Friday, 2022-06-17

opendevreviewwangzhiguang proposed openstack/tempest master: Test update volume type details with wrong volume name
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opendevreviewzhaoqiuxia proposed openstack/tempest master: create region with description
opendevreviewzhaoqiuxia proposed openstack/tempest master: create update router description
opendevreviewVictoria Martinez de la Cruz proposed openstack/devstack-plugin-ceph master: Deploy with cephadm
opendevreviewVictoria Martinez de la Cruz proposed openstack/devstack-plugin-ceph master: Deploy with cephadm
opendevreviewVictoria Martinez de la Cruz proposed openstack/devstack-plugin-ceph master: Deploy with cephadm
opendevreviewwangzhiguang proposed openstack/tempest master: Test update volume type details with wrong volume name
opendevreviewwangzhiguang proposed openstack/tempest master: Test update volume type details with wrong volume name
opendevreviewwangzhiguang proposed openstack/tempest master: Test update volume type details with wrong is_public
opendevreviewGorka Eguileor proposed openstack/devstack master: Reduce memory consumption in Cinder services
gibihi qa folks I started seeing tempest failures on master gate since yesterday:
gibiIt seems like the validation resource cleanup happens before the server resource is cleand up, but I don't see the reason why10:42
fricklergibi: looks like the failure was on the tempest patch already, but got ignored I think a revert is in order, do you want to propose it?10:54
fricklerbut I'm no tempest core anyway10:54
fricklerkopecmartin: gmann: ^^10:54
gibifrickler: good point11:01
gibiI will click revert...11:01
opendevreviewBalazs Gibizer proposed openstack/tempest master: Revert "compute: Move volume attached live migration tests to use SSHABLE"
gibikopecmartin, gmann ^^11:03
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opendevreviewBalazs Gibizer proposed openstack/tempest master: Make nova-live-migration voting
opendevreviewBalazs Gibizer proposed openstack/tempest master: compute: Move volume attached live migration tests to use SSHABLE
gibigmann: do you know if there is a patch open in tempest to fix the multiple network error for test_create_image_from_deleted_server test case? error in
kopecmartingibi: again? we have dealt with this in the past already12:14
kopecmartini see that there were multiple bug reports on this over the years 12:15
gibiyep, it is a totally new run showing it12:15
fricklergibi: is that also caused by ?12:21
gibifrickler: I have no idea12:22
gibia different tc was failing 12:22
opendevreviewMerged openstack/devstack-tools master: Drop py3.6 and py3.7 from devstack-tools
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gmanngibi: kopecmartin instead of revert, I think using class level validation resource will fix it?
gibigmann: ooh, I will give it a try14:41
gibigmann: thanks a lot14:41
gmanngibi: on multiple network error in test_create_image_from_deleted_server : no patch up please propose one by adding  create_default_network = True14:42
gibigmann: I will look at that too14:42
gibigmann: should we pull the revert from the gate?14:42
gmanngibi: here14:42
opendevreviewBalazs Gibizer proposed openstack/tempest master: Revert "compute: Move volume attached live migration tests to use SSHABLE"
gibiI pulled the revert out14:43
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gmanngibi:ohk, sure. i missed gate blocking14:44
gmanngibi: I am fine to merge the revert and on top of it I can try the class level resource fix14:45
gibiI already pulled the revert out and I will propose the class level validation fix 14:46
gmanngibi: +1, can you remove -W from 846251 ?14:47
gibia bit of a miscommunication  :)14:47
gibiI removed14:47
opendevreviewDan Smith proposed openstack/devstack master: Add tool for examining performance
opendevreviewBalazs Gibizer proposed openstack/tempest master: compute: Move volume attached live migration tests to use SSHABLE
opendevreviewBalazs Gibizer proposed openstack/tempest master: Make nova-live-migration voting
gibigmann: I think you have to +A the revert again14:54
gmanngibi: done14:54
opendevreviewBalazs Gibizer proposed openstack/tempest master: Create default net in ImagesNegativeTestJSON
gibigmann: the default net patch is also up ^^15:04
gibithanks for the help15:04
gmanngibi: sure, thanks I will check after gate result. 15:04
gmanngibi: 846345 fixes the live migration job16:08
gibithanks for the tip16:12
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simondodsleyHi - looking for assistance with my third-party-ci. This is a new build deployed using Software Factory. Whenever a devstack is built the hostname gets `.novalocal` appended to the end which is causing resolution issues. I have tried setting `dhcp_domain: ""` in the setup role tasks `main.yaml` for `nova.conf` in the `[api]` stanza but this doesn't seem to do anything. Any ideas??17:17
clarkbsimondodsley: as mentioned in the zuul room I think the DEVSTACK_HOSTNAME var is being set by `hostname -f` and that is going to look in /etc/hosts ot figure out what the hostname is. The dhcp_domain is for the VMs booted by your nested openstack so configures the wrong level. I'm not sure what the best solution is here, but if foo.novalocal is in /etc/hosts I would've expected17:21
clarkbdns resolution to work generally.17:21
clarkbsimondodsley: maybe yo ucan share a paste of the errors you are seeing so that we can work from there?17:21
simondodsleyI'm just trying one more thing.17:21
clarkboh it may not be in /etc/hosts which is what would cause the domain lookups to fail17:22
clarkbya so on my local machine /etc/hostname is set to foo and /etc/resolv.conf has search localdomain set. hostname -f returns foo.localdomain but there is no foo.localdomain entry in /etc/hosts17:24
clarkbupdating /etc/hosts to match hostname -f may be the simplest fix17:24
simondodsleywe are also using `dns_domain` as well so the hostname is coming out like `foo.novalocal,`17:25
clarkbsimondodsley: `hostname -f` reports foo.novalocal, ?17:27
clarkbhuh I wouldn've have expected it to report multiple fqdns. TIL17:28
clarkb*wouldn't have17:28
clarkbI wonder why novalocal is passed too if dns_domain is set. In any case I'm not sure that devstack needs anything to be changed to make this work. Instead I think the test node needs to be able to resolve its own name (possible that devstack needs to document that requirement)17:30
simondodsleywell it seems to me that `.novalocal` is the default for `dhcp_domain` to setting it to "" should stop it being used, but currently it doesn't seem to 17:31
gmanngibi: seems like fix is good to merge before than the revert
clarkbsimondodsley: you are using openstack to boot your test nodes and you are setting dhcp_domain and dns_domain in the configs for that cloud?17:35
gmanngibi: revert need recheck. If you are online, can you rebase 846345 on master and I can +A on that and we can abandon revert17:35
gmanngibi: if you are done for day, I can do that17:36
simondodsleydns_domain is set in the cloud config. the dhcp_domain clearing is being done in the Zuul configs for the individual instances on which we install devstack17:36
simondodsleyi think i described that correctly17:36
clarkbsimondodsley: ok, I'm not sure setting dhcp_domain in the zuul configs will affect anything17:36
clarkbsimondodsley: reading the docs for dhcp_domain you need toset that value on the nova compute hosts config17:36
simondodsleywell that does seem to be the case17:36
clarkband zuul si consuming the cloud via its APIs and not writing configs to the nova compute hosts17:37
clarkbif you control the cloud deployment you are using you could modify it that way17:37
clarkbOtherwise maybe don't set dns_domain and just use .novalocal with an /etc/hosts entry?17:37
simondodsleyi'd have to ask my infra guys if they would allow that17:38
simondodsleyit may mess up other stuff in the DMZ17:38
clarkbin that case I think dropping the dns_domain config on the networks and just configuring the hosts to be part of .novalocal for testing should be fine17:39
clarkbthat should remove the second entry from hostname -f and yo ucan ensure that the results of hostname -f resolve via /etc/hosts17:39
simondodsleyi don't think that will fix it. The first time we an error related to novalocal is when we are forcing `apt` to use IPv4 and we get `udo: unable to resolve host dsvm-focal-manila-aio-0000001756.novalocal: Name or service not known` so at that pint DEVSTACK_HOSTNAME isn't even set17:41
simondodsleydamn - someone has created a pre-devstack task to hardcode novalocal into the name... Please ignore all the above as this might be the issue17:43
clarkbthat sudo thing shouldn't be fatal iirc17:43
clarkbit will complain but isn't fatal17:43
simondodsleyno, not fatal, but its the rest of devstack getting upset17:44
opendevreviewBalazs Gibizer proposed openstack/tempest master: compute: Move volume attached live migration tests to use SSHABLE
gibigmann: moved to master17:49
gibibut that marks the end of my day17:50
gmanngibi: thanks +W I will keep eyes on it17:51
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/tempest master: Make nova-live-migration voting

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