Monday, 2024-08-26

*** elodilles_pto is now known as elodilles07:24
*** ykarel_ is now known as ykarel08:36
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/devstack master: doc: drop sphinxcontrib-nwdiag, sphinxcontrib-blockdiag usage
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/devstack master: docs: Add SSH guide
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/devstack master: docs: Expand SSH guide
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/devstack master: lib/swift: Consistently quota variables
opendevreviewsean mooney proposed openstack/devstack master: add ci supprot for using the podman registry mirror
sean-k-mooneyfrickler: ^ i have not tested that really but i think something like that is what would be required. i considered extending but i dont wnat to potentially conflict with kolla's current job config.13:23
sean-k-mooneythe experimental pipeline has the ceph plugin enabeld so ill test it end to end with that job13:26
sean-k-mooneyoh well toolate now but the normal check line had nova-ceph-multistore so the experimetnal job were not need but extra coverage does not hurt13:27
opendevreviewDan Smith proposed openstack/tempest master: Allow nova vmdk-footer test to pass
sean-k-mooneygibi: thanks for the input on the eventlet seriese i think you could a bug in the timer code that was liekly the same issue melwitt was seeign in her version 16:46
sean-k-mooneyill need to reload the context on that sereise. the problem with takeing several month breaks with this is its a lot of context to reload16:47
sean-k-mooneyoh that should b ein the nova channel :)16:47
dansmithkopecmartin: gmann: I'm hoping this is acceptable to you:
dansmithbasically, we have a chicken-and-egg issue of tempest asserting current broken behavior and fixing nova, so my solution is to skip-or-pass either behavior on *just* the vmware-with-footer image, which is necessary for fixed and unfixed novas17:24
dansmithI verified that the fix in nova failed that test (and it was passing before obviously) and with the fix it passes (not skips) that case17:25
dansmithpasses not skips ...with the tempest test applied17:26
gmanndansmith: yes, that is the process to fix bugs in service side. one question, will you remove the skip logic once nova fix is merged right?17:28
dansmithgmann: the "fix" is converting nova to use the oslo implementation, which I presume we do not want to do for stable, so we either would need to continue skipping for stable or freeze tempest, or whatever17:29
dansmithgmann: it's a very small case (vmdk file format, one of the subformats, with one particular feature enabled).. it is just not supported currently, so it's safe and supporting it would be kind of a feature17:30
gmanndansmith: ohk, we can handle that via flag but I think in this case that can be extra work.17:30
gmannif no backport plan then it is fine17:30
dansmithso you want me to add an extra flag to tempest or no?17:30
gmanndansmith: no, +2. extra flag is not needed for this. I am ok with this as it is. 17:31
dansmithokay cool17:36
dansmithgmann: thanks for your help.. this has been quite the tangled thorny issue and I'm trying to avoid the temptation to just give up before it's untangled :D17:36
gmannk. I think you earlier mentioned the bug# in test so that make it easy to know why this skip condition is there17:39
dansmithyep, it's in there17:42
opendevreviewIhar Hrachyshka proposed openstack/devstack master: ovn: Use ovs from git submodules when building ovn services
opendevreviewMerged openstack/tempest master: Allow nova vmdk-footer test to pass

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