Thursday, 2023-10-05

opendevreviewDr. Jens Harbott proposed openstack/grenade master: Make octavia-grenade job voting
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/grenade master: Update grenade setting on current master
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/grenade master: Make octavia-grenade job voting
opendevreviewDr. Jens Harbott proposed openstack/grenade stable/2023.2: stable-only: drop grenade-skip-level job definition
opendevreviewDr. Jens Harbott proposed openstack/grenade master: Update grenade setting on current master
opendevreviewLukas Piwowarski proposed openstack/tempest master: Fix cleanup for object_storage tests
opendevreviewLukas Piwowarski proposed openstack/tempest master: Fix cleanup for object_storage tests
opendevreviewLukas Piwowarski proposed openstack/devstack master: Add support volume backup_driver config option
opendevreviewDr. Jens Harbott proposed openstack/grenade master: Make octavia-grenade job voting
yadneshCan someone please review &
opendevreviewLukas Piwowarski proposed openstack/tempest master: Fix cleanup for object_storage tests
yadneshkopecmartin++ thanks for the review12:25
opendevreviewLukas Piwowarski proposed openstack/tempest master: Fix cleanup for object_storage tests
fricklerkopecmartin: please also check , it is the fix needed for the grenade update on master14:23
opendevreviewMerged openstack/devstack stable/xena: Use RDO official CloudSIG mirrors for C9S deployments
opendevreviewLukas Piwowarski proposed openstack/devstack master: Add support volume backup_driver config option
opendevreviewMerged openstack/whitebox-tempest-plugin master: Enable LM back and forth flag for SRIOV
gmannkopecmartin: you around?16:30
opendevreviewMerged openstack/grenade stable/2023.2: stable-only: drop grenade-skip-level job definition
sean-k-mooneyfrickler: fungi: just want to pick your brains on the writhe way to approch something when you have time 17:52
sean-k-mooneyfrickler: fungi: if we wanted to test something with a kernel module that is not packaged. what would ye recommend17:53
sean-k-mooneyin the past i have dont that by having a devstack plugin compile it (we also did that for ovs in the past)17:54
sean-k-mooneyi could also see doing that in a disk-image builder context17:54
sean-k-mooneyi assume we dont have anything generic that can can compile an addtional ubuntu kernel moduel for the current kernel write17:54
sean-k-mooneythe reason im asking is currently we supprot generic mdevs in nova but we dont have any testing of them17:55
sean-k-mooneythe kernel has a couple of sable mdev modules that we could use for testign but they are not packaged on ubuntu or debian17:56
sean-k-mooneythese ones17:56
sean-k-mooneyim playing with it in a vm at the moment to see if i could use the mtty or mdpy sample model with a nova vm17:57
fungisean-k-mooney: are there separate (binary or dkms) packages for them maybe?17:57
sean-k-mooneyjust to see if its posibel to use one of those sample modules for testing17:57
sean-k-mooneyfungi: i was hoping they woudl be in kernel-moduels-extra17:57
fungiwhat are the lkm filenames?17:57
sean-k-mooneydo you mean /samples/vfio-mdev/mdpy.c17:58
fungii'll take a quick poke around with apt-file and see if they're in some other package already17:58
sean-k-mooneyin the past i have just manually compiled them but i dont erally want to do that in a job if its avoidable17:59
sean-k-mooneyso if there is a package that would be nice17:59
sean-k-mooneyim trying to see if there is anything we can do to impove test coverage17:59
sean-k-mooneyif the anser is now thats fine17:59
fungilike once they're compiled, you'll have a something.ko file18:00
fungiand are these under block? net? virt?18:00
sean-k-mooneyya so its been about 2 years since i last did this but when i last did it i comiipled a .ko and used  instmod to load it18:01
sean-k-mooneywell sampels18:01
sean-k-mooneyi have a compile runing currenlty ill check if it has produced them yet18:01
fungiright, i'm just asking whether you know the names of the .ko files you're wanting to load18:02
fungii can search the package database for those files, in case they're already packaged under some other grouping18:02
clarkbone thing we have tried to move away from in our test env is special sauce that creates confusion when things don't work outside our test env18:03
fungiand they'll generally be installed somewhere like /lib/modules/6.5.0-1-amd64/kernel/samples/ then?18:03
clarkbput another way this means we should not add that to our kernels in dib18:03
fungiyeah, we definitely have other options, an "easy" one might be to just package it in a ppa18:04
clarkbdepending on the module it might only take a few seconds to compile as well18:04
fungiright, and there may even be a dkms recipe/package for it too18:05
sean-k-mooneyso right now im doing the ultra dumb approch of tweaking the ubuntu kernel cofnig and rebuilding it18:05
sean-k-mooneybut in the past i have built just that module18:05
sean-k-mooneyand that is not that long18:05
fungisure, install kernel headers, run the module build, load it18:05
JayFIf it's not in the ubuntu/debian kernel packages, and doesn't have a dkms package, have you considered requesting upstream package it?18:05
sean-k-mooneyfor ovs-dpdk in the past we compile ovs and dpdk form source in devstack18:05
fungias long as it doesn't need to be loaded at boot, should work fine in a job18:05
sean-k-mooneyit does not18:06
JayFWe have Canonical employees/contributors in OpenStack, that might solve a "moving forward" problem even if this works for now.18:06
sean-k-mooneyi guess the real question is "are the sameple kernel moduels" packaged anywhere18:06
sean-k-mooneymy google foo said no18:06
fungiyeah, JayF makes an excellent point, even if it may not happen for the current version we're testing on it could become simpler in 2024.1 lts18:06
fungisean-k-mooney: do you happen to know what makes them "samples" rather than normal drivers?18:07
sean-k-mooneybefore i ask anyone to package anything18:07
sean-k-mooneyi want to locally confirm we coudl use them for testing18:07
fungiof course18:07
fungiit may even be that we ask the kernel devs to move one or more of those samples so that they're considered actually supported drivers too18:08
sean-k-mooneyfungi: baicaly tehse are fake driver used for testing the kernel subsystem and as a refernce to other to implemente a real hardware driver18:08
sean-k-mooneyso mtty create a fake tty that is exposed as an mdev that just loop back any data you write to it18:08
sean-k-mooneymdpy create a fake vgpu18:09
fungiaha, so it may make sense to create a sample drivers package with those too18:09
fungi"driver fakes/stubs for use in testing" or whatever18:09
sean-k-mooneyso mdpy and mbochs are two fake vGPU impelmetaions18:10
sean-k-mooneythat we coudl actull use to test vGPU without fancy nviaia gpus18:10
sean-k-mooneyat least in theory18:10
JayFsean-k-mooney: you make me slightly jealous :D 18:10
* JayF wants a kernel-module fake DPU to test Ironic with /s ;)18:10
sean-k-mooneywell this is all still in theory18:11
JayFInstead we get to write fake-hardware-to-libvirt abstraction layers and keep a stick around to prevent users from going "I can make my own nova with Ironic!" which they love to do18:11
sean-k-mooneyin other news qemu added emulation of intesl igb nic recently18:12
sean-k-mooneywhat makes that interesting is it supprot sriov18:12
fungioh, so we could do virtual sriov testing?18:13
sean-k-mooneymeaning its not possibel to create a libvirt/qemu vm that can be used for sriov18:13
sean-k-mooneyi have not fully got it working but i started trying that on monday18:13
sean-k-mooneylibvirt in the vm sees the vfs perfectly18:13
sean-k-mooneybut i hit a bug in nova18:13
sean-k-mooneywhich i guess i now need to go fix18:13
fungiat least you know some people who know some people who can make that happen18:14
fungi(or you can just make that happen)18:14
sean-k-mooneyya so i actully dont know why its not working but its failing in nova resouce tracker18:14
sean-k-mooneybut nova detected the vfs and put them in the db right so i dont knwo why its now not happy with asigining one to a vm18:15
sean-k-mooneyanyway that next weeks me's problem18:15
sean-k-mooneyfungi: once i can confimr this work logall i plan to look at enableing it in nova too.18:16
sean-k-mooneyby that i mena just addtint igb to the list of emulated nic module nova supprots so that you can ask for a vm with a neutron port and have that port emulated  as a device that capablie of sriov18:18
fungisean-k-mooney: so anyway, if the sample gpu fake drivers have "mdpy" or "mbochs" in their .ko filenames, i'm not finding any evidence they're packaged in current ubuntu lts, but i'd hit up jamespage or tinwood in #openstack-infra with questions about getting them officially packaged in the future. in the meantime, local module compiles as part of the job are probably your fastest path18:22
sean-k-mooneythanks thats what i assumed18:23
fungisounds like they'd be pretty quick ansible tasks anyway18:23
sean-k-mooneybasically i wanted to confirm if this was possibel and then ask in the ptg is this something we would like to do18:23
fungimakes sense18:23
fungimore hardware enablement is good from my perspective, but there are lots of other stakeholders18:24
sean-k-mooneyvgpus are kind of in a weired place18:25
sean-k-mooneyin the past we used to require hardware vendors to provide third party ci18:25
fungiparticularly with the licensing requirements right now, yeah18:25
sean-k-mooneybut for vgpus nvidia had no deirsre to to that yet we had operators/user of openstack askign for them18:26
sean-k-mooneyso right now i dont think we have any first/thirdpary testing of vgpus in nova or cyborg18:26
sean-k-mooneywe have unit/functional tests but well they only go so far18:26
clarkbfwiw nothing says nvidia has to run the third party ci18:27
sean-k-mooneyyes but the issue is licesning18:28
sean-k-mooneyi really wish there was an opensouce mdev capable card18:28
sean-k-mooneyso we coudl test without there proprity drivers and lieciening server18:29
sean-k-mooneythat partly why im interested in the fake kernel moduels18:29
clarkbyes whoever runs it would need to pay for the licenses assuming nvidia would issue them for that purpose18:29
sean-k-mooneyi was exicted but disapointed by intels gpus18:30
JayFsean-k-mooney: Ironic is having a third-party-CI meeting sorta along those lines during PTG; with lessened investment in OpenStack by large vendors & improved standardizataion it's getting harder to justify a hardline stance18:30
sean-k-mooneythe actully supprot vgpu on one of there integrated gpus on there cpus18:31
fungiwith the collapse of blockchain hype/ponzi schemes, unless machine learning picks up the slack, nvidia will be revisiting its temporary gpu empire18:31
sean-k-mooneybut not on there pcie add in cards18:31
* sean-k-mooney waits for the slack based chatGPT bot wars to start18:32
sean-k-mooneyyou know someone has pitch slaping chatGPT into slack somwhere 18:33
sean-k-mooneyand nivida will be happy to sell gpus to power it18:34
sean-k-mooneyits something i really dont know that much about (how much computational power does an large Langue model use once its traied)18:35
funginot a lot from what i understand, it's the training processes which use a lot of processor power (and have been tuned in many cases to offload that onto gpu coprocessors)18:38
fungibut definitely not my field of expertise, i only know of these technologies third-hand18:39
sean-k-mooneyi have been using github codepiolt a littel but the designer of it would cry if they knwo i mostly use it for writing commnets 18:40
sean-k-mooneyit can get close but form my experice of usign it so far unless you are very familar with the codebase in question18:41
fungifrom what i understand, it's pretty good at describing functions18:41
fungijust not as good at writing them18:42
sean-k-mooneyyou wont notice that the perferctly reasonable function name it invented does not actully exist18:42
sean-k-mooneyso the code it generates looks correct18:42
sean-k-mooneythat does not mean any of it works altogh its often close18:42
fungithat's the curse of every llm. what it creates will *look* correct18:43
fungiwhether it's source code or answers to technical questions18:43
sean-k-mooney...   BTF [M] drivers/net/ethernet/brocade/bna/bna.ko18:44
sean-k-mooneyx86_64-linux-gnu-objcopy: drivers/gpu/drm/amd/amdgpu/stY7KMFU: No space left on device18:44
sean-k-mooneyit litraly just finsite dteh compile and was writeing all the ko files18:45
sean-k-mooneyok fungi clarkb thanks for the input ill try again tomorrow18:45
fungiyeah, i have a separate scratch lv i mount just for doing kernel recompiles, for that very reason18:47
sean-k-mooneyits a devstack vm so its fine18:48
sean-k-mooneyit ran out because i have devstack also deployed in it18:48
sean-k-mooneyand cinder/swift loop files are using much of the space18:49
sean-k-mooney-rw-r--r--  1 sean sean  30G Oct  2 17:58 stack-volumes-lvmdriver-1-backing-file18:50
sean-k-mooneygiven my root is 35G that would defeinlly do it18:51
opendevreviewMerged openstack/grenade master: Update grenade setting on current master
kopecmartingmann: what's up?21:14
* kopecmartin gonna get some sleep21:41
gmannkopecmartin: once you are online in morning, this is ready depends-on is merged openstack21:55

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