Wednesday, 2024-10-16

opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/grenade master: Update the master grenade setting
melwittis there some kind of trick for getting a grenade job to use a lib from git? I have Depends-On a openstack/os-traits patch and I tried to use required-projects: openstack/os-traits but it's not pulling down the patch02:25
opendevreviewOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/devstack master: Updated from generate-devstack-plugins-list
gmannmelwitt: was Depends-On on the old node (branch) ?03:27
gmannif it is of master then grenade still pull old node os-traits from original source03:28
melwittgmann: no it wasn't. ok, so it doesn't pull os-traits again when it sets up the new node?03:28
melwittor when it upgrades to new03:30
gmannmelwitt: as grenade does not run the devstack on new node, it just pull new code of target (new) branch03:32
melwittgmann: ah.. ok. thanks for explaining, that must be why it's not working03:33
gmannif you add depends-on of stable/2024.2 and it should pull the required os-traits of stable/2024.2 backport and then upgrade to master one03:33
gmannmelwitt: also current grenade job are not yet setup for stable/2024.2 -> master upgrade. it still test the stable/2024.1 --> master03:34
gmannmelwitt: my change still not merged as its base change of running grenade on venv is needed
gmannbecause this will also impact your testing03:34
melwittgmann: gotcha, thanks for the heads up03:35
gmannmaybe depends-on 932017 should work as I am left with ironic fix only03:35
opendevreviewMerged openstack/devstack master: Updated from generate-devstack-plugins-list
melwittgmann: fyi, looks like os-traits doesn't have stable branches
gmannah, right04:04
melwittalthough I see there's a variable I can use OS_TRAITS_BRANCH04:04
gmannyeah, TARGET_BRANCH is always 'master' for branchles project04:06
gmannmelwitt: this is the change right?
melwittgmann: yes04:08
melwittI'm wondering if I set LIBS_FROM_GIT and OS_TRAITS_BRANCH if it might work04:09
melwittin the job definition04:09
melwittoh huh, I see it reference the os-traits patch here
melwittand there's an error at the end AttributeError: module 'setuptools.build_meta' has no attribute 'get_requires_for_build_editable'. Did you mean: 'get_requires_for_build_sdist'?04:17
melwittit was grenade-skip-level-always that did not pull the os-traits patch. but nova-grenade-multinode did04:20
gmannmelwitt: ohk, so this is exact error i am fixing it in
gmanncan you make this as depends-on04:20
melwittsure. thanks. sorry I get confused by this04:20
gmannmelwitt: i faced the setuptool error when I was setting up the grenade for current master and then I have to move greande to virtual env first04:26
melwittgmann: gotcha. yeah I was confused why it wasn't failing for anyone else 😆 04:28
gmannand it fail on multinode job only and maybe not many project test the greande on multinode04:30
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/grenade master: Enable GLOBAL_VENV in grenade
opendevreviewmelanie witt proposed openstack/whitebox-tempest-plugin master: Add tests for Nova image multi-backend
opendevreviewmelanie witt proposed openstack/whitebox-tempest-plugin master: Add tests for Nova image multi-backend
opendevreviewmelanie witt proposed openstack/whitebox-tempest-plugin master: Add tests for Nova image multi-backend
opendevreviewmelanie witt proposed openstack/whitebox-tempest-plugin master: Add tests for Nova image multi-backend
opendevreviewmelanie witt proposed openstack/whitebox-tempest-plugin master: Add tests for Nova image multi-backend
opendevreviewmelanie witt proposed openstack/whitebox-tempest-plugin master: Add tests for Nova image multi-backend
gmannmelwitt: you can even use the 932017 as depends-on to have grenade jobs testing the latest setting, commented here -
gmannI am trying to get those merged soon (ironic, octavia fix are in gate but heat fix not yet reviewed )19:56
melwittgmann: I did :) it's the only way it will work heh19:56
melwittthanks for that19:56
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/grenade master: Update the master grenade setting
gmannmelwitt: I think you depends-on on 930507 which fix the setuptool error but 932017 ^^ setup the grenade testing for stable/2024.2 -> master19:58
gmannwith 932017, you will get the right result for stable/2024.2 -> master upgrade testing19:59
gmanncurrent greande job in your change test stable/2024.1 -> master (old setting)19:59
melwittgmann: oh, hah you're right. the numbers looked too similar to me 😝 19:59
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opendevreviewmelanie witt proposed openstack/devstack master: lib/nova: Allow specifying NOVA_SERVICE_DOWN_TIME
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gmanndansmith: clarkb: grenade GLOBAL_VENV is ready, from depends-on only heat fix is left to merge but we can review greande one in parallel 21:42
gmanndansmith: clarkb and this one also which update the grenade testing setting for current master
gmannkopecmartin: ^^21:42
dansmithgmann: got 'em23:23

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