Friday, 2016-01-08

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openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for django_compressor 2.0 bug 1532048
openstackbug 1532048 in OpenStack Dashboard (Horizon) "grenade fails setting up horizon with "ImportError: No module named utils" for compressor package" [Undecided,Confirmed]
tonybHmm it looks like greande is broken in liberty due to django-compressor recent release00:57
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oomichitonyb: mriedem is fixing it on
mriedem now01:04
mriedemjlk: beat me by 12 minutes01:05
oomichimtreinish: masayukig: can you take a look at ?01:05
mtreinishoomichi: no tests?01:06
oomichimtreinish: yep, we will do it on tempest-lib side later.01:06
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tonybHuh there you go.  I shoudl have read scroll back!01:06
oomichimtreinish: just migrate from tempest to -lib01:06
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openstackrecheckConsole logs not available after 13:22s for gate-tempest-dsvm-full 264397,2,c1e029901:07
oomichimtreinish: the release of tempest-lib(0.13.0) failed due to pypi site error(http 503) during the uploading.01:08
oomichimtreinish: I will release a new version after merging it.01:08
mtreinishoomichi: bring it up on infra01:08
mtreinishthey can resubmit the job for us01:08
oomichimtreinish: I see. maybe the version number(13) and the timing(Friday) was wrong ;)01:09
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gmannmtreinish: 1 quick question01:11
mtreinishoomichi: so we have a 0.13.0 tag in the repo, but there isn't anything on pypi01:11
gmannmtreinish: if tempest is installed in venv then it cannot detect plugin right?01:11
mtreinishwe definitely need to resubmit that job01:11
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mtreinishgmann: either the plugin must be installed installed in the venv too, or system site-packages is enabled for the venv01:12
gmannmtreinish: tox all-plugin env make site-package true so that is only way to run plugin tests in case of tempest in venv01:12
gmannmtreinish: yea01:12
mtreinishgmann: yes, if you install a plugin in the system site-packages and use tox -e all-plugin it'll see the plugins01:12
gmannmtreinish: so having tempest-lib requirement in project (where plugin is there) requirement.txt does not make sense right?01:13
mtreinishgmann: I'm not sure I follow the question01:13
gmannmtreinish: i mean project having plugin, thought of adding tempest-lib in their requirement.txt01:13
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for django_compressor 2.0 bug 1532048
openstackbug 1532048 in OpenStack Dashboard (Horizon) "grenade fails setting up horizon with "ImportError: No module named utils" for compressor package" [Undecided,Confirmed]
gmannmtreinish: that was because we thought that is needed if tempest is installed in venv and they want to run plugin test in that case01:14
gmannso they need to installed tempest-lib by themself as tempest will install the same in venv01:14
mtreinishgmann: if they actually require tempest-lib for run time of the project it should be in requirements.txt you can't rely on tempest-lib being installed01:14
mtreinishgmann: there isn't a secondary dependency in this case01:15
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mtreinishalthough realistically I can't see the need for it in requirements.txt. It lkikely should be in test-requirements.txt01:15
mtreinishfor the project with a plugin01:15
gmannmtreinish: they just need in plugin tests which will be run from wither without venv or with tox all-plugin where site-package enabled01:16
mtreinishor use extras to show the dependency01:16
gmannmtreinish: yea in test_reuirement.txt make sense if they run tests from their repo01:16
mtreinishgmann: it's not just about that, it's also import. You want requirements to list everything thats pip installable in use by the code in the project01:17
mtreinishyou shouldn't try to guess what the runtime environment provides and not add things to the list01:17
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gmannmtreinish: but they do not need lib in code just in plugin tests01:18
gmannmtreinish: if they do in code then yes, they should not assume and install all dependency by then self01:18
gmannmtreinish: another thing-  is there any way we can detect plugin also in venv ?01:19
mtreinishgmann: if they have anything that is importing from tempest-lib in their repo it has to be in a requirements file01:19
gmannmtreinish: i mean plugin namespace we can detect in venv also01:19
gmannmtreinish: even if that import is in tests only?01:19
mtreinishgmann: yes, put it in test requirements or add an extras 'tempest' target01:20
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gmannmtreinish: yea01:21
gmannmtreinish: with this can we detect plugin if running CLI in venv ?  -
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gmannmtreinish: i ran tempest in venv and it does not detect as plugin namespace was on top level01:22
mtreinishgmann: yes, if tempest is installed in the venv and you call that it'll only show which plugins are available01:22
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mtreinishit's making the same stevedore call as the plugin interface to get the list01:23
gmannmtreinish: ahh, i see01:23
gmannmtreinish: and so tempest run CLI will also do the same.01:24
gmannmtreinish: but still in doubt that stevedore call will detect namespace 'tempest.test_plugins' which is at top level01:26
mtreinishgmann: give it a try01:26
gmannmtreinish: because when i run tempest in venv it try to detect the same through test discovery and does not find any plugin01:26
gmannmtreinish: ok01:26
mtreinishgmann: the cli will show you which plugins are available to tempest as it's installed01:27
mtreinishif you have it venv isolated it won't show you system plugins (unless system site-packages are enabled for the venv)01:27
gmannmtreinish: yea, that was my doubt. So in this case too we have to make  site-packages enabled01:28
mtreinishgmann: or install the plugins into the venv01:29
mtreinishthat's not going to change01:29
gmannmtreinish: yea01:29
gmannmtreinish: how about enabling site-package for CLI during init01:30
gmannnot sure if we already does that01:30
mtreinishgmann: that's not what the utility is for01:30
mtreinishit's to show you which plugins are available to tempest as installed01:30
mtreinishif you venv isolate tempest and no plugins are in the venv it won't show you anything01:31
mtreinishbecause tempest won't see any plugins01:31
gmannmtreinish: yea, and its upto users how they configure env and wantto run tempest01:31
openstackgerritKen'ichi Ohmichi proposed openstack/tempest: Use floating_ips_client from tempest-lib
openstackgerritKen'ichi Ohmichi proposed openstack/tempest: Update global-requirement for tempest-lib
gmannmtreinish: make sense now01:32
gmannmtreinish: Thanks01:33
mtreinishsure, np01:33
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dpatersonAnyone else seeing devstack failures like this?  Three voting jobs failing at same point:
oomichidpaterson: is fixing it02:18
dpatersonoomichi; Thanks!02:19
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lifelessjlvillal: not input, 'terminal'02:23
lifelessjlvillal: e.g. password prompts02:23
lifelessjlvillal: reading from stdin doesn't stop things with a signal02:23
jlvillallifeless: Okay. I'm not quite sure it is happening though.02:24
jlvillallifeless: When I set things up for a non-grenade type job, no issues02:24
jlvillalBut when I switched to a grenade type job, I now get this hang occurring02:24
lifelessjlvillal: hmm, perhaps it may be a simple stdin read - anyhow, its the combination: read + being in background02:25
jlvillalSo I am working on setting up gdb in the VM. Unfortunately the apt-dbgsyms package doesn't seem to be up to date with the version of apt I have installed.02:25
lifelessif you straced it, I imagine you'd have caught whatever prompt its sending first02:26
lifelessin the trace02:26
jlvillalWhen I did the strace all I got was that it was stopped by the signal. Nothing else.02:27
jlvillalBut yes, my theory is something is asking for some input and then it gets hung.02:28
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lifelessdo your proxies need passwords?02:39
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openstackgerritFelixLi proposed openstack/tempest: Splitting clients into client groups in
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jlvillallifeless: No02:43
jlvillallifeless: My next step will be to put the big long list of packages into my ansible setup script. Hopefully then the apt-get done by won't hang.02:43
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jlvillalAs I don't want to waste too much time trying to figure this out as it has side-tracked me for too long already02:44
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jlvillallifeless: Thanks for your help!02:45
* jlvillal is going to to head home...02:46
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DengCould  anyone please help me to check  a tempest case execution issue?02:55
Dengwhen api/computer/admin/ executed, no matter admin user or _member_ user, failure "Pollicy doesn't allow computer: create to be performaed."02:56
Dengthanks so much02:56
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openstackrecheckConsole logs not available after 13:28s for gate-grenade-dsvm 256180,1,d7b426503:01
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openstackgerritGhanshyam Mann proposed openstack/tempest: Separate base microversion client and compute client
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oomichilifeless: hi, can you take a look at ?03:04
tonyblifeless: Did you have anything to do with: 264398 it has you as the author and the commit message reads like it's from you but you don't show up as the gerrit owner/uploader03:04
oomichiDeng: does that happen on the gate or on your local env?03:04
tonyblifeless: for clicky goodness03:04
tonyblifeless: Oh NM I see it's been cherry-picked from your openstack-infra/infra-manual change03:07
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openstackgerritJohn L. Villalovos proposed openstack-dev/devstack: WIP: Attempt to work around hanging issue with apt-get
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gmannmtreinish: andreaf sdague  - Could you review this (non-admin job fix)-
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openstackgerritJohn L. Villalovos proposed openstack-dev/devstack: WIP: Attempt to work around hanging issue with apt-get
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openstackgerritJohn L. Villalovos proposed openstack-dev/devstack: WIP: Attempt to work around hanging issue with apt-get
lifelessoomichi: I will Monday; EOD now, and weekend03:27
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oomichilifeless: ok, have a good weekend :)03:28
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hopoomichi: hi, if you have time please review again
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oomichihop: nova side patch ( should be merged first because the microversion number will be changed03:32
oomichihop: I'd like to see concrete http status codes(204, 200) on nova side before temepst-lib patch03:34
hopoomichi: ok, I got it03:37
hopoomichi: thanks03:41
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/devstack-gate: create GRE bridge interfaces only once
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tempest: Safe ram/disk/vcpus values for test-made flavor
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tempest: Make volume volume_client to use **kwargs-part1
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tempest: Make volume volume_client to use **kwargs-part2
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openstackrecheckopenstack/nova change: failed because of: gate-grenade-dsvm-partial-ncpu:, gate-grenade-dsvm:, gate-tempest-dsvm-full-ceph:
openstackLaunchpad bug 1532048 in OpenStack Dashboard (Horizon) "grenade fails setting up horizon with "ImportError: No module named utils" for compressor package" [Undecided,Confirmed]03:57
openstackLaunchpad bug 1464259 in OpenStack Compute (nova) liberty "Volumes tests fails often with rbd backend" [High,In progress] - Assigned to Matt Riedemann (mriedem)03:57
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gmannoomichi: please look -
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/tempest: Refactoring of setting 'name' variable in tempest/common/
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/tempest: Fixing the deprecated library function.
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/tempest: remove log_console_of_servers from get_remote_client
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raminenisdague: hi04:47
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openstackgerritJohn L. Villalovos proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Fix SIGITIN hang with apt-get
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openstackgerritJohn L. Villalovos proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Fix SIGITIN hang with apt-get
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oomichigmann: LGTM05:14
gmannoomichi: Thanks05:14
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openstackgerritgongysh proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Expose right identity API version and auth type
openstackrecheckopenstack/nova change: failed because of: gate-grenade-dsvm-multinode:
openstackLaunchpad bug 1355573 in grenade "tempest volume scenarios periodically fail /w SSHTimeout" [Undecided,New]05:26
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openstackgerritJohn L. Villalovos proposed openstack-dev/devstack: WIP: Just a test
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openstackgerritGhanshyam Mann proposed openstack/tempest: Add tests for Nova microversion v2.2
openstackgerritGhanshyam Mann proposed openstack/tempest: Add tests for Nova microversion v2.2
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openstackgerritGhanshyam Mann proposed openstack/tempest: Separate base microversion client and compute client
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack/openstack-health: Remove leftover sample data
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack/openstack-health: Switch to a scatter plot for test runtime
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/tempest-lib: Migrated quotas_client and security_groups_client
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jlvillalFYI: lifeless, mtreinish fixed the issue I was seeing with apt-get hanging. Thanks for all the help.06:12
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lifelessjlvillal: glad its solved06:17
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openstackgerritGhanshyam Mann proposed openstack/tempest: Separate base microversion client and compute client
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/tempest: Updated from global requirements
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-dev/devstack: Remove uses of --os-url and --os-token
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openstackgerritRyota MIBU proposed openstack/tempest: add client_manager_class param to BaseTestCase
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openstackgerritMasayuki Igawa proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Add command deleting *.pyc before executing ostestr
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TheloHI, all does anyone know how to set up the git repository and branch for the library specified by LIBS_FROM_GIT in local.conf (devstack)07:58
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openstackrecheckopenstack-dev/devstack change: failed gate-grenade-dsvm-multinode in the gate queue with an unrecognized error07:58
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andreafgmann: +108:18
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-dev/grenade: force smaller ssh connect timeout
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openstackgerritAndrea Frittoli proposed openstack/qa-specs: add bp:client-manager-refactor
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andreafgmann, masayukig, oomichi, mtreinish, sdague: can I get reviews on the spec please: - I addressed mtreinish comments there08:59
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oomichiandreaf: seeing it09:02
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openstackgerritMasayuki Igawa proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Add min ver to extra libs for graph
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masayukigandreaf: Is a recheck needed for
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openstackgerritAndrea Frittoli proposed openstack/qa-specs: add bp:client-manager-refactor
andreafmasayukig: done ^^^09:47
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mhorbanandreaf: Hi10:09
andreafmhorban hi10:09
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mhorbanandreaf: Could you please review
andreafmhorban: sure10:10
mhorbanIt is blocker for adding new job that test nova services running under Apache10:10
mhorbanandreaf: ^10:11
openstackgerritMerged openstack-dev/devstack: Use keystone[ldap] for ldap packages
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andreafmhorban: sorry I didn't catch that before, but I think the regex could be a bit "tighter"10:21
andreafmhorban: something like (?:^|\/)v\d+(?:\.\d+)?(?:$|\/)10:21
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yfriedafazekas: andreaf: gmann: can you please review? do you know what's wrong with the gate?11:19
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andreafyfried: the issue with kilo jobs should have been fixed now11:28
andreafyfried: if that's what you mean11:28
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dmelladoandreaf: I've seen also more patches11:35
dmelladowith issues with the kilo gate11:35
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dmelladocould the issue have shown up again maybe?11:35
dmelladoyfried: ^^11:35
yfrieddmellado: andreaf: not only kilo. experimental gate was really bad as well11:36
dmelladoyfried: for the experimental gates, regarding the test accounts there are some race condition issues which can lead them to fail11:37
dmelladobut regarding the other ones I'm not sure about11:37
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dmelladoyfried: did you try to check the issue on the gates? if not, I'll have a look later, as soon as I got some slot11:42
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yfrieddmellado: what do you mean "check"?11:43
dmelladoto debug11:43
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andreafoomichi, gmann: I'm looking through the etherpads for a list of what is missing in terms of service clients work (split, rename etc) - do you have a pointer for me?12:02
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dmelladoandreaf: I didn't have time to work on the endpoints-client12:09
dmelladodo you want to take that one over?12:09
andreafdmellado: not myself, but I wanted to send my colleagues a list of what's left to be done to see if anyone can help12:10
dmelladofeel free to fetch that one, I'll deassign myself from it ;)12:10
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jlanoux_Hi andreaf. Would you be able to have a look at please?12:15
andreafdmellado: ok thanks12:15
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openstackrecheckopenstack-dev/devstack change: failed gate-grenade-dsvm in the gate queue with an unrecognized error12:16
andreafjlanoux_ : sure12:19
jlanoux_andreaf: thanks12:19
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jordanPjlanoux_, your patch doesn't pass the gate. It's hard to review because so much things can change until you have a working patch12:58
jordanPalso, the create_server, create_test_servers seem are super hard to follow12:58
jordanPwe shouldn't have 150 LoC methods12:59
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jlanoux_jordanP: I know. I just  wanted some comment about the strategy because it will impact a lot of files and I didn't want to spend hours implementing that to hear that it's not good.13:00
jlanoux_test_create_server is working and the gate shows it13:00
jordanPwhy should it impact a lot of files ?13:00
jlanoux_I would need to modify all test creating a server13:01
jordanPto replace active by pingable ?13:01
jordanPonly servers that need to be SSHed into right ?13:01
jlanoux_no, because of the addition of remote in the tuple13:01
jlanoux_yes for your second q's13:02
jordanPjlanoux_, why would a method called "create_server" return a SSHClient ?13:02
jordanPwhat if a just want a server but couldn't care less about it beeing SSHable ?13:03
jlanoux_jordanP: in the case of an non-sshable server, remote will be empty13:04
jlanoux_jordanP: the goal of the wrapper is to enable a wait_for PINGABLE or SSHABLE13:04
jlanoux_a ssh_client is needed for that13:04
sdaguejlanoux_: so, honestly, this just makes the compute api side diverge even further from the scenario test side13:04
sdaguethose need to be converged first13:05
sdagueI was just banging my head into that on the scenario side the other day13:05
jlanoux_sdague: My plan is to refactor the scenario tests to match the API13:05
jordanPjlanoux_, what about adding these waiter but "outside" the create_server method ?13:06
sdagueso I think this deep coupling of concerns is honestly a bad pattern13:06
sdaguecreate_server should return a server13:07
sdagueyou should have a utility that builds a connection object from a server13:07
jlanoux_sdague: jordanP coupling is needed because if one wants an sshable server, additionnal resources needs to be created and passed on13:07
sdagueonly some times13:08
jordanPthe fact that "remote" will most of the time be "None" because most of the time we don"t want a SSHable server is weird13:08
sdagueyeh, that's a bad pattern13:08
jordanPjlanoux_, coupling can be done in another wrapper method13:09
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jlanoux_jordanP: sdague what do you suggest to do then?13:15
sdagueI suggest we get a handle on the current code first13:15
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jordanPyeah... so sdague the main problem is that how we create a test_server in scenarios and api tests are different right ?13:17
jlanoux_not anymore13:17
sdaguejordanP: right, mostly because there are now dozens of convenience functions all over the place13:17
jlanoux_sdague: what would you like to see?13:19
jordanPin scenarios/ we have a method called create_server() which is a wrapper around create_test_server() defined in common/compute.py13:21
jordanPthis looks sane13:21
jlanoux_jordanP: Oo are you kidding?13:21
jordanPhum ?13:22
sdagueso, why another wrapper layer?13:22
jordanPI am stating my comprehension of the current code13:22
sdagueevery time we have wrapper layers, and you need to add a new feature, where do you put it?13:23
sdaguethat's the same problem with the current class hiearchy13:23
jlanoux_jordanP: sorry, misread what you said13:23
sdaguejlanoux_: so honestly, without spending a week trying to unwind all of this, I don't know exactly how to fix it.13:24
sdaguebut I know as long as there are functions that take server_or_ip as a param, I'm going to -1 any new complexity coming in13:25
jlanoux_sdague: ok13:25
sdaguebecause a really fundamental thing is that you know what your inputs and outputs are, and they are always the same13:26
jordanPthen let's fix that server_or_ip first13:26
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sdaguewhich is also why that pattern of returning an extra param that's often none is really weird13:27
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sdaguelonger term, RemoteClient today only knows about an IP13:28
sdagueI think that's the wrong model. I think it needs to know about the server as well13:28
sdagueand make RemoteClient responsible for creating the floating ip if it needs it13:29
sdaguebecause if it knew the server, it could also do analysis on the console log when things go wrong to figure out if the guest even has correct ip addresses assigned to it13:31
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jlanoux_sdague: jordanP ok - I'll do something about the server_or_ip13:43
jordanPjlanoux_, might be a start13:45
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jordanPif you can come up with something sane, I think sdague and I could review it quickly to get it merged13:46
jordanPI am interested in cleaning up tempest code these days13:46
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jlanoux_jordanP: ok13:47
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sdaguejordanP: yeh, that patch isn't going to work at all because the whole floating IP access resource framework isn't plumbed into the scenario side13:48
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sdaguewhich made me a bit sad13:49
sdaguebut, honestly, the more I think about this, I feel like the abstraction layer is really really out of whack here. RemoteClient should manage building the access path to the server itself, which it can do if it has the server info. It can also update the accessIP field once it's built such a path so that it's not creating lots of extra floating ips13:51
sdagueright now in the scenario side we double and tripple allocate floating ips13:51
sdaguebecause of get_server_or_ip13:51
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jlanoux_sdague: May I continue to work and your change or would you prefer to do it?13:58
sdaguejlanoux_: feel free to take it over14:00
sdagueif you can get the server_or_ip stuff all sorted out, I think we can tackle RemoteClient in a cleaner way14:00
sdagueand get everything you want out of this as well14:00
jlanoux_sdague: ok - will do14:00
jlanoux_np - thanks for the comment both14:01
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jordanPjlanoux_, do you agree that every tests in tempest/api/compute/ should use tempest/api/ and must not call client.create_server() directly ?14:08
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jlanoux_jordanP: Yes. Or test can call common/ directly.14:09
jordanPthat would be a first step. The next step would be to kill tempest/api/ because it's just a silly wrapper around l common/compute.py14:09
jlanoux_jordanP: I agree 100%. We kept the wrapper for convenience.14:10
jordanPok we are on the same page, this would remove some level of nesting and bring some consistency14:10
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jordanPso I am going to work on that right now (step 1), I'llkeep the silly wrapper for now14:10
jlanoux_jordanP: Yes - And actually, it's exactly the same than for the wrapper in scenario/manager.py14:11
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jrollmtreinish: OS_TEST_TIMEOUT is for the full testr run, right? (just to doublecheck)15:07
jrolltrying to figure out the best way to switch over to tempest plugin, wondering if we run both at once if it will time out given we'll be running BaremetalBasicOps twice for a short time15:07
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sdaguejroll: OS_TEST_TIMEOUT is per test15:16
sdagueit's a test fixture15:17
jrollsdague: oh cool, thanks15:19
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andreafsdague: the reason I originally proposed to get the ping and ssh checks in the create_server helper is that that's something that should ideally be done for most servers we create15:20
andreafsdague: and I wanted to provide a simple way for all tests to do that in the same manner - so that it's also easier to troubleshoot, as the code is common15:21
andreafsdague: i.e. just create_server(ssh_check=true)15:21
sdagueandreaf: honestly, I think that's a bad approach15:22
sdagueit makes the tests more magical and implicit15:22
andreafsdague: I see your point about the separation of concerns, however not everything required for ssh-ing into a server can be done after the server booted15:22
sdaguewhich means when things go wrong... which they do all the time15:22
sdaguefiguring out where they went wrong is so much harder15:22
sdagueand by making those things implicit people stop thinking about what their test is doing15:23
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sdagueso we end up with things like allocating 3 floating ips for every server when checking because it was an implicit thing15:23
sdagueor people writing tests A, B, C, D and B does A, C does B and A, D does C, B, A15:24
andreafsdague: true, that's a risk - but on the other side you end up like we are now, with every test implementing it's own way of doing an ssh check - which is not necessarily a bad thing - only it's very hard to maintain and troubleshoot15:26
sdagueso you have dedicated class to do that thing15:26
sdaguebut you still make people explicitly call it when they want it15:27
andreafsdague: yes, that's what we build in common/ - dedicated helper for that15:27
sdagueso that has overrun multiple concerns15:28
andreafsdague: I think I may be missing something in your point, I guess seeing a code sample could help15:28
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openstackgerritFederico Ressi proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Don't reinstall package just after installing.
sdagueok, so I think burying the validation in the server is not a good model15:29
openstackgerritJohn L. Villalovos proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Fix SIGITIN hang with apt-get
openstackgerritFederico Ressi proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Don't die when yum fails.
sdagueespecially when we've got such a high failure rate on that today, and we don't know why.15:30
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andreafsdague: heh, my idea was that if we can exercise it more, than we may reduce that failure rate - and to do that I wanted to make ssh check easy to use for test writers15:32
sdagueandreaf: well, I don't see anyone else really looking at the debug here. So I feel like that's the wrong approach15:33
sdagueso here are the concerns that exist:15:33
sdague1) API calls are async, we need to wait some times15:35
sdague2) we need cleanup so we aren't leaking the world15:35
sdague3) we need to be able to be able to perform more advanced validation, which may need new resources15:36
moravecmtreinish: SpamapS: is there a puppet module to create the sql database used to store test results?15:37
sdagueI think that 3) is really a fully externalized class, because I would expect it to extend over time. Which means that things like adding routes / floating ips / etc needs to end up there15:37
sdaguea lot of these convenience functions were created for 1 & 215:37
sdaguebut even there we've gotten a bit muddled15:37
SpamapSmoravec: create it? I don' tknow.15:38
mtreinishmoravec: there's: which will handle the subunit2sql db init15:38
SpamapSmoravec: the infra puppet will run the migration command automatically15:38
mtreinishbut it assumes a mysql server already exists15:38
SpamapSah yeah init is there too15:38
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mtreinishthere are other puppet modules you could use to setup a mysql server if you need that too15:39
sdagueI think it's probably a good rule of thumb that if a function returns a tuple, it's doing too many things15:39
mtreinishmoravec: we used trove for the infra db so we just dumped the creds and ip into hiera and passed it to that module to setup the db15:40
sdagueit's also massively unclear to me why any of the server_create functions would be plumbed for multiple create15:40
sdaguethat adds a bunch of complexity15:40
sdaguethat's barely used15:41
andreafsdague: yes it does but that's what the API allows for, so you need to test that as well15:41
sdagueandreaf: right, but we're talking about convenience methods15:41
sdagueconvenience methods should only be used when they aren't the primary purpose of the test15:42
moravecmtreinish:  spamaps:ok, thanks for the hints. I'm thinking about how to add subunit2sql to puppet-openstackci for anyone running tests in their own env beyond the gate. Probably need to consider setting up a new db or pointing to existing.15:42
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sdaguemultiple create is used 3 places in possitive tests in tempest, the fact that it's accounted for in a wrapper layer is really odd15:43
sdagueand a big chunk of debt15:43
sdagueand it also means that you never know what you are getting out of that function15:44
andreafsdague: I guess that's easy to drop if we wanted to15:44
sdaguebecause it takes kwargs for everything15:44
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andreafsdague: the multiple create was a good way to discover scale issues though, we found a few nasty issue back at Diablo / Essex times with that15:45
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sdagueandreaf: that's fine, it doesn't need to be in this wrapper15:45
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mtreinishmoravec: sure, there is an upstream puppet module for dealing with mysql you probably should just call to that to setup a blank db and then point puppet-subunit2sql at that15:46
sdaguesame issue with all that volume_backed code15:46
sdaguethat is used for 1 test class?15:46
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sdaguestuff should not be in this common wrapper unless it's used in at least a dozen test classes15:46
sdaguespecial cases are fine15:47
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sdagueadding complexity to all code because of one off tests is how we get into a giant mess15:47
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andreafsdague: sure that's a good point - I would say it's a trade off between having multiple ways of doing things and having simpler code15:52
sdaguebasically, create_test_server needs a scope. being a generic adapter to POST /servers is way too broad imho. And today it's even broader than that as it also embeds calls to cinder15:52
andreafsdague: and perhaps we are off balance towards the complex code15:52
sdagueyeh, test code needs to be simple and boring15:52
sdaguebecause you have to be more sure that the test code is correct than the code you are testing with it15:53
sdagueotherwise you never know if things are working for real15:53
andreafsdague: heh, right - we have unit test coverage for a lot of the more complex things in tempest now15:53
sdagueright, but even that, if it's not simple enough, can hide lots of behavior issues15:54
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sdagueyou don't just fix test complexity by adding more tests to test the tests15:54
mtreinishtimothyb89: on: any ideas why there's no interactivity?15:54
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mtreinishtimothyb89: oh I just realized it's the avg that breaks the interactivity, when I turn that off in the ui it shows me the pop up15:54
mtreinishmust be something in nvd315:55
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-dev/devstack: Move horizon config and start to appropriate phase in
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andreafsdague: again, I think it's a balance - however simple the test code, we have a lot of different configurations to support, we need the test to work against multiple branches - so we need certain degrees of complexity15:58
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sdagueandreaf: sure, however this is way out of whack right now15:58
sdagueand this whole idea of parameters to functions not having well defined types, and wrapper functions being entirely kwargs based really need to get addressed15:59
sdagueit also makes the code base largely impenetrable for new people16:00
sdagueso directly inhibits contributors showing up16:00
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openstackrecheckConsole logs not available after 13:23s for gate-tempest-dsvm-postgres-full 188436,8,4e9342116:01
openstackgerritScott DAngelo proposed openstack-dev/grenade: Add copying new api-paste.ini to Cinder upgrade
openstackrecheckopenstack/nova change: failed gate-tempest-dsvm-neutron-full in the gate queue with an unrecognized error16:01
jordanPI agree that we really need to make things simpler around server creation16:02
jordanPthere's a lot of magic and special cases in the code currently16:02
openstackrecheckopenstack/nova change: failed because of: gate-grenade-dsvm:
openstackLaunchpad bug 1355573 in grenade "tempest volume scenarios periodically fail /w SSHTimeout" [Undecided,New]16:02
openstackgerritStephen Lowrie proposed openstack/tempest: Add tempest-list-plugins
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slowriemtreinish: I updated it to use the TempestTestPluginManager16:03
andreafsdague: I wouldn't say there's an "idea" of functions having to not well defined types - I guess that's the "server or ip" thing you're referring to - I'm not sure where that comes from - but I think that's an isolated case that we should just fix - I hope so at least16:03
mtreinishslowrie: ok cool, it was just a question. Calling stevedore directly was probably fine too :)16:04
andreafsdague, jordanP: anyways, I agree we need to simplify things where complexity is not needed16:04
slowriemtreinish: Yeah, but it's already instantiating stevedore with a couple more options16:04
slowriemtreinish: Don't lose anything by doing it that way16:05
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andreafsdague: well, the ssh validation is one of the topics for the mid-cycle, hopefully we can highlight and fix the most pressing issues there - if not earlier16:06
mtreinishslowrie: nice:
andreafsdague: is there a chance I could help doing the things you mentioned yesterday you could not do in tempest because of rest client indirection?16:07
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sdaguewell my current blocking point is the server_or_ip which is plumbed through a large number of layers16:08
sdagueand I really don't have the time to unwind it16:09
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openstackgerritGuillaume Chenuet proposed openstack/tempest: Fixing test_create_port_in_allowed_allocation_pool when 3 (or more) controllers
andreafsdague: so we need to move towards that being a server or an IP - and if I got that right you propose that to be a server?16:09
jlanouxandreaf: I'm on it16:10
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andreafsdague: there's information about how the server was created that is not anymore in the server object returned by the API, so passing a server to RemoteClient means that RemoteClient needs to do some guessing work in trying to connect to the server16:11
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sdagueandreaf: yes, it needs to be a server16:11
sdagueandreaf: what information is that?16:11
sdagueand can it be directly sent to RemoteClient16:11
andreafwell you get a list of IP addresses for the server, but you don't know which one is the one that is supposed to be used according to the network setup and configuration16:12
sdaguethat's why the api for accessIP exists in Nova16:13
sdagueaccessIP is user settable16:13
sdagueso either that should be updated on the server, when we know what it should be16:13
sdagueor the semantic information about what IP we should care about should be passed onto RemoteClient16:14
openstackrecheckopenstack/nova change: failed because of: gate-tempest-dsvm-large-ops:
openstackLaunchpad bug 1491949 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "gate-tempest-dsvm-large-ops fails to deallocate instance network due to rpc timeout" [Medium,Confirmed]16:14
sdaguehonestly, I'm not sure which is better, but they are both options16:14
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openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Keystone support deploy in uwsgi
andreafsdague: remote client is about executing commands on a VM, I'm not sure it should get into the business of understanding networking options, creating SGs or so - I don't see any advantage in that - why does Remote client need to get anything more than in IP, an ssh key and username?16:19
sdaguebecause of what happens when things go wrong16:19
sdagueCan't ping
sdaguewhat instance is that?16:19
sdagueis that an ip address that instance should even have?16:20
sdagueis it an ip address that instance got over dhcp?16:20
sdagueone of our big issues right now is some times the instance never got an address configured16:20
sdaguewhich we could actually figure out and tell people, if we know the ip address and the instance info at the same time16:21
sdagueand look at the console16:21
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andreafI'm not sure that's the business of the remote client - but I see your point and I agree - failure needs the context16:23
andreafthe idea of having one way of doing validation was also about that, being able to write that code in a debuggable way16:24
andreafwhether that's in remote client or not is probably not the main point16:25
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andreafan easy way would be to get the server unplugged, then pass it to an handler which plugs-it into the network, sets up SG and rules etc, but that's not how cloud is used typically, and it would hide a race conditions that happen if you boot the server and plug it to the NW right away16:26
openstackrecheckConsole logs not available after 13:26s for gate-tempest-dsvm-nova-v20-api 265272,1,352bd5a16:27
andreafmtreinish: I re-spin this spec based on your comments please let me know what you think16:28
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mtreinishandreaf: what about: ?16:32
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andreafmtreinish: heh ok I've drawn a bit into fixing the client manager to be able to proceed with cred manager migration16:33
sdagueandreaf: so where do you put the code about explaining what went wrong?16:34
sdaguebecause the most important thing about a test system is that when it fails, it tells you why, to the highest level of fidelity it can16:34
mtreinishandreaf: you've got too many specs :)16:34
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andreafmtreinish: indeed - I'm not sure how testresources / fixtures would help there - is that clear to you?16:35
andreafsdague: right, the most important thing is what you mentioned it to get good and reliable details about the failure - if you feel strongly about that being in RemoteClient so be it - I only want to avoid doing guess work to find out what IP to use16:37
mtreinishandreaf: I think the suggestion was to use it instead of a decorator. I'm not sure it helps or makes it worse, although it might make external consumption easier, I'm not sure16:38
mtreinishandreaf: did you ask afazekas for more details on his suggestion?16:39
sdagueandreaf: right, which means we need to be explicit about it16:39
sdaguebeing explicit is fine, when RemoteClient is instantiated we can tell it both the server and the ip it should validate on16:40
sdaguebut, the reality is, a lot of this is muddled behind the fact that there is some cleanup work that needs to happen.16:41
andreafsdague: ok - sounds like a good option - but that works only as long as the IP is actually assigned, which does not cover one of the cases you mentioned earlier16:41
andreafsdague: maybe the server and some metadata16:41
openstackrecheckConsole logs not available after 13:33s for gate-grenade-dsvm-multinode 147520,68,0248ff716:41
andreafsdague: but I got the idea16:41
sdagueright, there are details to work out.16:41
sdagueso you could also pass it "strategy" or something16:42
sdagueoh, I need to access via a floating ip, which I don't have16:42
sdagueso do that when needed16:42
openstackgerritJordan Pittier proposed openstack/tempest: API/compute: create all servers through the common wrappers
andreafafazekas: are you around? about
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andreafsdague: do you have a review or some details about what you're trying to do - where you got stuck?16:45
openstackgerritJordan Pittier proposed openstack/tempest: Add a volume extend scenario
sdagueandreaf: I don't have anything out there, the server_or_ip that was getting passed through 3 or 4 function layers meant that in scenarios there was never the server object when yuo needed it16:46
andreaftimothyb89: do you have a moment to talk about filtering for o-h?16:46
sdagueI spent about 3 hours unwinding, then gave up16:46
andreafsdague: ok, so we need the server object (or the ID at least), and the servers client, so we can get the console log when needed on failure16:47
andreafsdague: what about have a Server object around the dict returned by the API, which includes the client itself, and extra metadata?16:48
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sdagueandreaf: a server object is probably a good idea, I think the real question is what additional info is needed17:01
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openstackgerritJim Rollenhagen proposed openstack/tempest: Remove ironic tests from tree
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andreafsdague: ok, that goes in the direction of something like testresources - but we should probably looks for a small change first17:12
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openstackgerritScott DAngelo proposed openstack-dev/grenade: Add copying new api-paste.ini to Cinder upgrade
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andreafmtreinish, sdague: I worked for a couple of weeks on this spec and related series - so I hope I can save at least part of it, or get ideas on how to morph it in something you may like better
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openstackgerritJim Rollenhagen proposed openstack/tempest: Remove ironic tests from tree
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openstackgerritDan Nguyen proposed openstack/tempest: Adds auth_version property to dashboard config
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-dev/devstack: lib/cinder:configure tgt even if the package was purged
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timothyb89andreaf: apologies, looks like I might have missed you, but I am available the rest of today and through next week18:09
andreaftimothyb89: I'm still here, only for a few minutes, it should be enough though :)18:10
timothyb89ah, great!18:10
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andreaftimothyb89: the filtering I had in mind for o-h would basically apply to the top two graphs of pages 2, 3 and 418:12
andreaftimothyb89: when browsing from page 1 to 2 a filter is applied based on the metadata key which is used for grouping on page 1 (project by default)18:13
andreaftimothyb89: moving to page 3 and 4 that filter is dropped - as by design18:13
andreaftimothyb89: but I think it would be useful to18:13
andreaf1) display whatever filter is currently applied18:14
andreaf2) being able to switch filters on-off  / add new ones based on metadata keys - and maybe other fields18:15
andreafan example - let's say that I'm looking at periodic jobs after grouping based on pipeline on page118:15
andreafI select a specific job that fails 10% of the time18:15
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andreafwhen I'm on 3rd page the results I see are not specific to periodic anymore, unless the job name is unique for periodic pipeline18:16
andreafso I may want to re-apply the pipeline filter18:16
andreafor I may want to filter by some other fields to try and isolate the source of the failure18:17
andreafe.g. for a job that fails sometime, does it fail only on gate or in periodic as well? or for a specific test, does it fails in specific setups only?18:18
andreaftimothyb89: does it make sense? ^^^^18:18
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timothyb89andreaf: I believe so, losing information when moving to page 3 has been an issue pretty much since the start of the project18:19
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andreaftimothyb89: it may be fine as default behaviour, but I think it would be useful to visually hint that, and to give the ability to turn filters on/off by pressing a control18:20
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timothyb89andreaf: to clarify a bit, if I browse from to , what results there would you like to be able to filter out?18:21
andreaftimothyb89: I think it would be ok to start with one filter, and we could switch to multiple ones later if needed - with multiple ones than it also becomes more complicated because then you can and or or them18:21
andreaftimothyb89: well, the periodic example maybe was not ideal, because the job name is periodic-*, so it only runs on build_queue periodic-qa18:23
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timothyb89andreaf: ah, right, makes sense18:24
andreaftimothyb89: in that case losing the filter on build_queue does not make a difference18:24
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andreafbut if I go on the specific test, e.g., then the graph is not specific to periodic anymore18:24
andreafI can see the graph on failures but I don't know whether this test is failing on gate as well or not18:25
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timothyb89andreaf: ah, okay, that makes sense then, the tests-specific page definitely loses some information18:26
andreafor perhaps it could be interesting to filter by job name18:27
andreafor even add some group-by graph to show failures at test level or job level grouped by some metadata key18:27
timothyb89andreaf: do you also have the issue on the 3rd (job) page?18:27
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andreaftimothyb89: in some cases yes18:30
andreaffor instance
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andreafwhen I select a job name from there, the node_provider part is lost18:31
timothyb89andreaf: oh, I see then, the job page you end up on no longer applies at all, okay18:32
andreaftimothyb89: it may be ok to lose the filter, it depends on what I'm looking for - my wish would be to be able to decide whether to keep the filter or not, and eventually being able to define new filters18:33
timothyb89andreaf: I'm not sure if filtering would be best, or just creating an entirely new page that is (grouping key + job) instead of just (job)18:33
timothyb89andreaf: and then adding some UI to the current job page to see what grouping key members it is contained in18:34
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andreaftimothyb89: I think I see what you mean - yes perhaps showing the groups it belongs to is more useful18:35
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andreaftimothyb89: applying filters when searching for something is like trial and error, being able to see group information is more useful, e.g. in which groups did a certain failure happen18:36
andreaftimothyb89: something like kibana does, it shows which values of a certain metadata key are matched18:37
andreaftimothyb89: not sure how easy it is to get that out of our DB :)18:37
timothyb89andreaf: hopefully, but a dedicated page for the filtered results would help as well I think18:37
timothyb89andreaf: getting it out might be easy, doing it quickly on the other hand... :)18:38
andreaftimothyb89: cool - I hope this is enough ground for now to start, I really have to go now, family is claiming me for week-end :P18:38
timothyb89andreaf: alright, thanks for the info, I will start investigating18:39
timothyb89andreaf: have a nice weekend :)18:39
andreaftimothyb89: have a nice week-end, ping me on Monday if you want to chat further18:39
timothyb89andreaf: will do, thanks!18:39
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openstackgerritRyan Hsu proposed openstack/tempest: Update image creation error msg to mention the correct image type
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mriedemwhat in blue blazes?!
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mriedemi think broke the manila dsvm jobs19:12
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openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for manila dsvm horizon setup bug 1532300
openstackbug 1532300 in Manila "manila dsvm jobs fail to setup horizon dashboard due to Permission Denied error on lock file" [Undecided,New]
mriedemmtreinish: sdague: ^19:17
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mtreinishmriedem: manila19:23
mtreinishs tests depend on having horizon?19:23
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mriedemmtreinish: they have a horizon plugin it looks like19:25
mtreinishah, ok19:25
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mriedemi don't understand the devstack change and what it means for whatever the manila devstack plugin needs to do19:26
anteayaanyone who knows how tempest plugin test setups look when properly done want to take a peek at please?19:27
mtreinishmriedem: my guess is that the manila devstack plugin had some hard coded assumption on the previous structure19:30
mtreinishat least thats my guess without looking at anything in manila19:30
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for manila dsvm horizon setup bug 1532300
openstackbug 1532300 in Manila "manila dsvm jobs fail to setup horizon dashboard due to Permission Denied error on lock file" [Undecided,Confirmed]
openstackgerritScott DAngelo proposed openstack-dev/grenade: Add copying new api-paste.ini to Cinder upgrade
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openstackgerritScott DAngelo proposed openstack-dev/grenade: Add copying new api-paste.ini to Cinder upgrade
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mtreinishEmilienM: we should ask my mriedem, he looks at the bdm code a lot19:39
mtreinishhe's not in puppet-openstack19:39
EmilienMyeah, I need some help, let me give a bit of context here before :19:39
EmilienMnova api:
mtreinishEmilienM: one thing is don't you use os-loganalyze for the log files? The lack of level filtering is a bit annoying19:45
mriedemso boot from volume fails b/c the volume passed in isn't found in the cinder side19:45
EmilienMmtreinish: sure. I did not know about that thing, will look at it19:46
mriedemi see it in cinder api though
EmilienMmtreinish: how can I do that?19:46
mtreinishmriedem: thats what it looks like, but cinder knows its there it returns a bunch of gets on it19:46
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mtreinishEmilienM: I'm not sure on the details of how it's setup, maybe clarkb or jhesketh can help with that19:47
mriedemmtreinish: yeah19:47
mtreinishEmilienM: but having the ability to filter the logs by level is really useful :)19:47
EmilienMmtreinish: adding it on my todo19:47
mtreinishclarkb: setting up osloganalyze for the puppet tempest job logs19:48
mtreinishmriedem: that's where I got lost19:49
clarkbthe simplest thing would be to use the same log format that devstack uses19:49
clarkbthen, I htink you have to whitelist the files if they have different names in osloganalyze itself19:50
EmilienMclarkb: ok so change log format19:50
mriedemmtreinish: yeah i'm lost too19:50
mriedemand we don't have the request id19:50
mtreinishmriedem: right, I tried to use the timestamp to correlate, but I didn't see any 404s from cinder19:51
EmilienMclarkb: is it documented somewhere? Or should I just dig in devstack and find the log format?19:52
clarkbEmilienM: that I don't know19:52
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clarkbI know rbradfor has been looking at making them more consistent by default19:52
clarkbthat may be another approach19:52
mtreinishclarkb: heh, devstack differs from the default in a very minor manner. It uses user name and tenant name instead of ids19:53
EmilienMclarkb: is it logging_context_format_string = %(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(levelname)s %(name)s [%(request_id)s %(user_name)s %(project_name)s] %(instance)s%(message)s ?19:53
mtreinishother than that it's pretty much the defaults from oslo log19:53
mtreinishEmilienM: yeah, htat looks right19:53
mriedemmtreinish: hmm19:53
EmilienMmtreinish: so if I enable that everywhere in our jobs, what should I do more?19:53
mriedemthere is a delete request on that volume right around when nova failed
mriedemthat could just be tempest cleaning up19:54
mtreinishmriedem: yeah that's ~2 min after nova returns a 400, I assume it's just tempest doing clean up19:54
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mriedem2 min?19:55
mriedemi'm seeing ~400ms19:55
mriedemnova fails at 2016-01-08 18:27:29.26719:55
mriedemcinder delete is at 2016-01-08 18:27:29.28519:55
mriedemnot even 400 ms19:56
mtreinishoh, you're right, the numbers are jumping around on me19:56
mriedemin n-cpu we trace the calls to the cinder api (the request and response)19:57
mriedemi wonder why we don't have those logs in n-api19:57
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EmilienMthe weird things is it happens only on trusty19:59
mriedemthe integrated gate jobs are all on trusty19:59
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mtreinishmriedem: these are the puppet jobs so its trusty or centos (iirc)19:59
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EmilienMmtreinish: do you think that's enough ?20:04
mtreinishEmilienM: maybe, I'm not sure that is the issue though20:05
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clarkbyou will alos need to whitelist and filenames in osloganalyze that don't match the devstack file names20:06
EmilienMok looking now20:07
EmilienMmtreinish, mriedem: fyi, I could reproduce the bug in centos7 too. So we might have a bug in liberty (and not only in packaging).20:08
mriedemhrm, i have no idea really, this doesn't make sense20:10
mriedemw/o logging the request id though that nova is making to cinder via cinderclient, it's hard to tell what's going on20:10
mriedemi'm trying to sort out why n-cpu in normal gate jobs has the req/res traced from cinderclient20:10
mriedembut n-api doesn't here20:10
EmilienMclarkb: our log files format are already good I think
clarkbits the name itself20:12
clarkbscreen-n-cpu.txt.gz etc20:12
EmilienMin there:
clarkbya  there is the SUPPORTS_SEV rege20:13
EmilienMok thx20:13
EmilienManteaya: ^20:14
anteayaEmilienM: thanks20:14
mriedemEmilienM: mtreinish: for example, see how in this job, n-cpu is tracking request/response from cinderclient20:15
mriedemi don't see that same thing in the puppet jobs20:15
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mriedemsame in n-api
mtreinishmriedem: is there a config option to turn that on?20:17
EmilienMmriedem: have you something wrong in config?20:17
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mriedemshould be debug=true in keystone.conf from what i can tell20:18
mriedemkeystoneclient defaults to logging the req/response
EmilienMnova.conf ^20:18
mriedemthat's nova.conf20:18
mriedemkeystone debug has to be on20:19
EmilienMdebug = True20:19
EmilienMit's on20:19
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mtreinishSpamapS: so I see that the os-performance-tools has landed and is a thing now, what's the next step there?20:20
mriedembknudson_: stevemar: lbragstad: can you help us figure out why keystoneclient isn't logging cinderclient requests and responses in the puppet jobs? keystone.conf has debug=True20:22
bknudson_keystoneclient doesn't use debug=True20:22
bknudson_from keystone.conf20:23
mriedemi was looking at that20:23
bknudson_that logger is from line 3920:23
bknudson_so it'll be like keystoneclient.session20:24
bknudson_so you could enable logging for it by setting the keystoneclient logger to debug20:24
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EmilienMclarkb: I'm not going to add more REGEX but just rename our log files. Will be easier for everyone20:25
clarkbEmilienM: eh, I don't mind if you add to the regex20:25
clarkbshouldn't be too hard20:25
clarkbyou could add a complete separate |'d cluase20:25
EmilienMclarkb: the thing is I like the types of logs:
EmilienMhaving them as a list with description is super useful20:25
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EmilienMclarkb: yeah, the REGEX is not hard to build. It's just I want to have logs listed like it's done in devstack jobs, the the nice description20:26
EmilienMlike screen-c-api.txt.gz: cinder-api20:27
EmilienMthat's very cool ^20:27
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EmilienMbknudson_: how can I enable that? do you have an example of config?20:29
mriedembknudson_: any idea where that is configured in a normal dsvm gate job?
bknudson_EmilienM: it's not a config file, it's the application needs to set the logging configuration for the library20:29
bknudson_what's the application in this case?20:30
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EmilienMI would say nova20:31
bknudson_each application sets up logging for itself, and keystoneclient will pick up whatever the application configures20:31
bknudson_there's lots of nova processes20:31
SpamapSmtreinish: need to land the changes in devstack-gate and project-config. But I also have come to realize our trending data will be missing some things unfortunately20:31
bknudson_typically the openstack processes use oslo.logging which has default settings for the logs... let me see if I can find the setting.20:32
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mtreinishSpamapS: well, we've got to start somewhere20:33
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bknudson_if you don't want to use the default config you can provide a logging.conf file.20:33
mriedemnova's default log levels are here
bknudson_I wonder what it does for the loggers that aren't set there? seems like it would be debug if you enable debug in your .conf20:34
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mriedemit's actually logging as keystoneauth.session20:40
mriedemoh sorry, no, that's only for tokens20:41
bknudson_we've got the same code in keystoneauth --
mriedemthe cinder requests are going through keystoneclient.session since that's what nova uses to create the cinderclient in nova20:41
mriedemanyway, i have no clue how this works in the regular dsvm jobs20:41
mriedemmaybe nova is using something that's setting default log levels for keystoneclient?20:42
SpamapSmtreinish: agreed. My worry is that we don't keep track of the number of tests run, so we have no idea if a jump is due to code or test changes.20:43
bknudson_it's all global variables so something could mess with the log settings.20:43
mtreinishSpamapS: well that data is in subunit2sql is there a way we can correlate the 2 stores?20:43
SpamapSmtreinish: no20:44
mtreinishhmm, :/20:45
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SpamapSmtreinish: we could grab it from the stream and add it as a gauge actually20:46
SpamapSmtreinish: that would allow us to superimpose and visually see when it is added/removed tests20:47
mtreinishSpamapS: yeah, that works you actually could probably even use get_results() from here:
mtreinishthat'll give you a total count iirc the data structure correctly20:51
mtreinisherr I guess not, that's why we have:
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mtreinishregXboi: if you get a sec: should address a couple of issues we hit in the prod server yesterday21:13
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mriedemmtreinish: holy cow, cracked 50%
mtreinish\o/ nice21:17
dims_yay :)21:17
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regXboimtreinish - will be a little bit - fighting an ipv6 fire in the neutron channel right now21:17
mtreinishregXboi: sure, no worries21:18
mtreinishregXboi: I would just throw sc68cal on it, that has the right keywords to make it his problem :)21:18
regXboimtreinish: he's involved21:19
regXboibut since I lit the fuse, I sorta need to hang around21:20
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sc68calmtreinish: already on it.21:22
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timothyb89mtreinish: it looks like you're probably running into an nvd3 bug on
mtreinishtimothyb89: yeah that's what I was thinking21:30
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regXboimtreinish: levers pulled21:39
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mtreinishregXboi: cool, thanks21:40
regXboimtreinish: I wasn't going to hold up on the typo in the commit message :)21:40
mtreinishregXboi: heh, I'd never land any code if people held me to typo free commit messages21:45
sc68calsdague: so - the connection timeout of 10 seconds didn't help. It appears that the connection actually succeeds - we get the dropbear ssh banner, but then it sits there for 5 minutes21:49
sc68calthe only thing i can think of is I/O on the instance is messed up? like stuck in disk21:49
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-health: Improve pandas usage in test_runs_aggregator
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-health: Remove leftover sample data
timothyb89mtreinish: so, it looks like the NaN values are actually what's causing the tooltips to go away21:53
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timothyb89mtreinish: throwing a quick isNaN call into the processing loop to hide those entries works well, and cleans up all the console errors too21:55
mtreinishtimothyb89: ok, cool21:56
mtreinishI'll respin it in a min21:56
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack/openstack-health: Switch to a scatter plot for test runtime
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mtreinishtimothyb89: ^^^ that should do it22:22
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timothyb89mtreinish: looks good, although you might have a couple of lint errors22:23
timothyb89extra blank line on line 35?22:24
mtreinishtimothyb89: I always have lint errors22:24
timothyb89I know the feeling :)22:24
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack/openstack-health: Switch to a scatter plot for test runtime
mtreinishtimothyb89: ^^^ now it passes lint. Although I'm not sure whether it's an improvement or not22:33
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mtreinishthe patch in general that is22:34
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timothyb89mtreinish: well, the NaN fix is a huge improvement if nothing else22:37
timothyb89and we need a scatterplot to do that22:37
timothyb89mtreinish: that should also help performance a ton, when we don't have thousands of exceptions being logged every render22:38
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timothyb89mtreinish: I also looked into a way to combine scatter and line charts... unfortunately that would need a totally custom nvd3 chart :/22:41
TheloHi all, When I run devstack and configuring it to get nova/cinder from a special commit (not merged yet), it takes a lot of time and timeout at the end. Is there anyway to improve that or increase the timeout?22:46
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mtreinishtimothyb89: yeah, I need to do some reading on d3 proper and just do it manually I think23:09
mtreinishif we could keep the mean as a line that would likely be for the best23:09
mtreinishnvd3 does have a scatter with line, but it's only a straight line23:09
timothyb89mtreinish: I agree, although manual d3 can be a deep rabbit hole to enter :)23:10
timothyb89yeah, that scatter+line seems pretty useless imo :/23:10
mtreinishyeah, that's the feeling I got when I briefly look at things before. Well we can cross that bridge when the time comes23:11
mtreinishfor right now I guess just moving to the scatter is a decent step23:11
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openstackrecheckopenstack/keystone change: failed because of: gate-tempest-dsvm-keystone-eventlet-full:
openstackLaunchpad bug 1509004 in neutron ""test_dualnet_dhcp6_stateless_from_os" failures seen in the gate" [Medium,Confirmed]23:16
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openstackgerritJohn L. Villalovos proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Fix SIGITIN hang with apt-get
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openstackgerritTim Buckley proposed openstack/stackviz: Add axis to the timeline viewport.
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