Saturday, 2020-04-04

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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/tempest master: Update hacking for Python3
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/hacking master: Small cleanups
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/hacking master: Small cleanups
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/hacking master: Remove usage of six
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yoctozeptoAJaeger: no idea if you will get my comment from a merged change, so: - still advocates local-check-factory usage11:09
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AJaegeryoctozepto: yes, I know -
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yoctozeptoAJaeger: thanks, I commented on your patches (not core [yet] there)14:08
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yoctozeptoAJaeger: I have a question regarding - I did not see it failing on any - could you cross check?14:08
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/hacking master: Document new way of registering local plugins
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/hacking master: Small cleanups
openstackgerritRadosław Piliszek proposed openstack/hacking master: Remove usage of six
AJaegeryoctozepto: answered - removing "ignore" gives you the default ignore list ;(14:25
yoctozeptoAJaeger: ack! then the recommendation was missing in kolla...14:25
yoctozeptoAJaeger: I did not know that, thanks!14:25
AJaegeryoctozepto: learned it only recently - some repo had it as comment ;)14:26
yoctozeptoAJaeger: haha, good one; definitely against python way but what can one do? :-)14:27
AJaegergmann: could you review core group of hacking, please? Most of the direct members of,members have left the community. I just pinged the infra team for review and they told me that they in there more as "insurance". Still, got some reviews...14:29
AJaegerclarkb: FYI ^14:30
AJaegergmann: I think we should merge those open changes and release a 3.0.114:30
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* yoctozepto would not mind being able to +2 in hacking14:31
AJaegeryoctozepto: will you fix kolla-ansible further? I propose to revert to my version and do an update on top of it. But if you want to take over, fine for me as well.14:33
yoctozeptoAJaeger: yeah, I'm precisely doing that; just need to choose new style to pursue14:34
openstackgerritMerged openstack/hacking master: Clean up "is" conditionals
AJaegerthanks, yoctozepto !14:36
yoctozeptoAJaeger: np, I changed the comment to make me remember14:37
AJaegeryoctozepto: good ideae14:38
AJaegeryoctozepto: strange, I thought there were errors - seems I enabled in any case ;( Not my usual way of doing it. You seemed to have caught the one odd case :( Thanks!14:41
yoctozeptoAJaeger: thanks to you too for handling these matters14:44
yoctozeptohmm, hacking reports to both channels14:44
yoctozeptoAJaeger: for the gods of lolz - it fails in CI but passes here locally... so you were right with using them both14:53
yoctozeptonow why it does not see the problem...14:53
yoctozeptolet's regenerate pep814:54
yoctozeptowell, that made it show them14:56
yoctozeptoso need to decide on one hmm hmm14:56
yoctozeptoended up reverting to yours and adding comment 😂15:01
yoctozeptotoo many non-trivial reformat to satisfy either rule15:02
yoctozeptobest to merge early and follow up when time allows15:02
yoctozeptolast week is oh so much fire fighting...15:03
AJaegeryeah, can be done later - but going to hacking 3 is nice to take in IMHO for python 3 support15:10
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yoctozeptoAJaeger: agreed; weeding out old (usually bad) practice15:27
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/tempest master: Remove universal wheel building
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AJaegergmann: FYI, I pushed a couple of py27 cleanups with topic:cleanup-py27-support17:21
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gmannAJaeger: sure, review done. I will wait for final U release and then cut the release for hacking. I will review the core list too.22:53
openstackgerritMerged openstack/hacking master: Stop building universal wheels
openstackgerritMerged openstack/hacking master: Small cleanups
openstackgerritMerged openstack/hacking master: Remove usage of six
openstackgerritMerged openstack/hacking master: Document new way of registering local plugins
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openstackgerritArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/tempest master: Pass clients to compute base's create_test_server

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