Tuesday, 2019-05-14

*** larainema has joined #openstack-qinling00:22
*** goldyfruit has joined #openstack-qinling18:49
goldyfruitHey guys :)18:50
goldyfruitI'm trying to install Qinling, following the documentation18:50
goldyfruitTrying to get the qinling.conf using this command: olo-config-generator --config-file tools/config/config-generator.qinling.conf --output-file etc/qinling.conf.sample18:51
goldyfruitBut the file seems to be half-generated: https://paste.api-zulu.com/raw/agitibuveb18:51
goldyfruitMissing database, keystone, storage, etc... parts18:52
goldyfruitAny idea why ?18:52
goldyfruitOk, fixed it. Just missed Python dependencies !18:58
goldyfruitSorry for the noise18:58
lxkonggoldyfruit: good to know21:03
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goldyfruitlxkong, I got a 401 from qinling-engine, I spawned the k8s cluster with Magnum23:01
goldyfruitGet the certificates from Magnum with: openstack coe cluster config --dir . 612da959-98f5-4f1b-af71-d34109241905 --output-certs23:01
goldyfruitI got: ca.pem, cert.pem and key.pem23:02
goldyfruitca.pem = certificate-authority23:02
goldyfruitcert.pem = client-certificate23:03
goldyfruitkey.pem = client-key23:03
goldyfruitFrom the documentation: https://docs.openstack.org/qinling/latest/admin/install/config_kubernetes.html23:03
goldyfruitexport K8S_CA_CERT=$HOME/cert.pem23:03
goldyfruitexport K8S_CA_KEY=$HOME/key.pem23:04
goldyfruitI ran the cfssl-* commands successfully23:04
goldyfruitqinling.conf is configured with the SSL certicates23:05
goldyfruitI got this from the log: https://paste.api-zulu.com/raw/fexegiliqa23:06
goldyfruitThe integration of Qinling to an existing Kubernetes cluster (deployed with Magnum) should be documented23:10
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* lxkong is reading23:48
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lxkonggoldyfruit: which timezone are you? because it's lunch time for me, so i will probably get back to you afterwards23:49
lxkongbut not sure if you are online then23:49
goldyfruitI'll have to go back home23:49
goldyfruit 7:50pm here23:49
lxkongah, ok23:49
goldyfruitI solved my issue, I directly took the file from the: openstack coe cluster config --dir . 612da959-98f5-4f1b-af71-d34109241905 --output-certs23:50
lxkonggoldyfruit: may i know which company are you working for? it's very important for me to understand where the feature request or bug issue is coming from23:50
goldyfruitWithout run the cfssl-* commands and qinling-engine was able to connect to my Kubernetes cluster23:50
lxkonggoldyfruit: thanks23:51
lxkonggoldyfruit: and the purpose you play with Qinling?23:51
goldyfruitProvide FaaS to one of our biggest customer23:52
lxkonggoldyfruit: wow23:53
goldyfruitWe are trying Qinling but we are looking to OpenFaas too as a fallback just in case23:54
lxkongto be honest, i'm not sure Qinling could satisfy your customer's requirement at the moment, but i'm open for discussion23:54
lxkongsure, understandable23:55
goldyfruitWhy not ?23:55
goldyfruitHe wants to do Python and Go23:55

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