Wednesday, 2021-04-28

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gmanndansmith: its teardown or after that in addcleanup. for in between of test  cleanup, we need to do it explicitly via delete APis01:41
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fricklerthis job seems to have encountered some sporadic error in the async code, if anyone want to take a closer look, that'd be nice
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openstackgerritMaAoyu proposed openstack/tempest-lib master: setup.cfg: Replace dashes with underscores
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yoctozeptofrickler: looks like keystone is bootstrapped twice, yet logs do not show it, hmm07:05
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openstackgerritMin Li proposed openstack/tempest master: test_server_multinode.TestServerMultinode. test_schedule_to_all_nodes will create a vm on all the compute nodes included in az, but when there is an ironic type hypervisor, the test fails.
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openstackgerritLee Yarwood proposed openstack/devstack master: cinder: Default CINDER_ISCSI_HELPER to tgtadm on Bionic
lyarwood^ if any devstack cores are around, this is a follow up to as it looks like various projects are still using dsvm bionic based jobs that aren't in devstack's gate08:33
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openstackgerritsean mooney proposed openstack/tempest master: Revert "Revert "don't reuse servers in test_server_actions""
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fricklerlyarwood: do you happen to have a list of those jobs? I'd like to follow up on this as we intend to drop support for bionic in devstack master completely09:47
openstackgerritVictoria Martinez de la Cruz proposed openstack/devstack-plugin-ceph master: Bump up Ceph to Pacific and Ganesha to v3.5
lyarwoodfrickler: you can use
lyarwoodfrickler: or to get an actual list use to command line client09:48
* lyarwood tries quickly09:49
fricklerlyarwood: the logstash query is fine I guess. much too much legacy hidden there IMO09:51
lyarwoodyeah agreed, I knew about the nova grenade job that I've been trying to update for ages now but the others were a surprise09:56
openstackgerritMerged openstack/devstack stable/queens: Fix for downloading uwsgi on centos in lib/apache
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soniya29kopecmartin, gmann, we have py39 released but tempest and plugins doesn't seems to use it10:43
soniya29kopecmartin, gmann, Do we need to drop py38 within tempest?10:49
fricklersoniya29: not sure what your idea is, but py36 and py38 are still the required versions to support
soniya29frickler, but latest available version of python is py39 which is currently not supported10:54
yoctozeptowe generally have non-voting jobs with py39 to ensure early compat10:55
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soniya29yoctozepto, so do we need to wait to update tempest tox?11:01
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sean-k-mooneysoniya29: you cant drop py38 within tempest11:02
sean-k-mooneysoniya29: py38 is part of the xena runtime defintion11:03
soniya29sean-k-mooney, yeah got it11:03
sean-k-mooneyoh frickler said that already11:03
soniya29sean-k-mooney, yeah11:03
sean-k-mooneyhave eventlets fix teh dnspython and py39 issues yet11:04
sean-k-mooneyits been a couple of months since i tried it but in january you could not run nova or neutron propelry with py3911:04
soniya29sean-k-mooney, okay11:05
sean-k-mooneylooks like there was a new release march 3rd 0.30.211:06
sean-k-mooneyno that does not fix the compat issues11:07
sean-k-mooney and are still unresovled :(11:09
yoctozeptosoniya29: it  should be at zuul level11:22
yoctozeptoif you test xena runtimes11:22
yoctozeptothen py39 gets tested non-voting11:22
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soniya29yoctozepto, ohh11:29
yoctozeptothis is about unit tests btw11:29
yoctozeptoand tempest is usually run using distro-specific11:30
yoctozeptoso on ubuntu focal it is py3811:30
yoctozeptowe probably can't afford covering all supported py versions in tempest tests11:30
sean-k-mooneyi think fedora is the only distro we have in teh gate with 39 by default? debian and ubunut can proably install it but  its not there default11:31
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yoctozeptodebian bullseye has it as default11:31
yoctozeptofocal? I don't think it has py39 at all11:31
yoctozeptoI mean, in the builtin repos11:32
sean-k-mooneyya looking it has to come from a ppa11:32
sean-k-mooneyat least on 20.0411:33
sean-k-mooneyits in 20.1011:34
sean-k-mooneyin universe11:34
sean-k-mooney21.04 defaults to 3.911:34
sean-k-mooneyand has 3.10 in universe so  we proably wont get 3.9+ tempest jobs untill centos 9 stream is out in the Y cycle11:35
sean-k-mooneyalthough we coudl do it today if we really needed too11:36
yoctozeptoyeah, if we11:36
yoctozeptoit's usually more useful to bump the lower bound (i.e. drop 3.6 now to start with 3.8) than the upper11:37
yoctozeptoto be able to use 3.8+ features11:37
sean-k-mooneydroping 3.5 gave use fstrings11:38
yoctozeptobumping upper brings only misery :D11:38
yoctozeptoyes, and they are cool11:38
yoctozeptoeven more if you one would normally use them11:38
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frickleryoctozepto: soniya29: gmann: actually this should become xena now and already have been wallaby before instead of victoria I guess?
amodilyarwood: hi, re:, can u suggest if cmd = "sh -c \"zgrep 'Attempting to export RBD image[:]"... is the right way to grep for logs, the zuul job has a different structure so i can't grep for the logs at the same location11:57
lyarwoodamodi: you would need to use journalctl11:59
yoctozeptofrickler: ooh, indeed!12:00
yoctozeptoif that is what soniya29 observed12:00
yoctozeptothen it is solved by bumping to xena12:00
yoctozeptonormally, it's done by bot on release12:01
yoctozeptofor wallaby
amodilyarwood: just saw the comments, thanks! will implement12:11
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frickleryoctozepto: doesn't look like that was a bot. I'll propose a patch, didn't have one for tempest in a while ;)12:12
yoctozeptofrickler: because tempest does not release this way12:13
yoctozeptoso bot does not cover it12:13
openstackgerritVictoria Martinez de la Cruz proposed openstack/devstack-plugin-ceph master: Bump up Ceph to Pacific and Ganesha to v3.5
yoctozeptohence no xena patch12:13
openstackgerritDr. Jens Harbott proposed openstack/tempest master: Bump the openstack-python3 jobs to xena
frickleryoctozepto: ah, right, that explains why sdk was in the same situation last week12:17
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lyarwoodanyone working on the memory_tracker.service failures on master?12:28
* lyarwood writes up a bug12:30
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yoctozeptofrickler: afaik, sdk should be getting this help from bot12:35
soniya29yoctozepto, frickler, okay thanks!12:35
yoctozeptobut may be mistaken12:35
yoctozeptolyarwood: /me not aware12:35
lyarwood - I've seen it a few times today12:37
openstackLaunchpad bug 1926434 in devstack "devstack@memory_tracker.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE" [Undecided,New]12:37
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fricklerlyarwood: does that lead to actual job failures or is this just warning-like, like the worlddump messages?12:47
lyarwoodfrickler: job failure AFAICT12:50
lyarwoodfrickler: exit_trap runs just after this failure12:51
lyarwoodmight be missing something if this is async12:51
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toskyfrickler, lyarwood : sooo... about bumping the size of the cinder volume to 30G, can we somehow find a solution?13:00
fricklerlyarwood: ah, o.k.. I think this might be , could be worth to revisit that patch, not sure why it would suddenly happen so often, possibly indeed triggered by switching to async13:00
fricklertosky: I just dropped my -1, so you can go ahead with that13:04
gmannsoniya29: yeah, we need to test as per cycle defined testing runtime. but we do have a n-v job for py39 testing which will be future cycle testing runtime13:07
soniya29gmann, okay, so we will have py9 for future13:08
gmannas voting job, yes13:08
toskyfrickler: thanks!13:08
soniya29gmann, ack13:13
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kopecmartingmann: when you have a moment
dansmithgmann: ack, I added manual cleanup between tests which got me closer, thanks14:13
openstackgerritDr. Jens Harbott proposed openstack/devstack master: Handle disappearing pids in
fricklerlyarwood: ^^ actually after looking a bit, I'm pretty sure that ianw's patch is the right fix for your issues. rebased and added the bug reference14:18
lyarwoodfrickler: ack thanks, I'll review shortly14:18
dansmithgmann: did you tell me once that tests within a single class in tempest will run serially?14:27
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openstackgerritDan Smith proposed openstack/tempest master: Add tests for glance unified quotas
gmanndansmith: yes, within class tests are serial run so safe to use shared resources.14:43
dansmithgmann: hrm, okay I don't understand why I can't repro these failures then14:43
gmanndansmith: which one?14:44
dansmithon the patch I'm working on ^14:44
dansmithI just split them out into separate classes as a test, but if you're right about serializing the runs, it shouldn't matter14:44
gmanndansmith: quota is little different that way, as updating quota can impact on overall on service. did you use lock for those to avoid issues of other' test class run in parallel?14:46
dansmithah crap, guess what?14:46
dansmithI just realized my devstack patch doesn't point at the top of my glance stack :X14:46
dansmithme not so smart14:46
openstackgerritDan Smith proposed openstack/devstack master: Configure glance unified limit quotas
gmanndansmith: ok and you can use lock also if there are more than on test class changing the quota14:48
dansmithgmann: within a dedicated quota class I should have an isolated tenant right?14:48
gmannlike we do for compute quota test14:48
dansmithdedicated quota *test* class I mean14:48
gmanndansmith:  if that is just one class having all image quota test then fine.14:49
dansmithyeah, okay I should be good then I think14:49
dansmithI had my devstack patch pointing to not the top of my glance stack,14:49
gmanndansmith: but anyone add new one in tempest or glance-tempest-plugin then it can create issue14:49
dansmithand I was like "why is it not enforcing this one quota item?" <-- because I didn't run against all my patches14:49
dansmithgmann: I thought we created an destroyed a tenant for each test class, is that not right?14:50
gmanndansmith: yeah, in that case tenant level quota fine but if we have global quota or so. but not sure about image quota structure14:51
dansmithyeah, this is all tenant-level, so I should be good I think14:52
openstackgerritDan Smith proposed openstack/tempest master: Add tests for glance unified quotas
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openstackgerritGhanshyam proposed openstack/patrole master: Move to Xena testing runtime template
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openstackgerritStephen Finucane proposed openstack/devstack master: Handle disappearing pids in
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openstackgerritVictoria Martinez de la Cruz proposed openstack/devstack-plugin-ceph master: Bump up Ceph to Pacific and Ganesha to v3.5
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/tempest master: Bump the openstack-python3 jobs to xena
clarkbDoes anyone recognize this error 'keystone.exception.ValidationError: Expecting to find domain in project. The server could not comply with the request since it is either malformed or otherwise incorrect.' when using devstack? The command that causes it to happen is `openstack --os-project-name demo --os-username demo server create --flavor cirros256 --image $cirros_image unmanaged-vm19:16
clarkb--network public`19:16
clarkbthis error does not occur 100% of the time. Much less than that19:16
clarkblooks like we run that as admin `source /opt/devstack/openrc admin admin` occurs just before that server create19:18
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clarkbreally old bugs indicate that the issue is often mitigated by specifying the domain name. However, devstack's openrc should already do that19:23
clarkbnote this is with master devstack19:23
clarkbnova validate_networks() seems to the source of the problem. I wonder if validate_networks is somehow pruning things before askign keystone19:30
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/devstack master: cinder: Default CINDER_ISCSI_HELPER to tgtadm on Bionic
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ianwfrickler: heh "Patchset 1 Nov 27, 2018 1:01 PM" ... i knew it would have it's day to shine :)21:42
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openstackgerritDan Smith proposed openstack/tempest master: Add tests for glance unified quotas
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