a param18:08
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mtreinishok, that's all I was concerned about. I'm trying to avoid having a tempest-lib config file if we can18:09
mkoderermtreinish: +1 :)18:09
mkoderermtreinish: but we have more configs in the stress test area18:09
mtreinishmkoderer: yeah, I'm thinking that might become a separate tool at some point18:10
notmynamedkranz: so the thing I'm curious about is the comment about "every other project takes the other view". I'm certainly not trying to find gratuitous differences for swift. can you tell me more what you mean by that?18:10
mkodererI think we should discuss about the future of stress testing anyway though18:10
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed a change to openstack/tempest: javelin: add network and secgroup resources
mtreinishmkoderer: yeah, that's a long term discussion :)18:10
mtreinishbobj: to use that as a cli binary you need to pip install tempest18:12
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dkranznotmyname: Just that if you look at the docs for every other project, they specify for each api call 200 or 201, etc. One specific code.18:12
mtreinishbobj: so from the root of the tempest repo you can do 'pip install -e .' and then the run-tempest-stress command by itself18:12
cdentdoes swift say '2xx'?18:12
dkranznotmyname: Swift specifies 2xx18:12
* cdent is surprised18:12
dkranznotmyname: I think there are two ways of looking at these codes in rest apis18:13
notmynameas I said in gerrit, we're clearly not just returning random.choice(range(100)+200) for every response18:13
dkranz1. The 2xx value is like a return value from a normal api in any language18:13
notmynamethere are specific things we respond with, and there are specific meaning for specific codes18:13
dkranz2. The client should interpret any 2xx response based on the meaning (sort of) in the http spec and act accordingly18:14
dkranznotmyname: right, that is what I called (2)18:14
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dkranznotmyname: But the other projects are also committing to not changing the actual response except in a new api version18:15
dkranznotmyname: that is a difference in philosophy18:15
mtreinishbobj: you could also just call the script directly without installing it. From the tempest root dir it would be: tempest/cmd/run_stress.py18:15
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dkranznotmyname: so the other project's tempest tests look like swift's internal ones18:16
notmynamedkranz: yeah, so the question is testing as a well-behaved client should act or as a server should act (or has acted)18:20
dkranznotmyname: My guess is that this debate never happened early on. swift did it one way and nova the other, and then others copied nova18:21
dkranznotmyname: But I am not sure about that.18:21
notmynamethat is very similar to other things in openstack :-)18:21
dkranznotmyname: :)18:22
dkranznotmyname: Well, I hope we now have a shared understanding of the issue18:22
notmynamedkranz: what's the tempest view? what should tempest be testing? the server's expectations of the clients (as the current swift patch does) or the client's expectations of the server (as you say the other projects do)?18:23
notmynamedkranz: and how does that translate to the future in-project testing that -infra is pushing for?18:24
dkranznotmyname: with regard to the second, it should not change anything. The semantics should depend on a decision, not on where the repo is18:25
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dkranznotmyname: But tempest does not have a view about this. I think both arguments are valid.18:25
dkranznotmyname: And as mtreinish said, we have just gone by what the PTL of each project says18:25
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notmynameok, cool18:26
mtreinishdkranz: heh, I said that :)18:26
notmynamejust had an interesting in-office conversation about it :-)18:27
dkranznotmyname: I would guess though, that there is a lot of client code that would break if the server started returning 204 instead of 20018:27
dkranznotmyname: In other words, if a server starts acting asynchronously all of a sudden I might consider that to be an api change.18:27
* cdent pages postel18:28
notmynameso the http spec also says that headers are case-insensitive and can be in any order. but we aren't testing that. eg we could strip out timestamp headers and then take the md5 of the response to see that _nothing_ has changed18:28
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notmynamebut we clearly don't do that, even though I've come across java swift clients that do in face rely on header name case sensitivity (ie Etag != ETag, therefore the client broke)18:28
notmynameand the http spec says that clients shoudld treat 2xx as success18:29
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notmynamedkranz: I'd expect 204 to be returned from a GET if in fact it was a zero-byte object ;-)  /pedant18:29
dkranznotmyname: I was thinking of a post that creates a resource18:30
dkranznotmyname: It really matters if the resource is ready to use when the call returns or not18:30
dkranznotmyname: even if the client treats both cases as success18:30
notmynameright. does "success" mean that the request was accepted or that it was completed successfully18:31
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notmyname(there's a code for that. 202)18:31
dkranznotmyname: Sorry, that is what I meant when I said 20418:31
notmynameah ok18:31
dkranznotmyname: my http is a little rusty :)18:31
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* notmyname needs to start memorizing the new sections of the new rfcs that replaced 261618:32
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dkranznotmyname: so I do fall more on the way other projects are doing it only in the sense that these kinds of changes might warrant a new api version anyway due to the probability of breaking clients if you went from 200 to 202 or something like that.18:33
notmynamedkranz: then why not go all the way and look for case sensitivity and order and new headers?  (/me playing devil's advocated)18:33
dkranznotmyname: I would not be opposed to that necessarily. It  is tricky to define what is an api change.18:34
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dkranznotmyname: THis is why I don't like trying to slavishly map an http spec onto api type signatures18:35
notmynameright. which is where my point comes in that the rfc says that clients should tread any 2xx response as a success. and yes particular 2xx codes have particular meanings :-)18:35
dkranznotmyname: But that is kind of what we do18:35
cdentTests aren't for testing success are they, they are for testing the contract18:35
cdentthat's not the same thing18:35
cdent(I'm sorry to horn in on you guys, but this is fascinating and interesting)18:35
dkranzcdent: Yes, but it is a philosophical discussion about what the contract should actually be18:36
dkranzcdent: and we have two different examples in OpenStack18:36
notmynamecdent: yes, but the whole this is the questions of "what is the contract". that's just another word for "api change"18:36
cdentI don't really see it that way: A test should test whatever the current reality is18:36
notmynamecdent: and yes, I too think this is fascinating and interestion :-)18:36
cdentwhen that reality changes, it should fail18:36
cdentthat's _separate_ from "is this an api change"18:36
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notmynamecdent: that I completely agree with18:37
dkranzcdent: I think the issue is that every code patch changes something, otherwise you would not do it. The question is what kind of changes should clients expect?18:37
notmynamecdent: as shown by how the in-tree functional tests for swift are written18:37
dkranznotmyname: IMO, an actual server change from 200 to 202 in anger would break a lot of client code, even if it should not have.18:38
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cdent200 to 202 _should_ break client code18:39
dkranzcdent: not if the code looks at the response and doesn't to use the resource until it becomes available in the 202 case18:39
dkranzcdent: if the contract is "returns 200" then you can just use it.18:40
cdentIf the server sent 200 in response to resource creation request it's busted18:40
dkranzcdent: If the contract is "returns 2xx" then you have to check and act accordingly.18:40
cdent201, 202 or 20418:40
cdentbut not 20018:40
cdentbad contract18:41
dkranzcdent: sorry I meant 20118:41
notmynamecdent: do you mean that in the sense that 200 shouldn't be returned for resource creation? (I agree)18:41
dkranznotmyname: that was my mistake (again)18:42
cdentyes notmyname18:42
notmynamedkranz: go lurn you some http!18:42
dkranznotmyname: I'll say sync vs async instead18:42
cdenthttps is hard, let's go rpc-ing18:42
notmynamehere's a different way for me to phrase things with relation to the current proposed patch18:43
notmynameI'm actually not opposed to tempest testing for specific codes. I think that means that some patch to swift in the future might be harder, but things that change codes are (intentionally) very rare. but, I prefer tempest to check for response code classes since that's what I expect clients to use. and I _never_ want a swift patch blocked because a tempest reviewer things swift should implement a new api version18:45
notmynamewhile it may be that a new api version is needed, that shoudl happen with swift contributors18:45
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed a change to openstack/qa-specs: Move implemented bps to the implemented dir
notmynameon the other hand, I do think that docs should talk about response code classes and not specific codes (and there's a patch to docs to do that now)18:46
cdentIt sounds like you are trying to work around a problem in tempest's responsiveness...18:47
notmynamecdent: no, not at all18:47
notmynameI'm not wanting to come across that way18:47
cdent(which would be understandable)18:47
notmynameI think I actually very much agree with what you said that the tests of reality are separate from "is this an api change"18:48
notmynamecdent: my point is only that I think the swift devs are the ones to make the call on "is this an api change", and I think that tempest checking for the same constraints as the client is expected to have makes those conversations happen in the right place18:49
notmynamein no way am I complaining about tempest or tempest devs. I'm actually really happy to see how much for swift has been added into tempest recently :-)18:50
cdentI'm not familiar with the mechanics of those conversations (too new to the scene).18:50
dkranzcdent, notmyname : The bottom line is that tempest checks for what the spec (docs) says should be returned18:51
notmynamecdent: honestly, I'm not sure they've happened too often yet. the only example I can think of is the comment in gerrit on the current patch where a reviewer set -118:51
dkranzThat is determined by projects and that is not going to change18:52
notmynamedkranz: that, in fact, is a very clear standard :-)18:52
notmynamefun having these conversations in a text-based medium, huh? it would be much better in person :-)18:52
cdentJust out of curiosity, not quite on topic, how would you, notmyname, expect a client developer to know about and/or deal with a creation request that responded with 202?18:52
cdent(given that you've already said client code would think in terms of 2xx)18:53
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notmynamecdent: well, to be honest, there are some creation requests in swift that _do_ respond with 202. but the difference is that in swift we don't provision things that you use. instead, we only return success when your data is durably persisted to disk18:53
notmynamecdent: or more specifically, you could get 201 or 20218:54
cdentin what situations does a 202 happen?18:54
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notmynamecdent: PUT request to a container that has already been created18:56
afazekascdent: after a 202 you usually need to do polling18:56
cdentafazekas: yes, I know, I'm just trying imagine how 202 syncs with "we only return success when your data is durably persisted" and "need to do polling"18:57
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notmynamewe return 2xx because the resource (the container) is available right then. ie you can still read a container18:58
afazekas202 usually used with the server actions18:58
notmynamedkranz: heh. temptest tests what the docs say. the docs patch ( just got a -2 because the tempest code hasn't landed :-)18:59
cdentnotmyname: in the example you're thinking of what (if anything) is in the headers and body of the response that has the 202 status?19:00
cdent(not trying to find holes here, just trying to expand my understanding)19:00
dkranznotmyname: more evidence this discussion never happened...19:00
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notmynamecdent: making a paste for you19:01
cdentcool, thanks very much19:01
andreafmtreinish, sdague have you ever seen this before:
* cdent read19:02
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afazekasBTW: which  code is used for ?19:03
notmynameafazekas: implementing that feature or generating those docs?19:04
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cdentnotmyname: is the second container put at line 47 effectively a no op?19:11
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Update query for bug 1334142
notmynamecdent: internally, I think it might update a timestamp19:12
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cdent202 feels wrong to me there. I'm not sure why.19:13
cdentThere is no future thing that you expect to happen.19:13
cdentWould 204 be appropriate?19:14
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afazekasnotmyname: forget it, wrong example..19:15
mtreinishandreaf: personally I've never really noticed it before19:15
mtreinishandreaf: but according to logstash it happens all the time19:15
notmynamecdent: maybe. and we're not returning 202 for an object overwrite either. I think this is along the lines of not looking to change response codes :-)19:15
notmynameand FWIW if you POSt to a container (eg with new metadata), you'll get a 20119:16
cdentI'd think that was a 204 too19:16
cdent(if it already exists)19:16
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notmynamecdent: from rackspace cloud files docs from 2008: "No content is returned. A status code of 201 (Created) indicates that the Container was created as requested. Container PUTs are idempotent and a code of 202 (Accepted) is returned when the Container already existed."19:17
cdentbut yeah, once people start expecting specific codes things get hard to change19:17
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andreafmtreinish, ok so probably a red herring19:18
andreafmtreinish, thanks19:18
notmynameright. which comes back to the discussion around which change means it's an api change or not :-)19:18
cdentindeed it does19:18
cdentthat's why I was trying to tease out the expectations on the 20219:18
cdentbecause if it was an async thing requring a followup poll, then 202 is part of the contract: it tells you want to do19:19
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cdentbut at the moment it pretty much just says "you didn't break it, carry on"19:19
notmynamethat may be the only place you can get 202 from swift. not sure. maybe also if you PUT to an account that exists (if you have those permissions)19:19
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notmynamecdent: yeah. the async stuff could be interpreted that if you do a read and get a response it might not be the version that you just PUT19:19
notmynamecdent: in which case 202 makes more sense19:20
mtreinishandreaf: are you looking at a specific failure?19:20
notmynamecdent: whereas with a new container, if you make a read request and get data, you'll have the right version (thus the 201 response to the create)19:20
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* notmyname goes downstairs to pick up stuff at a food truck19:21
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andreafmtreinish, large opts tests seems to be failing all the time on the last patch of test accounts19:21
* cdent needs food too19:22
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andreafmtreinish, but I fail to see any relationship between the change and the failures19:22
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andreafmtreinish, I'll try yet another recheck19:23
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mtreinishandreaf: yeah, it looks like it's going into an error state19:24
mtreinishjogo: when you figure out the broken migration stuff ^^^19:24
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jogomtreinish: ?19:28
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mtreinisha large ops job failure19:29
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jogomtreinish: neutron is out of fixed IPs19:31
mtreinishoh, yeah that would do it19:31
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jogonot sure how that happened19:33
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andreafmtreinish, jogo thanks for your help, I'll continue digging into this tomorroq19:38
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jogoandreaf: thanks19:42
jogocan you make sure a bug is filed for that19:42
jogoandreaf mtreinish: for e-r tracking19:42
mtreinishjogo: yeah I'll do that now19:43
jogomtreinish: thanks19:43
jogomtreinish: just dealt with
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openstackgerritAnderson Mesquita proposed a change to openstack/tempest: Refactor stack actions and add stack check
mtreinishjogo: hmm, actually maybe not. It's only shown up on 2 check queue changes, andreaf's cred provider patch and
mtreinishso I'm not sure it's a real bug19:47
jogomtreinish: cool glad its no agate bug19:47
jogowe have enough of those today19:47
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openstackgerritBenny Kopilov proposed a change to openstack/tempest: compute-image : create server from snapshot image
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bobjmtreinish: Thank for your support.20:25
mtreinishbobj: so you got it working?20:26
bobjmtreinish: Not yet, I'm researching how do it better.20:30
bobjmtreinish: I'll configure one json file to test just object storage module. Thank you again, your comments were very important.20:33
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openstackgerritBenny Kopilov proposed a change to openstack/tempest: compute-image : create server from saved image saved image can be reused by new servers
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lifelesssdague: looking21:14
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openstackgerritJim Rollenhagen proposed a change to openstack/tempest: Support lack of ephemeral volumes for baremetal
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Remove query for bug 1347692
lifelesssdague: pushing a possible patch up now21:45
sdaguelifeless: ok, cool, appreciated21:46
lifelesssdague: added a little more commentary in the bug21:47
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lifelesssdague: I need to context switch today sorry, but it should be clear, I hope :)21:47
sdaguesure, I'll early propose that to nova21:47
sdaguebecause I don't think oslo has any testing infrastructure to expose that21:48
lifelesssdague: the change is in oslo.incubator21:48
lifelesssdague: oh, you mean its not tested locally to oslo.incubator?21:48
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lifelesssdague: so yeah, it will need some shenanigans to verify it works etc.21:48
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sdagueyeh, honestly, I'm fine violating normal oslo rules here21:54
sdaguebecause I don't think that will get us to a sane fix21:54
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lifelesssdague: in case its not obvious this is actually a secondary issue, its not the cause of the failure21:56
sdaguelifeless: sure21:56
lifelesssdague: the postgresql db is reporting available but isn't actually connectable to21:56
sdaguebut we can't see the base issue21:56
lifelessI'm going to concurrently fix that aspect in testtools21:56
lifelesswhich is fully tested :)21:56
lifelessbut first, context switching21:56
lifelesssince lynne just crashed the car21:56
sdagueoh, bummer21:57
sdaguetake care21:57
lifelessshes fine21:57
lifelessbut the light at the riccarton cinema parking lot, and the car bonnet... not so much21:57
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openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Remove query for bug 1357677
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Install PyYaml for
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Install PyYaml for
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openstackgerritDavid Lyle proposed a change to openstack/tempest: Skipping dashboard test to unblock gate
openstackgerritJim Rollenhagen proposed a change to openstack-dev/devstack: Fix Ironic agent ramdisk URL
jrollianw, quick bugfix if you have a sec, this is my fault:
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openstackgerritDavid Lyle proposed a change to openstack-dev/devstack: Moving horizon compression offline
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