Thursday, 2015-02-26

openstackrecheckConsole logs not available after 13:25s for check-tempest-dsvm-postgres-full 158471,6,c51172f00:00
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openstackrecheckopenstack/heat change: failed because of: gate-tempest-dsvm-postgres-full:
openstackLaunchpad bug 1311066 in OpenStack-Gate "Some nodes allocated in node pool are very very slow" [High,Confirmed]00:11
openstackrecheckopenstack/nova change: failed gate-nova-tox-functional in the gate queue with an unrecognized error00:12
openstackgerritDean Troyer proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Install Nova into its own venv
openstackgerritDean Troyer proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Install Nova into its own venv
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openstackgerritSabari proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Backwards compatiblity for auth_token middleware
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openstackrecheckConsole logs not available after 13:27s for check-tempest-dsvm-postgres-full 158511,11,1a4e8d200:39
openstackrecheckopenstack/cinder change: failed because of: gate-grenade-dsvm:
openstackLaunchpad bug 1365046 in OpenStack-Gate "Job failed due to no devstack directory" [Undecided,Confirmed]00:40
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openstackrecheckopenstack/horizon change: failed gate-tempest-dsvm-full, gate-horizon-python27-django14 in the gate queue with an unrecognized error00:51
openstackrecheckopenstack/heat change: failed because of: gate-tempest-dsvm-full:
openstackLaunchpad bug 1353962 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "Test job failes with FixedIpLimitExceeded with nova network" [Medium,Confirmed]00:52
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openstackgerritKen'ichi Ohmichi proposed openstack/qa-specs: Add consistent-service-method-names spec
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openstackrecheckConsole logs not available after 13:23s for gate-trove-python27 142719,6,832261f01:21
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openstackgerritKen'ichi Ohmichi proposed openstack/qa-specs: Add consistent-service-method-names spec
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openstackgerritAishwarya Thangappa proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Added devstack-with-lbaas-v2 installation documentation
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openstackgerritAishwarya Thangappa proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Added devstack-with-lbaas-v2 installation documentation
openstackgerritGhanshyam Mann proposed openstack/tempest: Fix hypervisor schema for hypervisor status extension
openstackgerritGhanshyam Mann proposed openstack/tempest: Add extended server attributes in list detail schema
openstackgerritGhanshyam Mann proposed openstack/tempest: Fix rebuild server schema for 'OS-DCF:diskConfig'
openstackgerritGhanshyam Mann proposed openstack/tempest: Adding common header attributes in image header schema
openstackgerritGhanshyam Mann proposed openstack/tempest: Add 'servers_links' attribute in server list schema
openstackgerritGhanshyam Mann proposed openstack/tempest: Add 'images_links' attribute in image list schema
heyongliitzikb, are you there?02:22
heyongliwhat's the time slot you on line? i might could catch you then, tell me here or mail me:
openstackgerritGhanshyam Mann proposed openstack/tempest: Block additionalProperties on Nova API tests
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openstackrecheckopenstack/sahara change: failed because of: gate-tempest-dsvm-postgres-full:
openstackLaunchpad bug 1373513 in Cinder "Lvm hang during tempest tests" [Critical,In progress] - Assigned to John Griffith (john-griffith)02:51
openstackLaunchpad bug 1311066 in OpenStack-Gate "Some nodes allocated in node pool are very very slow" [High,Confirmed]02:51
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openstackrecheckopenstack/trove change: failed gate-trove-python27 in the gate queue with an unrecognized error03:00
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openstackgerritJamie Lennox proposed openstack/tempest: Create a new project for trusts tests
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openstackrecheckopenstack/horizon change: failed gate-horizon-dsvm-integration in the gate queue with an unrecognized error03:46
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openstackrecheckopenstack/nova change: failed because of: gate-tempest-dsvm-full:
openstackLaunchpad bug 1373513 in Cinder "Lvm hang during tempest tests" [Critical,In progress] - Assigned to John Griffith (john-griffith)04:24
openstackLaunchpad bug 1311066 in OpenStack-Gate "Some nodes allocated in node pool are very very slow" [High,Confirmed]04:24
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openstackgerritChris Hoge proposed openstack/tempest: Add UUIDs to tests with tools and checks
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openstackrecheckopenstack/cinder change: failed because of: gate-tempest-dsvm-postgres-full:
openstackLaunchpad bug 1373513 in Cinder "Lvm hang during tempest tests" [Critical,In progress] - Assigned to John Griffith (john-griffith)05:18
openstackLaunchpad bug 1311066 in OpenStack-Gate "Some nodes allocated in node pool are very very slow" [High,Confirmed]05:18
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openstackgerritKen'ichi Ohmichi proposed openstack/qa-specs: Add consistent-service-method-names spec
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jamielennoxmtreinish: the default settings in tempest jumping between using domain_id and domain_name is a PITA05:51
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openstackrecheckopenstack/keystone change: failed because of: gate-tempest-dsvm-neutron-full:
openstackLaunchpad bug 1311066 in OpenStack-Gate "Some nodes allocated in node pool are very very slow" [High,Confirmed]06:00
openstackgerritJamie Lennox proposed openstack/tempest: Create a new project for trusts tests
openstackgerritJamie Lennox proposed openstack/tempest: Specify either domain_id or domain_name
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morganfainbergmtreinish, when you have a few: tried to use debtcollector and it results in nothing being emitted. any thoughts on what I'm doing wrong?06:27
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andreafjamielennox: is that (^^^) addressed by
andreafjamielennox: I'm preparing for migration to tempest-lib, and I'd like to make sure any major issue in the interface is addressed before that06:41
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openstackgerritAndrea Frittoli  proposed openstack/tempest: Prepare token clients for migration to tempest-lib
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openstackrecheckopenstack/cinder change: failed gate-cinder-pep8, gate-cinder-python27 in the gate queue with an unrecognized error07:09
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openstackrecheckopenstack/cinder change: failed because of: gate-tempest-dsvm-postgres-full:
openstackLaunchpad bug 1373513 in Cinder "Lvm hang during tempest tests" [Critical,In progress] - Assigned to John Griffith (john-griffith)07:18
openstackLaunchpad bug 1311066 in OpenStack-Gate "Some nodes allocated in node pool are very very slow" [High,Confirmed]07:18
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openstackgerritGhanshyam Mann proposed openstack/tempest: Add 'fault' attributes in server schema
jamielennoxandreaf: addressed by which?07:51
jamielennoxandreaf: you linked to mine07:52
andreafjamielennox: so I guess I didn't get what the issue is07:54
jamielennoxandreaf: ok specific example07:54
jamielennoxi though would be really easy07:54
jamielennoxbecause i want my admin client to be domain scoped i need to create a project first07:54
jamielennoxwhen you call create_project it defaults domain_id = default07:55
jamielennoxsame with user i think07:55
jamielennoxwhen you try to authenticate it defaults to the domain of the admin user from conf07:56
jamielennoxso i tried to override that with default07:56
jamielennoxonly to find that you can't authenticate with domain_id only domain_name07:56
jamielennoxso i can probably make this work in most situations by just doing authentication with 'Default', but i figured i'd add authenticating with domain_id instead07:57
andreafok I see - the reason for that was that in conf we keep names - but supporting id as well makes absolutely sense07:57
jamielennoxandreaf: i've found in most things it's just easier to add all the config options08:01
openstackgerritGhanshyam Mann proposed openstack/tempest: Block additionalProperties on Nova API tests
jamielennoxandreaf: like specify project_name and project_id than just have 'project' at all08:02
jamielennoxlots of options but at least no confusion08:02
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andreafjamielennox: ok, so we should change user and tenant as well08:04
jamielennoxandreaf: does this mess with the options coming from CONF?08:04
jamielennoxandreaf: but in general i think it's a good idea08:05
andreafjamielennox: not necessarily - as long as what comes from CONF goes into the right attribute08:05
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jamielennoxandreaf: ok, i've still got a fairly flaky understanding of the way auth is working08:06
andreafjamielennox: yes, sure, especially because will move to tempest-lib, so better have a generic interface there08:06
jamielennoxandreaf: does that mean removing the loading from conf from
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andreafjamielennox: that I already removed :)08:07
jamielennoxandreaf: that makes me happy08:07
jamielennoxandreaf: annoying that i couldn't get a pure credentials object without the conf file being read08:07
jamielennoxfilling in defaults i didn't wnat08:07
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andreafjamielennox: so now you have cred_provider which uses CONF if that's what you need, and auth which doesn't08:08
jamielennoxandreaf: i can attempt to change all tenant and user references to tenant_name (should be project_name) and user_name tomorrow or would you like to do that as part of your cleanup ?08:09
jamielennoxandreaf: i realize i started messing with auth right when you were making significant changes to it08:09
andreafjamielennox: auth was initially designed with the aim of supporting a single auth_version flag to switch identity version for all token requests of all tests - but the needs of identity tests are a bit different08:09
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andreafjamielennox: sure go ahead I'll review it08:10
jamielennoxandreaf: IMO it would be cool if we could make most tests like that08:10
jamielennoxandreaf: like create a domain in setupClass, create users and auth that way rather than specify demo users in CONF08:10
jamielennoxandreaf: the only CONF user should be the admin user08:11
andreafjamielennox: we support two ways of getting credentials08:11
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andreafjamielennox: one is tenant isolation - which uses the config'ed admin to create everything on the fly08:12
andreafjamielennox: the 2nd is pre-provisioned credentials, which can be specified either in config (legacy, to be dropped at some point), or in a YAML file08:12
andreafjamielennox: tenant isolation does only support v2 unfortunately - I'm working on a patch to fix that08:13
openstackgerritYaroslav Morkovnikov proposed openstack/tempest: Adding support for ddt
andreafjamielennox: but for most tests it's sufficient to work in Default domain or in a "tempest" domain if you will, no need of a new domain for each test class08:13
openstackgerritAndreas Scheuring proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Adding quotation marks in order to parse string correclty on RHEL7
jamielennoxandreaf: oh - i'm aware it's overkill, just something i was looking at given that i was constructing users and projects for these trust tests within the default domain, i could easily have just created a domain as well08:17
openstackgerritJamie Lennox proposed openstack/tempest: Specify either domain_id or domain_name
openstackgerritJamie Lennox proposed openstack/tempest: Create a new project for trusts tests
jamielennoxdon't worry about those, i think the domain_id one will still fail and i'll turn that into specifying _id and _names everywhere08:19
openstackgerritAndreas Scheuring proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Add quotation marks to parse string correclty on rhel7
andreafjamielennox: thanks, great08:24
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sergshmtreinish, ping08:46
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openstackgerritLucas Alvares Gomes proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Fix Ironic for Syslinux >= 5.00
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Add quotation marks to parse string correclty on rhel7
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openstackgerritLucas Alvares Gomes proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Add support for using IPA with iSCSI
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flwang1mtreinish: ping11:14
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sdaguejamielennox: you still awake - ?11:38
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Madancan anyone help me how to run only the subset of tempest test using run_tempest11:50
* Madan I am trying out ./ -N run -- tempest.api.compute but it is triggering tests from other branches also :(11:51
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed openstack-dev/devstack: prime the pump to use cirros 0.3.3.
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed openstack-dev/devstack: change default cirros version to 0.3.3
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pc_msdague: Thanks for reviewing! Are there other DevStack cores that can look at this too please?12:21
openstackrecheckopenstack/horizon change: failed because of: gate-horizon-dsvm-integration:
openstackLaunchpad bug 1311066 in OpenStack-Gate "Some nodes allocated in node pool are very very slow" [High,Confirmed]12:22
sdaguechmouel's around now, dtroyer will be later12:22
cdentsdague: I may be talking out my butt, but moving those flavor manage tests might be an opportunity to look into gabbi. Not because "oh zomg, gabbi is teh ossum" (which it is) but because it makes it very easy to access different levels of the wsgi stack, including and leaving out things as desired, and providing arbitrary auth related headers12:22
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pc_mchmouel: Cab you review please? See ^^12:23
cdentthe ceilo and gnocchi tests I've created access the base wsgi app, leaving out authN-style middleware, and fake authZ related headers12:24
cdentseems to work well12:24
cdentI have no idea if that is applicable for what you're doing, but, you know, sharing is caring...12:24
sdaguecdent: possibly, but is gabbit still limitted to a dedicated tox target?12:25
sdaguemy concern is... it's taken a while to get some momentum in this direction12:26
cdentIt will work with any target pretty much.12:26
cdentYeah, momemtum should be surfed when it is there.12:26
sdagueso stopping progress to spin up on a new stack would make me a little sad12:26
cdentThe tests I've created but the gabbi tests in a subdirectory which is discovered by the usual targets, but I also add a dedicated tox target for just gabbi for sake of convenience12:26
sdaguecdent: you have some examples in tree I can look at12:26
cdentyeah, some ceilo stuff got merged recently12:27
* cdent digs up link12:27
sdaguewe also have this giant pile of legacy code here, so part of it is the unwind in parts so we know that we're not just breaking testing12:27
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cdentthis one was created somewhat differently:
cdentI used coverage data to drive the creation of the tests12:29
sdagueoh, right. So for our API samples tests, I think we could port them here12:30
sdaguebut these functional tests I'm writing right now also poke the database after the requests12:30
sdagueto compare results12:30
sdaguewhich might be overkill in this specific case, but was part of a template of how we'd do that.12:31
cdentYeah, if there's database poking going on, gabbi would need to be side by side with something else but somehow seems a layer violation.12:32
sdaguesure, gabbi is really blackbox testing12:32
sdaguewhich is good12:32
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sdaguebut nova actually has a ton of that already, and we need to cover some of these other cases12:33
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avico-Hey guys, can someone review this:
avico-We would like to get rid of this bug12:34
cdentI would enjoy getting in a room with you, sdague, and a few other folk and talking test philosophy as it seems both broad and deep12:35
sdaguecdent: I might also suggest, that in something like a ton more comments get added to each of those tests12:35
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sdaguebecause those might all seem obvious now about why, but as I'm sifting through 3 year old tests in the nova tree, lots of things are non obvious :)12:35
cdentYes that's been the plan all along sdague but I've been waiting for someone to suggest it (sort of to see who is paying attention) and as yet no one has ... :(12:35
sdaguedoes that mean 'I win' or 'you lose'?12:36
cdentEverybody wins!12:37
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openstackgerritAndrea Frittoli  proposed openstack/tempest: Support v3 in credential providers and subclasses
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-dev/devstack: Add quotation marks to parse string correclty on rhel7
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openstackgerritFlavio Percoco proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Comment `log_file` for Zaqar
flaper87sdague: pls, don't hate me for the last 2 pings :) ^13:11
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openstackgerritSergey Slipushenko proposed openstack/tempest: Add UUIDs to tests with tools and checks
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openstackgerritSergey Slipushenko proposed openstack/tempest: Add UUIDs to tests with tools and checks
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sdagueflaper87: don't you just want to remove the line entirely?13:57
flaper87sdague: mmh, I... damnit, you're right13:59
flaper87I should stop copying things from other projects13:59
flaper87especially old ones13:59
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openstackrecheckopenstack/keystone change: failed gate-swift-dsvm-functional in the gate queue with an unrecognized error14:07
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openstackgerritFlavio Percoco proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Comment `log_file` for Zaqar
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openstackgerritafazekas proposed openstack/tempest: Add `slow` jobs to the full jobs
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openstackrecheckopenstack/keystone change: failed because of: gate-tempest-dsvm-neutron-full:
openstackLaunchpad bug 1384373 in OpenStack-Gate "fatal: Could not read from remote repository" [Medium,Triaged] - Assigned to Clark Boylan (cboylan)14:56
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openstackgerritEmily Hugenbruch proposed openstack/tempest: Split resource_setup for scenario tests
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openstackgerritAndrea Frittoli  proposed openstack/tempest: Support v3 in credential providers and subclasses
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openstackrecheckopenstack/heat change: failed because of: gate-heat-docs:, gate-tempest-dsvm-neutron-full:, gate-tempest-dsvm-postgres-full:
openstackLaunchpad bug 1384373 in OpenStack-Gate "fatal: Could not read from remote repository" [Medium,Triaged] - Assigned to Clark Boylan (cboylan)15:06
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openstackgerritJohn Griffith proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for cinder bug 1425310
openstackbug 1425310 in Cinder "tgtadm: this access control rule does not exist - results in timeout waiting for volume to attach (stuck in detach) or detach" [High,Confirmed]
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openstackgerritEmily Hugenbruch proposed openstack/tempest: Split resource_setup for cli tests
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andreafmtreinish: is now passing check (prepare token clients for migration)15:14
andreafmtreinish: I had a chat to jamielennox this morning, and he has further changes to be done to, so I'd like to wait for them before we migrate15:15
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andreafmtreinish: as well as TBD similar changes for project and user15:16
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mriedemjgriffith: so that query doesn't hit for me
mriedemi'm thinking the intersection between different logs isn't working?15:17
mriedem(message:"Failed to delete volume" AND message:"within the required time" AND tags:"console") AND (message:"tgtadm: this access control rule does not exist" AND tags:"screen-c-vol.txt")15:17
mtreinishandreaf: ok sure15:18
mtreinishflaper87: pong15:18
mtreinishflwang1: ^^^ sry15:19
* mtreinish curses tab complete15:19
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mtreinishmorganfainberg: so it should be emitting a python DeprecationWarning, my guess is we don't properly log Warning by default in oslo logging15:20
andreafmtreinish: btw, I'm trying to finish the multi-auth bp finally -
mtreinishandreaf: ok, cool. hopefully it won't conflict with all the other changes too bad :)15:21
andreafmtreinish: well that will merge when it can, if I have to rebase I'll do it15:23
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mtreinishandreaf: ok, sure. I was just skimming it and there is a lot of potential conflict with the roles support for cred_providers :)15:24
morganfainbergmtreinish: hm. I think I had debug level on15:25
morganfainbergmtreinish: will poke at it more.15:25
mriedemjgriffith: commented on both queries in - we might either have to just live with not 100% fail with the errors in the cinder logs, or make tempest give a more specific error somehow when it times out waiting for volume detach/delete15:26
mtreinishmorganfainberg: while this interface seems like a mess I found this:
morganfainbergmtreinish: yeah I've seen that. It's an odd interface. Thanks !15:28
mtreinishmriedem: more specific how?15:29
mriedemmtreinish: magic?!15:29
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jgriffithmriedem: ruh roh15:30
mriedemdoes cinder store faults for volumes or anything?15:30
mriedemcan tempest ask cinder about some detailed error state on the volume?15:31
mtreinishmriedem: I don't think so15:31
jgriffithmriedem: nope15:31
mriedemor provide a super detailed error response message that tempest can log?15:31
jgriffithmriedem: just log info15:31
mtreinishmriedem: tempest should be logging the full response body from cinder, you can see how much is there15:32
mriedemjgriffith: mtreinish: i put the trend % in
mriedemjgriffith: mtreinish: i'd vote to just drop the generic tempest console log stuff from the queries there since it doesn't work with the AND anyway15:32
mriedemand the failure % are 'good enough'15:32
jgriffithmriedem: thanks15:32
jgriffithmriedem: that's fair... the only reason I liked the consol part though was there are a bunch of tests getting rechecked against this that aren't actually failing for it15:33
jgriffithmriedem: for example there were a number of ip failures the other day that all got knocked against this bug15:33
jgriffithbecause this will pretty much ALWAYS be in the logs when the vm-rescue test runs15:34
mriedemthe console part does'nt work though15:34
jgriffithmriedem: hehe... I know15:34
jgriffithmriedem: I'm just expressing the "why" I was trying to do that15:34
mriedemwell, then we have to try and get the error from cinder into the tempest logs with the timeout from tempest15:34
mriedemyeah would be great if the AND worked15:34
jgriffithmriedem: so honestly doing as you initially suggested is still "better" IMO15:35
jgriffithmriedem: I'm going to go with that15:35
mriedemdropping the console part of the query?15:35
jgriffithmriedem: yeah15:35
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jgriffithI hate to quit so easily :)15:35
jgriffithbut at least that way the data is in fact what I want15:35
jgriffithmriedem: but it is troubling that the AND doesn't seem to work15:36
mtreinishjgriffith: because in logstash each line is a separate document.15:37
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mtreinishso you can't find a single line that is 2 lines in different log files15:38
jgriffithmriedem: aha!15:38
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack/tempest: WIP: Test live migrate on a paused instance
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mriedemgod i hate random ssh failures in neutron scenario tets15:42
jgriffithmtreinish: so I'd be interested in your opinion on what to do with 137351315:42
jgriffithmtreinish: my trouble here is that ANY test failure is going to get a tick mark on that bug15:43
jgriffithmtreinish: because it's pretty close to 100% on the rescue test even if the test doesn't actually fail for it15:43
jgriffithmtreinish: I know the right answer is "fix it"15:43
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jgriffithbut in the meantime :)15:43
mtreinishjgriffith: well, in a situation like this we normally try to add a better log somewhere (cinder, tempest, etc..) that we can better fingerprint on15:44
mtreinishwhich is what mriedem was getting at before15:44
mtreinishI'm not sure how doable that is though15:44
jgriffithmtreinish: yeah, ok that makes sense15:45
jgriffithmtreinish: mriedem I'll go without it for now and revisit15:45
jgriffithmtreinish: mriedem thanks to both for the help15:45
mtreinishjgriffith: sure, np15:45
jgriffithmtreinish: mriedem OH!  I have an idea15:45
jgriffithmtreinish: mriedem BAH.. never mind15:46
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mriedemis there anything in the logs that shows this being on one specific test?15:47
mriedemthe volumes should be named after the test right>15:47
mriedemso is the test name in the cinder logs with the error?15:47
mtreinishjgriffith: you know mriedem is nova-core if we need to form the rescue task force :)15:47
jgriffithmtreinish: mriedem yeah... I'm going to pick that up again today15:48
jgriffithand I may be pinging for help15:48
openstackgerritJohn Griffith proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for cinder bug 1425310
openstackbug 1425310 in Cinder "tgtadm: this access control rule does not exist - results in timeout waiting for volume to attach (stuck in detach) or detach" [High,Confirmed]
mriedemi will be out for like 3 hours this afternoon :)15:48
jgriffithmriedem: oh, that's interesting15:49
jgriffithmriedem: but no, the problem is the error is from syslog15:49
jgriffithmriedem: not cinder15:49
mriedemi was talking about the tgtadm access rule one15:49
jgriffiththat one isn't a problem, if that one shows up there's almost guaranteed to be a failed test15:50
jgriffithand it's a result of that issue15:50
jgriffithmriedem: in other words there's no false attribute there that I've seen so far.  When that's in the log the call failed, and the test failed; game over15:51
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack/tempest: Add support for roles to credentials providers
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack/tempest: Switch swift tests to use cred_provider with roles
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Do Not Merge: Test test-accounts with roles
mriedemjogo: neutron's L3 agent is pretty sad in the aiopcpu-full job
mriedemthat's not just your change though for live migrate15:55
mriedemlooks like ovs has overdosed on pills and choked on it's own vomit during the night - is that too morbid?15:56
pc_mdtroyer: ping15:57
clarkbmriedem dvr fails too, will probably need to advertise the job a bit more and see if neutron can debug/fix15:57
mriedemclarkb: apparently a known thing
openstackLaunchpad bug 1394358 in neutron "check-tempest-dsvm-neutron-aiopcpu causes neutron failure" [High,Confirmed] - Assigned to Eugene Nikanorov (enikanorov)15:57
mriedemenikanorov: are you working on that? ^15:58
mriedembeen assigned since november with no activity15:58
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dtroyerpc_m: hey15:59
pc_mdtroyer: Can you review Need a second core16:00
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dtroyerpc_m: I'll try to work it in between three hours of meetings…16:02
pc_mdtroyer: Thanks!16:02
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flaper87sdague: :)16:04
flaper87chmouel: ^ :)16:04
* flaper87 needs to find out what's going on with zaqar's redis gate16:04
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openstackgerritafazekas proposed openstack/tempest: Change slow tag to gate
openstackgerritSean M. Collins proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Add back IP addresses to PUBLIC_INTERFACE when unstacking
openstackgerritChuck Carlino proposed openstack/tempest: Tempest tests for mac_address update
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openstackgerritKirill Shileev proposed openstack/tempest: Scenario test to check IPv6 mupltiprefix feature Starts 2 VMs on network with 2 IPv6 subnets and checks cross connectivity.
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mtreinishandreaf: down to 3 failures: :)16:44
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* rcarrillocruz is tired of rm -rf .testrepository to avoid 'db type could not be determined' on tox -e py34 :/16:47
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clarkbrcarrillocruz: make py3k run first16:48
clarkbin your tox.ini change the order of the envlist so its py34,py2716:48
clarkbits one of those things where python oddly got the compatibility direction backwards16:49
rcarrillocruzhmm, so subsequent tox with that order doesn't break testrepository?16:49
* rcarrillocruz preps a new shade change16:49
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clarkbpython2.7 doesn't use a db type that is compat with py34 by default. But py34 does use a db type that is compatible with python2.7 by default16:52
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openstackgerritSergey Slipushenko proposed openstack/tempest: Add UUIDs to tests with tools and checks
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: DO NOT MERGE COPY ALL OF .TESTREPOSITORY to log server
openstackgerritChuck Carlino proposed openstack/tempest: Tempest tests for mac_address update
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openstackgerritJohn Griffith proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for cinder bug 1425310
openstackbug 1425310 in Cinder "tgtadm: this access control rule does not exist - results in timeout waiting for volume to attach (stuck in detach) or detach" [High,Confirmed]
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openstackrecheckopenstack/sahara change: failed because of: gate-tempest-dsvm-postgres-full:
openstackLaunchpad bug 1373513 in Cinder "Lvm hang during tempest tests" [Critical,In progress] - Assigned to John Griffith (john-griffith)17:13
openstackLaunchpad bug 1311066 in OpenStack-Gate "Some nodes allocated in node pool are very very slow" [High,Confirmed]17:13
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack/tempest: Switch swift tests to use cred_provider with roles
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openstackgerritAndrea Frittoli  proposed openstack/tempest: Support v3 in credential providers and subclasses
openstackgerritChuck Carlino proposed openstack/tempest: Tempest tests for mac_address update
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openstackgerritLucas Alvares Gomes proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Add support for using IPA with iSCSI
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afazekasmtreinish, The question is does anyone has any objection against always specifying a network id in all tempest 'boot' command ?18:03
sdaguemtreinish: ok, brewery?18:03
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afazekassdague, hogepodge: idempotent_id is incorrect name IMHO, 'permanent_id'18:04
mtreinishsdague: I was think beech tree. Does that work?18:04
sdaguemtreinish: sure18:04
hogepodgeafazekas: sdague: mtreinish: sslypushenko: I don't have a strong opinion on the name, I'm happy to go with whatever the consensus is.18:04
sdaguesee you there18:04
sdagueafazekas: idempotent id is used in gerrit for similar impact18:05
mtreinishafazekas: I think we'll ahve to move that direction eventually18:05
mtreinishafazekas: adding support for that is part of test-accounts part 218:05
sdaguemtreinish: ok, see you shortly18:05
mtreinishsdague: yep, see you there18:05
afazekassdague:  we should not make the same mistake :)18:06
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afazekassdague, hogepodge : If it gets renamed to 'permanent_id',  I am +2 on that change.. and we will polish details latter ..18:08
hogepodgeafazekas: sdague ok, so we should change the name because of a potential conflict?18:09
hogepodgeAn I understanding that correctly?18:10
hogepodgesslypushenko: ^^18:10
afazekashogepodge: no, bacuse I don't like it :) because IMHO this word is incorrect in this context.18:10
hogepodgeafazekas: ok, I'm ok with the change is there's consensus. As I said, I'm not strongly opinionated either way, but there was already a lot of discussion on the current name with sdague and mtreinish18:13
hogepodgeafazekas: I don't want to go through the process of modifying and checking code to have to switch it back again18:13
afazekashogepodge: I don't want a mathematician to blame the name later ..18:14
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hogepodgeafazekas: I'm a mathematician, and have no problem with it. ;-)18:15
* afazekas I have to go18:16
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-dev/devstack: List all CIRROS ARCH images in
openstackrecheckopenstack/swift change: failed because of: gate-tempest-dsvm-full:
openstackLaunchpad bug 1373513 in Cinder "Lvm hang during tempest tests" [Critical,In progress] - Assigned to John Griffith (john-griffith)18:20
openstackLaunchpad bug 1311066 in OpenStack-Gate "Some nodes allocated in node pool are very very slow" [High,Confirmed]18:20
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openstackgerritPaul Michali proposed openstack-dev/devstack: VPNaaS Support for StrongSwan driver.
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openstackgerritSridhar Gaddam proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Fix curl issue when SERVICE_HOST is defined to IPv6 address
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-dev/grenade: Prepare for Services in virtual env
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/tempest: Adds IPV6 bulk ops tests for network/subnet/ports
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jogomriedem_away: I am ignoring the neutron-aiopcpu job at this point19:26
jogomriedem_away: until someone from neutron works on it19:26
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openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Remove debs for diablo volumes
openstackrecheckopenstack/keystone change: failed gate-tempest-dsvm-neutron, gate-tempest-dsvm-neutron-full in the gate queue with an unrecognized error19:42
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jogojgriffith: ping re,cm19:46
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ekhugenjogo, your comment on is tempest/cli moving to tempest-lib?19:47
jogoekhugen: yes and into each clients repo19:48
ekhugenjogo should the refactoring of resource_setup be done in tempest-lib then?19:48
jogoekhugen: not sure, mtreinish would know19:49
mtreinishekhugen: yeah mirroring the setupclass split in the tempest lib test clasess was something that is game for migration19:50
mtreinishekhugen: it hasn't been done yet, there was also some discussion of changing it slightly in the future19:51
ekhugenmtreinish okay, is it still worth doing the patch in tempest though, or should I just abandon it?19:51
mtreinishbut at least in it's current form it's backwards compatible with what's in tempest-lib already so we probably can switch tempest-lib over without issue19:51
openstackgerritAishwarya Thangappa proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Added devstack-with-lbaas-v2 installation documentation
mtreinishekhugen: yeah I wouldn't bother with the cli tests in the tempest tree at this point19:52
mtreinishI'd really like to see all of those tests removed from tempest by the kilo release19:52
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ekhugenmtreinish are there any other tempest subdirectories that you think we shouldn't bother with the resource-cleanup patches for? I started on tempest/scenario as well19:53
mtreinishekhugen: the cli one is the only one which has been actively marked for removal this cycle19:54
mtreinishekhugen: I could also see the thirdparty/boto tests being removed in the future, but probably not in K19:54
ekhugenokay, thanks mtreinish19:54
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jgriffithjogo: pong20:01
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openstackgerritOctavian Ciuhandu proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Adds networking_hyperv as a neutron third party driver
jogojgriffith: you need another revision for your e-r query20:01
openstackgerritEmily Hugenbruch proposed openstack/tempest: Split resource_setup for scenario tests
* jgriffith is not being very effective today20:02
jgriffithjogo: wait... sorry20:02
jgriffithjogo: I thought the u\ was filtered out20:03
jogotry out the queries on logstash.openstack.org20:03
jgriffiththat's annoying20:03
jogojgriffith: yup :)20:03
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jgriffithjogo: geesh... thanks!20:04
openstackgerritJohn Griffith proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for cinder bug 1425310
openstackbug 1425310 in Cinder "tgtadm: this access control rule does not exist - results in timeout waiting for volume to attach (stuck in detach) or detach" [High,Confirmed]
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack/tempest: Remove python-novaclient from requirements.txt
mtreinishsdague: ^^^20:09
mtreinisha proposal bot change was approved recently20:09
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stevebakermtreinish: \o what did you need to tell me about test removal?20:15
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mtreinishstevebaker: hey, well it was just if you could put your test on the etherpad linked to in that wiki page20:15
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mtreinishstevebaker: I'll write up good instructions for #2 right now20:17
mtreinishbut since your removal has been skipped for a while, it probably doesn't really apply to your case20:17
stevebakerok, filling in20:17
mtreinishstevebaker: great thanks20:18
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mtreinishstevebaker: thanks20:22
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mtreinishhogepodge: I had a quick question on your uuid patch before I +A it20:22
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mtreinishthe uuid tox target you're adding there does that do the generation and modify the files? or just run the check?20:22
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for cinder bug 1425310
openstackbug 1425310 in Cinder "tgtadm: this access control rule does not exist - results in timeout waiting for volume to attach (stuck in detach) or detach" [High,Confirmed]
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mtreinishsdague: I added a step by step to:
sdagueok, cool20:32
mtreinishlet me know if there are other improvements I can make to it20:33
mtreinishsdague: in your case though you're removing a test_id and a test class so you'd probably have to run 2 queries or have an or in the WHERE20:34
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hogepodgemtreinish: sure20:39
hogepodgemtreinish: it just runs the check. Passing the --fix flag will add uuids to any tests that don't have one.20:39
hogepodgeSo it doubles as a checker and a generator20:40
hogepodgeBut by default you have to "opt-in" to generation.20:40
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hogepodgemtreinish: sdague also, your thoughts on the proposed id name change to 'permanent_id'?20:40
mtreinishhogepodge: ok, that's what I thought, long term I think we want that tox target to do the generation and have just the check during the pep8 target20:40
mtreinishhogepodge: honestly I'm fine with what's in there now20:41
mtreinishI'd rather not churn on the patch again to switch it20:41
mtreinishif we want to change it in the future we can, it'll just be a rename patch (ugly and not fun, but doable)20:41
hogepodgemtreinish: ok. Once the patch lands I'll send up the tagging patch with the check added to the pep8 run20:43
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mtreinishhogepodge: you can always just push it now on top of the tool patch20:44
hogepodgeok, I'll do that.20:44
mtreinishhogepodge: ok +A on the tool patch20:46
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openstackgerritErno Kuvaja proposed openstack-dev/hacking: Add own block in imports for six overwrites
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openstackrecheckopenstack/nova change: failed gate-tempest-dsvm-neutron-full in the gate queue with an unrecognized error20:55
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openstackgerritSean M. Collins proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Revert "Revert "Make neutron the default in devstack""
openstackgerritSean M. Collins proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Support for single interface Neutron networking
openstackgerritSean M. Collins proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Set a default for OVS_PHYSICAL_BRIDGE
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openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add launchpad test to test_queries
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openstackrecheckopenstack/horizon change: failed because of: gate-horizon-dsvm-integration:
openstackLaunchpad bug 1311066 in OpenStack-Gate "Some nodes allocated in node pool are very very slow" [High,Confirmed]21:41
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openstackgerritChris Hoge proposed openstack/tempest: Add UUIDs to tests with tools and checks
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hogepodgemtreinish: ooh, I just saw the workflow +1. I hope I didn't misunderstand you. I added the tags and did the big push.21:53
hogepodgeI can roll it back if you need me to.
mtreinishhogepodge: you misunderstood, I meant push the big bang patch as a dependent patch on top of the one I +A'd21:53
hogepodgeOh crap21:53
hogepodgeI'm sorry21:54
hogepodgeWant me to roll it back?21:54
mtreinishhogepodge: no worries, yeah if you could21:54
mtreinishI'll fast approve the first one after the roll back21:54
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hogepodgeMind if I let it run the gate just to verify that the behavior I was able to validate on my local installation is the same in the test environment?21:55
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mtreinishhogepodge: if you respin it as a dependent patch series the top patch (with all of the decorators added) will test that21:56
hogepodgeok. How do I do a dependent patch?21:57
mtreinishbut it'll let the tool land in the repo21:57
mtreinishhogepodge: make them 2 separate commits on the same branch and do a git review21:57
mtreinishhogepodge: for example, I've been working on this patch series lately:
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openstackgerritChris Hoge proposed openstack/tempest: Add UUIDs to tests with tools and checks
mtreinishhogepodge: ok, re +A'd22:01
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack/tempest: Add support for roles to credentials providers
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack/tempest: Switch swift tests to use cred_provider with roles
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Do Not Merge: Test test-accounts with roles
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hogepodgemtreinish: So git review is asking me if I really want to submit the patch, and lists two outstanding commits. Is this normal?22:17
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hogepodgeI don't want to submit over my previous that you just approved.22:18
hogepodge(by accident)22:18
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clarkbhogepodge: its normal if you have a stack of >1 unmerged commits22:24
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hogepodgeclarkb so I won't accidentally overwrite the previous commit in the branch?22:24
clarkbhogepodge: you might, but the warning gives you the info you need to check, basically grab the ref then search for it in gerrit22:24
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clarkbif that ref doesn't exist then a new patchset will be pushed22:24
hogepodgeOk, the ref does exist.22:25
openstackgerritChris Hoge proposed openstack/tempest: Add UUIDs to all tempest tests and gate check
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openstackrecheckConsole logs not available after 13:23s for check-tempest-dsvm-full 159598,1,b49aa9722:28
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openstackgerritSean M. Collins proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Revert "Revert "Make neutron the default in devstack""
openstackgerritSean M. Collins proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Support for single interface Neutron networking
openstackgerritSean M. Collins proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Set a default for OVS_PHYSICAL_BRIDGE
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openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Fix devstack running behind a proxy
dtroyersdague: still around?22:42
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hogepodgethanks clarkb22:46
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mtreinishhogepodge: I reviewed the big bang patch22:47
mtreinishminor issue, but looks good22:48
clarkbhogepodge: the history behind that aiui is that people have in the past pushed a couple hundred changes off of their private internal code branches22:48
clarkbhogepodge: so the idea here is git review gives you a chance to choosenot to do that :)22:48
openstackgerritZengfa Gao proposed openstack/tempest: Add API tests for Neuron subnetpool
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asselindtroyer, I didn't quite understand what needs to be done on that line. Honestly, I'm not following that syntax.22:52
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openstackrecheckConsole logs not available after 13:27s for gate-nova-python27 122240,17,481ab4d22:53
ianwjamielennox: can you tell me if i should approve or not?22:53
jamielennoxianw: ugh22:54
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jamielennoxianw: how did that take so long to show up?22:54
ianwjamielennox: no idea, infrequent updates i guess22:55
dtroyerasselin: it's basically the same change.  everything from 'wheel …' on is the pip command,  oh wait…22:55
dtroyerwell, youll have the smae problem there too22:55
asselindtroyer, soL $PIP_VIRTUAL_ENV wheel $pkg22:56
dtroyerthe quick fix will be to copy-n-paste the *_proxy env vars into that line so it works22:56
dtroyerwheel is another pip command like install and freeze22:56
dtroyerI forgot that pip_install() only does (wiat for it)  the install command22:57
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jamielennoxianw: i guess if they're having problems then we should fix it22:57
dtroyerlong-term the right thing might be to refactor pip_install into a generic pip caller, but I'm not going to make you do there here22:58
jamielennoxianw: i don't think i've ever looked into ironic to see what they do22:58
asselindtroyer, thanks :)22:58
jamielennoxianw: but i can add it to the list of services that dont work. at least they've got a bug filed22:58
ianwjamielennox: ok23:00
mtreinishandreaf: it passed \o/23:00
asselindtroyer, the part I don't understand is why you're assigning this to a variable? PIP_VIRTUAL_ENV=$TMP_VENV_PATH pip_install -U pip wheel23:01
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack/tempest: Add support for roles to credentials providers
dtroyerthat command does the following:23:02
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack/tempest: Switch swift tests to use cred_provider with roles
dtroyersets PIP_VIRTUAL_ENV to the venv being used23:02
dtroyercalls pip_install() to install updated pip and wheel pacakges23:02
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dtroyerit looks terribly confusing23:02
dtroyersince pip and wheel are also program/command names23:03
asselindtroyer, ok I get it now. So the PIP_VIRTUA_ENV is needed by the pip_install command23:03
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asselin-u pip wheel are the command arguments23:03
dtroyeryes, that controls the install destination23:03
dtroyeryou got it23:03
dtroyerasselin: now that I think about it, you may not have a problem with line 69, since it doesn't use sudo the existing *_proxy vars should be picked up…23:07
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asselindtroyer, ok. i'm currently running some tests with what I have submitted. I'll see if that solves it.23:08
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asselindtroyer, thanks23:10
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asselindtroyer, ok seems to be working (still running though) but here's the new snippet:
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asselindtroyer, the other part that would be good to fix in ^^ is the warning about trusted hosts. Those are set in the pip.conf file. Do you know how to get that file used?23:20
dtroyerasselin: ok, cool, my concern on line 69 is bogus23:20
dtroyerI do not know on pip.conf, I recall something maybe being done for $HOME/.pip.conf a bit ago, would have to dig for it23:21
asselindtroyer, I setup pip.conf in quite a few places, including /etc/pip.conf. Not sure why it get's ignored:
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asselindtroyer, maybe can be copied over to the virtual env? On Unix and Mac OS X the file is $VIRTUAL_ENV/pip.conf
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openstackgerritgordon chung proposed openstack-dev/devstack: elasticsearch event support in ceilometer
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FatDarrelhey everyone23:27
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openstackgerritgordon chung proposed openstack-dev/devstack: elasticsearch event support in ceilometer
FatDarrelwas wondering if anyone ever got tempest setup and running properly23:27
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dtroyerasselin: good idea… should it come from /etc/pip.conf?23:33
hogepodgemtreinish although, I wonder why we wouldn't want uuids on tempest unit tests just in case. Change is easy enough though.23:33
FatDarreldoes anyone run tempest from ubuntu apt or just from gi t23:33
asselindtroyer, there's a few places. nodepool copies it all over the place. that's the most recent one (added back in dec)23:33
asselindtroyer, so in short, I'd work backwards, take from $home, then from /etc/pip.conf.23:34
dtroyerasselin: isn't $HOME goign to be checked even from a venv?23:34
asselindtroyer, honestly, the current configuration should work. not sure why it's not. there shouldn't be a need to copy it in23:35
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asselindtroyer, one of my tests eventually fails on this. not sure if it's related or not:
asselindtroyer, going home. I'll be online later. thanks for you help.23:44
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dtroyerasselin: hmmm…that feels like a transient problem and pip isn't retrying…23:50
openstackgerritMerged openstack-dev/devstack: Add error checks to provider net and subnet creation
FatDarrelhey everyone?23:51
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phd2hey everyone23:51
phd2?/msg NickServ identify23:52
phd2/msg NickServ identify23:52
openstackgerritMerged openstack-dev/devstack: Improve MidoNet integration
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