Wednesday, 2020-01-29

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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed opendev/elastic-recheck master: Update flot js file inclusion to match new flot
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed opendev/elastic-recheck master: Update flot js file inclusion to match new flot
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openstackgerritGhanshyam Mann proposed openstack/tempest master: [ussuri][goal] Drop python 2.7 support and testing
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/devstack master: libvirt: Support the use of the virt-preview repo when using Fedora
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lyarwoodgmann: right, with fedora-latest we only have 3.7 installed by default now. Is there a way of saying that basepython needs to be >= 3.6?08:45
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yoctozeptolyarwood: hah, that's a nice one! :D09:11
openstackgerritLee Yarwood proposed openstack/devstack master: tempest: Install python36 on Fedora
lyarwoodindeed, ^ that seems the easiest thing to do here09:11
lyarwooda hack, but simple enough to undo when Tempest moves on to 3.7 etc09:12
yoctozeptoyeah, but we should indeed have a way to say >=3.6 there09:12
yoctozeptoas 3.7 should work by all means and this is part of the reason various distros are being tested09:12
yoctozeptothe issu with python3 is that is might default to py3.5 (or older) as it did on xenial09:13
lyarwoodyeah understood09:14
fricklerlyarwood: yoctozepto: ah, great, I was trying to find out earlier why all fedora jobs suddenly seemed broken and didn't find any relevant change in devstack. But I do think that tempest is wrong in using "basepython = python3.6", why again can't that just be python3?09:18
yoctozeptofrickler: rocky, xenial, py3.509:19
fricklerit will break again when switching ubuntu to focal, where there will be no py3.6 at all09:19
frickleravoiding py3.5 could be done differently09:19
yoctozeptolet's alias python on xenial09:20
yoctozeptoand revert that change09:20
frickleryoctozepto: yes, I think that that will be better. we are doing a lot of hacks on xenial anyway, let's keep it confined to that legacy environment09:20
fricklergmann: ^^09:20
lyarwoodsounds great09:21
* lyarwood kills his fedora changes09:21
slaweqmasayukig: afazekas: hi, if You will have some time, can You check ?09:29
slaweqahh, sorry kopecmartin already asked for it :)09:29
slaweqthx kopecmartin :)09:29
afazekasthe images are broken09:31
openstackgerritLee Yarwood proposed openstack/tempest master: compute: Deprecate [compute-feature-enabled]/block_migrate_cinder_iscsi
openstackgerritRadosÅ‚aw Piliszek proposed openstack/tempest master: Revert "Define python3 as basepython for Tempest tox env"
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yoctozeptofrickler: - rocky passing11:13
yoctozeptoI repeat my opinion that we are walking in mist here :P11:14
frickleryoctozepto: yes, I actually stopped trying to follow all the rocky things, but I noticed that grenade jobs also are still broken on neutron at least for it, see e.g.
fricklerbtw., mist means something like bs in german, so I'd go with that even more ;)11:20
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yoctozeptofrickler: ah, yes, I remember now, though you like your nouns starting in uppercase so it would be Mist ;D12:23
yoctozeptowhich reminds me I should work on my German...12:24
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frickleryoctozepto: you are correct about the uppercase if you follow the official rules, though in IRC I mostly write everything in lowercase even in German ;)12:31
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toskyiurygregory: I see that the WIP ironic-inspector-grenade job failed; do you think it could be linked to the new setup?13:35
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rishabhhpeyoctozepto: u can get check my journctl logs here -: it is saying unable to fetch token although i checked my keystone.conf and glance-api.conf file passwords are same ..13:47
rishabhhpeor any one who had faced similar issue please help me by looking at this log -:
yoctozeptorishabhhpe: it's 50413:48
yoctozeptoso it is either a legitimate timeout (due to some load)13:48
yoctozeptoor something wrong with keystone there13:48
yoctozeptocheck also keystone logs13:48
rishabhhpeok let me check and fetch the output for you13:49
rishabhhpewel i am not finding anything with devtack@keystone using journctl13:51
rishabhhpebut when i am trying to run this without giving networking details just for checking i am able to passthrough this step13:52
rishabhhpeso what i am suspecting is some wrong configuration i am passing through local.conf file13:52
yoctozeptorishabhhpe: well, it was meant to be "devstack@keystone"14:00
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rishabhhpeyoctozepto: can u please have a look at the log -: here also i am gettin 404 error and some os error14:16
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rishabhhpeyoctozepto: did u get time to check the log14:47
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yoctozeptorishabhhpe: keystone looks stopped14:58
rishabhhpeyoctozepto: well it is may be due to the error is getting errored out14:58
yoctozeptorishabhhpe: browse logs higher up then :-)14:59
yoctozeptocorrelate times14:59
yoctozeptowith the other failure14:59
rishabhhpeapart from this only thing which i am finding unable to find domain: Default and also unable to find USER: Placement .. so in that case it is going down also what further steps can be done to maje it working ?15:01
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fricklerFYI I'm going to be on PTO until next Wednesday, feel free to ignore or override any blocking comments or reviews I may have left15:40
gmannfrickler: python3 would not work for basepython as openstack services/lib are python-requires = >=3.615:42
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openstackgerritMerged opendev/elastic-recheck master: Update flot js file inclusion to match new flot
gmannwe can do py3 but in that case I need to drop 3.5 support from Tempest.15:43
toskygrenade update: the testing grenade-heat job is failing, but so is the old one, and they seem to fail in the same position:
gmannfrickler: by seeing failure on rocky (old py2 jobs of neutron-vpnaas) and non-py3.6 jobs I think we need to drop py3.5 and pin Tempest on rocky. let me think more on this because env with py3.7 is good use case like fedora distro15:46
openstackgerritJens Harbott (frickler) proposed openstack/devstack master: Undeprecate neutron-legacy scripts
openstackgerritJens Harbott (frickler) proposed openstack/devstack master: WIP: Make devstack run on focal (Ubuntu LTS 20.04)
fricklergmann: yes, focal is even planned to have 3.8 only15:51
gmannyeah and our V cycle testing runtime is to test on py3.7 distro15:52
gmannfrickler: yoctozepto lyarwood I propose 1. drop py3.5 from Tempest 2. basepython to py3 3. make sure python alias to py3.6 on distro or pin tempest for any distro has <py3.615:53
gmannthis is best way going forward.15:53
gmannotherwise we keep adding hack on distro and that can be endless as we keep updating the distro and python version for testing15:54
gmannit will solve the neutron-vpnaas stable/rocky failure also as amotoki slaweq reported15:56
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lyarwoodgmann: ack sounds good to me15:59
amotokigmann: are you sending some summary on what are discussed so far? If not, I will send a summary tomorrow morning.16:01
gmannamotoki: there are some more change like drop 3.5 needed and changing basepython to 3 not 3.6 and pin Tempest stable/rocky.16:02
gmannamotoki: i can send it on ML with patches up and see what all things fixed or not.16:03
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amotokigmann: great. it is not easy to track all discussion in IRC.16:03
gmannamotoki: V cycle testing runtime distro will not have py3.6 so Tempest should keep working with  >py3.6 also16:03
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amotokigmann: are you talking about Ubuntu image? looking at, py36 looks still considered.16:07
yoctozeptogmann: might be time to start branching tempest?16:09
yoctozeptogmann: btw, any idea why revert is suddenly passing on rocky?16:10
gmannamotoki: yeah Ubuntu 20.04 will have py3.6 and py3.8 with py3.8 default. may be future distro drop py3.616:10
gmannyoctozepto: branching Tempest will drop whole idea of stable testing from interop perspective16:10
gmannyoctozepto: python is not aliased there ? i remember py3.5 was picked up when i tested locally and decided to basepython py3.6 instead of py316:11
yoctozeptogmann: hmm, you mean as in ready testing each change to tempest on all supported branches?16:11
yoctozeptogmann: yeah, I'm thinking the ppa aliased it somehow, but we do not it explicitly, it suddenly just worked with revert16:11
gmannyoctozepto: yeah, that is why we have all supported stable branch job on Tempest master gate16:12
yoctozeptoso it fixed fedora while not breaking our CI16:12
yoctozeptogmann: that makes sense, thanks16:12
yoctozeptoindeed hard doing it with branches16:12
yoctozeptogmann: we might want to go with pyenv for tempest16:12
gmannits just py2 drop is making us difficult to dream about master Tempest everywhere.16:12
yoctozeptogmann: and py <3.616:13
yoctozeptowe already had some chat with fungi and others on infra about pyenv16:13
yoctozeptofor things like tempest it might be best16:13
gmannyoctozepto: with that pin on stable/rocky I am thinking to remove the ppa way also as that is not so guaranteed way.16:14
yoctozeptoas one does not run tempest as production service16:14
gmannit is run on production as well16:14
yoctozeptogmann: what do you mean?16:14
yoctozeptogmann: yeah, "on production", not as production service16:14
yoctozeptoso it does not have to use OS python for itself16:14
gmannyeah, it can be on different node or in vnenv16:15
yoctozeptoand that's the issue we are fighting here16:15
yoctozeptopyenv+venv should be most lightweight16:15
yoctozeptoheavier - container16:15
yoctozeptoheaviest - another node16:15
yoctozeptoby the looks of tempest pyenv+venv would be just what we need16:16
yoctozeptoalways best python for tempest16:16
fungithe biggest challenge with pyenv, i think, is providing a cache so that jobs don't choke on a network issue cloning the cpython repo or bloat their run times waiting for 3.6 to build from source16:28
clarkbthis makes me wonder if any of our software is using python3.6 feature that aren't in 3.5 :/16:28
yoctozeptoclarkb: neutron-lib by declaration16:29
yoctozeptoand some lesser deps16:29
clarkbright but just by declaration not necessarily the actual code?16:29
clarkbship has sailed, but in the future we might consider a more graceful approach to phasing out older python in libraries16:30
clarkbasserting 3 rather than 3.616:30
yoctozeptoclarkb: you mean let's ask neutron if they really needed to make a mess of xenial?16:32
clarkbyoctozepto: no, I think at this point unravelling that would be more trbouel than its worth, but when python3.8 and 3.9 and so on happen we should keep in mind that forcing slightly older python to not work at all is painful16:33
clarkbparticularly in libraries16:33
yoctozeptoclarkb: good point16:33
yoctozeptoyeah, it's about the lib for tempest16:33
openstackgerritGhanshyam Mann proposed openstack/tempest master: Drop python 3.5 support from Tempest
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gmannlyarwood: can you restore this, as this is needed for future py version also and openstack is becmoing >=py3.6 not ==py3.616:41
gmannclarkb: fungi yoctozepto yeah we cannot guarantee for py3.5 compatibility for any dependencies as they are >py3.6 so i am dropping py3.5 support from Tempest and going to pin on stable/rocky which is py3.516:42
gmannclarkb: on pinning Tempest with tag (not gerrit style ref), you mentioned to checkout explicitly with tag or via TEMPEST_BRANCH ?16:43
clarkbgmann: yes, at the very least using teh gerrit style ref is not going to be correct in all cases because the base commit of the gerrit change may not be the same as the resulting merge16:44
clarkbgmann: when zuul sets up the git repos it should include all tags allowing you to check them out by name16:44
clarkbso you should be able to just say 10.0.0 or whatever as the branch name16:44
lyarwoodgmann: restore what sorry?16:45
gmannbranch name do not work due to git_clone logic as /opt/stack/tempest exist16:45
lyarwoodgmann: did you mean review?16:45
gmannlyarwood: sorry. this one
clarkbgmann: can you explain that more. in the test job it won't clone16:45
clarkbso then you just have to checkout right? and because the tag is arleady there it should work?16:46
lyarwoodgmann: ah ha, sorry16:46
clarkband if setting the tag doesn't work, maybe we should update devstack to fix that16:46
clarkbbecause tempest sort of assumes that16:46
gmannclarkb: yeah that is what i was thinking initially but did not due to other side effect. but let me try.16:47
openstackgerritLee Yarwood proposed openstack/tempest master: tox: Use python3 within tempestenv
gmannyoctozepto: ah, got why tempest stable rocky was working with revert. that does not have neutron-tempest-plugin which was causing issue.16:54
yoctozeptogmann: odd, it was failing before on that change16:55
gmannyoctozepto: so 704688 will break neutron stable/rocky which we can solve by your idea of python alias and later I am going to pin tempest so that we can remove those ppa hacks16:55
yoctozeptobut that makes sense16:55
yoctozeptocould be other failure16:55
yoctozeptogmann: can you spin up the failure?16:56
yoctozeptoso that we are sure where we are going :-)16:56
yoctozeptothanks :-)16:56
yoctozeptogmann: thx17:04
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openstackgerritGhanshyam Mann proposed openstack/tempest master: Drop python 3.5 support from Tempest
yoctozeptoclarkb: hmm, modifying jobs makes zuul run all jobs?
yoctozeptoclarkb: gmann only dropped py35 jobs there17:52
clarkbif there isn't an exclusion otherwise ti will run them17:53
gmannyeah, per file we can filter not with file text area. same with tox.ini update17:53
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed opendev/elastic-recheck master: Fix flot xaxis labels
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yoctozeptoclarkb: ah, just due to touching zuul file?18:02
clarkbthe way zuul runs jobs is it looks at the job and checks if file matchers have been matched or negative matches are not matched. In this case either zuul.yaml is matched or not match with negative matcher so all those jobs run18:03
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clarkbzuul will also run any job that is modified (in this case no jobs are modified so isn't a case to worry about)18:03
yoctozeptoclarkb: I see, thanks, thought it ignored its own files by default18:05
cgoncalvesianw, hey. would appreciate if you could revisit thanks!18:06
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed opendev/elastic-recheck master: Don't pretty print json files
clarkbyoctozepto: zuul tends to overrun jobs rather than run too few18:07
clarkbbetter to have too much testing than too little18:07
yoctozeptoclarkb: heh, true - unless you get so many random failures which is the case with grenade and tempest18:08
clarkbwell zuul also operates under the assumption that testing is fairly stable because of gating. This is why every time the question of rsource usage comes up I always point to fixing unreliable tests first18:08
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openstackgerritMerged opendev/elastic-recheck master: Fix flot xaxis labels
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yoctozeptogmann: /me puzzled - rocky is passing also in
openstackgerritMerged opendev/elastic-recheck master: Don't pretty print json files
yoctozeptogmann: 2020-01-29 18:15:55.311609 | controller | Collecting neutron-lib===1.30.018:34
yoctozeptothey pinned it in u-c and that fixed it18:34
yoctozeptoso as long as tempest does not use latest neutron-lib features then we have these jobs passing18:34
yoctozeptoone can revert 3.6 on xenial ;p18:34
yoctozeptooh what a mess18:35
gmannyoctozepto: ok. because neutron-lib is pinned in requriements18:35
gmannit was for any lib/dependency >py3.6 and to avoid pinning the same on requriements18:35
yoctozeptoyeah, it *was* indeed18:36
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yoctozeptocould use some coordination huh18:36
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gmannso we are good with basepython=py3 and neutron stable/rocky will keep working. and no other dependency become >=py3.6 before we fix everything as per plan.18:38
yoctozeptoyeah, and then finally we pin it and have it gone :D18:38
yoctozeptono rocky, no xenial, no problem18:39
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openstackgerritRadosÅ‚aw Piliszek proposed openstack/devstack stable/rocky: Revert "Install python3.6 on ubuntu xenial for Tempest venv"
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gmannyoctozepto: we need to wait on this till pin Temepst ^^19:01
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yoctozeptogmann: hmm, well, it's no longer used after its dep merges19:11
yoctozeptogmann: one would need to alias python3 to it to make any sense19:12
yoctozeptogmann: atm is irrelevant ;-)19:12
yoctozeptogmann: some nice unbreaker for ironic train folks: - must be fine for train19:24
yoctozeptogmann: and this for master folks installing on their machines:
yoctozeptoclarkb, ianw: ^^ (two lines)19:27
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gmannyoctozepto: i was ok with those backport until train as swift is py3 in train19:31
gmanni think tosky also updated the backport working.19:32
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yoctozeptogmann: what about stein btw?19:38
yoctozeptois it failing now on some of these?19:39
yoctozeptoweird it's required so late19:39
gmannin stein, we need for swift. and grenade job is py2->py2 there.19:39
gmannin ussuri onwards, it is py3->py319:39
yoctozeptogmann: thanks, makes sense :-)19:51
yoctozeptogmann: and grenade in train is py2->py3 then? (since swift was py2)19:52
yoctozeptosorry for questions flow but it's probably fastest to learn it from you an then correlate with code :-)19:52
clarkb+2'd gmann can probbly review it too or wait for ianw19:53
gmannyoctozepto: no, in train also it is py2->py2. as devstack is default to py3, ussuri is py3->py3. doing py2->py3 was good but we did not do due to complexity and no volunteer19:53
yoctozeptoclarkb: thanks, though I was about two other patches19:53
yoctozeptogmann: all right! thank you19:53
clarkb643 and 336?19:54
yoctozeptoclarkb: yeah, these19:54
yoctozeptothey impact users :-)19:54
yoctozeptoin a bad way19:54
yoctozeptoif not merged that is :D19:54
yoctozeptoclarkb: thanks :-)19:56
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed opendev/elastic-recheck master: Simplify 1708704's query
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openstackgerritMerged opendev/elastic-recheck master: Simplify 1708704's query
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openstackgerritGhanshyam Mann proposed openstack/devstack master: Support TEMPEST_BRANCH with tag name
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gmannclarkb: Tempest tag-
clarkbok I understand why it doesn't work the other way now. Thanks22:15
clarkbgmann: maybe we can do a depends on that shows it checkign out an older release?22:15
gmannclarkb: sure22:16
clarkbgmann: I *think* that is safe to use with master too22:16
clarkbbecause zuul will update master such that it points to speculative branches22:16
clarkbso if it is master the checkout is correct nad if it is a tag that is correct too22:16
gmannclarkb: yeah it would hurt master or any tag is used22:16
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gmannwould not22:17
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openstackgerritGhanshyam Mann proposed openstack/devstack master: DNM: testing tempest tag
gmannclarkb: ^^22:20
gmannthen we can backport this and in future we can just update TEMEPST_BRANCH var on devstack or job side.22:20
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gmannamotoki: summarized with Tempest update also. is all of the neutron stadium project use in-tree plugins for stable testing ? -
gmannamotoki: feel free to add something i missed.23:01
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