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openstackgerrit | Ghanshyam Mann proposed openstack/tempest master: DNM:testing test timeout https://review.opendev.org/679539 | 13:01 |
gmann | dtantsur|afk: setting OS_TEST_TIMEOUT with default value will affect existing default behavior as default OS_TEST_TIMEOUT for tempest run is not set. it is only set for 'all' and 'all-plugins' tox env. | 13:04 |
gmann | i am trying to debug it via https://review.opendev.org/679539 to check all env var for tox env | 13:04 |
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clarkb | gmann: it is set for other envs too | 13:23 |
gmann | frickler: with the current list, i am ok to add opendev.org/performa also if base job is used there. | 13:25 |
gmann | clarkb: you mean for unit tests env or tempest run env ? all other tempest run env use [tempestenv]setenv for example- https://opendev.org/openstack/tempest/src/commit/9e63a0323e48543c47d733ce45cafde45fc2ddcb/tox.ini#L114 | 13:26 |
gmann | and they do not set the default OS_TEST_TIMEOUT | 13:27 |
clarkb | the default testenv sets it to 160 for exanple | 13:27 |
gmann | but setenv is overridden by them with {[tempestenv]setenv} which does not set the OS_TEST_TIMEOUT default | 13:28 |
clarkb | and all is literally all tests right? whoch is super set of eg full | 13:28 |
clarkb | whoch should mean tmeout for all works for full | 13:28 |
gmann | clarkb: 'all' env is not super set actually. that is independent env. | 13:29 |
clarkb | if not then the timwout set by all is wrong (which may be what dtantsur|afk is hitting via plugins?) | 13:29 |
clarkb | oh why us it called all? | 13:29 |
gmann | clarkb: that is to run the *ALL* tempest tests (including slow, scenario etc). | 13:30 |
gmann | dtantsur|afk patch is hitting timeout with 1200 also as ironic job use 'all' tox env at the end | 13:31 |
gmann | 'all' and 'full' is something confusing name. | 13:31 |
clarkb | right full is all without slow I thought | 13:32 |
gmann | yeah and running scenario is serial not parallel | 13:32 |
clarkb | right so a timwout for all should work for full toi | 13:32 |
clarkb | since all is a super set of tests? | 13:32 |
clarkb | meaning if you run all that timeout applies to the same tests full will run | 13:33 |
gmann | you mean to set that default timeout (what we have for 'all' env) for 'full' and all other tox env also ? | 13:34 |
clarkb | yes as it makes fixing ironics problem simpler | 13:34 |
clarkb | and ensures we test the tineouts | 13:34 |
gmann | but that will not solve ironic issue as they are using 'all' tox env which default value 1200 is less for them | 13:35 |
clarkb | I think the underlying issue here is we run all-plugins with a filter to run tempest plugins and the timeout applies there | 13:35 |
clarkb | which means we never test the timeout when tempest jobs run unless testing plugins | 13:35 |
clarkb | we may gind that timeout is too low for full too | 13:36 |
gmann | ironic need to set higher value via job and which should work fine as it wa tried originally just by setting the env var via devstack-localrc | 13:36 |
clarkb | but at least it will be configurable per job in cases that need it | 13:36 |
gmann | we test that via tempest-all job but yes we can set the default values for all other tox env also which makes sense | 13:37 |
clarkb | I dont think we run tempest with devstack lovalrc loaded | 13:37 |
clarkb | its a separate ansible task so should have anew clean shell env | 13:37 |
gmann | i see. | 13:38 |
gmann | let's go with default(omit) option in https://review.opendev.org/#/c/679242/2/roles/run-tempest/tasks/main.yaml | 13:38 |
gmann | and later with separate patch, i can set same default timeout for other tox env also so that we consistently test the timeout. | 13:39 |
clarkb | sounds good | 13:41 |
gmann | frickler: regarding this: https://review.opendev.org/#/c/580356/3 | 13:43 |
gmann | frickler: running force-tenant-isolation test with predefined creds will not be good idea so I am going with option to skip the force-tenant-isolation tests for pre-provisioned cred. and then merge your patch | 13:44 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/hacking master: Add Python 3 Train unit tests https://review.opendev.org/670632 | 15:06 |
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openstackgerrit | Ghanshyam Mann proposed openstack/tempest master: DNM:testing test timeout https://review.opendev.org/679539 | 15:38 |
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openstackgerrit | Doug Schveninger proposed openstack/tempest master: Correcting concurrency parameter for negative value https://review.opendev.org/630128 | 21:18 |
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openstackgerrit | Phil Sphicas proposed openstack/tempest master: Update test_port_list_filter_by_ip pass conditions https://review.opendev.org/676852 | 23:48 |
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