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openstackgerrit | Adam Gandelman proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Bump Ironic api_max_retries https://review.openstack.org/171313 | 00:02 |
openstackgerrit | patrick-crews proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Add db api methods to delete old runs and test_runs https://review.openstack.org/172190 | 00:08 |
pcrews | mtreinish: simple table name thingie, but after that it works initially. Gotta tend to my beast again, but will poke a bit more and be happy to call it good. | 00:09 |
mtreinish | pcrews: ok, thanks | 00:10 |
openstackgerrit | Ian Wienand proposed openstack-dev/devstack: [WIP] Add a peak memory tracker to dstat https://review.openstack.org/171919 | 00:13 |
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mtreinish | andreaf: success \o/ http://logs.openstack.org/11/158511/33/check/check-tempest-dsvm-neutron-full/da4744f//console.html | 00:21 |
mtreinish | I also pushed a non-network version and it didn't regress there either: https://review.openstack.org/173114 | 00:21 |
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mtreinish | so that whole branch is ready for real review now :) | 00:23 |
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openstackgerrit | Matthew Treinish proposed openstack/tempest: Add logging of account allocation to accounts provider https://review.openstack.org/173136 | 00:33 |
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openstackgerrit | Matthew Treinish proposed openstack/tempest: Add logging of account allocation to accounts provider https://review.openstack.org/173136 | 00:34 |
openstackgerrit | Ian Wienand proposed openstack-dev/devstack: [WIP] Add a peak memory tracker to dstat https://review.openstack.org/171919 | 00:39 |
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openstackgerrit | Armando Migliaccio proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Add Neutron DVR aiopcpu support https://review.openstack.org/158525 | 01:27 |
openstackgerrit | Armando Migliaccio proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: ***DO NOT MERGE*** Flip DVR bit to collect experimental run datapoints https://review.openstack.org/171809 | 01:27 |
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openstackrecheck | openstack/nova change: https://review.openstack.org/173015 failed gate-tempest-dsvm-full-ceph in the gate queue with an unrecognized error | 01:48 |
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openstackgerrit | Ian Wienand proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Add a peak memory tracker to dstat https://review.openstack.org/171919 | 02:01 |
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openstackgerrit | Matthew Treinish proposed openstack/tempest: Add logging of account allocation to accounts provider https://review.openstack.org/173136 | 02:09 |
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flwang | mtreinish: still around? | 02:30 |
openstackrecheck | openstack/cinder change: https://review.openstack.org/173009 failed gate-tempest-dsvm-full-ceph in the gate queue with an unrecognized error | 02:31 |
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openstackrecheck | openstack/glance change: https://review.openstack.org/173010 failed gate-tempest-dsvm-full-ceph in the gate queue with an unrecognized error | 03:06 |
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openstackgerrit | Matthew Treinish proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Do Not Merge: Test test-accounts with roles https://review.openstack.org/173114 | 03:30 |
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openstackgerrit | Ian Wienand proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Add a peak memory tracker to dstat https://review.openstack.org/171919 | 05:09 |
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BharatK | ping mtreinish | 05:25 |
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openstackrecheck | openstack/cinder change: https://review.openstack.org/167978 failed gate-tempest-dsvm-neutron-full in the gate queue with an unrecognized error | 05:33 |
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BharatK | I want to skip some tempest test cases using "DEVSTACK_GATE_TEMPEST_REGEX" in devstack external plugin job . | 05:38 |
BharatK | Problem here is we have same job template for all the devstack plugins. | 05:39 |
BharatK | ^^ http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/project-config/tree/jenkins/jobs/devstack-gate.yaml#n1933 | 05:39 |
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openstackrecheck | openstack/cinder change: https://review.openstack.org/165057 failed gate-tempest-dsvm-postgres-full, gate-devstack-dsvm-cells in the gate queue with an unrecognized error | 06:40 |
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openstackgerrit | Wayne Okuma proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Catalog Index Service - glance devstack https://review.openstack.org/169200 | 07:48 |
openstackgerrit | Yaroslav Lobankov proposed openstack/tempest: Wait for complete deletion of volume snapshot before deleting volume https://review.openstack.org/171569 | 07:48 |
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openstackgerrit | Masayuki Igawa proposed openstack/tempest-lib: Add a unit test for __str__() of rest_client https://review.openstack.org/168363 | 08:15 |
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openstackgerrit | Marian Horban proposed openstack/tempest: API test for instance's migration added https://review.openstack.org/153005 | 08:38 |
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openstackgerrit | Feng Xi Yan proposed openstack/tempest: Add default value for 'admin_domain_name' for V3 test. https://review.openstack.org/173217 | 08:52 |
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openstackgerrit | Ian Wienand proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Set standard "swappiness" https://review.openstack.org/173221 | 08:56 |
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openstackgerrit | Ian Wienand proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Set standard "swappiness" https://review.openstack.org/173221 | 09:02 |
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openstackgerrit | Joseph Lanoux proposed openstack/tempest: Migrate compute tests to the ssh-auth-strategy https://review.openstack.org/165504 | 10:07 |
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openstackgerrit | Marian Horban proposed openstack/tempest: API test for instance's migration added https://review.openstack.org/153005 | 10:08 |
openstackgerrit | Joseph Lanoux proposed openstack/tempest: DO NOT MERGE - test ssh-auth-strategy in the gate https://review.openstack.org/169204 | 10:08 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/tempest: Fix external connectivity check for dualstack https://review.openstack.org/168229 | 10:26 |
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openstackgerrit | Feng Xi Yan proposed openstack/tempest: Add or change default value some configs. https://review.openstack.org/173217 | 10:39 |
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openstackgerrit | Feng Xi Yan proposed openstack/tempest: Add or change default value for some config options. https://review.openstack.org/173217 | 10:48 |
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openstackgerrit | nithya-ganesan proposed openstack/tempest: Define validation_resources function for ssh validation https://review.openstack.org/149229 | 11:58 |
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openstackrecheck | openstack/nova change: https://review.openstack.org/160518 failed gate-tempest-dsvm-full-ceph in the gate queue with an unrecognized error | 12:50 |
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mriedem | adam_g: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/166017/ isn't for ceph | 13:19 |
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mriedem | adam_g: the ceph job shouldn't be running/voting on stable/icehouse or stable/juno | 13:19 |
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openstackrecheck | openstack/nova change: https://review.openstack.org/162112 failed gate-tempest-dsvm-full-ceph in the gate queue with an unrecognized error | 13:27 |
mriedem | adam_g: hmm, wtf? ^ | 13:30 |
mriedem | that's a juno change, ceph job shouldn't be running there | 13:30 |
mriedem | looking | 13:30 |
mriedem | blarg https://review.openstack.org/#/c/170912/ | 13:31 |
mriedem | that's only check | 13:31 |
mriedem | we added gate here https://review.openstack.org/#/c/170913/ as voting | 13:31 |
mriedem | i'll push a patch to make gate non-voting in stable too | 13:31 |
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eantyshev | hello! can anyone here clarify why get_ip_list refers explicily to /bin/ip (tempest/utils/remote_client.py) | 13:48 |
openstackgerrit | nithya-ganesan proposed openstack/tempest: Define validation_resources function for ssh validation https://review.openstack.org/149229 | 13:49 |
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openstackgerrit | Andrea Frittoli proposed openstack/qa-specs: Add bp tempest-resources https://review.openstack.org/173334 | 14:01 |
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openstackgerrit | Andrea Frittoli proposed openstack/qa-specs: mv multi-keystone-api-version-tests to implemented https://review.openstack.org/173335 | 14:05 |
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openstackgerrit | Andrea Frittoli proposed openstack/qa-specs: Move resource-cleanup to implemented https://review.openstack.org/173338 | 14:10 |
mtreinish | flwang: I am now | 14:11 |
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andreaf | mtreinish: I proposed three changes into qa-spes: moving multi-keystone-api-version-tests and resource-cleanup to implemented | 14:15 |
andreaf | mtreinish: as well as a new spec (WIP) for liberty | 14:15 |
mtreinish | andreaf: ok I'll take a look | 14:18 |
mtreinish | although the keystone v3 nightlies have been failing :) | 14:18 |
andreaf | mtreinish: you'll need https://review.openstack.org/#/c/171694/ to fix those | 14:20 |
openstackgerrit | Matthew Treinish proposed openstack/qa-specs: Move the multi-keystone-api-version-tests spec to implemented https://review.openstack.org/173335 | 14:21 |
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openstackgerrit | Matthew Treinish proposed openstack/qa-specs: Move resource-cleanup spec to implemented https://review.openstack.org/173338 | 14:30 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/qa-specs: Remove cli-tests-coverage spec https://review.openstack.org/168544 | 14:32 |
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mtreinish | andreaf: on: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/167988/24/tempest/api/compute/servers/test_list_server_filters.py if I just moved that logic into a helper in fixed_network.py would that be good enough? | 14:35 |
mtreinish | I was trying to avoid messing with the response dicts if I could | 14:35 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/qa-specs: Move the multi-keystone-api-version-tests spec to implemented https://review.openstack.org/173335 | 14:35 |
mtreinish | I mean I can do that pretty easily if that's what you feel we should do | 14:35 |
mtreinish | I just like the idea of preserving the response | 14:36 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/qa-specs: Move resource-cleanup spec to implemented https://review.openstack.org/173338 | 14:42 |
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mtreinish | andreaf: actually nm, by moving to a common get_network_from_name() function I think it'll be fixed automatically | 14:43 |
mtreinish | because I forgot we were already doing it in fixed_network | 14:44 |
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openstackgerrit | Sean Dague proposed openstack-dev/grenade: add nova modular resource checks https://review.openstack.org/173364 | 15:01 |
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andreaf | mtreinish: ok I'll wait for the next patch-set | 15:06 |
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openstackgerrit | Matthew Treinish proposed openstack/tempest: Add network support to the accounts providers https://review.openstack.org/167988 | 15:08 |
openstackgerrit | Matthew Treinish proposed openstack/tempest: Improve logging in fixed_networks https://review.openstack.org/172506 | 15:08 |
mtreinish | andreaf: ^^^ | 15:08 |
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sdague | mtreinish: going to bug you for the grenade stack reviews again :) | 15:10 |
sdague | https://review.openstack.org/#/c/173364/1/projects/60_nova/resources.sh,cm is top of stack, and is the nova resources, including the verify_noapi bit | 15:10 |
sdague | dtroyer_zz: also, ping_check param order kind of makes me a sad panda, do you mind if I reorder it in devstack? | 15:12 |
mtreinish | sdague: you'll have to give me a sec I'm in the middle of trying to get the accounts support for networking branch respun | 15:12 |
sdague | ok, no prob | 15:12 |
sdague | I'm about to get ready for lug lunch | 15:12 |
dtroyer_zz | sdague: go for it | 15:12 |
sdague | from-net is sort of weird in the nova-net case, and it's not really clear what you'd provide there | 15:13 |
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mtreinish | sdague: it's not wed | 15:14 |
sdague | mtreinish: moved this month | 15:14 |
sdague | because I have a conflict tomorrow | 15:15 |
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sdague | zomg, _ping_check_neutron .... my eyes, my eyes. | 15:17 |
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sdague | it seems like the neutron cli should actually just give you: neutron ping <server> | 15:17 |
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sdague | because doing this all from shell as a wrapper because the tenant networks are isolated away from the hosts is ... suboptimal | 15:18 |
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openstackgerrit | Matthew Treinish proposed openstack/tempest: Start a tempest config guide networking section https://review.openstack.org/172507 | 15:19 |
openstackgerrit | Matthew Treinish proposed openstack/tempest: Add logging of account allocation to accounts provider https://review.openstack.org/173136 | 15:19 |
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clarkb | sdague: you could put an interface on the tenant network temporarily | 15:21 |
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clarkb | sdague: its still suboptimal but that might be easier than dealing with namespaces and all that fun stuff | 15:21 |
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sdague | so I'm sure that means that last grenade patch fails on the neutron case | 15:35 |
sdague | clarkb: however, it does implement your darmstadt suggestion of ensure the vm is up when no services are up | 15:36 |
clarkb | oh good | 15:36 |
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BharatK | ping mtreinish | 16:15 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/tempest: Make this script work with keystone v2 and v3 https://review.openstack.org/171694 | 16:22 |
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sslypushenko | mtreinish: Thx for review! I'll update patch and we can continue discussion... | 16:34 |
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mtreinish | BharatK: pong | 16:40 |
mtreinish | sslypushenko: sure, np. Sorry it took a while | 16:40 |
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mtreinish | andreaf: looks like the test patches still pass on the respun branch :) | 16:47 |
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mriedem | mtreinish: jogo: sdague: why don't we have paramiko capped on stable/icehouse? | 17:38 |
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mriedem | adam_g: ^? | 17:39 |
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mtreinish | mriedem: dunno | 17:46 |
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jogo | mriedem: I didn't touch capping all the things on stable/icehouse | 17:50 |
sdague | mriedem: because it was done progressively | 17:50 |
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jogo | mriedem: I was focused on getting juno so grenade wouldnn't block master | 17:51 |
sdague | and no one got there yet, caps are welcomed for stuff like that | 17:51 |
mriedem | ok, but we should probably cap paramiko on stable/icehouse yes? | 17:51 |
mriedem | ok | 17:51 |
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mriedem | will do homeys :) | 17:51 |
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mriedem | jogo: adam_g: mtreinish: sdague: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/173441/ | 17:58 |
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sdague | mriedem: how many more icehouse releases are expected? | 17:59 |
mriedem | idk? | 17:59 |
adam_g | theres one more planned | 18:00 |
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adam_g | https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/StableBranchRelease | 18:00 |
sdague | adam_g: ok | 18:01 |
sdague | so the branch is eol as soon as that is cut? | 18:01 |
sdague | wait, is juno eol before icehouse? | 18:01 |
sdague | or is there another juno not listed | 18:02 |
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adam_g | sdague, its not listed, the last juno release dates will get planned in vancouver | 18:03 |
adam_g | i dont remember how soon after the last havana release things went EOL and cleaned out of infra | 18:04 |
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mriedem | adam_g: didn't some of that change as far as how long icehouse will be around for security fixes? | 18:06 |
mriedem | thought i heard 18 months | 18:06 |
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BharatK | mtreinish: Hi | 18:11 |
BharatK | mtreinish: regarding the patch https://review.openstack.org/#/c/173408/ | 18:12 |
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adam_g | mriedem, did it? IIRC i thought we werne't going to shorten the support after its release. i could be wrong, tho | 18:12 |
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mriedem | bknudson: ^? | 18:12 |
mriedem | bknudson has nightmares about this so he knows | 18:13 |
BharatK | mtreinish: Modified the patch as per your suggestion please review it. | 18:13 |
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bknudson | mriedem: I don't know of any changes in stable branch management policy | 18:16 |
mriedem | bknudson: but in paris wasn't there a change in policy to keep stable/icehouse around longer so it can get security fixes? | 18:17 |
mriedem | or is icehouse still dead when stable/kilo is open? | 18:17 |
openstackgerrit | Sean Dague proposed openstack-dev/grenade: add nova modular resource checks https://review.openstack.org/173364 | 18:18 |
sdague | mriedem: 15 months | 18:18 |
sdague | which is july | 18:18 |
bknudson | I think there's an experiment to see if we can support it longer | 18:18 |
sdague | mriedem: under the old model we'd have eoled it in Feb | 18:18 |
bknudson | should be easier with capped libs. | 18:18 |
mriedem | yeah | 18:19 |
mriedem | fwiw, i'm doing cappy things internally right now which is why i'm asking about this :) | 18:19 |
mriedem | but for havana/grizzly/folsom :( | 18:19 |
bknudson | mriedem: did you use the script? | 18:20 |
mriedem | no | 18:20 |
mriedem | i'm not in g-r | 18:21 |
mriedem | anyway, nvm, it's noise | 18:21 |
mriedem | point is we should still cap things on stable/icehouse | 18:21 |
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mtreinish | BharatK: ok, I'll put it on my review list | 18:25 |
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sdague | mriedem: so, if you have such a vested interest in stable trees, why aren't you one of the stable maint release managers? :) | 18:32 |
mriedem | sdague: idk, mtreinish asked the same last week | 18:33 |
mtreinish | mriedem: I did? | 18:34 |
mriedem | mtreinish: you said something about me merging a stable change in nova | 18:34 |
mriedem | i'm not on the nova stable maint team | 18:34 |
mtreinish | oh, that I could believe | 18:34 |
mriedem | right now what i'm doing is capping requirements on older eol branches in our internal tempest, b/c we don't run branchless tempest on stable | 18:35 |
mriedem | so we have a stable grizzly branch basically | 18:35 |
mriedem | created from grizzly-eol | 18:35 |
mriedem | in case we need to cherry pick things to that, or just make changes, like capping requirements | 18:36 |
mtreinish | mriedem: man, I would quit if that was something I had to worry about | 18:37 |
mriedem | why we don't run master tempest on stable branches internally? basically b/c our build guys couldn't keep up with the changes and the config options, etc, so we narrow the scope of changes that can regress the builds | 18:37 |
mriedem | mtreinish: i'm only worried about this build/test team screwing up how to cap requirements, which is what they were doing | 18:37 |
mriedem | e.g. they were trying to make latest testtools work on havana | 18:37 |
sdague | mriedem: hah | 18:38 |
mriedem | yeah | 18:38 |
mtreinish | heh, yeah that's not going to work | 18:38 |
mriedem | i know | 18:38 |
mriedem | remember we aren't just pulling things and doing pip installs | 18:38 |
mriedem | since we're packaging stuff up | 18:38 |
mriedem | so it's messy | 18:38 |
sdague | mriedem: so, honestly, if you are doing this work anyway, it might be worth bringing that forward and doing it community side instead | 18:38 |
sdague | put a really stripped down set of tests in there | 18:39 |
mriedem | sdague: like a stable/grizzly tempest branch? | 18:39 |
sdague | mriedem: tempest already has that branch | 18:39 |
mtreinish | sdague: no the branch is dead | 18:39 |
mriedem | tempest has grizzly-eol | 18:39 |
mtreinish | there is a eol tag | 18:39 |
sdague | the first non branched version is icehouse | 18:39 |
mriedem | our osee-grizzly is started from grizzly-eol | 18:39 |
mriedem | yeah | 18:39 |
sdague | but, yeh | 18:39 |
mriedem | so we have our icehouse branch from the '1' tag | 18:39 |
mriedem | plus patches, like a version cap | 18:40 |
mriedem | and hashseed fixes, etc | 18:40 |
mriedem | the diff from the tags are very small - on purpose | 18:40 |
sdague | honestly, I could also see the tempest team deciding to branch tempest-eol-icehouse if people want to keep working on it, so that tempest master can move forward with stuff that old systems are too buggy to do reliably | 18:40 |
sdague | mriedem: yeh, the point is, this is actually *why* we have stable branches | 18:41 |
mtreinish | mriedem: I'm more curious what config changes we made in tempest that they couldn't keep up with. It's not like we make breaking config changes, its most just adds | 18:41 |
sdague | for vendors to collab on because they were doing to do the work themselves | 18:41 |
mtreinish | sdague: yeah, so that's something I personally won't ever support. I won't stop others, but that's a game I do not want to work on | 18:42 |
sdague | mtreinish: right, so carve a branch at some point and let someone else | 18:42 |
mtreinish | well I was just planning to tag the icehouse eol (probably tepmest-5 or tempest-6) and mark it in the tag | 18:44 |
sdague | mtreinish: configuring tempest without devstack to help you, is definitely challenging | 18:44 |
mtreinish | I'm not sure we want to have the branch on main tempest repo | 18:44 |
sdague | mtreinish: why not? | 18:44 |
mriedem | mtreinish: well, so like i could see the change to default ot pass network uuid on server create would break things on older branches | 18:44 |
mtreinish | sdague: yeah it is, which is why I started that guide | 18:44 |
mtreinish | sdague: but mriedem is using devstack | 18:44 |
mriedem | i'm not | 18:44 |
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mtreinish | mriedem: I thought your build system used it | 18:45 |
mriedem | we're not using devstack b/c we need to pull nova from a yum repo where we package nova | 18:45 |
sdague | ribos:~/code/openstack/devstack(master)> git grep TEMPEST_CONFIG | wc -l | 18:45 |
sdague | 104 | 18:45 |
mriedem | it's not a git pull | 18:45 |
mriedem | mtreinish: nope, i wish | 18:45 |
mriedem | i wish we were using devstack | 18:45 |
sdague | 104 manual variable sets | 18:45 |
mtreinish | sdague: yeah I know | 18:45 |
mriedem | i've pushed them to move to that for a long time, but it would require changes to devstack | 18:45 |
mriedem | or forks on our end | 18:45 |
sdague | mriedem: what kind of changes, out of curiosity? | 18:46 |
mriedem | so rather than git clone nova, you'd have yum install python-nova | 18:46 |
mriedem | or openstack-nova, something like htat | 18:46 |
mtreinish | mriedem: actually I wouldn't expect that particular config change to break old branches. I would expect it to break misconfigured systems | 18:46 |
sdague | oh, yeh, that would be a little wonky pants | 18:46 |
mriedem | right | 18:46 |
mriedem | mtreinish: yeah, that's also true - and like i said, the people running this aren't like openstack devs either, they are more packaging people | 18:47 |
mriedem | so they do a lot of reinventing the wheel for things that devstack has already fixed when tempest changes something | 18:47 |
mriedem | or requires a change | 18:47 |
mtreinish | heh, fair enough | 18:47 |
mriedem | we basically ran most of tempest full with neutron and w/o tenant isolation for a long time, they finally switched to just smoke tests for kilo b/c tempest full was too unstable on a daily basis | 18:48 |
mriedem | not tempest, but openstack code | 18:48 |
mriedem | the end of the pipeline is just refstack, which is like nothing, 140 tests or something | 18:49 |
mtreinish | mriedem: heh, the smoke tag is useless | 18:49 |
openstackgerrit | Andrew Lazarev proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Switching Sahara to https in case of USE_SSL=True https://review.openstack.org/153741 | 18:49 |
openstackgerrit | Andrew Lazarev proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Added support of sahara with tls-proxy service https://review.openstack.org/154303 | 18:49 |
mriedem | mtreinish: it's just being used to limit the number of tests | 18:49 |
mtreinish | it turns out you don't always need tenant isolation to run it in parallel either | 18:49 |
mriedem | so 300 rather than 2000 | 18:49 |
mtreinish | we really need to fix that tag so it means something | 18:49 |
sdague | mtreinish: yeh, the smoke tag is useless enough, I'm pretty close to abandoning it in grenade for a list of test ids for each service instead | 18:49 |
mriedem | yeah i don't know why they are still doing allow_tenant_isolation=false | 18:50 |
mriedem | i consider the smoke tag more like refstack in this case | 18:50 |
mriedem | or happy path apis | 18:50 |
mriedem | if you can't pass smoke tempest in your deployment, you have problems | 18:50 |
mtreinish | mriedem: except it really isn't that | 18:50 |
mtreinish | it's like a bunch of random api tests which don't do much | 18:50 |
mtreinish | all of neutron api | 18:51 |
mtreinish | and scenario | 18:51 |
mriedem | i thought for a long time it was a way of identifying what neutron would pass with? | 18:51 |
mtreinish | yeah, it'll run all the neutron api tests | 18:51 |
mriedem | yeah, so we've been running only with neutron since grizzly | 18:51 |
mriedem | so while the community was doing neutron non-voting for several releases, we were doing that 'voting' essentially daily | 18:51 |
mriedem | so, you know, painful | 18:51 |
mriedem | plus qpid, which isn't tested upstream :( oh and db2 | 18:52 |
mriedem | on rhel | 18:52 |
mtreinish | sdague: btw, on the test selection side jgriffith and cinder asked this: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/172984/ | 18:52 |
mtreinish | it's probably the opposite of what you'd want in the grenade case | 18:52 |
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mtreinish | but we can add a similar thing for the include case (and add a file for include regexes) | 18:52 |
mtreinish | mriedem: yeah, that's just asking for trouble | 18:53 |
mriedem | that's why it's not my full time job anymore :) | 18:54 |
mriedem | just on chinese holidays | 18:54 |
mriedem | mtreinish: but if it weren't my thing, we'd have never become such great buddies!!! | 18:54 |
mtreinish | heh, that sounds like the best time to take vacations then :) | 18:54 |
mtreinish | mriedem: hehe, good point :) | 18:54 |
sdague | mtreinish: it would be nice to document https://review.openstack.org/#/c/172984/ more than a hard to decypher help message | 18:55 |
mtreinish | sdague: yeah docs are a todo for that, there really aren't any yet | 18:55 |
sdague | It also seems like you really want comment blocks to be able to be before a regex as well to provide longer explanatino | 18:56 |
mtreinish | well they work as comments, but not descriptions for the output | 18:56 |
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mtreinish | remember I suck at regex and all text parsing so... | 18:57 |
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sdague | yeh, you should actually do this with real parser | 18:59 |
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mtreinish | sdague: sure for the next rev that's probably a good idea | 19:00 |
mtreinish | err s/rev/follow-on patch | 19:00 |
sdague | gertty/config.py has a real lexical parser in it | 19:01 |
sdague | as an example | 19:01 |
mtreinish | sdague: thanks I'll take a look | 19:01 |
mtreinish | (or maybe just con jeblair into doing it for me) | 19:01 |
sdague | mtreinish / dtroyer ok, so I do need actual feedback on the resource test scripts - https://review.openstack.org/#/c/172927 | 19:02 |
sdague | because I think I'm basically 2 more patches away from being able to remove javelin from grenade | 19:02 |
sdague | if the direction looks sound | 19:03 |
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mtreinish | sdague: ok, I'll go through the stack now | 19:04 |
mtreinish | sdague: if you get a chance my network accounts support series is up too: https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open+project:openstack/tempest+branch:master+topic:accounts_v3,n,z | 19:04 |
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mtreinish | sdague: yeah that approach seems fine to me | 19:15 |
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sdague | it appears there is all this code in javelin that's not actually used as well | 19:16 |
sdague | which actually makes this a little simpler | 19:16 |
mtreinish | sdague: my only concern is debugging will be different | 19:16 |
mtreinish | but I can't remember the last time this phase failed so whatever | 19:16 |
sdague | \o/ - https://review.openstack.org/#/c/173364/ - passed on nova | 19:16 |
sdague | honestly, now the logs will be in the grenade log, instead of that separate one you have to time corrolate | 19:17 |
sdague | that drives me so nuts | 19:17 |
mtreinish | sdague: well that's actually not hard to fix w/ javelin, just set it to print the logs on stdout instead of a separate file | 19:18 |
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sdague | so 173364 had the possibility to cause a really bad day, because it's the first time we actually check the VMs are still working when n-cpu is down | 19:18 |
mtreinish | I was thinking more about giving you enough breadcrumbs of what the client is doing underneath the covers | 19:18 |
mtreinish | yeah I could see that being problematic | 19:19 |
mtreinish | it just ssh's into the guest after you shut nova down or something? | 19:19 |
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sdague | it's only a ping test | 19:21 |
sdague | which is what we did before | 19:21 |
sdague | but we never did it with services down | 19:22 |
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mtreinish | I thought that was a phase in javelin | 19:24 |
mtreinish | or was it just before we shutdown and after we brought things back? | 19:24 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/os-testr: Add support for having comments in the exclude file https://review.openstack.org/172984 | 19:25 |
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openstackgerrit | Armando Migliaccio proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Add Neutron DVR aiopcpu support https://review.openstack.org/158525 | 19:39 |
openstackgerrit | Armando Migliaccio proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: ***DO NOT MERGE*** Flip DVR bit to collect experimental run datapoints https://review.openstack.org/171809 | 19:39 |
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openstackgerrit | Sean Dague proposed openstack-dev/grenade: add swift resource test script https://review.openstack.org/173484 | 19:43 |
sdague | mtreinish: it's once things are back up | 19:43 |
sdague | because, a bunch of the tests assume working api | 19:43 |
mtreinish | sdague: ah, ok | 19:44 |
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sdague | sc68cal: are you actually around atm? | 19:46 |
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sdague | clarkb: actually, maybe you could help me with this. What set of cli magic is needed in a neutron environment to actually give a vm an address? | 19:49 |
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clarkb | sdague: create a floating ip with neutron floatingip-create | 19:51 |
clarkb | sdague: then neutron floatingip-associate nodename fipaddr | 19:51 |
openstackgerrit | Armando Migliaccio proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Add Neutron DVR aiopcpu support https://review.openstack.org/158525 | 19:51 |
sdague | no need to create networks or anything? | 19:52 |
openstackgerrit | Armando Migliaccio proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: ***DO NOT MERGE*** Flip DVR bit to collect experimental run datapoints https://review.openstack.org/171809 | 19:52 |
clarkb | oh that depends on your cloud | 19:52 |
clarkb | sdague: you need to create a subnet, network, and router if there isn't a default set of those things already there for you | 19:52 |
sdague | clarkb: so... https://review.openstack.org/#/c/173364/2/projects/60_nova/resources.sh,cm | 19:53 |
sdague | works fine in n-net, because, networking is actually automatic | 19:53 |
clarkb | sdague: for devstack/grenade you should only need to do the floating ip thing | 19:53 |
sdague | clarkb: ok, cool | 19:55 |
openstackgerrit | Moshe Levi proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Remove tox working folder when recloning https://review.openstack.org/172385 | 19:56 |
mtreinish | clarkb: well maybe, assuming the tenant has the network all setup it just needs a fip. If it's creating a new tenant it would need to do the network creation steps iirc | 19:57 |
clarkb | mtreinish: ya but tenant should exist there because its grenade | 20:00 |
mtreinish | clarkb: well tbh I didn't look at his test patch yet. But it's conceivable that it creates a separate tenant, etc for the resource testing | 20:00 |
mtreinish | that's all I was saying | 20:00 |
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openstackgerrit | Thiago Paiva Brito proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Fixing n-crt removal from stackrc https://review.openstack.org/173493 | 20:03 |
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openstackgerrit | Sergey Slipushenko proposed openstack/tempest: WIP: Test UUID duplication fix https://review.openstack.org/165921 | 20:08 |
mtreinish | sslypushenko: ^^^ if you put WIP in the commit summary people will probably not look at it... | 20:09 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-dev/grenade: module upgrade service tests https://review.openstack.org/172503 | 20:20 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-dev/grenade: consolidate all target setup into prep-target https://review.openstack.org/172636 | 20:20 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-dev/grenade: cleanup and document where we stand https://review.openstack.org/172648 | 20:23 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-dev/grenade: fix juno upgrade-keystone script https://review.openstack.org/172955 | 20:23 |
openstackgerrit | Thiago Paiva Brito proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Fixing n-crt removal from stackrc https://review.openstack.org/173493 | 20:23 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-dev/devstack: Ignore *.img images in files folder https://review.openstack.org/172706 | 20:36 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-dev/devstack: rpc: Allow to configure the rabbitmq heartbeat https://review.openstack.org/171990 | 20:44 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-dev/devstack: Fix docs about heat in devtack https://review.openstack.org/171356 | 20:50 |
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vereniza_55 | hi .im running tempest against Juno.. all my tests are running fine except "tempest.api.compute" ... all tests failing with same error http://fpaste.org/210980/90448191/ | 20:53 |
vereniza_55 | The Error for all tests is same : Details: {u'message': u"Malformed request URL: URL's project_id '1aa424ff51d545fa9ec49e5c4bc6b13d' doesn't match Context's project_id '4069cd56ffb649ddbf457b766f17248d'", u'code': 400} | 20:54 |
openstackgerrit | Jamie Lennox proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Unset other authentication options https://review.openstack.org/173515 | 20:54 |
vereniza_55 | now , 1aa424ff51d545fa9ec49e5c4bc6b13d is the tenant id of tenant named 'admin' ... i have `allow_tenant_isolation=true` ..so tests create separate tenants for each user for each test | 20:55 |
vereniza_55 | im not sure why its getting admin tenant in response ... | 20:55 |
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mtreinish | vereniza_55: what does it say in the service logs when it's returning the 400? Also what's in the tempest logs for that request which is failing | 21:14 |
mtreinish | just the traceback isn't really a lot to go on | 21:14 |
mtreinish | but it sounds like something is misconfigured somewhere | 21:14 |
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openstackgerrit | Armando Migliaccio proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Add Neutron DVR aiopcpu support https://review.openstack.org/158525 | 21:23 |
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openstackgerrit | Armando Migliaccio proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: ***DO NOT MERGE*** Flip DVR bit to collect experimental run datapoints https://review.openstack.org/171809 | 21:24 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-dev/grenade: modular resource checking infrastructure https://review.openstack.org/172927 | 21:25 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-dev/devstack: Add ironic files to .gitignore https://review.openstack.org/171966 | 21:25 |
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vereniza_55 | mtreinish: hi sorry for late..new to tempest..where do i define the tempest log location?? | 21:28 |
vereniza_55 | mtreinish: by service logs you mean , nova logs?? | 21:28 |
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mtreinish | vereniza_55: yeah nova logs, keystone logs, the logs for whichever service is returning 400 | 21:29 |
mtreinish | the tempest logs by default are tempest.log in the working dir you started the tempest run from | 21:29 |
mtreinish | but it's configurable in the tempest.conf file | 21:29 |
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openstackgerrit | Sergey Slipushenko proposed openstack/tempest: Test UUID duplication fix https://review.openstack.org/165921 | 21:34 |
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vereniza_55 | mtreinish: sorry for asking again...how can i enable logging for tempest? and set the location of log file?? | 21:36 |
vereniza_55 | is it this one ? #log_file = <None> | 21:37 |
mtreinish | vereniza_55: it logs by default, like I said before to: tempest.log in the working directory from where you ran tempest | 21:37 |
sslypushenko | mtreinish: Can you, please, add reviewers to this patch(https://review.openstack.org/165921) , who can be interested in its discussion | 21:37 |
mtreinish | vereniza_55: yes that's one of the options to specify an alternate location where to have it write the log file | 21:38 |
mtreinish | sslypushenko: tbh the gerrit thing for doing that doesn't do anything really useful. Unless they have email notifications enabled | 21:38 |
mtreinish | sslypushenko: it's better to just ping a person you think would be interested in it | 21:38 |
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vereniza_55 | mtreinish: not seeing the log file in tempest dir...do i rename logging.conf.sample to logging.conf ?? | 21:40 |
mtreinish | vereniza_55: no that's just a sample if you wanted to tell tempest to use an external logging config file | 21:41 |
mtreinish | it wouldn't do anything if you did that | 21:42 |
vereniza_55 | ohk...im running tempest again and again..but dont see tempest.log file... i think i will see the var log_file | 21:42 |
vereniza_55 | mtreinish: what should i set this one to ?? # Domain name for authentication as admin (Keystone V3).The same # domain applies to user and project (string value) #domain_name = <None> | 21:44 |
sslypushenko | mtreinish: thnx | 21:45 |
mtreinish | vereniza_55: are you using keystone v3 for auth? | 21:45 |
vereniza_55 | mtreinish: no v3. just v2... | 21:45 |
mtreinish | then that won't do anything. If you were using v3 you would have to specify which domain to use for the admin user | 21:46 |
vereniza_55 | mtreinish: ok thanks ) | 21:46 |
vereniza_55 | mtreinish: so now i see tempest.log, but its all empty .... | 21:47 |
vereniza_55 | even after running the tests | 21:47 |
mtreinish | so I just double checked, I was mistaken you do need to set log_file to something in your tempest.conf to get it to write something | 21:48 |
mtreinish | vereniza_55: I would also enable debug and verbose in the tempest.conf file to get it to log more | 21:48 |
mtreinish | if it's making api requests though it should log something at info though | 21:48 |
vereniza_55 | ehh my bad ..:/ | 21:48 |
mtreinish | especially with tenant isolation it logs every user it creates | 21:48 |
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vereniza_55 | mtreinish: is there a way to log only to tempest.log and not to terminal output?? | 21:52 |
vereniza_55 | mtreinish: nevermind... set "use_stderr=false" worked ) | 21:54 |
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vereniza_55 | mtreinish: ok here is the tempest.log for when i run `./run_tempest.sh tempest.api.compute.servers.test_servers` http://paste.openstack.org/show/203921/ | 21:57 |
vereniza_55 | snap..it only pasted part of it... | 21:57 |
vereniza_55 | mtreinish: here it is http://pastebin.com/HXmr5RaT | 21:59 |
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mtreinish | so which version of tempest are you using? | 22:01 |
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vereniza_55 | mtreinish: tempest..tag 2 | 22:02 |
vereniza_55 | mtreinish: i deployed juno openstack | 22:02 |
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mtreinish | vereniza_55: so I've never seen the behavior your encountering let me check out tag 2 to try and trace through what could be causing that | 22:11 |
mtreinish | vereniza_55: but you can easily use tempest tag 3 with juno too, it also supports running against juno | 22:11 |
mtreinish | the supported releases are in the tag notes | 22:11 |
vereniza_55 | mtreinish: yes i switched to tag 2 ..because tag 3 was showing same error | 22:16 |
vereniza_55 | mtreinish: but basically both are same... | 22:16 |
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mtreinish | vereniza_55: oh, you're setting the default user in config to be the admin user, try removing those options from the config file | 22:21 |
mtreinish | so identity.username, identity.password, and identity.tenant_name should not be set or use different value from admin | 22:22 |
mtreinish | I'm not sure why that path would be used though if tenant_isolation is enabled | 22:22 |
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vereniza_55 | mtreinish: thanks...should i set them to <None>?? | 22:28 |
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mtreinish | you should be able to just comment out or delete the lines | 22:29 |
mtreinish | I don't think <None> will work (it might think you're trying to use that string for the value) | 22:29 |
vereniza_55 | ok thanks for suggestion...let me try this time | 22:29 |
vereniza_55 | mtreinish: woops...got this raise exceptions.InvalidConfiguration() InvalidConfiguration: Invalid Configuration Ran 0 tests in 2.220s OK | 22:30 |
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mtreinish | vereniza_55: on tempest 2 or tempest 3? | 22:32 |
vereniza_55 | tempest 2.. | 22:33 |
vereniza_55 | mtreinish: should i try tempest 3?? | 22:34 |
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openstackgerrit | Matthew Treinish proposed openstack/tempest: Set default value for tempest log file https://review.openstack.org/173581 | 22:34 |
mtreinish | vereniza_55: yeah I think on tempest 2 you might have needed to always set a user even if it wasn't really used | 22:34 |
mtreinish | it might be that way on tempest 3 too | 22:35 |
mtreinish | in which case just put a different (non admin) user in that section for config | 22:35 |
mtreinish | fwiw, it's not that way on master | 22:35 |
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vereniza_55 | mtreinish: so master branch is simple where tempest.conf is simple to setup.? is it good to run again Juno atm?? | 22:36 |
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mtreinish | vereniza_55: yes we run every change on master against all the currently supported branches | 22:38 |
mtreinish | which means it supports icehouse, juno, kilo, and liberty (for where that branch exists already) | 22:38 |
vereniza_55 | mtreinish: yep same issue of invalid configuration with tempest 3...i will create a 'demo' user and add it to conf ... | 22:39 |
mtreinish | yeah I think that fix might have landed in the last couple of months | 22:39 |
mtreinish | it's hard for me to remember exactly when things landed sometimes | 22:39 |
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jamielennox | is create_userrc.sh in devstack/tools supposed to be backward compatible with anything? can i just remove --options | 22:49 |
vereniza_55 | mtreinish: should i add the demo user to tenant named 'admin"?? | 22:50 |
mtreinish | vereniza_55: no, it has to be a separate tenant | 22:50 |
mtreinish | jamielennox: no idea, I'd ask dtroyer | 22:51 |
mtreinish | I'm not sure where that's being used tbh | 22:51 |
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jamielennox | mtreinish: it's used at the end of devstack to create like accrc/admin/admin and demo/demo - i'm not sure why it's a tool and not a function | 22:51 |
openstackgerrit | Joe Gordon proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add fingerprint for bug 1442272 https://review.openstack.org/173591 | 23:00 |
openstack | bug 1442272 in neutron "functional.agent.test_ovs_flows.ARPSpoofTestCase.test_arp_spoof_disable_port_security fails" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1442272 - Assigned to Maru Newby (maru) | 23:00 |
jogo | mtreinish: seeing some ceph failures | 23:00 |
jogo | mtreinish: who do I ping about those? | 23:00 |
mtreinish | jogo: mriedem? | 23:01 |
mtreinish | or dansmith they were the ones who were bugging me about it before | 23:01 |
dansmith | jogo: yeah, or jbernard | 23:01 |
jogo | jbernard: http://logs.openstack.org/12/162112/3/gate/gate-tempest-dsvm-full-ceph/7e62632/logs/testr_results.html.gz | 23:02 |
jogo | a bunch of hits in http://status.openstack.org/elastic-recheck/data/uncategorized.html | 23:02 |
mtreinish | jogo: that's on a juno patch | 23:03 |
mtreinish | it shouldnt be run on juno | 23:03 |
jogo | ahh gotcha | 23:03 |
mtreinish | I think adam_g said he was going to push the project config patch to fix all that | 23:03 |
jogo | yeah I saw a patch doing that | 23:04 |
openstackgerrit | Ian Wienand proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Fix negated services with common prefix https://review.openstack.org/173593 | 23:04 |
mtreinish | jamielennox: oh that might mean you have to worry about backwards compat | 23:05 |
mtreinish | but I'm not sure | 23:05 |
mtreinish | dtroyer: would have the real answer | 23:05 |
jogo | mtreinish: do you know what bug that was? | 23:05 |
mtreinish | jogo: no clue | 23:05 |
mtreinish | assuming one was even filed | 23:05 |
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jogo | https://review.openstack.org/#/c/173319/ | 23:06 |
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openstackgerrit | Joe Gordon proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add fingerprint for bug 1439371 https://review.openstack.org/173595 | 23:09 |
openstack | bug 1439371 in Cinder "Volume creation from image fails for UEC and Glance API version 2" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1439371 - Assigned to Jon Bernard (jbernard) | 23:09 |
jogo | mtreinish: ^ | 23:10 |
mtreinish | but isn't that really a different bug | 23:10 |
mtreinish | because the bug here is that ceph doesn't really work on juno | 23:11 |
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mtreinish | 143971 is just the bug that was blocking the boot from volume test | 23:11 |
jogo | mtreinish: yeah ... I can file another bug instead if that is better | 23:12 |
mtreinish | jogo: tbh I don't care at all | 23:12 |
mtreinish | I was just saying | 23:12 |
jogo | just trying to get our classification rate up | 23:12 |
jogo | to better understand if we have any hidden bugs in the kilo RCs | 23:12 |
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openstackgerrit | Ian Wienand proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Add a peak memory tracker to dstat https://review.openstack.org/171919 | 23:35 |
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