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harlowja | does https://bugs.launchpad.net/devstack/+bug/1626786 ring a bell to anyone, saw that one again, maybe just something weird (unsure why this hasn't been seen before) | 00:09 |
openstack | Launchpad bug 1626786 in devstack "Unable to run `setgid` on cent7 (sudo needed?)" [Undecided,New] | 00:09 |
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greghaynes | clarkb: more passes ! https://review.openstack.org/#/c/372374/15 | 00:35 |
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clarkb | greghaynes: oh wow | 00:41 |
clarkb | I thi k thats the firsttime that has ever happened | 00:42 |
greghaynes | yep, just need to get https://review.openstack.org/#/c/374328/ reviewed now | 00:42 |
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ianw | harlowja: not really, since we run this in the gate and it works | 01:06 |
ianw | e.g. http://logs.openstack.org/95/375095/2/check/gate-tempest-dsvm-platform-centos7-nv/25dd2d1/logs/screen-n-cpu.txt.gz | 01:06 |
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openstackgerrit | huan proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Make neutron ml2 use ovs native interface https://review.openstack.org/372952 | 02:13 |
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openstackgerrit | LisaLi proposed openstack-dev/devstack: tempest: set encrypted_vol_from_image flag https://review.openstack.org/375199 | 02:23 |
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openstackgerrit | LisaLi proposed openstack/tempest: Add scenario of bootable encrypted volume https://review.openstack.org/342655 | 02:36 |
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openstackgerrit | LisaLi proposed openstack/tempest: Add scenario of bootable encrypted volume https://review.openstack.org/342655 | 02:44 |
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openstackgerrit | LisaLi proposed openstack/tempest: Add scenario of bootable encrypted volume https://review.openstack.org/342655 | 05:41 |
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openstackgerrit | Ian Wienand proposed openstack-dev/devstack: yum_install: fix awk return code https://review.openstack.org/375255 | 05:45 |
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openstackgerrit | LisaLi proposed openstack/tempest: Add scenario of bootable encrypted volume https://review.openstack.org/342655 | 07:11 |
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openstackgerrit | LisaLi proposed openstack/tempest: Add scenario of bootable encrypted volume https://review.openstack.org/342655 | 07:28 |
openstackgerrit | LisaLi proposed openstack-dev/devstack: tempest: set encrypted_vol_from_image flag https://review.openstack.org/375199 | 07:29 |
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ylobankov | jordanP: Hi, I added a new config option as you wanted :) https://review.openstack.org/#/c/370236/ | 08:51 |
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openstackgerrit | liwei proposed openstack/tempest: Add test list namespace function for image https://review.openstack.org/375354 | 09:34 |
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openstackgerrit | liwei proposed openstack/tempest: Add test list namespace function for image https://review.openstack.org/375354 | 09:39 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/tempest: Updated from global requirements https://review.openstack.org/371130 | 09:46 |
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openstackgerrit | liwei proposed openstack/tempest: Add test list namespace function https://review.openstack.org/375354 | 09:55 |
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openstackgerrit | liwei proposed openstack/tempest: Add test list namespace function https://review.openstack.org/375354 | 09:57 |
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openstackgerrit | Andreas Scheuring proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Replace '.' in devname for sysctl call by '/' https://review.openstack.org/375366 | 09:58 |
openstackgerrit | Andreas Scheuring proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Replace '.' with '/' in devname for sysctl calls https://review.openstack.org/375366 | 09:59 |
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openstackgerrit | Shu Yingya proposed openstack/tempest: deprive execution permission of a file https://review.openstack.org/375372 | 10:14 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-dev/grenade: Include new neutron during shutdown https://review.openstack.org/375080 | 10:52 |
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hferenc | hi all | 11:01 |
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hferenc | i'd like to add a few testcases to tempest that are skipped if the AggregateMultiTenancyIsolation scheduler filter is not available | 11:03 |
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hferenc | i thought that following function will help me accomplish this: https://github.com/openstack/tempest/blob/master/tempest/test.py#L177 | 11:04 |
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hferenc | however, i got a little bit confused, because when CONF.compute_feature_enabled.scheduler_available_filters is set to ['all'] it doesn't mean that all the existing filters are enabled | 11:07 |
hferenc | it is just the indication of the case when all filters from DEFAULT.scheduler_available_filters in nova.conf are enabled | 11:09 |
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hferenc | i'm not sure whether it is done on purpose or the is_scheduler_filter_enabled has a bug | 11:13 |
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ylobankov | jordanP: I thought a little about https://review.openstack.org/#/c/370236/ one more time. Should I add the option to 'network' section instead of 'network-feature-enabled'? What do you think? | 11:26 |
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dhellmann | qa-core: it would be great to get this d-g change that sets up stable/newton merged today if we can: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/362438/ | 11:53 |
sdague | dhellmann: actually, qa core doesn't have rights on that | 11:55 |
sdague | it's infra core, plus me I think | 11:55 |
sdague | https://review.openstack.org/#/admin/groups/267,members | 11:55 |
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obutenko_ | :oomichi: Hi! Can you review again new patch set https://review.openstack.org/#/c/332066/ ? | 12:08 |
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mriedem | mtreinish: hey let me know what you want me to do here https://review.openstack.org/#/c/371227/2/lib/tempest | 12:24 |
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openstackgerrit | Sean Dague proposed openstack-dev/grenade: update branches for ocata https://review.openstack.org/375453 | 12:54 |
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dhellmann | sdague : oh, I didn't even check acls I just assumed qa did | 13:16 |
openstackgerrit | Artom Lifshitz proposed openstack/tempest: Integration tests for device role tagging https://review.openstack.org/305120 | 13:16 |
dhellmann | sdague : should https://review.openstack.org/#/c/375453/1 be on my process list? | 13:16 |
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openstackgerrit | Artom Lifshitz proposed openstack/tempest: Integration tests for device role tagging https://review.openstack.org/305120 | 13:19 |
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openstackgerrit | Vladyslav Drok proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Force config drive when using ironic virt driver https://review.openstack.org/375467 | 13:20 |
openstackgerrit | Martin Kopec proposed openstack/tempest: Split base volumes_client into v1 and v2 https://review.openstack.org/375470 | 13:21 |
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openstackgerrit | Ferenc HorvĂ¡th proposed openstack/tempest: Add AggregateMultiTenancyIsolation filter tests https://review.openstack.org/374887 | 13:25 |
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jordanP | ylobankov, 'network-feature-enabled' is better | 13:40 |
jordanP | we usually but feature flag in the '*-feature-enabled' section | 13:40 |
jordanP | although it's not really a feature flag | 13:41 |
sdague | dhellmann: it could be, it only impacts local testing, not the gate | 13:46 |
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dhellmann | sdague : hmm, ok. I'll give it some thought. | 13:48 |
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openstackrecheck | Console logs not available after 13:22s for gate-devstack-unit-tests 375446,1,c559da0 | 14:27 |
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openstackrecheck | Console logs not available after 13:21s for gate-cinder-python27-db-ubuntu-xenial 374801,2,73fc9af | 14:42 |
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openstackrecheck | Console logs not available after 13:21s for gate-tempest-dsvm-full-ubuntu-xenial 375231,2,44aaefd | 14:56 |
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openstackrecheck | Console logs not available after 13:21s for gate-grenade-dsvm-neutron-ubuntu-trusty 374887,2,a117ace | 15:09 |
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clarkb | Hello QA team. Once people get over their jetlag reviews for https://review.openstack.org/#/c/374328/3 would be awesome as that gets tempest running against an ssl'd devstack | 15:14 |
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clarkb | sdague: ^ fyi thats the last major piece before we can start moving jobs (at least a subset of them) to ssl | 15:14 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/devstack-gate: update grenade settings for stable/newton https://review.openstack.org/362438 | 15:18 |
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openstackrecheck | Console logs not available after 13:21s for gate-tempest-dsvm-cells-ubuntu-xenial 374955,3,0c963ad | 15:22 |
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asselin_ | anyone know why this would fail? http://logs.openstack.org/13/375113/3/check/gate-elastic-recheck-linters-ubuntu-xenial/0797f66/console.html#_2016-09-23_15_17_25_975793 "ImportError: No module named yaml" PyYAML==3.12 | 15:29 |
clarkb | asselin_: does it reproduce locally? | 15:30 |
clarkb | (use tox -r -e linters) | 15:30 |
asselin_ | clarkb, no, passes locally | 15:30 |
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asselin_ | http://paste.openstack.org/show/582771/ | 15:31 |
clarkb | asselin_: I think it may be running that python script outside of the virtauelnv | 15:32 |
clarkb | notice that the path isn't relative to the venv | 15:32 |
clarkb | and if pyyaml isnt installed system wide it will fail. So likely works for you locally because you have a system install of pyyaml | 15:32 |
asselin_ | hmm...ok I will uninstall and see if I can reproduce. thanks | 15:32 |
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asselin_ | clarkb, thanks, got it reproduced locally | 15:34 |
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clarkb | asselin_: to fix you want to run that command out of the installation of e-r | 15:36 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-dev/grenade: update branches for ocata https://review.openstack.org/375453 | 15:43 |
asselin_ | clarkb, how do you do that? | 15:43 |
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clarkb | asselin_: make sure the command is installed to the venv's bin dir and then it will be before in the path | 15:46 |
clarkb | or you can construct the path using tox vars I think {venv} or similar gives you the root path to the venv | 15:47 |
asselin_ | ok I see..instead of {toxinidir}....will play with that a bit | 15:47 |
clarkb | asselin_: the tox docs should document all of the built in vars too | 15:47 |
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openstackrecheck | Console logs not available after 13:22s for gate-nova-pep8-ubuntu-xenial 140045,44,89a3e3f | 15:49 |
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openstackgerrit | Ramy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Make bug name, type, and url explicit https://review.openstack.org/375113 | 15:53 |
asselin_ | clarkb, thanks, just need to use 'python' directly ^^ | 15:53 |
mriedem | is there anything in devstack that can tell us the version of a specific package on the system, like libvirt? | 15:53 |
clarkb | mriedem: devstack-gate collects that info fwiw | 15:53 |
clarkb | mriedem: runs a dpkg or yum package listing depending on the distro | 15:53 |
mriedem | ok, | 15:54 |
mriedem | because we're still using this on xenial nodes https://github.com/openstack-dev/devstack/blob/master/tools/install_ebtables_workaround.sh | 15:54 |
mriedem | which we don't need to | 15:54 |
openstackgerrit | Tony Xu proposed openstack/tempest: Remove sys unused https://review.openstack.org/375003 | 15:54 |
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openstackrecheck | Console logs not available after 13:21s for gate-tempest-dsvm-full-devstack-plugin-ceph-ubuntu-xenial 347437,4,a1247f5 | 16:02 |
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asselin_ | sdague, https://review.openstack.org/#/c/375113/4 is ready for reviews. It also includes the new non-voting job "gate-elastic-recheck-linters-ubuntu-xenial" which we can make voting after this patch merges (replace pep8) https://review.openstack.org/#/c/375156/. | 16:10 |
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openstackrecheck | Console logs not available after 13:20s for gate-tempest-dsvm-multinode-live-migration-ubuntu-xenial 375106,4,b33e2ab | 16:29 |
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openstackrecheck | Console logs not available after 13:21s for gate-swift-tox-func-ubuntu-xenial 375563,1,9b545fa | 16:43 |
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openstackrecheck | Console logs not available after 13:23s for gate-nova-tox-db-functional-ubuntu-xenial 375534,1,48b15f2 | 16:56 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-dev/grenade: Try to stop_neutron without /bin/true https://review.openstack.org/375081 | 17:08 |
openstackrecheck | Console logs not available after 13:22s for gate-tempest-dsvm-full-devstack-plugin-ceph-ubuntu-xenial 175479,26,0853944 | 17:09 |
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openstackrecheck | Console logs not available after 13:22s for gate-tempest-dsvm-full-devstack-plugin-ceph-ubuntu-xenial 140045,45,e972c67 | 17:23 |
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openstackgerrit | Clark Boylan proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Turn on tls proxy by default for testing https://review.openstack.org/372374 | 18:01 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/tempest: Move test_snapshot_list_* tests to new file https://review.openstack.org/332066 | 18:42 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/tempest: Don't include openstack directory in exclude list for flake8 https://review.openstack.org/373666 | 18:45 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/tempest: Trivial: group import statement in client.py https://review.openstack.org/373690 | 18:54 |
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openstackrecheck | Console logs not available after 13:21s for gate-tempest-dsvm-full-devstack-plugin-ceph-ubuntu-xenial 360666,4,c26720b | 19:11 |
openstackgerrit | Armando Migliaccio proposed openstack-dev/grenade: Copy new dhcp.filters into place for newton https://review.openstack.org/371015 | 19:12 |
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openstackgerrit | Clark Boylan proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Don't make root CA if it exists https://review.openstack.org/375724 | 20:55 |
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openstackgerrit | Clark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Copy ssl certs for multinode https://review.openstack.org/373219 | 20:55 |
mtreinish | clarkb: ^^^ heh, is that why your copy cert patch wasn't working? devstack was overwriting it | 20:56 |
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openstackgerrit | Ken'ichi Ohmichi proposed openstack/tempest: Move wait_for_backup_status into common place https://review.openstack.org/375725 | 20:58 |
clarkb | mtreinish: I think so. | 20:58 |
clarkb | mtreinish: though I haven't tested it locally tet | 20:58 |
clarkb | *yet | 20:58 |
clarkb | mtreinish: we shall see if there are other issues | 20:59 |
openstackgerrit | Ken'ichi Ohmichi proposed openstack/tempest: Move wait_for_backup_status into common place https://review.openstack.org/375725 | 21:00 |
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openstackrecheck | Console logs not available after 13:21s for gate-tempest-dsvm-full-devstack-plugin-ceph-ubuntu-xenial 306010,6,4f8f1f9 | 21:11 |
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clarkb | mtreinish: for ironic IPA testing the current fails are because IPA doesn't trust the cert in front of glance | 21:14 |
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clarkb | mtreinish: not sure how to best deal with that since I think ironic wants to use the same images in testing as production which means we shouldn't trust an untrustworthy CA | 21:15 |
clarkb | greghaynes: ^ maybe we can do a hacky edit of the IPA image before booting? | 21:15 |
mtreinish | clarkb: hmm, do you have a link to the failure? | 21:15 |
clarkb | mtreinish: ya http://logs.openstack.org/74/372374/16/check/gate-tempest-dsvm-ironic-ipa-wholedisk-agent_ssh-tinyipa-nv/5dac5e8/logs/ironic-bm-logs/node-0_console_23-09-2016-20:45:16.txt.gz#_2016-09-23_20_45_11_115 | 21:16 |
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mtreinish | clarkb: heh, we could just turn off ssl verify for ipa. Then at least it wouldn't blow up | 21:18 |
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clarkb | that would work if we tell people to not use these images in production | 21:20 |
clarkb | probably worth qa having a discussion with ironic about it | 21:20 |
clarkb | mtreinish: thinking that we should get that tempest fix in asap though then switch one of the "normal" devstack + tempest jobs to use tls-proxy | 21:21 |
clarkb | to avoid regressions then we can continue to iterate on this one offs | 21:21 |
greghaynes | clarkb: by same image you mean literally they boot the same ipa image that is on tarballs? | 21:21 |
clarkb | greghaynes: I think that they are saying they want to support that use case yes | 21:21 |
clarkb | greghaynes: basically "here is our image that works anyone can use it" | 21:22 |
mtreinish | clarkb: I assumed the images were created elsewhere and that devstack was uploading them to glance and when the ipa thing talks to glance to download them it blows up because of ssl verify | 21:22 |
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mtreinish | but I haven't really looked at what those jobs do | 21:22 |
greghaynes | so, theres basically no way any user could use ssl and trust the server? | 21:22 |
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clarkb | mtreinish: yes thats how it works | 21:22 |
greghaynes | anyhow, yea, it actually wouldnt be hard to make a dib element for that | 21:22 |
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clarkb | greghaynes: they would have to buy a cert for a thing that was trusted by $distro | 21:22 |
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greghaynes | clarkb: check out https://review.openstack.org/#/c/365265/ | 21:22 |
greghaynes | seems potentially useful here | 21:23 |
mtreinish | clarkb: so why would turning off local ssl verify to use a self signed cert in the gate mean we couldn't use the images we upload into glance for the tempest job | 21:23 |
* mtreinish feels like he's missing something | 21:23 | |
mtreinish | *mean we couldn't use them for production | 21:23 |
clarkb | mtreinish: it doesn't it means someone like rax couldn't use them in their DC | 21:23 |
clarkb | mtreinish: basically I think those are generically reconsumable images not CI only images | 21:24 |
clarkb | but I may be wrong about that | 21:24 |
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greghaynes | heres an odd question - what is ipa using for the hostname it is requesting to? | 21:24 |
mtreinish | clarkb: but the images are a source for the jobs right? Like we're doing it non-ssl'd now how does doing ssl without verify make it any different | 21:25 |
clarkb | greghaynes: looks like its using an IP address | 21:25 |
greghaynes | hrm | 21:25 |
clarkb | mtreinish: the difference is someone else may want to use these images in their own datacenter. They can do that today if they get a proper cert | 21:25 |
clarkb | greghaynes: see http://logs.openstack.org/74/372374/16/check/gate-tempest-dsvm-ironic-ipa-wholedisk-agent_ssh-tinyipa-nv/5dac5e8/logs/ironic-bm-logs/node-0_console_23-09-2016-20:45:16.txt.gz#_2016-09-23_20_45_11_115 | 21:26 |
greghaynes | I think editing the image is probably the best bet | 21:26 |
greghaynes | partially because it give me a reason to work on that dib-shell patch | 21:26 |
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mtreinish | clarkb: what cert is it trying to use there? I'm still very confused why it's blowing up, because that's IPA talking to devstack's glance trying to download cirros from what I can tell: | 21:31 |
mtreinish | http://logs.openstack.org/74/372374/16/check/gate-tempest-dsvm-ironic-ipa-wholedisk-agent_ssh-tinyipa-nv/5dac5e8/logs/devstacklog.txt.gz#_2016-09-23_20_32_19_074 | 21:31 |
mtreinish | like I don't understand where production use cases come into play at all for something like that | 21:32 |
clarkb | mtreinish: its using the throwawy cert that we make using our own CA in devstack | 21:32 |
clarkb | mtreinish: so the client side either needs to trust that CA (edit the image to include it) or not verify ssl | 21:32 |
clarkb | or not use ssl | 21:32 |
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clarkb | production use cases come into play because if you set the prebuilt image to not trust ssl then you shouldn't use it in production | 21:32 |
mtreinish | clarkb: but presumably the prebuilt ipa images used for production will have to add whatever ca they're using and I wouldn't expect any production cloud to not ssl | 21:33 |
clarkb | mtreinish: either that or they can just pay for a proper cert for their glance | 21:34 |
clarkb | which I think most places do | 21:34 |
clarkb | mtreinish: separately I have held the multinode pair running the changes for multinode cert stuff | 21:39 |
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mtreinish | clarkb: ok cool, does it still not work even after your change? | 21:48 |
clarkb | mtreinish: not sure yet its still running | 21:48 |
clarkb | just started devstacking the subnode | 21:48 |
clarkb | if it does work then the next thing I need to do is conditionally run ansible on the subnodes if they exist because current ansible breaks old behavior where that was a noop. Now its an error if the group is empty | 21:49 |
clarkb | and if it doesn't work its hop on the instances and poke at it. I think we may still be appending to the chain files that already exist and may not wnat to do that (or maybe its totally valid to have duplicates there and meh :) ) | 21:50 |
clarkb | ya console log says its still broken so will have to poke more | 21:52 |
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clarkb | hrm ya ca-bundle is still coming out differently | 21:54 |
mtreinish | oomichi_: if you get a sec: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/373249/ should be quick | 21:55 |
mtreinish | oomichi_: I haven't dug into the 500 that caused the failure on xenial yet, but I'll spin off a recheck | 21:55 |
clarkb | aha! my sync is broken | 21:55 |
mtreinish | clarkb: oh, I figured out what I was missing before on ipa. Requests uses the mozilla ca trust list by default. The trusted ca's had to come from somewhere in the production case, I didn't realize it was bundled in requests | 21:55 |
oomichi | mtreinish: ok, reviewing now | 21:56 |
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mtreinish | armax: is this something you've seen before: http://logs.openstack.org/49/373249/1/check/gate-tempest-dsvm-neutron-full-ubuntu-xenial/b1312ed/logs/screen-q-svc.txt.gz?level=TRACE | 21:57 |
armax | mtreinish: no that’s a first | 21:58 |
armax | mtreinish: digging | 21:58 |
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openstackgerrit | Tony Xu proposed openstack/tempest: Remove sys unused https://review.openstack.org/375003 | 22:00 |
openstackgerrit | Clark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Copy ssl certs for multinode https://review.openstack.org/373219 | 22:01 |
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oomichi | mtreinish: LGTM, +A | 22:19 |
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mtreinish | oomichi: thanks | 22:19 |
mtreinish | oomichi: btw, did you have any thoughts about adding the guidelines to the negative testing doc in tempest. I forgot to talk about that with you this week at the sprint | 22:20 |
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mtreinish | clu_: if you get a sec on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/308508/22 I think we just need to add more details to the commit msg | 22:28 |
mtreinish | then it should be good to go for me | 22:28 |
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clu_ | mtreinish: sure thing! | 22:29 |
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openstackgerrit | Cindy Lu proposed openstack/tempest: Add more swift container negative tests https://review.openstack.org/308508 | 22:38 |
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oomichi | mtreinish: yeah, I am trying to get some feedback from defcore side to know why do we need negative tests for interoperability. | 22:51 |
oomichi | mtreinish: tbh, I cannot find any merits of negative tests for interop based on actual dev side. | 22:52 |
mtreinish | oomichi: I don't necessarily think we should limit ourselves to what defcore defines as useful. It should be an input, but we should define our own | 22:53 |
mtreinish | oomichi: there definitely are merits. As an end user of a cloud you want to make sure the error reporting is always the same | 22:53 |
mtreinish | that way when you right your program you know what to expect in your error handling | 22:53 |
mtreinish | oomichi: it's the same reason you put raises in the docstring for a python lib | 22:54 |
oomichi | mtreinish: no, I don't think so. The error codes are changed many times, then tempest contains weird code like https://github.com/openstack/tempest/blob/master/tempest/api/compute/floating_ips/test_floating_ips_actions.py#L136 | 22:56 |
mtreinish | oomichi: that predates strong api versioning (or the test) | 22:57 |
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mtreinish | oomichi: that's kinda the point, so we catch things that will break users | 22:57 |
mtreinish | oomichi: we should not change response codes randomly, success or error | 22:58 |
oomichi | mtreinish: On Nova side, some microversion exceptions of changing error codes exist like https://github.com/openstack/nova/blob/master/doc/source/api_microversion_dev.rst#when-do-i-need-a-new-microversion | 22:59 |
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mtreinish | oomichi: right for a 5XX response code, which is never expected behavior | 23:00 |
mtreinish | but changing a 400 to a 404 is not something we should do without a version | 23:00 |
oomichi | mtreinish: "Example: an API previously could return 200, 400, 403, 404 and the change would make the API now also be allowed to return 409." | 23:01 |
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oomichi | mtreinish: I am not sure that is the best changing rule at this time, but we actually are changing like that | 23:01 |
mtreinish | oomichi: that doc says a microversion is needed. The title is 'when do I need a microversion' | 23:02 |
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mtreinish | I'm not sure I get what you're trying to say | 23:02 |
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oomichi | mtreinish: ah, my bad. that should be https://github.com/openstack/nova/blob/master/doc/source/api_microversion_dev.rst#f2 | 23:03 |
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oomichi | mtreinish: "The exception to not needing a microversion when returning a previously unspecified error code is the 400, 403, 404 and 415 cases." | 23:03 |
mtreinish | oomichi: right but those are predefined conditions that should always be expected | 23:08 |
mtreinish | oomichi: and it's from a case where you didn't define what the error would be | 23:09 |
mtreinish | to having a definition | 23:09 |
mtreinish | oomichi: that doesn't say you can just randomly change a defined failure response | 23:10 |
mtreinish | which is what the tests are for | 23:10 |
oomichi | mtreinish: no, from blackbox test POV, that seems random because the rule depends on the internal implementation way actualy. | 23:11 |
oomichi | mtreinish: "previously unspecified error code" means the implementation code itself in nova. | 23:11 |
oomichi | mtreinish: If we need to distinguish the change on Tempest side, we need to check the implementation code of Nova. | 23:12 |
oomichi | mtreinish: that is not blackbox testing at all | 23:12 |
mtreinish | oomichi: it's also part of the external contract. Even if that is refering to an implementation detail, you need to define an error response for users. You can't just randomly start changing error codes on users | 23:14 |
mtreinish | oomichi: you're saying that 'unspecified' sentence just refers to an expected_error decorator on the method in nova api | 23:14 |
mtreinish | and it doesn't effect the external contract at all | 23:14 |
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mtreinish | oomichi: I really think that's like sticking your head in the mud, and pretending that internal changes don't effect users | 23:18 |
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oomichi | mtreinish: humm, we(nova team) are using this guideline to change error code which affects uers. | 23:37 |
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oomichi | mtreinish: after merging https://review.openstack.org/#/c/304958 , we add the error code(415) as the exception on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/308519/ | 23:38 |
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mtreinish | oomichi: and I strongly think that's the wrong thing to do without a microversion. How is that any different to changing a 200 to a 204 on a call which always responds with an empty body | 23:41 |
mtreinish | you would require a microversion for the 200->204 case even though it's a more correct response code | 23:42 |
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oomichi | mtreinish: yeah, I strongly require microversion bump on 200->204 case. and now we understate error status code by comparing positive code on dev side | 23:43 |
mtreinish | I will admit that negative response codes are a more tricky thing since it's not always nova responding. Like apache will return codes automatically if you use it | 23:43 |
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mtreinish | but that's why you have to document that as part of the api contract | 23:43 |
mtreinish | like to always expect certain kinds of failure modes based on http (or something like that) | 23:44 |
clarkb | mtreinish: woot ok that fixed multinode | 23:44 |
mtreinish | which is what I read https://github.com/openstack/nova/blob/master/doc/source/api_microversion_dev.rst#when-do-i-need-a-new-microversion as | 23:44 |
mtreinish | clarkb: cool | 23:44 |
clarkb | so now I just need to figure out why ansible is super derpy | 23:44 |
mtreinish | heh | 23:44 |
clarkb | I will write an email now with a general rundown on stuats | 23:45 |
mtreinish | oomichi: but that's not a reason to pretend it's not part of your contract with api users | 23:45 |
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