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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-dev/devstack: Install python-libvirt for ceilometer only if n-cpu enabled https://review.openstack.org/192766 | 00:06 |
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mriedem1 | jgriffith: if it starts showing up in the gate or on multiple unrelated changes in the check queue, then yeah we can get the e-r query going | 00:27 |
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jgriffith | mriedem1: thanks | 00:28 |
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openstackgerrit | Ken'ichi Ohmichi proposed openstack/tempest: Add a rule for blocking "-" from rand_name call https://review.openstack.org/166679 | 00:50 |
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mriedem1 | mtreinish: are you still lost in space somewhere? | 00:50 |
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openstackgerrit | fumihiko kakuma proposed openstack/tempest: Fix no attribute 'is_dvr_router' error in test_l3_agent_scheduler https://review.openstack.org/192155 | 00:56 |
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openstackgerrit | yan.haifeng proposed openstack/tempest: Fix failed to access pip server when run behind proxy https://review.openstack.org/190954 | 00:58 |
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openstackgerrit | Ken'ichi Ohmichi proposed openstack/tempest: WIP: Add hacking rule for "GET /resources" https://review.openstack.org/168762 | 01:03 |
openstackgerrit | Ken'ichi Ohmichi proposed openstack/tempest: Apply a naming rule of GET to compute clients([ik]) https://review.openstack.org/190485 | 01:03 |
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openstackgerrit | yan.haifeng proposed openstack/tempest: Fix failed to access pip server when run behind proxy https://review.openstack.org/190954 | 01:13 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/tempest-lib: Explicitly add json schema validator for schema validation https://review.openstack.org/189193 | 01:16 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-dev/devstack: Add note on openrc and zsh https://review.openstack.org/187406 | 02:27 |
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openstackgerrit | gordon chung proposed openstack/tempest: add initial check for nova event in ceilometer https://review.openstack.org/155287 | 02:28 |
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openstackgerrit | gordon chung proposed openstack/tempest: add initial check for nova event in ceilometer https://review.openstack.org/155287 | 02:31 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-dev/devstack: Actually install the requirements repo. https://review.openstack.org/192494 | 03:21 |
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openstackrecheck | openstack/cinder change: https://review.openstack.org/187666 failed gate-cinder-python27 in the gate queue with an unrecognized error | 03:43 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/tempest: Made a several-seconds checking&waiting for object to be deleted https://review.openstack.org/192111 | 04:14 |
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openstackgerrit | Ian Wienand proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Add option to setup netconsole to remote destination https://review.openstack.org/192976 | 05:56 |
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openstackgerrit | Qian Gao proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Add a new configuration option to configure LVM type https://review.openstack.org/192985 | 06:31 |
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openstackgerrit | Jamie Lennox proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Put glance into multi-tenant mode https://review.openstack.org/192990 | 06:56 |
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openstackrecheck | openstack/nova change: https://review.openstack.org/178442 failed because of: gate-grenade-dsvm: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1463631 | 07:30 |
openstack | Launchpad bug 1463631 in grenade "60_nova/resources.sh:106:ping_check_public fails intermittently" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 07:30 |
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openstackgerrit | Joseph Lanoux proposed openstack/tempest: Create shared ssh verification by extending RemoteClient https://review.openstack.org/153899 | 07:54 |
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openstackgerrit | Joseph Lanoux proposed openstack/tempest: Create shared ssh verification by extending RemoteClient https://review.openstack.org/153899 | 07:57 |
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openstackgerrit | Joseph Lanoux proposed openstack/tempest: Migrate compute tests to the ssh-auth-strategy https://review.openstack.org/165504 | 08:00 |
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openstackrecheck | openstack/horizon change: https://review.openstack.org/189431 failed because of: gate-tempest-dsvm-full: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1252947 https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1355573 https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1451506 | 08:10 |
openstack | Launchpad bug 1252947 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "libvirtError: Cannot recv data: Connection reset by peer" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 08:10 |
openstack | Launchpad bug 1355573 in grenade "grenade volume scenarios periodically fail /w SSHTimeout" [Undecided,New] | 08:10 |
openstack | Launchpad bug 1451506 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "spawn failed with "libvirtError: internal error: received hangup / error event on socket" in the gate" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 08:10 |
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openstackgerrit | Jordan Pittier proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Check if lvm2 is installed before doing anything lvm2 related https://review.openstack.org/186696 | 08:17 |
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andreaf | gmann: hi - are you still around? | 08:27 |
gmann | andreaf: hi | 08:27 |
andreaf | gmann: I wanted to ask you about your comment on jlanoux patch https://review.openstack.org/#/c/151601/ | 08:28 |
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gmann | andreaf: yea | 08:28 |
andreaf | gmann: I just noticed now that you +2 that patch now | 08:28 |
gmann | andreaf: actually my concern is to have cleanup part also in same common method | 08:29 |
andreaf | gmann: so what I didn't understand was your concern with associating the floating IP in the loop | 08:29 |
andreaf | gmann: ok | 08:29 |
andreaf | gmann: well the fact is that a server can be created as a class level resource or a test level resource | 08:30 |
andreaf | gmann: and depending on that the clean-up procedure would be different | 08:30 |
gmann | andreaf: ok, That i got clarified from jlanoux that when we are going to extend wait_until with SSHABLE etc that part anyways will be in that condition only | 08:30 |
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andreaf | gmann: a way to make sure developers do not forget about cleanup when writing new tests could be to include a callable in the method signature, which takes the server(s) as input | 08:31 |
gmann | andreaf: i was thinking to wrape common create server method in a class inherited from testtools.TestCase so that we can use addCleanup there | 08:31 |
andreaf | gmann: yes but addCleanup is only good when you want a sever to be deleted after the test is complete | 08:32 |
gmann | andreaf: yea at class level it is not possible | 08:32 |
andreaf | gmann: but some test classes use servers which are created at class level and only deleted after all tests have been executed | 08:32 |
gmann | andreaf: i like your idea also to take cleanup callable as input and common method will call that | 08:33 |
andreaf | gmann: so we could have something like create_test_server( .... , server_cleanup_callable) | 08:33 |
andreaf | gmann, jlanoux: ok, we will implement that in a follow-up patch then ^^^^ | 08:34 |
gmann | andreaf: but when create server will call that? | 08:34 |
jlanoux | andreaf: gmann okidoki | 08:34 |
gmann | andreaf: or something create server method will just add resources to be deleted in that callable and then caller will delete those as per their scope | 08:36 |
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gmann | andreaf: jlanoux : and have clear_server also in same common file from compute/base.py so that each test class can use that while deleting serves | 08:43 |
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andreaf | gmann, jlanoux: the callable that clean-up the server shall not clean-up right away, it shall do whatever is required to schedule a cleanup at the right point in time | 08:44 |
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andreaf | gmann, jlanoux: which could be a call to addCleanup or adding the server to a list which is cleaned up at resource_cleanup time | 08:45 |
gmann | andreaf: yea. +1 | 08:46 |
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dims | sdague: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/186365/ (Add oslo.service to devstack-vm-gate-wrap.sh) is ready when you get a chance, please take a look | 10:26 |
sdague | dims: ... looking, just got to my computer | 10:27 |
dims | sdague: good morning! | 10:27 |
sdague | dims: do you already have the devstack patch up for lib from git support for that? | 10:28 |
dims | sdague: let me double check | 10:28 |
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openstackgerrit | Davanum Srinivas (dims) proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Add oslo.service to devstack https://review.openstack.org/193054 | 10:32 |
dims | sdague: looks like we missed a step here it is now | 10:33 |
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sdague | so, it's fine for that step to come next | 10:33 |
sdague | just, they need to be paired | 10:33 |
dims | want me to add a depends on? | 10:34 |
sdague | nope, it's fine | 10:34 |
dims | thanks! | 10:34 |
sdague | I just wanted both of them up there so any jobs that got defined were doing what was expected | 10:34 |
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kiran-r | sdauge: Hi! =) | 10:45 |
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kiran-r | sdauge: Is there a way to connect VMś other than floating IP through tempest.?? | 10:47 |
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kiran-r | afazekas: Hi! | 10:48 |
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openstackgerrit | nithya-ganesan proposed openstack/tempest: Modify RemoteClient to use ssh validation config parameters https://review.openstack.org/153899 | 10:52 |
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openstackgerrit | nithya-ganesan proposed openstack/tempest: Modify RemoteClient to use ssh validation config parameters https://review.openstack.org/153899 | 11:01 |
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afazekas | kiran-r: hi | 11:17 |
openstackgerrit | Alexander Gubanov proposed openstack/tempest: Added list of network extensions in tempest.conf https://review.openstack.org/192701 | 11:30 |
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openstackgerrit | Gorka Eguileor proposed openstack/tempest: Add tests for Cinder volume list pagination https://review.openstack.org/192763 | 11:34 |
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openstackgerrit | nithya-ganesan proposed openstack/tempest: Modify RemoteClient to use ssh validation config parameters https://review.openstack.org/153899 | 11:41 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-dev/devstack: Add oslo.service to devstack https://review.openstack.org/193054 | 12:21 |
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openstackgerrit | izadorozhna proposed openstack/tempest: Expanded assertion in test_create_token for keystone v2, v3 https://review.openstack.org/190123 | 12:47 |
hop | hi, guys please review https://review.openstack.org/#/c/189687/ | 12:47 |
hop | and this https://review.openstack.org/#/c/192701/ | 12:54 |
hop | thanks | 12:54 |
openstackgerrit | Joseph Lanoux proposed openstack/tempest: Migrate compute tests to the ssh-auth-strategy https://review.openstack.org/165504 | 12:54 |
openstackgerrit | Joseph Lanoux proposed openstack/tempest: Migrate compute tests to the ssh-auth-strategy https://review.openstack.org/165504 | 13:00 |
openstackgerrit | Joseph Lanoux proposed openstack/tempest: DO NOT MERGE - test ssh-auth-strategy in the gate https://review.openstack.org/169204 | 13:01 |
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openstackgerrit | Gorka Eguileor proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Update query for bug 1412513 https://review.openstack.org/193118 | 13:13 |
openstack | bug 1412513 in Cinder "Intermittent unit test failures for incorrect notifier count" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1412513 - Assigned to Eric Harney (eharney) | 13:13 |
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ylobankov | dkranz, gmann, mtreinish, afazekas: could you please take a look at https://review.openstack.org/#/c/192657? Also anyone is welcome to review :) Thank you! | 13:34 |
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afazekas | ylobankov, https://review.openstack.org/#/c/94741/8/specs/ssh-auth-strategy.rst,cm | 13:44 |
afazekas | CONF.validation.connect_method is the one which should be preserved | 13:45 |
ylobankov | afazekas: so we should remove another option (CONF.compute.use_floatingip_for_ssh)? | 13:46 |
afazekas | ylobankov: y | 13:47 |
ylobankov | afazekas: ok, I will rework patch :) | 13:47 |
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openstackgerrit | izadorozhna proposed openstack/tempest: Added test_list_tenant non-admin test to test_tokens.py https://review.openstack.org/192709 | 13:53 |
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openstackgerrit | Joseph Lanoux proposed openstack/tempest: Migrate compute tests to the ssh-auth-strategy https://review.openstack.org/165504 | 13:55 |
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openstackgerrit | Joseph Lanoux proposed openstack/tempest: DO NOT MERGE - test ssh-auth-strategy in the gate https://review.openstack.org/169204 | 13:56 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Update query for bug 1413034 https://review.openstack.org/192891 | 14:04 |
openstack | bug 1413034 in OpenStack-Gate "Download of get-pip.py failed" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1413034 | 14:04 |
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openstackgerrit | John Griffith proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for bug 1465831 https://review.openstack.org/192430 | 14:07 |
openstack | bug 1465831 in Cinder "testtools.matchers._impl.MismatchError: 0 != 15 running test_create_delete_snapshot" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1465831 | 14:07 |
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jgriffith | mriedem: if you would't mind: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/192430/2 | 14:11 |
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mriedem | jgriffith: so is that a duplicate of https://review.openstack.org/#/c/193118/ now? | 14:12 |
mriedem | and bug 1412513 | 14:13 |
openstack | bug 1412513 in Cinder "Intermittent unit test failures for incorrect notifier count" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1412513 - Assigned to Eric Harney (eharney) | 14:13 |
openstackgerrit | Ken'ichi Ohmichi proposed openstack/tempest: Block additionalProperties on Nova API tests https://review.openstack.org/156130 | 14:13 |
jgriffith | WTF? | 14:13 |
jgriffith | No, Gorka' entries are duplicates of mine :) | 14:13 |
jgriffith | Considering i entered them a week ago | 14:13 |
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jgriffith | mriedem: actually, I don't know what Gorka is trying to capture exactly maybe same thing | 14:14 |
jgriffith | mriedem: at this point, I filed a bug, submitted an ER twice. If it's not wanted that's ok, but I've done what i can at this point | 14:15 |
jgriffith | I'm moving on | 14:15 |
mriedem | gorka is updating the query for an existing bug that's not hitting anymore | 14:15 |
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mriedem | b/c the signature changed | 14:15 |
mriedem | but gorka's query is way too generic | 14:15 |
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jgriffith | mriedem: yeah, well... I'm not sure. When I wrote that original querie it actaully was "always" those values | 14:17 |
jgriffith | mriedem: I'm not sure gorka hasn't found a "new" bug as opposed to a signature change. of course that doesn't matter too much I suppose | 14:17 |
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jgriffith | mriedem: anyway.... maybe these all need to be looked at again and consolidated. Might in fact all be the same bug | 14:18 |
mriedem | jgriffith: so looking at the results of your new query, there is a bunch of dict goodies dumped out too | 14:18 |
mriedem | is there anything in those that can help uniquely identify that race bug? | 14:19 |
jgriffith | mriedem: yeah, a TON | 14:19 |
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jgriffith | mriedem: well, mine specifically has focused on a single test | 14:19 |
openstackgerrit | Yaroslav Lobankov proposed openstack/tempest: Get rid of duplicated SSH connection parameters https://review.openstack.org/192657 | 14:19 |
mriedem | http://logs.openstack.org/70/187470/7/check/gate-cinder-python27/81d3797/console.html#_2015-06-18_13_50_14_836 | 14:19 |
mriedem | jgriffith: so yours only hits on cinder.tests.unit.test_volume.VolumeTestCase.test_create_delete_snapshot ? | 14:19 |
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jgriffith | mriedem: correct | 14:20 |
jgriffith | mriedem: that's the only query I could "trust" IMHO as being a consistent signature | 14:20 |
openstackgerrit | Yaroslav Lobankov proposed openstack/tempest: Get rid of duplicated SSH connection config options https://review.openstack.org/192657 | 14:20 |
mriedem | is there a hard-coded value used in that test that we can combine with the MismatchError then? like a uuid or something? | 14:20 |
jgriffith | mriedem: the root cause may be the same for some other issues, but that's the one I looked at | 14:20 |
jgriffith | mriedem: I can certainly look at modifying the test for a "hard" signature | 14:21 |
jgriffith | mriedem: I guess I'm not sure what the difference is though? | 14:21 |
jgriffith | mriedem: I mean... I'm saying "this test" and "this error" | 14:21 |
jgriffith | mriedem: Not following what another "AND" would gain? | 14:21 |
jgriffith | mriedem: can you explain what i might be missing? | 14:22 |
mriedem | jgriffith: the problem with rather generic queries against unit test assertions is anyone with a change up in the check queue that has a legitimate failure is going to hit this and e-r is going to say, 'you hit this bug, so just recheck' when in fact they probably have busted code | 14:22 |
jgriffith | mriedem: Ohhh... trust me, I'm FAR too aware of that! | 14:22 |
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jgriffith | mriedem: you haven't seen my email rants over the years on that subject | 14:22 |
mriedem | so the solutions are (1) make the query as specific as possible to the bug or (2) filter on build_queue:"gate" | 14:23 |
jgriffith | mriedem: I'm not sure I agree that the query I put together is "too generic" though | 14:23 |
jgriffith | mriedem: Ok | 14:23 |
jgriffith | mriedem: I'll just drop it | 14:23 |
mriedem | jgriffith: it's generic in the sense that anything that has self.assertEqual(0, in a test that fails in the check queue is going to hit this query | 14:24 |
jgriffith | mriedem: are you talkign about my patch or Gorkas? | 14:25 |
jgriffith | mriedem: oh... crap | 14:25 |
jgriffith | yeah | 14:25 |
jgriffith | You're correct | 14:25 |
mriedem | jgriffith: yours in this case since it's MismatchError 0 != | 14:25 |
mriedem | :) | 14:25 |
jgriffith | mriedem: in fact I meant to ask you about this | 14:25 |
jgriffith | mriedem: ideally I wanted to query on "test.xxxxxx ... FAILED" | 14:25 |
mriedem | jgriffith: so if there is a hard-coded thing in the test that will be dumped in that message, you can combine that | 14:25 |
jgriffith | mriedem: but I couldn't get the query to work with a regex for the silly time stamp in there | 14:26 |
jgriffith | mriedem: yeah, I can look at doing that for sure | 14:26 |
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jgriffith | mriedem: good point. Sorry it took me so long to get to what you were pointing out | 14:26 |
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jgriffith | mriedem: I agree completely | 14:26 |
mriedem | i'm looking at the test, if there was a hard-coded uuid for the volume or something that would help | 14:27 |
mriedem | assuming that would be dumped in the notifications dict | 14:27 |
jgriffith | mriedem: so what I tried to do was hit on this: cinder.tests.unit.test_volume.VolumeTestCase.test_create_delete_snapshot [0.189544s] ... FAILED | 14:28 |
mriedem | values['id'] = str(uuid.uuid4()) | 14:28 |
jgriffith | but I couldn't come up with a solution to filter [*.*s] | 14:28 |
mriedem | i'd say update that specific test to pass id=<hard-coded uuid> kwarg to create_volume | 14:28 |
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jgriffith | mriedem: ok, I'll go that route | 14:29 |
mriedem | but if this is basically the same race as gorka's update for fake_notifier, it sounds like the race is in the notifications | 14:29 |
mriedem | and catching just test_create_delete_snapshot might not be helpful in the long run | 14:29 |
jgriffith | mriedem: yeah.. possibly | 14:29 |
jgriffith | mriedem: ok | 14:29 |
jgriffith | mriedem: thanks | 14:29 |
mriedem | could use the same hard-coded volume uuid for all of these tests using fake_notifier that gorka touched in https://review.openstack.org/#/c/185635/ | 14:30 |
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mriedem | maybe just update self.volume_params | 14:31 |
mriedem | i could do that quick | 14:31 |
mriedem | at least it's contained to test_volume.py | 14:31 |
mriedem | jgriffith: i'll whip up a cinder change quick, then we can update the query based on that | 14:32 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/tempest: Fix no attribute 'is_dvr_router' error in test_l3_agent_scheduler https://review.openstack.org/192155 | 14:33 |
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mriedem | jgriffith: btw, i haven't forgotten about those other e-r changes for the lvm stuff, just haven't gotten the time yet to sort them out | 14:41 |
mriedem | it's on the list | 14:41 |
jgriffith | mriedem: no worries | 14:42 |
jgriffith | mriedem: it's not that high of a priority | 14:42 |
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jgriffith | mriedem: and thanks again for taking the time on this issue and helping me better understand your point | 14:43 |
mriedem | np | 14:44 |
mriedem | i hit that kind of shit all the time in tempest assertion failures | 14:44 |
mriedem | generally i have to add something in temepst to pinpoint the specific test fail and then write a query on that | 14:44 |
jgriffith | :) | 14:44 |
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mriedem | w/o actually just querying on the test name itself, since that would hit all failures coming out of that test | 14:45 |
jgriffith | I'd still like to figure out that expression some day... but I think the fake_notifier is our culprit here across the board | 14:45 |
jgriffith | mriedem: yeah... queries can be tricky :) | 14:45 |
mriedem | i should write something up in the e-r docs about this kind of issue | 14:45 |
jgriffith | mriedem: assumign we read them :) | 14:46 |
mriedem | well, just as a pointer | 14:46 |
mriedem | 'b/c see x' | 14:46 |
jgriffith | mriedem: I get ya.. and yeah, I think that would be helpful | 14:46 |
jgriffith | mriedem: if nothign else you could've just told me "go read X" :) | 14:46 |
mriedem | there is nothing to read atm though | 14:47 |
mriedem | just my brain | 14:47 |
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mriedem | mtreinish: doesn't ostestr default to run concurrent workers and based the number of workers on ncpu? | 15:11 |
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joeljwright | hi everyone, asked this yesterday but we couldn't seem to get to the bottom of it | 15:22 |
joeljwright | I'm seeing problems with gate-tempest-dsvm-neutron-src-python-swiftclient tests | 15:23 |
joeljwright | lots of tests failing with: Details: {u'message': u'No valid host was found. There are not enough hosts available.', u'code': 500, u'created': u'2015-06-18T14:42:29Z'} | 15:23 |
joeljwright | https://jenkins06.openstack.org/job/gate-tempest-dsvm-neutron-src-python-swiftclient/61/console | 15:23 |
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joeljwright | have been over to ask in #openstack-infra and they tell me "it's errors getting raised from tempest calls within a devstack environment, so there's not a lot we're going to be able to tell you from the infra side of things" | 15:24 |
joeljwright | would really like to understand why this is happenning | 15:24 |
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fungi | joeljwright: is that same job passing for other swiftclient changes? maybe something has changed in swiftclient dependencies on master to make this crop up, independent of your change | 15:31 |
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joeljwright | fungi: good question - I'll go and see if any other patches are seeing this issue | 15:32 |
fungi | joeljwright: i'm also interrogating logstash.openstack.org to see what patches/projects/jobs that error crops up in and whether it correlates 1:1 with job failures or is potentially unrelated | 15:33 |
fungi | it does seem to always correspond to a job failure, and i'm seeing it show up for more than just swiftclient changes | 15:34 |
fungi | i see it in lots of different tempest jobs too, not just the swiftclient src integration tests | 15:35 |
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fungi | joeljwright: i think this might be a low-frequency error with multiple potential causes. i see it in various tempest jobs going back at least a week | 15:40 |
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openstackgerrit | Joseph Lanoux proposed openstack/tempest: Add create_test_server function https://review.openstack.org/151601 | 15:43 |
openstackgerrit | Joseph Lanoux proposed openstack/tempest: Modify RemoteClient to use ssh validation config parameters https://review.openstack.org/153899 | 15:43 |
openstackgerrit | Joseph Lanoux proposed openstack/tempest: Migrate compute tests to the ssh-auth-strategy https://review.openstack.org/165504 | 15:43 |
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openstackgerrit | Joseph Lanoux proposed openstack/tempest: DO NOT MERGE - test ssh-auth-strategy in the gate https://review.openstack.org/169204 | 15:46 |
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fungi | joeljwright: maybe bug 1463200 but that one's still lacking in any significant analysis. as i said there could be more than one cause | 15:48 |
openstack | bug 1463200 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "check-tempest-dsvm-multinode-full fails due to "Failed to compute_task_migrate_server: No valid host was found"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1463200 | 15:48 |
joeljwright | fungi: sorry was called away to a phonecall | 15:49 |
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joeljwright | fungi: I'm not sure how to move this along | 15:51 |
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joeljwright | fungi: I'm going to have a look at the current swiftclient patches and see how many are affected | 15:52 |
joeljwright | then go and take a look at that bug | 15:52 |
kragniz | it's been very persistent on that change - 7 failures in a row | 15:52 |
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fungi | yeah, i wonder if that particular error is a red herring and there's another failure which is consistent across all of them | 15:53 |
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fungi | https://review.openstack.org/190887 passed gate-tempest-dsvm-neutron-src-python-swiftclient less than 24 hours ago | 15:58 |
SergeyLukjanov | sdague, hey, what do you think about bumping testtools min version to have unittest2 support - https://review.openstack.org/#/c/192574/1 | 15:58 |
SergeyLukjanov | mtreinish, ^^ | 15:59 |
sdague | SergeyLukjanov: I think that seems fine | 15:59 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Run worldump if tempest fails https://review.openstack.org/188733 | 16:01 |
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fungi | joeljwright: comparing one of your failures to a successful run from the same timeframe, i see a couple nova api warnings about being over ram and cpu quota in your run which didn't appear in the working run http://logs.openstack.org/87/190887/4/check/gate-tempest-dsvm-neutron-src-python-swiftclient/3206a32/logs/screen-n-api.txt.gz?level=INFO#_2015-06-17_17_31_28_489 | 16:13 |
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fungi | no idea if that's related, just a point of interest | 16:13 |
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joeljwright | fungi: I can't seem to find any other swiftclient patches with this problem, but I'm watching a new one now. | 16:18 |
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ylobankov | dkranz, gmann, mtreinish, afazekas: could you please take a look at https://review.openstack.org/#/c/192204? anyone is welcome to review as well :) Thank you! | 16:29 |
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openstackgerrit | Peter Stachowski proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Running with 'LIBS_FROM_GIT=pbr' causes failure https://review.openstack.org/193201 | 16:30 |
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openstackgerrit | David Paterson proposed openstack/tempest: Make cleanup test accounts aware, and fix neutron cleanup https://review.openstack.org/191978 | 16:36 |
openstackgerrit | David Paterson proposed openstack/tempest: Make cleanup test accounts aware, and fix neutron cleanup https://review.openstack.org/191978 | 16:37 |
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openstackgerrit | Sean M. Collins proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Use RFC 5737 IPv4 space for FIXED_RANGE for Provider Networking https://review.openstack.org/193207 | 16:41 |
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openstackgerrit | Sean M. Collins proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Use RFC 5737 IPv4 space for FIXED_RANGE for Provider Networking https://review.openstack.org/193207 | 16:43 |
openstackgerrit | David Paterson proposed openstack/tempest: Make cleanup test accounts aware, and fix neutron cleanup https://review.openstack.org/191978 | 16:43 |
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dstanek | i'm trying to run grenade to reproduce https://bugs.launchpad.net/keystone/+bug/1466485, but it's failing to initialize horizon | 16:49 |
openstack | Launchpad bug 1466485 in Keystone "keystone fails with: ArgsAlreadyParsedError: arguments already parsed: cannot register CLI option" [Critical,Confirmed] | 16:49 |
dstanek | it's failing with http://paste.openstack.org/raw/302035/ and i'm not sure if there's an easy way to debug....thoughts? | 16:50 |
openstackgerrit | Yaroslav Lobankov proposed openstack/tempest: [WIP] Get rid of duplicated SSH connection config options https://review.openstack.org/192657 | 16:50 |
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openstackgerrit | Nicolas Simonds proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Add the ability to install/enable Heat plugins https://review.openstack.org/149055 | 17:36 |
openstackgerrit | Sean M. Collins proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Docs: Use RFC5737 for Provider Networking https://review.openstack.org/193207 | 17:42 |
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sc68cal | sdague: ^ should be an easy review :) | 17:43 |
sdague | +2 | 17:43 |
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dstanek | what is the recommended distribution for running grenade? | 17:44 |
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sdague | dstanek: in the gate we test on 14.04 | 17:45 |
dstanek | sdague: hmm...ok. i'm debugging an issue my in 14.04 instance what won't let me install horizon - getting a seg fault trying to compress the assets | 17:46 |
sdague | dstanek: that's weird | 17:46 |
sdague | how much memory in your env? | 17:46 |
dstanek | yeah. | 17:46 |
dstanek | 4gb | 17:46 |
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dstanek | i can make a bigger one if you think that might be too low | 17:47 |
sdague | so, I test locally at 8gb, but I didn't think we required anything that high | 17:48 |
sdague | I thought this still ran in 4 | 17:48 |
sdague | I don't know if dmesg tells you why the segfault | 17:48 |
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sdague | that code segfaulting seems weird to me, it's not strictly a grenade issue though, that's going to hit on a devstack install as well | 17:49 |
dstanek | i'm going to recreate a 8gb vm and see if the results are better | 17:49 |
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sdague | ok, stepping away for a bit. I need to get a ride in today | 17:51 |
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openstackgerrit | Benny Kopilov proposed openstack/tempest: Add support for image metadata namespace (Juno) https://review.openstack.org/193264 | 19:15 |
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openstackgerrit | Komei Shimamura proposed openstack-dev/devstack: [WIP] Add kafka deploy scripts. https://review.openstack.org/193268 | 19:25 |
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openstackgerrit | Komei Shimamura proposed openstack-dev/devstack: [WIP] Add kafka deploy scripts. https://review.openstack.org/193268 | 19:28 |
openstackgerrit | Benny Kopilov proposed openstack/tempest: Add support for image metadata namespace (Juno) https://review.openstack.org/193264 | 19:30 |
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openstackgerrit | Benny Kopilov proposed openstack/tempest: Add support for image metadata namespace (Juno) https://review.openstack.org/193264 | 19:32 |
openstackgerrit | Matt Riedemann proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Update query for cinder notifications race bug 1412513 https://review.openstack.org/193118 | 19:33 |
openstack | bug 1412513 in Cinder "Intermittent unit test failures for incorrect notifier count" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1412513 - Assigned to Eric Harney (eharney) | 19:33 |
openstackgerrit | Benny Kopilov proposed openstack/tempest: Add support for image metadata namespace (Juno) https://review.openstack.org/193264 | 19:33 |
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openstackgerrit | Adam Kacmarsky proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Add IPv6 support to devstack infrastructure https://review.openstack.org/192329 | 20:05 |
openstackgerrit | lifeless proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Put requirements repo in a venv. https://review.openstack.org/193288 | 20:05 |
lifeless | sdague: ^ | 20:05 |
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openstackrecheck | Console logs not available after 13:33s for check-tempest-dsvm-full 192708,4,e62ab95 | 20:12 |
sdague | lifeless: thank you | 20:12 |
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openstackgerrit | Clint 'SpamapS' Byrum proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Tune mysql a bit better for concurrent operations https://review.openstack.org/193295 | 20:23 |
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openstackgerrit | Jeremy Alvis proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Add IPv6 support to openrc files https://review.openstack.org/193296 | 20:27 |
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dkranz | dhellmann: I am trying to have an oslo config string value whose default is 'set -eu -o pipefail; PATH=$PATH:/sbin;' but all kinds of badness happens. Is there a way to "escape" a string so that config will not try to interpret magic inside? | 20:35 |
dkranz | dhellmann: I get NoSuchOptError: no such option: PATH | 20:36 |
dims | dkranz: $$ instead of $ | 20:36 |
dkranz | dims: thanks! | 20:37 |
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dkranz | dims: one more question. The generated sample has: #ssh_shell_prologue = set -eu -o pipefail; PATH=$$PATH:/sbin; | 20:42 |
dkranz | dims: is that ok or do I need to cause it to be quoted? | 20:42 |
dkranz | dims: that is all on one line | 20:42 |
openstackrecheck | Console logs not available after 13:24s for gate-tempest-dsvm-neutron-full 192921,1,adb13dc | 20:43 |
dims | dkranz: should be ok i think | 20:43 |
dkranz | dims: in other words, does the config read parse to end of line? | 20:43 |
dims | yes i believe it does | 20:44 |
dkranz | dims: great. thanks. | 20:44 |
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lifeless | sdague: yw | 21:02 |
openstackgerrit | David Kranz proposed openstack/tempest: Provide a config option to customize remote shell command https://review.openstack.org/193314 | 21:03 |
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openstackgerrit | Sean M. Collins proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Docs: Use RFC5737 for Provider Networking https://review.openstack.org/193207 | 21:13 |
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openstackrecheck | Console logs not available after 13:32s for gate-horizon-dsvm-integration 193304,1,6c4ee9e | 21:36 |
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openstackrecheck | openstack/cinder change: https://review.openstack.org/185704 failed gate-cinder-python27, gate-tempest-dsvm-full, gate-tempest-dsvm-postgres-full, gate-tempest-dsvm-neutron-full, gate-grenade-dsvm, gate-devstack-dsvm-cells, gate-tempest-dsvm-full-ceph in the gate queue with an unrecognized error | 21:49 |
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Swami | sdague: Can you review this patch #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/192014/ | 22:06 |
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flwang | mtreinish: ping | 22:36 |
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sdague | lifeless: so apparently your move broke testing pbr - https://review.openstack.org/#/c/193201/1 | 23:13 |
sdague | are you comfortable with that fix ^^^ | 23:13 |
sdague | or does the requirements install need to happen earlier as well | 23:14 |
lifeless | huh | 23:14 |
lifeless | so thats going to try to run update.py there | 23:14 |
lifeless | we can't do that | 23:15 |
sdague | if LIBS_FROM_GIT for pbr is enabled | 23:15 |
lifeless | yeah | 23:15 |
lifeless | I think we need to: | 23:15 |
lifeless | 1) clone requirements | 23:15 |
sdague | which we need for testing new pbr | 23:15 |
lifeless | 2) install pbr in the venv non-git | 23:15 |
lifeless | install requirements | 23:15 |
lifeless | do the clone from git pbr bit | 23:15 |
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sdague | do you also want to re-reinstall pbr in requirements and rebootstrap it? | 23:16 |
sdague | ok, anyway, I'm mostly not here at this point in the evening, I was just checking one thing | 23:16 |
sdague | if you want to propose a more propper fix, I'll review in my morning | 23:17 |
lifeless | its coming up now | 23:17 |
lifeless | you can tell me what you think | 23:17 |
openstackgerrit | lifeless proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Fixup pbr in LIBS_FROM_GIT https://review.openstack.org/193364 | 23:17 |
lifeless | thanks for alerting me | 23:17 |
sdague | yep, no prob. I'm good with that, but you do realize that means pbr changes aren't tested against the requirements tooling. It's a pretty narrow fail case, but a new one | 23:18 |
lifeless | no | 23:18 |
lifeless | we test that separately | 23:18 |
lifeless | in the tools/integration.sh test path | 23:18 |
lifeless | we test *everything* in projects.txt there, and I have a patch up adding requirements to projects.txt | 23:19 |
sdague | ok, cool, good for me. | 23:19 |
lifeless | where test == install/wheel/install -e. | 23:19 |
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sdague | I'll fast approve those because they are blocking pbr fixes, and the devstack reviewer count is low atm with dtroyer on vacation and mtreinish traveling somewhere. | 23:20 |
lifeless | thank you | 23:20 |
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sdague | ok, enjoy your day | 23:20 |
lifeless | shall do, ta! | 23:21 |
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openstackrecheck | Console logs not available after 13:23s for check-tempest-dsvm-full 189250,35,edc37d8 | 23:32 |
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openstackrecheck | Console logs not available after 13:29s for check-requirements-integration-dsvm 192929,6,f4b58c5 | 23:45 |
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