Friday, 2023-09-22

opendevreviewMerged openstack/tempest master: Use upper constraints in pep8 test run
opendevreviewmelanie witt proposed openstack/tempest master: Verify that instance can boot after volume retype with migration
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/tempest master: Add releasenote to tag the Tempest for 2023.2 release
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/tempest master: Use stable constraint in tox to release new tag for 2023.2
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/tempest master: Switch to the master constraint in tox.ini
gmannkopecmartin: ^^ these are ready, if any other tempest change you think we should include in this release, let me know03:07
gmannthe one I wanted are all merged03:07
opendevreviewmelanie witt proposed openstack/tempest master: Verify that instance can boot after volume retype with migration
elodillesJayF gmann frickler : yepp, you figured it out ;) the latest state of those *-tempest-plugins were already tagged&released for bobcat :]08:36
fricklerelodilles: ack, sorry for the premature ping08:39
elodillesno problem at all. it's good that it was sorted out that there's no 'missing release'08:51
kopecmartingmann: ack , thanks .. maybe we can merge this one which is a replacement of
opendevreviewKatarina Strenkova proposed openstack/tempest master: [WIP] Add unit tests to increade coverage
opendevreviewKonrad Gube proposed openstack/devstack-plugin-nfs master: Enable attached volume extend tests
yadneshHey folks, xena and wallaby fips jobs are failing becasue of "Error: Unable to find a match: liberasurecode-devel" any idea why ? 12:43
yadneshin ceilometer project12:43
yadneshis it because doesn't exist ? 12:52
dansmithkopecmartin: could you +W this simple fix so I can fix glance's jobs?
opendevreviewYadnesh Kulkarni proposed openstack/devstack stable/xena: Use RDO official CloudSIG mirrors for C9S deployments
yadneshI think this is the fix needed which fixes the query I asked14:44
fungiyou should be able to add a depends-on footer to that in the commit message of whatever change you're seeing the failure on and find out if it helps15:05
fricklerdansmith: approved so we get this in before branching15:05
dansmithfrickler: thanks. it's not actually a gate fix, it's for a periodic job, but still important :)15:06
fricklerdansmith: well, close enough, I'd say15:06
fungiyadnesh: seems it tries to download which gets redirected to which returns a 404 response15:10
fungisadly, says "Looking for an older version? See for the full listing." and that url is also a 40415:13
yadneshhmm, so the one that's failing is the fips job, but the other cs9 job is running successfully15:17
yadnesh2023-09-22 11:48:11.765909 | controller |  liberasurecode-devel                   x86_64  1.6.2-2.el9s                     delorean-master-testing   24 k15:17
yadneshit gets that package from here15:18
fungiyadnesh: looks like it succeeded on stable/yoga but not stable/xena, any idea what the difference is?15:23
fungii guess 896215 got backported to yoga?15:23
yadneshso far I could only find that the devstack patch wasn't backported to xena but that too doesn't seem to fix the issue15:24
fungiand yeah, i found an announcement on the rdo mailing list saying they were going to stop doing trunk builds15:24
fungioh, though it was only for train through victoria:
yadneshi am wondering that happens differently in fips job, since it's only the fips job that fails with this error and the other cs9 job runs successfully15:26
elodilleshi QA team o/ fyi, every project has branched, so Release Mgt team is pleased to let you know that the QA release tasks can be started ( )15:27
elodilleskopecmartin gmann ^^^15:27
elodilleslet me know if i can help with something15:28
fungiyadnesh: the non-fips job installs it from delorean-master-testing according to
fungimaybe the fips job does something to break/remove access to that repository?15:34
fungiade_lee: ^ maybe you know?15:34
gmannelodilles: ack, I will start the QA release work today15:51
elodillesgmann: thanks!15:53
gmannkopecmartin: or we can merge that after release as it will be in master and still will be able to run against that bug. I am thinking we should delay tempest release more.15:54
opendevreviewMerged openstack/devstack master: Fix g-api-r for non-global venv

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