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openstackgerrit | wangzhiguang proposed openstack/tempest master: add unit test for update endpoint interface https://review.opendev.org/707067 | 06:42 |
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openstackgerrit | wangzhiguang proposed openstack/tempest master: add get available-system-scopes interface and unittest https://review.opendev.org/707071 | 07:31 |
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yoctozepto | + lib/infra:install_infra:32 : virtualenv /opt/stack/requirements/.venv | 08:37 |
yoctozepto | ERROR:root:ImportError: cannot import name ensure_text | 08:37 |
yoctozepto | KeithMnemonic: did you mean that? ^ | 08:37 |
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frickler | yoctozepto: KeithMnemonic: oh, fun, that seems to be another fallout of virtualenv>=20, see the recent discussion over in -infra https://f4859be3d0571623e433-da4cb763ba77755124de943f204290eb.ssl.cf1.rackcdn.com/701066/1/check/osc-functional-devstack/5ad657e/controller/logs/pip3-freeze.txt | 09:12 |
frickler | as if we hadn't had enough windmills to fight against yet *sigh* | 09:12 |
openstackgerrit | Weronika Sikora proposed openstack/tempest master: Set image_alt_ssh_user during stack https://review.opendev.org/682904 | 09:21 |
yoctozepto | frickler: ack, mist is the word | 09:23 |
openstackgerrit | wangzhiguang proposed openstack/tempest master: add get limit enforement model interface and unittest https://review.opendev.org/707085 | 09:28 |
dtantsur | stephenfin: hi! we're seeing fallout of https://review.opendev.org/#/c/703137/ on ironic-tempest-plugin still. should it be backported to all stable branches? | 09:41 |
openstackgerrit | wangzhiguang proposed openstack/tempest master: add get available-system-scopes interface and unittest https://review.opendev.org/707071 | 09:41 |
dtantsur | (not the fallout of the patch, but the issue it fixes) | 09:41 |
dtantsur | or should we rather backport https://review.opendev.org/#/c/703288/ to all branches? | 09:42 |
dtantsur | filed https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/2007282 | 09:46 |
stephenfin | dtantsur: That's a revert for a patch that only merged this cycle, so you shouldn't be seeing issues on stable branches https://review.opendev.org/#/c/702709/ | 09:52 |
stephenfin | dtantsur: Have you logs I can look at? | 09:52 |
stephenfin | dtantsur: Probably best talking to yoctozepto too since they started the original patch | 09:53 |
dtantsur | stephenfin: I think I know what is happening. In ironic-tempest-plugin (branchless as all tempest plugins) we run stable jobs via branch override. This presumably ends up pulling master job definitions (without g-reg) with stable devstack (requiring g-reg). | 09:53 |
dtantsur | an example run: https://zuul.opendev.org/t/openstack/build/cb355b79d5d6452aa3fd475369a6bf44 | 09:53 |
dtantsur | I see only two ways out: backport all devstack patches or force-enable g-reg in our jobs (trying the latter now) | 09:53 |
stephenfin | Okay, gotcha. Definitely want to involve yoctozepto then :) That was a bit of work to get going | 09:54 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/tempest master: waiters: Add wait_for_volume_attachment_remove https://review.opendev.org/701605 | 09:55 |
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* dtantsur mumbles something about branchless tempest plugins being pita | 10:03 | |
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openstackgerrit | Jens Harbott (frickler) proposed openstack/devstack stable/rocky: Override virtualenv to a version < 20 https://review.opendev.org/707109 | 11:11 |
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openstackgerrit | Jens Harbott (frickler) proposed openstack/devstack stable/queens: Override virtualenv to a version < 20 https://review.opendev.org/707133 | 13:02 |
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openstackgerrit | Jens Harbott (frickler) proposed openstack/devstack stable/rocky: Override virtualenv to a version < 20 https://review.opendev.org/707109 | 13:03 |
frickler | now let's see how deep this rabbit hole goes | 13:04 |
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bigdogstl | reviews please https://review.opendev.org/#/c/673342 https://review.opendev.org/#/c/689052 https://review.opendev.org/#/c/676979 | 13:16 |
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gmann | QA office hour time | 13:30 |
gmann | #startmeeting qa | 13:30 |
openstack | Meeting started Tue Feb 11 13:30:41 2020 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is gmann. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. | 13:30 |
openstack | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 13:30 |
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openstack | The meeting name has been set to 'qa' | 13:30 |
gmann | who all here today | 13:30 |
kopecmartin | hi | 13:30 |
soniya29 | Hello | 13:31 |
bigdogstl | hi | 13:31 |
gmann | #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/QATeamMeeting | 13:32 |
gmann | #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/QATeamMeeting#Agenda_for_next_Office_hours | 13:32 |
gmann | today agenda ^^ | 13:32 |
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gmann | #topic Announcement and Action Item (Optional) | 13:32 |
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gmann | no action item from previous meeting | 13:33 |
gmann | #topic Ussuri Priority Items progress | 13:33 |
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gmann | #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/qa-ussuri-priority | 13:33 |
gmann | I am jumping to py things as other do not have much progress | 13:34 |
gmann | - py2.7 drop plan for QA | 13:34 |
gmann | this is in-progress work and fixing stable testing for this. we will talk more on those in later section | 13:35 |
gmann | other part to share is about scenario manager. | 13:35 |
arxcruz | o/ | 13:36 |
gmann | kopecmartin has created a etherpad to start this work #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/tempest-scenario-manager | 13:36 |
gmann | i have not got chance to review/add things in this. I will be doing right after meeting. | 13:36 |
gmann | anything else on ussuri priority ? | 13:37 |
gmann | #topic OpenStack Events Updates and Planning | 13:37 |
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gmann | we have to give number for QA attendance in Vancouver PTG. I need to start the etherpad and collect possible number of attendees. | 13:38 |
gmann | #action gmann to start the planning for Vancouver PTG. | 13:38 |
gmann | #topic Sub Teams highlights (Sub Teams means individual projects under QA program) | 13:39 |
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gmann | before jumping to each project status, I would like to update the fixes we did last week for py2 drop in multiple projects for stable testing. | 13:40 |
gmann | #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2020-February/012462.html | 13:40 |
gmann | i summarized/updated the bugs in above ML. stable branch testing for Tempest installing with stable u-c are green now. | 13:41 |
gmann | and another bug of using 'all-plugin' for tempest run has been fixed for designate and if any other project facing the same issue they can fix it in similar way. | 13:41 |
gmann | Tempest | 13:42 |
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gmann | In Tempest we have moved the tox env default basepython to py3. Now i will rebase my dropping py2 patch. that will reduce huge number of jobs on master gate. | 13:43 |
gmann | #link https://review.opendev.org/#/q/project:openstack/tempest+status:open | 13:43 |
gmann | these are open reviews. | 13:43 |
gmann | any special things to discuss on Tempest, any bug you are aware of etc ? | 13:43 |
kopecmartin | I put all interesting bugs to triage etherpad | 13:44 |
gmann | kopecmartin: thanks. | 13:44 |
gmann | Patrole | 13:44 |
gmann | anything on patrole ? | 13:44 |
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gmann | any other project updates ? | 13:45 |
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tosky | devstack: there was an issue reported between devstack and ironic-tempest-plugin reported earlier by dtantsur|brb; stephenfin and yoctozepto may know a bit more | 13:45 |
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tosky | grenade: reviews are ready | 13:45 |
gmann | ohk, i need to check the logss | 13:45 |
gmann | tosky: thanks. i did not get chance to review grenade due to those py2 thongs. I will be doing those in this week for sure. | 13:46 |
* yoctozepto feels mentions but will read later (very busy) | 13:46 | |
tosky | gmann: np, there have been many fires in the last week | 13:47 |
gmann | yeah | 13:47 |
gmann | let's move next | 13:47 |
gmann | #topic Community goal tracking | 13:47 |
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gmann | #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/qa-community-wide-goals-tracking | 13:48 |
gmann | 1. Drop Python 2.7 Support | 13:48 |
gmann | this is ongoing work and we have patches up for review. I will be merging those soon and do release before m-2 on 13th Feb. | 13:48 |
gmann | 2. Project Specific PTL and Contributor Documentation | 13:49 |
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gmann | this is not started, we talked about on tc channel last week about what exactly to do. there will be update on goal doc for that regarding keeping CONTRIBUTING.rst and new doc/source/contributing.rst | 13:50 |
gmann | #topic Bug Triage | 13:50 |
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tosky | yep, better avoid duplication (re CONTRIBUTING) | 13:50 |
gmann | true | 13:50 |
kopecmartin | triaging, the numbers are still going down as can be seen in the etherpad, which is great | 13:51 |
kopecmartin | # link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/qa-bug-triage-ussuri | 13:51 |
gmann | one things i would like mention again. if you see any py2 related bug, keep reporting and fixing. we have to keep gate as stable as possible for this work | 13:51 |
gmann | kopecmartin: yeah, go ahead | 13:51 |
kopecmartin | i would like to mention, that we have a lot of reviews which seem to be ready for final review | 13:52 |
kopecmartin | so I put bugs which are about to be fixed and all reviews i find ready for a core review to the ethepad | 13:52 |
gmann | kopecmartin: thanks. | 13:53 |
kopecmartin | i'd like to suggest, that I'll keep filtering the reveiws and bugs and put the almost ready one to the etherpad and i'd like to ask cores to go through the etherpad from time to time | 13:53 |
tosky | kopecmartin: I think there was an extra space between "#" and "link" in your link earlier, so it was not highlighted in the logs | 13:53 |
kopecmartin | #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/qa-bug-triage-ussuri | 13:53 |
kopecmartin | my bad :) | 13:53 |
gmann | kopecmartin: yeah, very less core are active but this will help us | 13:53 |
gmann | kopecmartin: one question, 34->28 in NEW. does this triage all bugs or include invalid also ? | 13:54 |
dulek | gmann: Hello! I'm figuring out problems on this thing: https://review.opendev.org/#/c/682531/. Is devstack-ipv6 job having just ipv6 ifaces on the nodepool VM? | 13:54 |
kopecmartin | gmann: i put there links only to triaged under 'Bugs with patches' section | 13:55 |
gmann | kopecmartin: means? those number reduce is you raised the fixes for those ? | 13:55 |
gmann | i would like to know the category of those reduce which is great | 13:56 |
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gmann | dulek: it does ipv6 iface like any other testing VM and this job just enable the services listen on IPv6. | 13:57 |
kopecmartin | gmann: oh, you mean this, the numbers are current ones, meaning what launchpad currently shows .. those bugs or reviews I put there explicitly are related to bugs in In Progress state no New | 13:57 |
dulek | gmann: Oh, probably DNS (unbound?) too? Seems like Docker is unable to connect, probably because it has no IPv6 iface. | 13:58 |
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gmann | kopecmartin: yeah that i got, I mean 34->28 on new bugs, did you traige those 8 bugs or few of them are invalid also | 13:58 |
gmann | dulek: that might be possible, monasca faces same issue for kafka not able to listen on ipv6 | 13:59 |
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kopecmartin | gmann: I triaged them, either put to Confirmed or Invalid state .. or proposed a change to fix it | 13:59 |
dulek | gmann: Cool, in our case it shouldn't be impossible to solve, so I'll take a look. | 14:00 |
gmann | kopecmartin: great. this is really great reduction in # of NEW bug and if with this rate we will make it in single digit or 0 soon. | 14:00 |
gmann | dulek: i see. may be we can do it once docker is ready because 3rd party we can do much | 14:01 |
gmann | kopecmartin: let's move to individual bugs you would like to discuss | 14:01 |
gmann | i did not find any on etherpad except review request. | 14:02 |
kopecmartin | gmann: i have one python-stestr bug: https://review.opendev.org/#/c/700778/ for exmaple | 14:02 |
gmann | ok. | 14:03 |
kopecmartin | gmann: i think right now only reviews are needed, i don't have prepared any bug which I'd like to discuss atm | 14:03 |
gmann | kopecmartin: ok, i will try to review those before next meeting and add status on etherpad. | 14:03 |
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gmann | thanks for all this help. | 14:04 |
gmann | #topic Critical Reviews | 14:04 |
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gmann | any critical review from anyone ? | 14:04 |
kopecmartin | just that one i shared already related to os-testr: https://review.opendev.org/#/c/700778/ | 14:05 |
gmann | ok | 14:05 |
gmann | #topic Open Discussion | 14:06 |
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gmann | anything else to discuss ? | 14:06 |
gmann | ok, thanks all for joining. | 14:07 |
gmann | #endmeeting | 14:07 |
*** openstack changes topic to "Discussion of OpenStack Quality Assurance Projects (tempest, devstack, grenade, and friends) | docs https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/QA | specs https://review.openstack.org/#/q/project:openstack/qa-specs | channel logs http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/irclogs/%23openstack-qa/" | 14:07 | |
openstack | Meeting ended Tue Feb 11 14:07:07 2020 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) | 14:07 |
openstack | Minutes: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/qa/2020/qa.2020-02-11-13.30.html | 14:07 |
openstack | Minutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/qa/2020/qa.2020-02-11-13.30.txt | 14:07 |
openstack | Log: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/qa/2020/qa.2020-02-11-13.30.log.html | 14:07 |
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gmann | bigdogstl: ACK, i will be reviewing those patches you mentioned. | 14:07 |
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gmann | dtantsur: RE: ironic-tempest-plugin issue. when devstack is picked up from stable then g-reg should be enabled by default by devstack and job does not need to enable it. - https://github.com/openstack/devstack/blob/d5906687a38f1d0d4ff76e678f089750f60b4625/stackrc#L72 | 14:21 |
dtantsur | gmann: well, it doesn't happen | 14:22 |
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gmann | dtantsur: humm, its not failing stable jobs on Tempest master. | 14:23 |
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dtantsur | gmann: there may be a slight difference in the configuration.. | 14:24 |
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dtantsur | we seem to end up with non-empty ENABLED_SERVICES | 14:24 |
gmann | dtantsur: this is enabled in failed patch you mentioned- https://zuul.opendev.org/t/openstack/build/cb355b79d5d6452aa3fd475369a6bf44/log/job-output.txt#1629 | 14:24 |
gmann | oh | 14:25 |
dtantsur | maybe it happens afterwards? | 14:25 |
dtantsur | adding g-reg explicitly brought the jobs back: https://review.opendev.org/#/c/707087/ | 14:25 |
dtantsur | mmm, no, it happens before, but is_service_enabled still returns 1: https://zuul.opendev.org/t/openstack/build/cb355b79d5d6452aa3fd475369a6bf44/log/job-output.txt#21369 | 14:27 |
dtantsur | gmann: ^^ | 14:27 |
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gmann | yeah, something going wrong there, checking... | 14:27 |
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gmann | dtantsur: ironic job does not make 'base'=False in devstack_services so devstack should add all the base services in enable_service but it seems only ironic enabled services in job are added in enabled_services . not sure why base services addition is not happening. | 14:55 |
dtantsur | yeah, I've noticed some inconsistency in how inheritance works | 14:56 |
gmann | it start failing today right ? | 14:56 |
dtantsur | gmann: wait, won't zuul definitions be unconditionally pulled from master (== branch of ironic-tempest-plugin) | 14:56 |
dtantsur | gmann: not sure. quite recently, probably not today. | 14:56 |
gmann | dtantsur: yes from master, if you have two different job definition per branch then it will pick stable branch job definition when running on stable vs master | 14:57 |
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dtantsur | gmann: ironic-tempest-plugin is always master. and branch overrides will take effect only after the job definition is constructed. Am I right here? | 14:58 |
dtantsur | which means, we'll take enabled_services from devstack master (without g-reg), but then try to use stable branches of projects. | 14:58 |
gmann | yes, i can see only single definition so it will pick from ironic-tempest-plugin master- https://github.com/openstack/ironic-tempest-plugin/blob/master/zuul.d/stable-jobs.yaml | 14:58 |
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gmann | dtantsur: no, job definition is picked up but devstack will be of stable and that is why we can see default enable_service has g-reg | 14:59 |
gmann | which is overridden by devdtack role and skipped to add base services which has g-reg | 15:00 |
dtantsur | where exactly is it happening? | 15:00 |
gmann | https://github.com/openstack/devstack/blob/18d1dc99b75d27f321e4789f2ba8961d4cc165a2/roles/write-devstack-local-conf/library/devstack_local_conf.py#L237 | 15:00 |
gmann | 'base' is true by deafult | 15:00 |
gmann | default | 15:00 |
dtantsur | there is no g-reg here, right? https://opendev.org/openstack/devstack/src/branch/master/.zuul.yaml#L400 | 15:01 |
dtantsur | so even if we do inherit correctly, g-reg is no longer there. | 15:01 |
gmann | ohh, i only looked the stackrc things. | 15:01 |
gmann | let me check if we have branch variant there | 15:02 |
gmann | devstack is branch and so base job 'devstack' should be picked from stable branch | 15:03 |
gmann | not from master. | 15:03 |
gmann | oh, wait | 15:03 |
gmann | its master gate not stable. | 15:03 |
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gmann | these explain it but i am confused why it is enable in tempest-full-py3-train running on master | 15:04 |
KeithMnemonic | frickler thank you for the note. I am actually starting vacation later today so probably will not look further until i get back. | 15:04 |
dtantsur | gmann: yeah, zuul definitions from master, devstack from stable. this is how I imagine it. | 15:04 |
cgoncalves | ianw, devstack cores: could you please review https://review.opendev.org/#/c/703324/ ? thanks | 15:06 |
gmann | dtantsur: and that is what happening for tempest-full-py3-train. 'devstack' job definition from stable which has g-reg in base services- https://zuul.opendev.org/t/openstack/build/24fee7cdd6a844c7a5c93b7fc657b6d0/log/job-output.txt#2351 | 15:08 |
dtantsur | how do you achieve that? | 15:08 |
gmann | it is same way ironic doing - https://github.com/openstack/tempest/blob/master/.zuul.yaml#L433 | 15:09 |
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gmann | dtantsur: this is issue. 'base' var is false for ironic job which stopping all base services to be enabled - https://zuul.opendev.org/t/openstack/build/cb355b79d5d6452aa3fd475369a6bf44/log/zuul-info/inventory.yaml#100 | 15:12 |
gmann | checking which job doing it | 15:12 |
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dtantsur | maybe ironic-base, hmm | 15:12 |
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dtantsur | hmm, no, not it | 15:12 |
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gmann | yeah, i checked that very first thing in ironic-base | 15:14 |
dtantsur | I cannot find this string in our job definitions Oo | 15:14 |
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gmann | dtantsur: its not 'base'. that is same everywhere. issue is 'devstack' job definition is picked up from master not from stable (which is clear from this job inventory - https://zuul.opendev.org/t/openstack/build/cb355b79d5d6452aa3fd475369a6bf44/log/zuul-info/inventory.yaml#100 ) | 15:27 |
dtantsur | that's what I figured as well | 15:28 |
gmann | clarkb: you have idea of this ^^. stable tempest job on master gate pick the 'devstack' job from stable not from master. which should be the case. | 15:28 |
gmann | its something from zuul macther which we are missing | 15:29 |
gmann | clarkb: but in ironic case 'devstack' base job definition is picked from master. both stable jobs are defined in same way | 15:31 |
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clarkb | gmann you can look in the zuul inventory file to see the inheritance path | 15:33 |
clarkb | usually I start there to debug | 15:33 |
gmann | clarkb: yeah, we got that but cannot find why mismatch in picking the base job, 1 tempest case it is from stable 2. ironic it is master - https://zuul.opendev.org/t/openstack/build/24fee7cdd6a844c7a5c93b7fc657b6d0/log/zuul-info/inventory.yaml#120 | 15:36 |
gmann | https://zuul.opendev.org/t/openstack/build/cb355b79d5d6452aa3fd475369a6bf44/log/zuul-info/inventory.yaml#160 | 15:37 |
clarkb | usually you have to look at each of the files in the path and trace it | 15:37 |
clarkb | and often you'll find a branches specifier that is over applying itself | 15:37 |
clarkb | I can take a lool in abit | 15:37 |
gmann | yeah, ironic-jobs.yaml should be stable/train but it is master - https://zuul.opendev.org/t/openstack/build/cb355b79d5d6452aa3fd475369a6bf44/log/zuul-info/inventory.yaml#164 | 15:43 |
gmann | dtantsur: clarkb got the issue. it is override_checkout vs override-branch | 15:50 |
dtantsur | gmann: okay, what's the difference? | 15:52 |
gmann | it slipped from my eyes somehow which should be first things to check for branch variant | 15:52 |
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dtantsur | gmann: so, which one should we use? | 15:59 |
dtantsur | I think we changed to override-branch for some reason | 15:59 |
clarkb | dtantsur: override-checkout affects which branch is checked out in the repo when the job runs | 16:02 |
gmann | i remember little bit on some ML thread from corvus on these checkout changes things (cannot find that ML) where override-checkout was made to select the job with branch variant and override_branch just to select the repo not job | 16:02 |
clarkb | the branch specifies which branch this job applies to | 16:02 |
gmann | and override-checkout in addition to job selection does checkout the stable branch on repo too like override_branch does. | 16:03 |
dtantsur | do I read it right that we need override-checkout and then we'll get the correct base job? | 16:04 |
gmann | yes | 16:04 |
gmann | it worked till now as no breaking change between base master job vs stable job definition | 16:05 |
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dtantsur | thanks gmann, clarkb, lemme try and see where it brings us | 16:05 |
gmann | clarkb: i am sure we have doc of explaining those two var ? i remember that from ML discussion year back or so | 16:05 |
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clarkb | ya it should be in the zuul docs let me see | 16:09 |
clarkb | http://lists.zuul-ci.org/pipermail/zuul-discuss/2018-April/000342.html is the email you were looking for I think | 16:09 |
clarkb | https://zuul-ci.org/docs/zuul/reference/job_def.html#attr-job.override-checkout and https://zuul-ci.org/docs/zuul/reference/job_def.html#attr-job.branches for docs | 16:10 |
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gmann | clarkb: thanks. that will helpful if any other job doing the same. i will do some audit on tempest plugins. | 16:13 |
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frickler | gmann: clarkb: ianw: please review https://review.opendev.org/707133 and https://review.opendev.org/#/c/707109/2 in order to unblock stable/queens and rocky (once more) | 16:26 |
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clarkb | +2 from me | 16:27 |
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rishabhhpe | Hi All , Can anyone help me with the error mentioned here -: http://paste.openstack.org/show/789429/ | 16:35 |
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gmann | frickler: thanks. +A | 16:58 |
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yoctozepto | tosky, dtantsur|afk, stephenfin, frickler, gmann: /me catching up | 17:07 |
yoctozepto | I see venv getting pinned, oh what a dram | 17:07 |
yoctozepto | drama* | 17:07 |
yoctozepto | what about g-reg? | 17:07 |
yoctozepto | old code new jobs? | 17:07 |
clarkb | I don't think virtualenv is managed in global requirements | 17:07 |
* yoctozepto scratching head | 17:08 | |
yoctozepto | clarkb: yeah, it's not | 17:08 |
clarkb | it needs to be there before you can install requirements so it is a bit of a chicken and egg | 17:08 |
clarkb | pip and setuptools and wheel are in the same spot | 17:08 |
gmann | yoctozepto: g-reg is solved. its on job side update | 17:08 |
yoctozepto | frickler did manual pin | 17:08 |
yoctozepto | gmann: oh, good, thanks :D | 17:08 |
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clarkb | oh g-reg not g-req I misred that :) | 17:10 |
yoctozepto | clarkb: ah, spreading confusion :D | 17:12 |
* gmann going to enjoy Japanese lunch today.... before more bugs show up :) | 17:15 | |
yoctozepto | gmann: take your time :-) | 17:17 |
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yoctozepto | clarkb: ImportError: No module named pkg_resources | 17:23 |
yoctozepto | clarkb: tell me it got fixed already | 17:23 |
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anastzhyr | Hello, quick question. Working with https://docs.openstack.org/mitaka/config-reference/block-storage/volume-encryption.html . There is a phrase : `boot Vm using Nova, and then run some commands on that VM`. I have booted cirros. And I used `nova get-vnc-console novnc` for accessig VM. Is that a correct approach? | 17:40 |
anastzhyr | I have some doubts, as after `nova attach-volume` I did not get the directories `/dev/vdb` and `/dev/vdc` | 17:42 |
clarkb | cirros may not have udev rules to mknod the new devices? | 17:42 |
clarkb | anastzhyr: You might try rebooting to see if that causes cirros to pick up the new devices (i'm not sure if it has hotplug support) | 17:43 |
anastzhyr | enriquetaso: for visibility | 17:43 |
clarkb | or try a proper distro image like ubuntu or centos | 17:43 |
anastzhyr | clarkb: how to rebooot? | 17:43 |
clarkb | you can either reboot in the server command line using the reboot command or via the nova api | 17:43 |
anastzhyr | Reboot did not help, I will try to use other immage | 17:47 |
anastzhyr | Thank you | 17:47 |
anastzhyr | clarkb: but is there any other way to enter vm | 17:50 |
clarkb | anastzhyr: you can ssh in | 17:50 |
anastzhyr | Or is a browser version a correct way | 17:50 |
clarkb | you might have to open security groups to open tcp port 22 for that | 17:50 |
clarkb | I prefer ssh myself, but vnc works too | 17:50 |
anastzhyr | Ssh using what? | 17:50 |
clarkb | anastzhyr: on linux or mac osx you should have the `ssh` command. On windows if you use the linux on windows thing you'll have `ssh` as well. If not putty is a popular ssh client | 17:51 |
anastzhyr | But how to find the address to use for ssh? | 17:57 |
anastzhyr | Sorry for stupid question | 17:57 |
clarkb | anastzhyr: the nova api will tell you the IP address | 17:57 |
anastzhyr | And 22 port? | 17:58 |
clarkb | `openstack server list` or you can view it in the horizon dashboard under the server details | 17:58 |
clarkb | tcp port 22 is the port that ssh uses by default. It will need to be allowed in your security groups | 17:58 |
anastzhyr | All right, I will tfy | 17:58 |
clarkb | the horizon dashboard can configure that as well. So can openstack cli but it is a bit more convoluted (I haven't done it in a while so don't remember the steps) | 17:58 |
yoctozepto | you might need to configure a floating ip address as well | 18:01 |
yoctozepto | or else connect from the same ip namespace | 18:01 |
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openstackgerrit | Stephen Finucane proposed openstack/tempest master: compute: Use valid extra specs to test 'os-extra_specs' API https://review.opendev.org/707223 | 18:10 |
openstackgerrit | Lee Yarwood proposed openstack/tempest master: WIP volume: Introduce extend attached encrypted volume tests https://review.opendev.org/706904 | 18:11 |
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openstackgerrit | Lee Yarwood proposed openstack/devstack master: WIP tempest: Add TEMPEST_EXTEND_ATTACHED_ENCRYPTED_VOLUME https://review.opendev.org/707227 | 18:25 |
openstackgerrit | Lee Yarwood proposed openstack/devstack-plugin-ceph master: WIP zuul: Enable TEMPEST_EXTEND_ATTACHED_ENCRYPTED_VOLUME in base py3 job https://review.opendev.org/707228 | 18:32 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/devstack stable/queens: Override virtualenv to a version < 20 https://review.opendev.org/707133 | 21:52 |
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openstackgerrit | melanie witt proposed openstack/devstack-plugin-ceph master: umount /var/lib/ceph on init to cleanup previous run https://review.opendev.org/707269 | 22:46 |
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tosky | gmann: about https://review.opendev.org/#/c/703401/ - do we use python 3 also on queens? I though we even pinned tempest because py3 is not supported | 23:16 |
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gmann | tosky: we use that, tempest master started testing py3 since queens jobs | 23:16 |
gmann | tosky: rocky was pinned for py3.5 support dropping. queens was pinned as it is EM | 23:17 |
tosky | gmann: but that's the tempest venv, not the devstack environment, I though | 23:17 |
gmann | tosky: devstack env. | 23:18 |
tosky | USE_PYTHON3 is still false by default in stein and train | 23:18 |
gmann | tosky: yeah but we enable those in stable py3 jobs - https://review.opendev.org/#/c/703646/1/.zuul.yaml | 23:18 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/devstack master: Install psutil required by tools/mlock_report.py script https://review.opendev.org/704134 | 23:19 |
gmann | tosky: we keep running both version for stable jobs till now. | 23:19 |
gmann | and after this it will be only py3 testing of stable on master gate -https://review.opendev.org/#/c/704096/ | 23:19 |
gmann | and py2 testing of those branch will be via stable gate. | 23:20 |
tosky | which is the stable gate? The gate jobs which are executed when a certain a patch is executed against the stable branch? | 23:21 |
tosky | a stable branch* | 23:21 |
gmann | yeah | 23:22 |
tosky | but then they will use an older tempest | 23:22 |
tosky | even for stein | 23:22 |
gmann | no, they will keep using master tempest on py3 venv. like stein and train doing | 23:22 |
gmann | example, tempest-full running on those branch | 23:22 |
tosky | but isn't it possible that a change passes in tempest/master which works against the py3 deployment, but does not work when testing against the py2-based train or stein? | 23:23 |
gmann | tosky: it should not be as Tempest interact only via API so running Tempest in py3 env is enough to use keep using master and test env of py2 or py3. | 23:24 |
gmann | and constraint things also work fine as Tempest run in venv and does not use site-packages. | 23:26 |
tosky | ok, thanks; I think I will need to revisit a few jobs then | 23:32 |
openstackgerrit | Ghanshyam Mann proposed openstack/tempest master: [ussuri][goal] Drop python 2.7 support and testing https://review.opendev.org/704096 | 23:32 |
openstackgerrit | Ghanshyam Mann proposed openstack/tempest master: Re-enable the stable rocky job https://review.opendev.org/707272 | 23:36 |
gmann | masayukig: ^^, these are ready now. py2 drop and re-enable rocky | 23:36 |
openstackgerrit | Ghanshyam Mann proposed openstack/tempest master: [ussuri][goal] Drop python 2.7 support and testing https://review.opendev.org/704096 | 23:45 |
masayukig | gmann: let me check | 23:45 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/qa-specs master: [ussuri][goal] Drop python 2.7 support and testing https://review.opendev.org/705528 | 23:45 |
openstackgerrit | Ghanshyam Mann proposed openstack/tempest master: Re-enable the stable rocky job https://review.opendev.org/707272 | 23:45 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/tempest-stress master: [ussuri][goal] Drop python 2.7 support and testing https://review.opendev.org/705533 | 23:48 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/devstack-tools master: [ussuri][goal] Drop python 2.7 support and testing https://review.opendev.org/705512 | 23:50 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/os-performance-tools master: [ussuri][goal] Drop python 2.7 support and testing https://review.opendev.org/705520 | 23:50 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/stackviz master: [ussuri][goal] Drop python 2.7 support and testing https://review.opendev.org/705531 | 23:56 |
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