Thursday, 2023-10-26

opendevreviewArtem Goncharov proposed openstack/devstack master: Enable keystone token caching by OSC
opendevreviewArtem Goncharov proposed openstack/devstack master: Enable keystone token caching by OSC
opendevreviewDr. Jens Harbott proposed openstack/devstack master: DNM testing /opt moving performance
fricklerkopecmartin: fyi I'll have to miss today's PTG sessions, will try to catch up later12:18
kopecmartinfrickler: ack, no worries, we practically went through everything on Tuesday, today's session is just in case someone else wants to join or raise a topic that hasn't been discussed yet12:40
gmannfrickler: kopecmartin: dansmith: this is enabling neutron new RBAC by default in devstack 13:15
gmannit was enabled in neutron in bobcat release13:15
opendevreviewLajos Katona proposed openstack/tempest master: Remove tap-as-a-service-tempest-plugin
opendevreviewMerged openstack/devstack master: Enable NEUTRON_ENFORCE_SCOPE to True by default
harshHi Folks, i am having issues in installing devstack on ubuntu 20.04 LTS16:21
harshTried to install stable/yoga with python 3.8 and python3.6 both but it is failing 16:22
harshThe service devstack@q-ovn-metadata-agent.service16:22
harsh is not getting started.16:22
harshThe only relevant bug that i found on this is
harshBut even after downgrading python to 3.6 and changing the permissions of /opt/stack/ , I am getting the same issue.16:24
harshCan anyone help on this please ?16:24
clarkbharsh: the first thing to note is that 20.04 doesn't have python3.6 I don't think. I'm not sure what version of ubuntu yoga was tested with but that is where I'd start. Also you should look at the logs for q-ovn-metadata-agent and see what the error is16:25
clarkbbut without an error it is hard to say what is wrong16:25
clarkbyoga was tested with 20.04 from what I can see so python3.8 + devstack yoga should be fine16:26
harshYes i had python 3.8 but after seeing the launchpad bug i tried it with python3.616:28
clarkbyou should find the error from the q-ovn-metadata-agent service log and work from there. Devstack should have logs for each of hte services in its directory somewhere. You can also ask journalctl -u q-ovn-metadata-agent.service for logs too I think16:28
harshOk let me try to find that16:31
harshOct 26 16:36:42 a9kagl3-2 neutron-ovn-metadata-agent[104154]: ERROR neutron   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/oslo_privsep/", line 358, in __init__16:39
harshOct 26 16:36:42 a9kagl3-2 neutron-ovn-metadata-agent[104154]: ERROR neutron     raise FailedToDropPrivileges(msg)16:39
harshOct 26 16:36:42 a9kagl3-2 neutron-ovn-metadata-agent[104154]: ERROR neutron oslo_privsep.daemon.FailedToDropPrivileges: privsep helper command exited non-zero (96)16:39
harshOct 26 16:36:42 a9kagl3-2 neutron-ovn-metadata-agent[104154]: ERROR neutron16:39
harshOct 26 16:36:42 a9kagl3-2 neutron-ovn-metadata-agent[104167]: INFO oslo_service.service [-] Parent process has died unexpectedly, exiting16:39
harshOct 26 16:36:42 a9kagl3-2 systemd[1]: devstack@q-ovn-metadata-agent.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE16:39
harshOct 26 16:36:42 a9kagl3-2 neutron-ovn-metadata-agent[104164]: INFO oslo_service.service [-] Parent process has died unexpectedly, exiting16:39
harshOct 26 16:36:42 a9kagl3-2 systemd[1]: devstack@q-ovn-metadata-agent.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.16:39
harshclarkb : i tried to start the service and captured the journalctl logs. Here is the error that i see.16:40
clarkbharsh: can you use a paste service like to paste the entire traceback? That looks like the privsep service is failing to start because it can't drop privleges appropriately. I think that is idfferent than the bug you linked16:43
clarkb is what fails16:48
clarkboh the error is right there privsep log: /usr/local/bin/neutron-rootwrap: Executable not found: privsep-helper (filter match = privsep-helper)16:48
clarkbthe privsetp-helper command is not found. I don't know where that originates. Lets see if we can figure that out16:49
clarkbthat comes from can you check that oslo.privsep is installed? Something like `pip freeze | grep privsep` and also `which privsep-helper`16:51
clarkbBut this si quickly getting beyond my current openstack and devstack knowledge. Importantly we know what is actually failing now. privsep-helper can't be found so the whole privsep daemon process exits non zero (it returend 96) indicating an error16:52
clarkbthe bug you linked is similar but not quite the same. However the cause may be the same? file permissions preventing access to the privsep helper16:53
clarkbbut I'm not sure of that16:53
clarkb is the doc update that was made for newer ubuntu which shouldn't be necessary on the version you've got but maybe check the permissions on your devstack directory17:07
clarkbjust to rule that out at least17:07
harshI checked the privsep and it is oslo.privsep==2.7.017:09
clarkbok thats good, we know it is installed. The next thing to check is that the privsep-helper command was installed too17:10
harshRegarding the permissions, /opt/stack/ has executable permission for all the users : 75517:11
opendevreviewJames Parker proposed openstack/whitebox-tempest-plugin master: Add test support for bochs display device
harshclarkb : I don't see which privsep command is being run here. Also, i see a similar bug
harshBut in this bug also it just says to fix the permissions. 17:49
clarkbharsh: the command is `privsep-helper` according to the log you pasted then I quoted above. This bit: `privsep log: /usr/local/bin/neutron-rootwrap: Executable not found: privsep-helper (filter match = privsep-helper)`17:50
clarkbthis is why I asked if `which privsep-helper` returns anything to check the command exists17:50
harshOh.. `which privsep-helper' doesn't return anything. But when i am running 'privsep-helper' it says to install it using: apt install python3-oslo.privsep17:52
harshI have installed it. Now it says it requires options so i guess the module is not present. Let me restack it see if this time it finds the executable.17:55
clarkbharsh: you don't want to install it form the distro17:56
clarkbdevstack should install it when devstack installs oslo.privsep17:56
clarkbyou'll probably want to look in your devstack logs to see where it installs oslo.privsep and work from there to see why that command isn't being installed17:56
harshin my devstack logs it says Requirement for oslo.privsep is satisfied. Means oslo.privsep==2.7 is already present. But still privsep-helper installation log is not not there18:00
clarkbharsh: you need to look earlier in the run to see the installation occur18:00
* clarkb double checks versions18:00
clarkb 2.7.0 does specify that the command should be installed. Other possibility is that it isn't isntalling it to the correct location18:01
clarkbI need to step out now. But that is the underlying cause of the problem so need ot track it down. Why is privsep-helper not available to neutron18:02
harshSure. thanks for all the help clarkb. Have a good day :)18:02
harshclarkb : i know you are out but just wanted to update you that installing python3-oslo.privsep manually using the command 'sudo apt install python3-oslo.privsep' solved the problem and now devstack has installed successfully18:36
harshI don't know why devstack script didn't install it on it own. I'll keep looking into it but for now this manual installation is the workaround. Thankyou so much for all your help :)18:37
opendevreviewJames Parker proposed openstack/whitebox-tempest-plugin master: Add test support for bochs display device
opendevreviewJames Parker proposed openstack/whitebox-tempest-plugin master: Add test support for bochs display device

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