Monday, 2024-02-12

*** ralonsoh_ is now known as ralonsoh08:08
slaweqhi kopecmartin, frickler and other devstack core team members, can You check when You will have a minute? Thx in advace08:33
slaweqthis unlocks neutron periodic jobs where sqlalchemy is installed from master branch08:33
opendevreviewMartin Kopec proposed openstack/devstack master: Set source and destination params for tests
opendevreviewMartin Kopec proposed openstack/tempest master: Add option to specify source and destination host
opendevreviewLajos Katona proposed openstack/grenade stable/2023.1: Unmaintained-Only: change stable/yoga to unmaintained
*** jph3 is now known as jph15:06
opendevreviewLajos Katona proposed openstack/grenade stable/zed: Unmaintained-Only: change stable/yoga to unmaintained
opendevreviewMerged openstack/devstack master: Add support for the pyproject.toml file in setup with constraints
kopecmartingmann: seems like finding out all available nodes in devstack isn't as simple as we thought -
gmannkopecmartin: but we do the same in tempest tests right?20:42
gmannkopecmartin: maybe list service will be easy,
kopecmartinmaybe the second node isn't deployed at the time of running 'openstack hypervisor list' 20:44
gmanngetting it from service list or hypervisor list is same20:44
gmannbut does not tempest install/configure happen after devstack setup all the nova nodes20:44
kopecmartinthat I don't know20:44
gmannit is from extra scripts so it is running after all enabled services are setup
kopecmartinmaybe a wrong openstack command? instead of 'openstack hypervisor list' we could run 'openstack cluster node list'? 20:50
kopecmartinit's been a while i read the documentation 20:50
* kopecmartin now searching random things on the internet 20:51
gmannkopecmartin: tempest is installed at the end here even after the service_check on each enabled services, example
kopecmartinor 'openstack host list' instead of 'openstack hypervisor list'20:55
gmannkopecmartin: use service list and then filter the smae way this test does
gmannhost list is deprecated API from nova20:55
gmannservice list is right one20:56
kopecmartinbut that link is for tempest , i don't understand how that helps me in devstack 20:56
kopecmartinplus one is python and one bash20:56
gmannI mean its just a example of which API can give us host info20:57
kopecmartinwe should train an AI for these things, i really don't want to see this patch again ..20:58
gmannbcz without running those new tests it is not good to merge as we found one typo there when try to run them and there might be other error exist so it is hard to merge the test which is not running in upstream gate or at least we have proof of 3rd party/downstream  CI result20:58
kopecmartinwhat if we hardcoded 'compute1' and 'controller' for this job specifically? 21:05
kopecmartinit could work if tempest client would understand 'controller' instead of 'np0036730222'21:06
* kopecmartin checking the output of LOOP [emit-job-header : Print node information]21:07
gmannI do not think that will work, as nova expect host name in server boot API not the service name21:07
kopecmartinhmm, then maybe an ansible role/task ran after devstack but before tempest21:08
kopecmartinansible has all the info in the inventory - it would be almost a copy paste of this
kopecmartinwell "copy paste" .. the same but different :D 21:09
kopecmartinbut finding the host name is one thing, editing tempest.conf another .. but i recall i did something similar a while back, maybe i can use that if i find it21:10
opendevreviewMartin Kopec proposed openstack/tempest master: Add set-src-dest-host role
opendevreviewMartin Kopec proposed openstack/tempest master: Add scenario test: test instances with cinder volumes
opendevreviewMartin Kopec proposed openstack/tempest master: Add set-src-dest-host role
opendevreviewMartin Kopec proposed openstack/tempest master: Add set-src-dest-host role

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