Monday, 2023-07-10

ralonsohhello folks, can you review
ralonsohThat patch unblocks the stable/wallaby CI of Neutron08:31
ralonsohfrickler, dansmith ^^ if you don't mind08:32
lucasagomeshi frickler, we need because a job in neutron stable/wallaby is currently broken without it. I left a comment there 08:47
fricklerlucasagomes: so is this because you are deploying a different ovn version now? maybe neutron can also simply skip failing jobs in EM releases?09:07
lucasagomesfrickler, it started because the OVN_BRANCH devstack config was pointing to a commit hash but that was failing because wallaby lacks this:
lucasagomesturns out this patch introduces a regression as you know09:09
lucasagomesso we updated the OVN_BRANCH config in the wallaby job to not use a hash09:09
lucasagomesand now it's failing due to this other permission problem09:09
lucasagomesfrickler, I guess, if none of these patches get in we will need to disable it yeah09:09
frickleryes. but the job was working some time ago, wasn't it? so neutron must have changed something, is that still a newer OVN version that you were using originally?09:10
lucasagomesfrickler, yaeh I need to investigate but deffo something changed for sure09:10
lucasagomesI think the OVN_BRANCH was updated in the base config09:11
lucasagomesand that's shared for all branches *I think*09:11
lucasagomesI will track it down09:11
opendevreviewMerged openstack/tempest master: Revert "Mark "test_live_migration_with_trunk" as unstable"

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