Sunday, 2019-06-09

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goldyfruitYeah, I'm back, got a new laptop16:41
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openstackgerritGaëtan Trellu proposed openstack/python-qinlingclient master: Client support for custom initial number of replicas
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openstackgerritGaëtan Trellu proposed openstack/python-qinlingclient master: Client support for custom initial number of replicas
lxkonggoldyfruit: what's your question of function create/update?22:17
goldyfruitlxkong, hey!22:18
goldyfruitHappy Monday for you (still Sunday here)22:18
lxkonghah, enjoy your Sunday22:19
goldyfruitEnd of the day though :p22:19
goldyfruitMy question is that all the call I tried to do with curl failed22:20
goldyfruitLike if the attachment was not there22:20
goldyfruitUsing httpie works, CLI works but curl doesn't22:20
lxkonghave you tried the httpie command i sent to you the other day?22:20
lxkonggoldyfruit: i will have a test today and send you the command22:22
goldyfruitSuper !22:25
goldyfruitAnd then we will have the API documentation!22:25
goldyfruitI tried many things like this22:34
goldyfruitcurl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "X-Auth-Token: gAAAAABc-W" -d '{"code": "{\"source\": \"package\"}", "memory_size": 134217728, "name": "g001", "runtime_id": "cbd9e85f-a1b2-4120-a2c7-57c90809ce7d", "entry": "hello_world.main", "timeout": 10, "cpu": 250, "description": "Function Qinling", "package":}'22:35
goldyfruitWith "package" at different places22:35
goldyfruitInto the '{}', outside22:35
lxkong`curl -X POST -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" -F name=test-curl -F runtime_id=953db676-a44b-4b15-a85a-63c8d2e00a96 -F code='{"source": "package"}' -F entry=github_test.main -F package=@/home/ubuntu/functions/`22:37
lxkonggoldyfruit: this works22:37
lxkongit's like you are filling a form in the brower22:37
openstackgerritGaëtan Trellu proposed openstack/python-qinlingclient master: Client support for custom initial number of replicas
goldyfruitOh!!! I can't use data-binary22:38
goldyfruitGot it22:38
goldyfruitI'll update the API documentation22:39
lxkonggoldyfruit: are you following this guide
lxkonggoldyfruit: could you please also add api-ref-jobs to the project job template in .zuul.yaml?22:44
lxkongso we could see the rendered doc in that patch22:44
goldyfruitAlready done:
goldyfruityes I followed this documentation22:45
lxkonggoldyfruit: you don't need to change openstack/project-config22:46
lxkongbecause all the job definitions were moved to the project repo22:46
lxkongthere is .zuul.yaml file in qinling repo22:46
goldyfruitNot sure that I should put it there22:48
goldyfruitI compared with Zun project, they don't have it22:48
lxkongyeah, i am neither not too sure :-(22:49
lxkongyou can try to add it to qinling repo, while keep the openstack/project-config change, let's wait for someone to correct us22:50
openstackgerritGaëtan Trellu proposed openstack/python-qinlingclient master: Client support for custom initial number of replicas
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openstackgerritGaëtan Trellu proposed openstack/python-qinlingclient master: Client support for custom initial number of replicas

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