Sunday, 2021-09-12

opendevreviewRadosław Piliszek proposed openstack/devstack master: [WIP] Test running on Debian Bullseye
frickleryoctozepto: did you look at the dstat logs for ^^? seems it's bound by memory pressure with concurrency >= 3. so probably need to stick with 2 for now and then possibly look into memory efficiency08:08
opendevreviewMartin Kopec proposed openstack/patrole master: Fix updating network provider attributes
*** tosky_ is now known as tosky14:31
yoctozeptofrickler: it's mem-bound only for 4; with 3 looks reasonable (compared to others)15:19
yoctozeptobut it's interesting that it suddenly needs more ram15:19
yoctozeptoI am afraid this might be then true again with ubuntu 22.0415:20
yoctozeptofrickler: nah, in fact it still can randomly schedule instances so that it runs out of resources, meh!16:04
opendevreviewRadosław Piliszek proposed openstack/devstack master: [WIP] Test running on Debian Bullseye
yoctozeptoso, if it stays for ubuntu 22.04, we might be in for a fun ride16:09
yoctozeptofrickler: it ran out of mem with concurrency=2 now - something fishy there :/17:56
opendevreviewRadosław Piliszek proposed openstack/devstack master: [WIP] Test running on Debian Bullseye
yoctozeptoclarkb, frickler: added to QA's meeting agenda a common discussion point for pcp-dstat and debian18:30
yoctozeptolet's kill two birds with one stone...18:30
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: The mailing list services for,,,, and are still offline while we finish addressing an unforeseen problem booting recent Ubuntu kernels from PV Xen21:47

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