Tuesday, 2022-08-30

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opendevreviewwangjiaqi proposed openstack/devstack master: remove unicode from code  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/devstack/+/85231805:37
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opendevreviewEmma Foley proposed openstack/devstack stable/xena: Respect constraints on tempest venv consistently  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/devstack/+/85514614:41
gmannfrickler: can you check this https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/devstack/+/84848214:46
gmannfrickler: this is needed by ceilometer gate to unblock https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ceilometer/+/85366814:51
fricklergmann: I must admit that I stopped trying to understand this tempest venv requirements voodoo. feel free to self-approve if you feel that this works14:52
gmannfrickler: it worked, it is tested in https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ceilometer/+/85366814:53
frickler#startmeeting qa15:01
opendevmeetMeeting started Tue Aug 30 15:01:44 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is frickler. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.15:01
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:01
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'qa'15:01
frickler#topic open discussion15:01
fricklersince martin is a away, no full meeting today, but option to discuss anything15:02
* frickler can't type today15:03
gmannany info when martin will be back?15:04
fricklerI think he said this meeting and next week he would miss15:05
gmannok. i sent him the PTL nomination deadline over his personal email but not sure if he saw that as no response 15:05
frickler17:05 < kopecmartin> August 26th - September 9th15:05
fricklerseems he might have just missed the announcement of the nomination period starting15:06
gmannyeah and may be many more other member too as this is vacation period. in TC we are discussing about extending the nomination but it is not final yet15:07
fricklerworst case TC will have to assign him as PTL later, I guess15:08
fricklerI don't expect anyone else will volunteer15:09
gmannyeah and this will be easy fill as election dates are little odd here15:09
gmannwill make note about it in TC assignment if needed15:09
fricklerregarding 17:05 < kopecmartin> August 26th - September 9th15:11
frickleroops, wrong paste buffer15:11
fricklerregarding https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/devstack/+/848482 I would like to leave that up to tempest cores15:11
gmannno one else then me to approve. or dansmith ^^ if you want to review it?15:12
gmannanyways, will wait for this afternoon15:13
fricklernothing wrong with single-approving IMO, in particular for gate fixes15:13
dansmithgot it15:13
fricklerany other topic?15:15
gmannnothing else from me. 15:15
fricklerah, maybe one thing, I added the lib/neutron removal to the PTG etherpad and also for Neutron and mentioned it in their meeting today15:16
fricklerwe have that planned to happen in the A cycle15:17
gmann+1, that will be good15:17
fricklerand I proposed to do a joint session at the PTG, hoping maybe someone from the Neutron team will be doing most of the work ;)15:17
fricklerbut volunteers from the QA side would certainly be welcome, too15:18
gmannsounds good15:18
fricklerI just went through all the jobs check lists, Fedora still seems unstable, also due to be switched to F36 soon. everything else looks normal15:22
fricklerso I think that's it for today, thx everyone15:22
opendevmeetMeeting ended Tue Aug 30 15:23:03 2022 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4)15:23
opendevmeetMinutes:        https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/qa/2022/qa.2022-08-30-15.01.html15:23
opendevmeetMinutes (text): https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/qa/2022/qa.2022-08-30-15.01.txt15:23
opendevmeetLog:            https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/qa/2022/qa.2022-08-30-15.01.log.html15:23
soniya29frickler, thanks15:23
gmannthanks frickler 15:23
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dansmithdo we have a gate-blocking requirements thing that just happened?15:55
fricklerat first sight that looks more like the usual pypi hickup we see occasionally15:57
gmannyeah, seems pypi index issue15:57
gmannjinja2 3.1.2 depends on MarkupSafe>=2.015:57
gmann    The user requested (constraint) markupsafe===2.1.115:57
gmannconstraints seems ok 15:57
dansmithbut that many in the last ten minutes?15:58
fricklerif the main index is broken, likely all jobs will fail15:58
dansmithoh, pypi not pip, meaning something on pypi server side that will clear?15:58
clarkbits always good to double check they havne't deleted a package version (they didn't delete markupsafe 2.1.1) and that the python versions for the cosntrained package matches the local python this case is >=python3.715:58
clarkbBut I agree this appears like pypi index problems15:59
dansmithack okay15:59
clarkbdansmith: ya what happens is PyPIs CDN has two backends. The primary backend and the fallback backend. If the CDN needs to refresh data it tries the primary. If the primary fails it goes to the backup. The problem is the backup is usually significantly out of date15:59
dansmiththe first two were docs related so I figured they were the same issue, but the packages are different15:59
clarkbThis is particularly problematic for openstack due to the use of constraints that update fairly quickly to match newly released package versions16:00
dansmithactually I guess they're all docs16:00
dansmithclarkb: ack16:00
clarkbMost other pypi users will just install a 4 month old package (possibly with security vulnerabilities) without any warning16:00
dansmithbut presumably this takes some time to clear then as well yeah?16:01
clarkbit has been hard to nail down. The last time we brought it up with them their resposne initially was "not our problem". Eventually we dug up enoguh logs to convince them there were issues and they discovered their backup backed had run out of disk and was even more out of date than anticipated16:02
sean-k-mooneythis is py3816:02
sean-k-mooneyso the >=3.7 requirement shoudl not be a problem16:02
sean-k-mooneyjinja2 also requires >=3.716:02
clarkbI personally think they shouldn't fallback to a backend that can serve pckages with known security bugs that have been fixed. They should just error for everyone16:02
sean-k-mooneylocally i can install the tempest vnev target on 3.816:03
clarkbsean-k-mooney: yup agreed. Just calling out the other common ways this manifests and that those should be double checked16:03
clarkbsean-k-mooney: ya its a CDN issue so locality matters (and even then only one of a subset of your local cdn endpoints may have cached the bad data)16:03
clarkbBut if they error for everyone their error rate would go up significantly16:03
dansmithclarkb: yeah this is ringing a bell now, I guess the error we see looks so "impossible requirement" that I assume it's our end16:04
dansmithbut makes sense16:04
dansmithanyway, given the deadline this week I just wanted to raise the flag early16:05
dansmithhopefully it will clear before we get a big logjam16:05
sean-k-mooneyack so we just need to wait for the cdns to flush the cached data16:05
clarkbOne thing that you can try is doing a PURGE http request against the resource that we think is cached wtih stale data16:05
clarkbI'm not sure if they still honor the PURGE requests but in the past the idea was if they got a PURGE request the CDN would rerequest the data16:06
clarkb`curl -X PURGE https://pypi.org/simple/markupsafe'` I think16:06
clarkbI'm super happy for someone else to interface with them though. My luck has always been poor.16:07
clarkbMost recently they told us that our caching proxies aren't going to work once they start signing indexes16:08
sean-k-mooneywont OPTIONS tell you what you can send it looks like PURGE is non standard16:08
clarkbwe'll remove the caching proxy at that point and jobs will talk directly to pypi16:08
clarkbsean-k-mooney: ya its some cdn thing16:09
sean-k-mooneycache-control: max-age=600, public16:13
sean-k-mooneyso it should expire after 10 minutes anyeay16:13
dansmithhope that's accurate,16:13
dansmithbut I think that's telling the *client* to cache for ten minutes, not that the CDN will right?16:13
sean-k-mooneyactully yes we woudl have to hit the backign webserver directly16:15
sean-k-mooneyalthough with some cdns you can also configure it seperatly16:15
sean-k-mooneyi guess we will see shortly16:15
opendevreviewEmma Foley proposed openstack/devstack stable/xena: Respect constraints on tempest venv consistently  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/devstack/+/85514616:21
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opendevreviewMerged openstack/tempest master: Tempest test for checking unshelve to host  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tempest/+/84108818:25
opendevreviewMerged openstack/devstack master: Respect constraints on tempest venv consistently  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/devstack/+/84848222:53

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