Wednesday, 2021-08-04

opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/grenade master: WIP: testing
opendevreviewDr. Jens Harbott proposed openstack/grenade master: WIP: testing
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opendevreviewyatin proposed openstack/grenade stable/wallaby: Unblock Gate: create encryption type with right params
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opendevreviewMerged openstack/devstack stable/victoria: Fix Usage of rdo-release rpm
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opendevreviewSlawek Kaplonski proposed openstack/devstack master: Deploy Neutron with enforced new RBAC rules
opendevreviewAnanya proposed opendev/elastic-recheck master: Run elastic-recheck container
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/grenade master: Test created encrypted volume type
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opendevreviewyatin proposed openstack/devstack stable/ussuri: Fix Usage of rdo-release rpm
ykarelgmann, reported for the issue i mentioned yesterday15:18
ykarelwhoami-rajat__, recheck on intentional ?15:20
ykarelshouldn't pass until stable/wallaby grenade merges or depends-on that15:21
whoami-rajat__ykarel, i think we've a misunderstanding regarding the grenade used, i think grenade master is used there, the grenade patch merge and your patch CI results were at the same time15:21
whoami-rajat__as other patches pass grenade and also glance gate is unblocked15:22
whoami-rajat__i think we don't need the wallaby patch15:22
whoami-rajat__ykarel, to check that observation i rechecked15:22
ykarelwhoami-rajat__, as i see grenade patch merged at 12:08 AM , and recheck on devstack patch was at 12:21 AM15:24
ykarelbut ok to check if other projects are unblocked,15:24
ykarelseeing lot of green, so should be correct15:26
whoami-rajat__ykarel, true but see this patch is passing grenade
ykarelwhoami-rajat__, okk than should be good, need to check how it works15:27
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whoami-rajat__yeah let's see15:36
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opendevreviewJames Parker proposed openstack/whitebox-tempest-plugin master: Add vgpu resize tests
gmannwhoami-rajat: ykarel|away in wallaby grenade test vicrotia->wallaby, so if cinder s going to backport the change to victoria we can backport grenade fix too15:58
gmannwhoami-rajat: ykarel|away also I am adding volume creation with created volume type to test it
gmannfrickler: yoctozepto created volume type usage in grenade is ready
yoctozeptogmann: another issue? my, these are growing faster than I can wrap my head around them16:00
gmannyoctozepto: not issue :) but extending the test for the issue we faced for cinder change16:01
gmannyoctozepto: using the created voluem type in volume creation so that we know volume type is created successfully and usable 16:02
yoctozeptomakes sense16:03
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/tempest master: Consider tempest constraints set as env variable
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bluesonicgmann: Thanks for the suggestions on the required changes. Testing seems to be going well with the changes. Will update the PS for final review and approval if everything goes well :)16:59
abhishekkgmann, if you have time I need small help 17:31
abhishekkwhen I clone glance-tempest-plugin manually and run tests from it using tempest it does not work, fails with oslo_config.cfg.NoSuchOptError: no such option enforce_scope in group [image-feature-enabled]17:32
abhishekkI do have tempest.conf under glance-tempest-plugin/etc directory17:33
gmannbluesonic: thanks, yeah i did not realize they were cleaned up at test level instead of class level17:47
gmannabhishekk: did you install  glance-tempest-plugin ? and run tempest list-plugins it should show  glance-tempest-plugin17:47
abhishekkgmann, after cloning when I try to install it, gives error, 17:48
abhishekkERROR: glance-tempest-plugin is not a valid editable requirement. It should either be a path to a local project or a VCS URL (beginning with svn+, git+, hg+, or bzr+).17:48
abhishekkI think i need to use ?17:49
abhishekkgmann, problem solved, thank you17:51
abhishekkanother question is I don't needed to install when I cloned cinder-tempest-plugin and ran17:51
gmannabhishekk: yeah, python install17:56
abhishekkgmann, ack, thank you17:56
gmannabhishekk: until tempest detect the plugin it would not run test from plugins.  tempest list-plugins command can give you list of all detected plugins by tempest17:57
abhishekkgmann, ok, when I run above command it does not shows cinder plugin in the output, but I am able to run cinder plugin tests17:58
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gmannabhishekk: humm, via tempest run ?18:04
abhishekkgmann, yes18:04
gmannwithout installation it would be possible. list-plugins should list it if installed18:04
gmann*would not18:05
abhishekkgmann, I think the reason is I have copied tempest.conf in /etc/tempest folder, let me delete it and try again18:05
abhishekknope, still it is running18:06
gmanntempest.conf have no role in running test18:06
gmannif test runner detect the test then it can run18:06
gmannbut once you install plugins you are not able to see it in list-plugins ?18:07
abhishekkgmann, I have installed glance-tempest-plugin and I am able to see it18:07
gmannok, and run test too right ?18:08
abhishekkI haven't installed cinder-tempest-plugin and it is not listed output but still I am able to run those tests from cinder plugin18:08
abhishekkyes, I am able to run glance-tempest-plugin tests18:08
gmannI think cinder_tempest_plugin is there somewhere in system but list plugins not detecting18:09
abhishekkalso I have deleted tempest.conf file from /etc/tempest18:10
abhishekkbut still cinder plugin is saying;18:10
abhishekk2021-08-04 18:04:17.140 2761 INFO tempest [-] Using tempest config file /etc/tempest/tempest.conf18:10
opendevreviewHuy Tran proposed openstack/tempest master: Changes to ensure delete_containers is done at class level tear down
gmannI am sure cinder plugin is running from other place  as list-plugins also not detecting it18:12
abhishekkone major issue is18:12
abhishekk2021-08-04 18:04:17.151 2761 INFO tempest.test_discover.plugins [-] Register additional config options from Tempest plugin: glance_tests18:12
abhishekkit is refering to glance_tests which is plugin name of glance_tests18:13
abhishekklook carefully at that paste I have shared 18:13
abhishekkit is running cinder tests, but referring to glance tempest plugin :/18:14
abhishekktotally confusing18:16
gmannabhishekk: that is fine as tempest load from all plugins. glance plugin is installed to Tempest will register all the config option from plugins that is why you see glance_test   loading lg or so18:18
gmannabhishekk: you are running cinder plugin test so it them from somewhere it is installed tempest run --regex cinder_tempest_plugin.rbac.v3 --concurrency=418:18
gmanntry to run glance tests and see if any issue?18:18
abhishekkno issues with glance tests18:19
bluesonicgmann: five (5) consecutive runs of object_store test suite with 100% passed .
gmanncinder plugin is installed somewhere in your system somehow and running test18:19
gmannotherwise list-plugins will give you all the plugin list you can run test from18:19
gmannbluesonic: great, and cleanup is in order now?18:20
abhishekkmeans either issue is tempest list-plugins is not picking it or it is not installed and still I am able to run those tests18:20
gmannabhishekk: you said you have not installed it right?18:20
abhishekkI will try it on new setup18:20
gmannabhishekk: yeah, or try to run some other plugin test you will get error 18:21
abhishekkgmann, I just cloned cinder-tempest-plugin and not installed it18:21
abhishekkgmann, ack18:21
gmannfor example, watcher-tempest-plugin18:22
bluesonicgmann: far so good with the on-demand runs...18:22
gmannwithout clone and with clone but no install18:22
gmannbluesonic: nice, I will review once we have gate result 18:22
bluesonicgmann: cool!18:22
abhishekkgmann, I cloned neutron_tempest_plugin and ran using, tempest run --regex neutron_tempest_plugin.api --concurrency=418:27
abhishekkno error18:27
gmannso test run successfully or just skip ?18:28
gmannbecasue at least they would not run successfully as it is not installed and their config options will not be available 18:29
abhishekkgmann, test skipped 18:29
abhishekkfor watcher I am getting error18:29
abhishekkbut not for cinder and neutron18:30
gmannok, basically they might be installed somewhere earlier 18:30
gmannbut for running tests from plugins you need to install them and tempest should detect them in list-plugins18:31
abhishekkmay be worth trying on new setup18:31
abhishekkAFAIK I never used/cloned/installed neutron and cinder tempest plugins18:32
abhishekkbefore today18:32
opendevreviewJames Parker proposed openstack/whitebox-tempest-plugin master: Allow for ethernet type in rx queue test
opendevreviewJames Parker proposed openstack/whitebox-tempest-plugin master: Allow for ethernet type in rx queue test
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bluesonicgmann: thanks for the +2 and wf :)22:00
gmannbluesonic: np!, thanks for fixing it. 22:00
opendevreviewSteve Baker proposed openstack/devstack master: Use scram-sha-256 hashing for postgresql auth
opendevreviewBrian Rosmaita proposed openstack/devstack master: Allow cinder default quotas configuration
opendevreviewSteve Baker proposed openstack/devstack master: Ensure 02-proxy-uwsgi.conf exists before writing

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