Thursday, 2020-04-23

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openstackgerritAndrey Kurilin proposed openstack/rally-openstack master: [docker] Ensure that we have all required system packages installed
openstackgerritAndrey Kurilin proposed openstack/rally-openstack master: Fix Keystone.fetch_token method
openstackgerritAndrey Kurilin proposed openstack/rally-openstack master: [docker] Ensure that we have all required system packages installed
openstackgerritAndrey Kurilin proposed openstack/rally-openstack master: [docker] Ensure that we have all required system packages installed
openstackgerritAndrey Kurilin proposed openstack/rally-openstack master: [docker] Ensure that we have all required system packages installed
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marosgandreykurilin: regarding CI job, it is just adding to rally-jobs/designate.yaml?10:12
marosgand designate.yaml or vm.yaml(not existing)?10:13
marosgas I moved it to vmtask10:13
andreykurilinit is what is running by rally-task designate job which is able to execute zones context10:13
marosgin that case I am ready to submit when previous change lands10:14
openstackgerritMerged openstack/rally-openstack master: Fix Keystone.fetch_token method
openstackgerritMerged openstack/rally-openstack master: test designate resolving from VM
marosgandreykurilin: should I put a word about added designate to CI in chnaged section in changelog?12:37
andreykurilinmarosg: no12:44
andreykurilinit is not much consumer facing change12:45
openstackgerritMarian Gasparovic proposed openstack/rally-openstack master: add designate test to CI
openstackgerritMerged openstack/rally-openstack master: [docker] Ensure that we have all required system packages installed
marosgandreykurilin: CI task was invoked and failed on neutronclient.common.exceptions.BadRequest: Unrecognized attribute(s) 'dns_domain'14:38
marosgit is from updating network in zones.py14:39
marosgwhat openstack version is it? I am testing against stein14:58
andreykurilinmarosg: it is openstack master15:39
marosghm, I have no idea how to debug this15:47
marosgandreykurilin: I am really confused now. neutron client 2.0 is pre-mitaka15:58
andreykurilinmarosg: neutronclient version != neutron api version16:01
andreykurilinthis is actual version that we are suggestion to use16:01
andreykurilinfor neutronclient16:01
andreykurilinit is used at our unit/functional tests and for building docker image16:02
andreykurilinrally-task-* jobs are another story. It depends on global openstack configuration and here we have the next version of neutronclient -
andreykurilinit is almost the same16:02
marosghm, so what is wrong then? dns_domain is there for some time16:03
andreykurilinwhere do you ave this failure?16:03
andreykurilinok, I missed your change16:04
andreykurilineven more -
andreykurilinfirst example of update network api call includes dns_domain16:08
marosg"The dns-integration extension adds the dns_domain attribute to networks. The dns_domain of a network in conjunction with the dns_name attribute of its ports will be published in an external DNS service when Neutron is configured to integrate with such a service."16:13
andreykurilinIn this case, I guess we do not configure neutron properly16:14
andreykurilinI need to go. let's continue tomorrow. I'll reach openstack neutron team to help with configuration16:16
marosgok, thanks16:16
andreykurilinPS: here is job configuration, but it will show nothing if you are not familiar with ZuulCI16:17
marosgthis is probably relevant (for tomorrow)16:18
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