Thursday, 2025-01-23

*** mhen_ is now known as mhen02:14
opendevreviewBalazs Gibizer proposed openstack/devstack master: Follow up for creating parent dir for config files
chandankumarThank you gmann sean-k-mooney rlandy frickler tosky_ for finalizing the decision on prometheus devstack plugin.11:37
chandankumargmann: sean-k-mooney Here is the devstack plugin prometheus repo creation review and governance review: thank you!11:37
sean-k-mooneylooking at the acls htey are simpler then im used to, im going to compare to one of the othe rplugins but i think the current config is too rfestictive11:43
opendevreviewBalazs Gibizer proposed openstack/devstack master: Follow up for creating parent dir for config files
*** tosky_ is now known as tosky21:41
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: The Gerrit service on will be offline momentarily while we reboot for a patch version upgrade of the software, but should return again within a few minutes22:45
opendevreviewMerged openstack/tempest master: Add test to verify instance bootability after volume snapshot
opendevreviewMerged openstack/devstack master: lib/glance: Migrate Glance to WSGI module path

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