Wednesday, 2021-08-25

opendevreviewArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/whitebox-tempest-plugin master: Improve base compute and utils helper organization
opendevreviewArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/whitebox-tempest-plugin master: Simplify test_multiqueue
opendevreviewArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/whitebox-tempest-plugin master: Simplify test_live_migration
opendevreviewArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/whitebox-tempest-plugin master: Simplify test_pointer_device_type
opendevreviewArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/whitebox-tempest-plugin master: Simplify test_rx_tx_queue_size
opendevreviewArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/whitebox-tempest-plugin master: Remove reboot_server() helper
opendevreviewArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/whitebox-tempest-plugin master: Remove resize_server() helper
opendevreviewArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/whitebox-tempest-plugin master: Clean up .zuul.yaml
opendevreviewArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/whitebox-tempest-plugin master: Create NUMA helper mixin class
opendevreviewArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/whitebox-tempest-plugin master: Start transition to declarative CPU pinning configs
opendevreviewArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/whitebox-tempest-plugin master: Stop silently overriding clients with admin clients
opendevreviewArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/whitebox-tempest-plugin master: Remove create_test_server() helper override
opendevreviewArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/whitebox-tempest-plugin master: Use new config_all_computes() helper in file backed memory tests
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opendevreviewRadosław Piliszek proposed openstack/devstack master: [WIP] Test running on Debian Bullseye
ykarelgmann, can you revisit
gmannykarel: ack, thanks will check in 10 min14:05
ykarelack Thanks14:05
gmannyoctozepto: I am too ok with this, can you recheck?
yoctozeptogmann: I don't like it but I won't block it14:13
sean-k-mooneyo/ are there any devstack cores around? got a quick question regarding adding a feature to core devstack14:13
yoctozeptoyes, we are here14:13
yoctozeptothis is the place where we lurk between the lines14:13
sean-k-mooneyoh hi14:13
yoctozeptohi sean-k-mooney14:13
sean-k-mooneyso i used to maintian networking-ovs-dpdk14:13
sean-k-mooneywhich provides a devstack plugin for compileing ovs and dpdk and deploying them form source14:14
gmannyoctozepto: ack,14:14
ykarelThanks yoctozepto gmann 14:14
sean-k-mooneybut for 3-4 years now distros have been shiping prebuildt pacakges of ovs with dpdk14:14
sean-k-mooneywould there be an object to adding supprot to configure that instead of vaniall kernel ovs in core devstack14:14
sean-k-mooneyi could look at updating netowrking-ovs-dpdk to add binary install supprot exctra or update the neutron plugin but i was wonderign what ye tought about just supporting it out of the box in devstack without a plugin14:16
sean-k-mooneyyoctozepto: the reason im asking by the way is i need to work on some dpdk related bugs so i either need to update the networking-ovs-dpdk plug or i could modify devstack to allcoate hugepags and enabel dpdk supprot in the ovs db14:18
yoctozeptosean-k-mooney: I think dpdk is quite important so I would accept its support in core devstack tbh14:24
sean-k-mooneyok the compliation was really the thing that was orginally pushed back on when i created networking-ovs-dpdk14:25
sean-k-mooneyon fedroa/centos/rhel there is only 1 ovs package which has dpdk support compiled in14:26
sean-k-mooneyon ubuntu/debian it used to be 2 packages ill have ot check if that is still the case14:26
sean-k-mooneythe suport is bacicaly 3 parts14:26
sean-k-mooney1 enusring the system has hugepages allcoted14:26
sean-k-mooney2 ensuring --dpdk-init=ture is set in the ovs db before the ovs-vswitchd starts14:27
sean-k-mooney3 if you add a phyical port to the ovs bridge set its type to dpdk14:27
sean-k-mooneyat a high level thats all that need to be done so ill likely segment the pataches that way too14:27
sean-k-mooneymost of the networking-ovs-dpdk code was dealing with compiling form soruce and all the headachs taht causes with needing to create our own service files ectra to run ovs14:28
sean-k-mooneyyoctozepto: if i get this working form packages locally are you ok with me adding you as a reviewer when i push them?14:30
yoctozeptosean-k-mooney: sure14:31
sean-k-mooneycool i wont get time to work on the bugs until next week likely at the earlist so the devstack change will be after that14:32
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opendevreviewMerged openstack/devstack master: Set swap size to 4G for c8 jobs
opendevreviewArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/whitebox-tempest-plugin master: Improve base compute and utils helper organization
opendevreviewArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/whitebox-tempest-plugin master: Simplify test_multiqueue
opendevreviewArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/whitebox-tempest-plugin master: Simplify test_live_migration
opendevreviewArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/whitebox-tempest-plugin master: Simplify test_pointer_device_type
opendevreviewArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/whitebox-tempest-plugin master: Simplify test_rx_tx_queue_size
opendevreviewArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/whitebox-tempest-plugin master: Remove reboot_server() helper
opendevreviewArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/whitebox-tempest-plugin master: Remove resize_server() helper
opendevreviewArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/whitebox-tempest-plugin master: Use new config_all_computes() helper in file backed memory tests
opendevreviewArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/whitebox-tempest-plugin master: Clean up .zuul.yaml
opendevreviewArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/whitebox-tempest-plugin master: Create NUMA helper mixin class
opendevreviewArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/whitebox-tempest-plugin master: Start transition to declarative CPU pinning configs
opendevreviewArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/whitebox-tempest-plugin master: Stop silently overriding clients with admin clients
opendevreviewArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/whitebox-tempest-plugin master: Remove create_test_server() helper override
abhishekkgmann, around?17:58
gmannabhishekk: hi22:39
abhishekkgmann, samething wanted to ask here22:39
gmannabhishekk: ok22:40
abhishekkthank you22:40
abhishekkgmann, is there any way to run tempest tests serially?22:57
abhishekkconcurrency causes my test picking data from other test22:57
gmannabhishekk: yeah, you can pass --serial in tempest run command22:58
abhishekkbut how it will be changed in job run22:58
abhishekkdo I need to make changes in tox or job definition ?22:58
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gmannwhich tox env you are using? 'all'23:00
abhishekkno I am running tests from glance-tempest-plugin23:02
abhishekkat the moment my job is running the tests like, tempest run --regex glance_tempest_plugin.tests.rbac --concurrency=423:03
abhishekkbut now I need to run these serially23:03
gmannabhishekk: you can do via -  tempest run --serial --regex glance_tempest_plugin.tests.rbac --concurrency=423:04
gmannyou can remove concurrency in that case23:05
gmann tempest run --serial --regex glance_tempest_plugin.tests.rbac 23:05
abhishekkis there any var similar to 'tempest_test_regex' which I can set in job definition ?23:05
gmann?, i thought you said job is running it via tempest run directly not via tox env 23:06
gmannfor serial run we have few already defined tox env but for tox env 'all' and tempest_test_regex it run in parallel23:07
abhishekklet me show you job definition23:07
abhishekknow at the moment in the gate it runs concurrently23:08
gmannok so you are using tox env 'all' that is default to run as parallel23:13
gmannrun-tempest role does not take --serial option as of now.23:14
gmannwe can add that or you can try with tempest_concurrency: 123:14
abhishekkwhat is alternate to it then?23:14
gmanntempest_concurrency: 123:15
abhishekkack, thank you23:15
gmanndefault concurrency is depends on how many core you have. so setting it 1 will run all your test on single worker23:16

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