Wednesday, 2022-09-21

opendevreviewKe Niu proposed openstack/os-testr master: remove unicode from code
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed openstack/devstack master: Update to Fedora 36
*** pojadhav|PTO is now known as pojadhav03:08
gmann@kopecmartin: yeah, releasing for that make sense 03:58
*** ianw is now known as ianw_pto05:09
songwenping_hi teams, in the line, if there are ? in password, url.netloc will return the first item split by ?07:37
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songwenping_the line
songwenping_will parse url as query after ? in the password.  for example the url='rabbit://rabbitmq:incloudmanager?@rabbitmq.openstack.cluseter.local:5672/' url=ParseResult(netloc='rabbitmq:incloudmanager',query='@rabbitmq.openstack.cluseter.local:5672/') which is not correct.07:44
fricklersongwenping_: maybe url-encoding the password can help. but you'll want to discuss this with the oslo team. also IMHO non-alphanumeric passwords are nonsense, in particular when only used by machines08:08
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songwenping__thanks frickler.08:28
kopecmartingmann: and in bashate i found this new commit and it's been more than a year since the last release -
opendevreviewMerged openstack/os-testr master: remove unicode from code
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lajoskatonakopecmartin, gmann: Hi, shall I ask about this patch: , this is for serial test execution, which is weird but as I see with our current tooling it's a working concept14:24
opendevreviewJames Parker proposed openstack/whitebox-tempest-plugin master: Add check for max disk attach
*** jpena is now known as jpena|off16:40
gmannkopecmartin: +1, we can do for bashate too17:15
lajoskatonakopecmartin, gmann: (sorry just repeating previous question, maybe it is lost): Hi, shall I ask about this patch: , this is for serial test execution, which is weird but as I see with our current tooling it's a working concept17:20
gmannlajoskatona: ack, I will try to review in in next week sometime17:39
lajoskatonagmann: thanks18:10
opendevreviewEmma Foley proposed openstack/devstack stable/yoga: Respect constraints on tempest venv consistently
kopecmartingmann: frickler i've finally created a framadate to find best time slots for QA PTG sessions, you can vote here:

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