Friday, 2021-07-09

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opendevreviewSoniya Murlidhar Vyas proposed openstack/tempest master: Add loggable resource client
opendevreviewRodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/tempest master: Make explicit the network backend used in the CI jobs
opendevreviewRodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/tempest master: Make explicit the network backend used in the CI jobs
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opendevreviewSoniya Murlidhar Vyas proposed openstack/patrole master: Added RBAC test for list_service_profile
dansmithI'm hitting this with local devstack:
dansmithsome failure to setup neutron and OVS13:31
dansmithI've done a full clean, tried removing that openvswitch file, etc13:31
dansmithany hints? lucasagomes ?13:31
lucasagomesdansmith, hmm doesn't ring a bell... r u using the vanilla local.conf sample ?13:34
* lucasagomes checks the code13:34
dansmithlucasagomes: it's not completely vanilla, but it doesn't have any neutron-related bits13:34
dansmithmostly nova and glance config amendments13:34
dansmithand disable_service calls13:34
lucasagomesyeah strange, lemme kick off an VM and try it 13:35
lucasagomesthat install_ovn should be called only once, it's strange that it's failing saying that the path already exists13:35
dansmithI wonder if an ln -sf would just fix it13:36
lucasagomesit's possible13:37
lucasagomesdansmith, I just stacked it locally here: This is your host IP address:
lucasagomesI used ubuntu cause that's the VM I had, I was wondering r u on CentOS or Fedora ?14:08
dansmithlucasagomes: nope, 20.04 here14:12
dansmithlucasagomes: ln -sf got me farther, but now I crash here:14:12
dansmith+lib/neutron_plugins/ovn_agent:wait_for_sock_file:174  die 174 'Socket /var/run/openvswitch/ovnnb_db.sock not found'14:12
lucasagomeshmm yeah same one I used14:12
lucasagomesOS Version: Ubuntu 20.04 focal14:12
lucasagomesdansmith, probably because /var/run/openvswitch now is not pointing to /var/run/ovn ?14:14
lucasagomeswhich is where these files would probably be placed14:14
dansmith-sf should just fix the link hard, not fail because it exists14:14
dansmithunless it was failing because it wasn't already a link14:14
dansmithI guess I was assuming that was the problem, but maybe we need an rm -Rf in front of the ln?14:14
lucasagomeslrwxrwxrwx  1 root     root       20 Jul  9 13:54 ovn -> /var/run/openvswitch14:15
lucasagomesdansmith, perhaps yeah, that link should be removed on the clean up as well14:15
dansmithso, wait,14:15
dansmithoh right14:15
gmanndansmith: lucasagomes was that during and or fresh ?14:19
gmannfresh worked for me few days back but I think someone also reported re-stacking issue14:20
dansmithgmann: well, I use a real machine for my devstack, so I'm always unstack/restack14:20
dansmithbut run clean when this kind of thing happens, but didn't help here14:20
gmannmay be we can add that in cleanup or as lucasagomes mentioned14:24
lucasagomesgmann, I just stacked on a fresh vm14:26
lucasagomesI am unstacking and stacking again now to see14:26
gmannok, thanks 14:26
dansmithwith the rm first, now I get /home/dan/devstack/functions-common:2254:die14:27
dansmith[ERROR] /home/dan/devstack/functions-common:2254 Neutron did not start14:27
opendevreviewDan Smith proposed openstack/tempest master: Add keystone unified limits client
opendevreviewDan Smith proposed openstack/tempest master: Add tests for glance unified quotas
dansmithgmann: this feature in glance is merged now, so would love to get review on these ^ so we can be testing it14:44
dansmithgmann: the tests on the new limits client seem really light, but I patterned them after other client tests, and the client is pretty much just a passthrough anyway14:44
gmanndansmith: sure. is it fine to do on Monday, I need to go for my vaccine in an hour.14:45
dansmithgmann: no, this is more important than your vaccine. I demand immediate attention!14:48
dansmithgmann: of course :P14:48
zenkurohi, is there any known bugs is devstack? since 'tox -e all -- volume' fails on default configuration15:59
zenkurobut the devstack 84a2d4d35a77cdf563f214268873e22a2f959bd5 passes all tests perfectly fine15:59
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opendevreviewAnand Bhat proposed openstack/tempest master: Updating NON_ACTIVE_LIST
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opendevreviewAnand Bhat proposed openstack/tempest master: Updating NON_ACTIVE_LIST
opendevreviewAnand Bhat proposed openstack/tempest master: Updating NON_ACTIVE_LIST

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