Monday, 2021-08-02

opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed openstack/devstack master: [dnm] f34 run
opendevreviewlkk proposed openstack/tempest master: API test update volume group status
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed openstack/devstack master: [dnm] f34 run
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opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed openstack/devstack master: [dnm] f34 run
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opendevreviewyatin proposed openstack/devstack master: [DNM] Test c8-stream / fedora-latest with fixes
opendevreviewAnanya proposed opendev/elastic-recheck master: Run elastic-recheck in container
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opendevreviewAnanya proposed opendev/elastic-recheck master: Run elastic-recheck in container
*** abhishekk is now known as akekane|home13:40
*** jpena is now known as jpena|off15:25
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opendevreviewSofia Enriquez proposed openstack/devstack-plugin-nfs master: zuul: runs all the scenario tests (through full-parallel)
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johnsomI have a question about cross-project use of tempest service clients. I have a project that wants to use the service clients provided in octavia-tempest-plugin. I advised them to add the octavia-tempest-plugin to their kuryr-tempest-plugin requirements.txt (I don't think the zuul tempest jobs load test-requirements.txt), but they are getting a global-requirements error.21:14
johnsomI thought the tempest plugins were on a do-not-check list, but maybe they should be added to g-r? I can't remember what was decided on this. Advice?21:14
gmannjohnsom: yeah, tempest plugins are not in g-r. 23:15
johnsomgmann Hi there. So what is the plan for allowing other tempest-plugin projects use our service clients?23:15
johnsomsetuptools extras?23:16
gmannjohnsom: currently they can be added in TEMPEST_PLUGIN  list in devstack localrc via zuul job23:19
johnsomYeah, that is a bit of a bummer for folks running the tests outside devstack though.23:20
gmannyeah, for that we need to ask them to make sure they are installed but i agree that is not best way23:20
gmannI remember we tried to add plugins in g-r(If i recall correctly) but not added. 23:21
johnsomI can set them up with TEMPEST_PLUGIN for now if that is the current standard.23:21
gmannjohnsom: yeah, that is current way, let me recall/check tomorrow why we did (or can) not add them in g-r.23:22
johnsomgmann Ok, sounds good. Thanks!23:22
gmannjohnsom: only thing is they need to be in blacklist file (no constraints) as they are brancless and used as master in stable testing. that is what I am proposing for Temepst too
johnsomYeah, requirements typically pulls from the tagged version in pypi23:23
johnsomSince we don't do the git+ syntax23:23
johnsomOr we go down the libs-from-git path23:24
gmannyeah but we should install from master like devstack does for Tempest, that is also one thing we can do23:24
gmannyeah lib-from-git can work too23:24
toskyjohnsom: insted of TEMPEST_PLUGIN, you can use vars.tempest_plugins23:25
toskyjohnsom: also iirc if you add a project to required-projects, it is automatically added to libs-from-git23:25
gmannbut in any case, constraints are not issue here as we release <release>-last tag for tempest and plugins and we can make devstack to use that tag name23:26
gmannand master and supported stable always use master23:26
gmannyes, all required-projects are added in libs-from-git but if devstack installation is different for plugins23:27
johnsomtosky Tell me more about vars.tempest_plugins, I'm not sure I follow your proposal23:27
gmannjohnsom: that is new way of TEMPEST_PLUGIN. 23:27
johnsomlibs-from-git assumes devstack though, so doesn't solve the non-devstack tempest run problem.23:27
johnsomOh, got it, zuul definition instead of devstack.23:28
gmannlast one in
toskygmann was faster23:29
gmann:), thanks for reminding the new way.23:29
johnsomYeah, I missed the memo. grin23:29
gmannI will check g-r things for plugins tomorrow. 23:30
johnsomgmann I am toying with the "extras" idea. This may work well in this case. Optional extra requirement that can be specified via git+23:31
gmannjohnsom: that would not work in devstack setup, as devstck install plugins in tempest venv from TEMPEST_PLUGIN or vars.tempest_plugins23:32
gmannwith 'extras' plugins will be installed at system level not in tempest virtual env23:32
johnsomIt would be an extra on the tempest-plugin, so should go in the venv23:33
gmannand as yo know, in upstream CI we run tempest in venv instead of main system 23:33
gmannjohnsom: ah in plugins, right. that should work23:33
johnsomFor now I will probably just set them up with the zuul approach. The extras path is academic gold plating.23:39
johnsomThanks again23:44

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