Monday, 2020-04-20

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andreykurilinmarosg: hi! octavia was failing to start at our CI, so it was disabled for some time. Last week I tried to turn it on again -
andreykurilinone good thing - it starts again and I can try to enable CI job for it again. another good thing - we have a special script at CI that compares openstack resources before rally execution with resource after launch and this script showed as well that there is an issue with deleting octavia resources.09:21
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andreykurilinmarosg: also, based on your traceback - it looks like you are calling scenarios for neutron LbaasV2 which is ancestor of Octavia. neutron LbaasV2 is deprecated now..10:01
marosgandreykurilin: it is when running NeutronNetwork scenarios, like create and delete networks10:16
marosgand it is only in cleanup section10:16
marosgwhole test passes10:17
andreykurilinok, got it10:17
marosgand in the meantime I confirmed it is related to having or not having octavia in deployment10:17
andreykurilinit is triggered due to this check - . When you adds octavia to deployment, cleanup sees lbaasv2 extension and tries cleanup10:19
andreykurilinactually, you can ignore these traces. it will not leave prevent to clean up other os resources10:20
marosgok, thanks for explanation10:21
andreykurilinit happens due to not ideal world :D10:22
andreykurilinI mean ideally, scenarios should not setup cleanup step to check all neutron resources like
andreykurilininstead of `context={"cleanup@openstack": ["neutron"]}` it should be something like `context={"cleanup@openstack": ["neutron.networks", "neutron.subnets"]},`10:23
andreykurilini.e specifying the real used resources by the scenario10:23
andreykurilinThis should save a bunch of time during cleanup step (no need to list not used resources)10:23
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-openstackstatus- NOTICE: Zuul is temporarily offline; service should be restored in about 15 minutes.13:59
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marosgandreykurilin: glad to see it was not just me doing something stupid15:02
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-openstackstatus- NOTICE: Gerrit will be restarted to correct a misconfiguration which caused some git mirrors to have outdated references.15:47
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marosgandreykurilin: will you have time tomorrow to review my patches?18:21
andreykurilinmarosg: hope so18:26
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