Thursday, 2018-07-26

openstackgerritDean Troyer proposed openstack/releases master: Release python-openstackclient 3.16.0
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openstackgerritDave McCowan proposed openstack/releases master: Release python-barbicanclient 5.0.0 for Rocky
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openstackgerritDave McCowan proposed openstack/releases master: Release Barbican 7.0.0 for Rocky
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openstackgerritDave McCowan proposed openstack/releases master: Release Barbican Milestone 3 for Rocky
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openstackgerritZhao Chao proposed openstack/releases master: Trove releases for Rocky milestone-3
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openstackgerritgongysh proposed openstack/releases master: Release rocky tacker client branch at 0.14.0 tag
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openstackgerritMichael Johnson proposed openstack/releases master: Release python-octaviaclient 1.6.0 for Rocky
openstackgerritMichael Johnson proposed openstack/releases master: Release python-octaviaclient 1.6.0 for Rocky
openstackgerritMichael Johnson proposed openstack/releases master: Release python-octaviaclient 1.6.0 for Rocky
openstackgerritMichael Johnson proposed openstack/releases master: Release python-octaviaclient 1.6.0 for Rocky
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openstackgerritMichael Johnson proposed openstack/releases master: Release Octavia projects for Rocky MS3
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openstackgerritLingxian Kong proposed openstack/releases master: Release python-qinlingclient 2.0.0
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openstackgerritSampath Priyankara (samP) proposed openstack/releases master: Add .testrepository to .gitignore
openstackgerritLingxian Kong proposed openstack/releases master: Release Qinling Rocky-3
openstackgerritSampath Priyankara (samP) proposed openstack/releases master: Release python-masakariclient 5.2.0 for Rocky
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openstackgerritMasahito Muroi proposed openstack/releases master: Release python-blazarclient 2.0.0
openstackgerritMasahito Muroi proposed openstack/releases master: Release Blazar
openstackgerritZhao Chao proposed openstack/releases master: Trove releases for Rocky milestone-3
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openstackgerritSampath Priyankara (samP) proposed openstack/releases master: Release masakari-dashboard 0.1.0
openstackgerritSampath Priyankara (samP) proposed openstack/releases master: Release masakari-monitors
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openstackgerritSampath Priyankara (samP) proposed openstack/releases master: Release masakari
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openstackgerritSampath Priyankara (samP) proposed openstack/releases master: Release masakari-dashboard 0.1.0
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/releases master: Release python-ironic-inspector-client 3.3.0 for Rocky
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/releases master: Tag congress-dashboard R3
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/releases master: Release python-openstackclient 3.16.0
openstackgerritMerged openstack/releases master: Release Barbican Milestone 3 for Rocky
openstackgerritMerged openstack/releases master: Release python-glanceclient 2.12.0
openstackgerritMerged openstack/releases master: Release rocky tacker client branch at 0.14.0 tag
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openstackgerritDave McCowan proposed openstack/releases master: Release python-barbicanclient 4.7.0 for Rocky
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openstackgerritIfat Afek proposed openstack/releases master: Release python-vitrageclient 2.3.0 for Rocky
mordredttx, dhellmann, smcginnis: I don't have a stable/rocky brnach in openstacksdk - do I just suck?11:33
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/releases master: TripleO rocky release
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/releases master: TripleO rocky M3 release
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openstackgerritTom Barron proposed openstack/releases master: Release puppet-manila 12.5.0 for stable/queens
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mordredah, the smcginnis patch hasn't landed yet12:02
smcginnismordred: I can push that one through now.12:02
smcginnisI was just waiting to see if we had to make any adjustments, but I think we should be good to go.12:03
mordredsmcginnis: cool! I only noticed because I already have 2 patches that want stable/rocky backports (yay for immediate testing of the most recent release)12:07
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/releases master: Create stable/rocky library branches
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smcginnismordred: Branch should be available there. Might want to get the generated gitreview update patch pushed through before any other things get backported.12:37
EmilienMreleade-managers: tripleo rocky m3 is ready when you are:
mordredsmcginnis: woot!12:42
smcginnisThanks EmilienM, working my way through the patches right now.12:42
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EmilienMrelease-managers: I've also proposed a first release for tripleo new ansible roles: - thanks12:54
EmilienMmwhahaha: fyi ^ this one12:54
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mwhahahaEmilienM: those should probably be 1.0.012:56
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EmilienMmwhahaha: well i wanted to keep consistency with other tripleo projects & also tripleo-ipsec was released 9.0.013:01
* mwhahaha shrugs13:02
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smcginnisEmilienM: I think we had talked at some point about no longer doing that (matching release version across all deliverables), but I believe everything else is doing that now, so might as well keep your convention.13:27
EmilienMwhatever works for you13:30
smcginnisWe can go with this for now, but maybe we should discuss it again later once the rest of the team is back in the office.13:31
smcginnisJust to make sure we're all on the same page.13:32
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prometheanfirelbragstad: releases for keystone?14:10
prometheanfirelooks like everything merged14:10
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lbragstadyep - just about to start that14:11
prometheanfirethanks :D14:12
prometheanfiresmcginnis: email looks good, thanks14:12
smcginnisprometheanfire: Cool, thanks14:12
smcginnisNo ones laughed at my intro yet though. :)14:13
prometheanfireneeds more mr freeze14:14
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lbragstadprometheanfire: ocata
* smcginnis already misses our dearly departed gerrit bot14:17
lbragstadprometheanfire: we have a few other things in flight in keystone that are refactors that i'd like to get in before rocky-314:18
lbragstadbut it push comes to shove, i'll propose rocky-3 by EOD14:18
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prometheanfirelbragstad: rocky is master, so it's not the most important one14:21
lbragstadright - i figured14:23
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smcginnisEmilienM: Does os-apply-config actual even need to be released? It only has a README update.15:10
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smcginnisEmilienM: Same for os-refresh-config15:16
EmilienMsmcginnis: maybe not15:21
EmilienMI'm happy to remove it15:21
EmilienMsmcginnis: anything else?15:21
smcginnisEmilienM: Thanks. Yeah, everything else looked good.15:25
smcginnisEmilienM: Not sure if you saw my comment on the new release one too. Is there a patch adding those jobs?15:25
EmilienMsmcginnis: i'm working on it today15:26
EmilienMprobably missing..15:26
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lbragstadprometheanfire: looks like the releases patches for all stable keystone branches passed16:07
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openstackgerritXueFeng Liu proposed openstack/releases master: Senlin rocky-3 release
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smcginnisYay, the bot is back.16:21
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openstackgerritTom Barron proposed openstack/releases master: Release puppet-manila 12.5.0 for stable/queens
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melwittsmcginnis: our last release of os-vif (last thurs, for non-client lib freeze) had a bug in it that we fixed recently with , just wanted to double check, we have to wait until later to release that fix, correct?16:53
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smcginnismelwitt: If it's important enough you can ask for a freeze exception from the requirements team (prometheanfire). But we would want to have that first so we don't do a release that can't get picked up.16:54
melwittor I guess I should ask, when would it be okay to propose another release for os-vif? not sure how those windows work16:55
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smcginnismelwitt: It's possible to do a stable lib release immediately after the freeze is lifted too, but kind of a bummer if you know the initial official release for the cycle is broken.16:55
smcginnismelwitt: That patch would also just need to be backported to the stable/rocky branch yet too.16:56
melwittsmcginnis: okay. the brokenness is that the feature (noop plugin) that was released in was not being loaded and thus not usable16:59
melwittthe bug fix was to fix loading of the plugin16:59
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smcginnismelwitt: Up to you if you think it's critical enough to get a FFE now or just wait to do a stable release as soon as things thaw.17:02
prometheanfiremelwitt: ya, as long as the reasoning is good, the stuff that os-vif is in still has releases and should not cause re-releases for things17:02
openstackgerritMerged openstack/releases master: Release python-zunclient 2.1.0
openstackgerritMerged openstack/releases master: Neutron Rocky-3 deliverables
openstackgerritMerged openstack/releases master: Watcher rocky-3 release
melwittsmcginnis, prometheanfire: okay. it's not critical in the sense that the library isn't completely broken, just the new feature from last release isn't usable. the inclusion of the fix is very low risk, one line addition to setup.cfg17:09
melwittso it feels wrong to have the last release say "new feature now available" and it's really not17:09
melwittdhellmann: any advice on whether ^ is FFE-worthy?17:09
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melwittprometheanfire: "sounds good" meaning an FFE sounds appropriate to you? (sorry, just want to make sure I understood)17:13
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smcginnismelwitt: Yeah, if prometheanfire is good on the requirements side, I would say get that backported to the stable/rocky branch and let's get another release out for it.17:16
melwittsmcginnis: okay, cool. I just now realized the branch was already cut for os-vif, now what you were saying earlier makes a lot more sense. sorry, major newbie here17:18
melwittprometheanfire: should I send a FFE request to the openstack-dev@ list for you to ack?17:19
smcginnismelwitt: No worries. :)17:19
melwittsmcginnis: urgh, doesn't that mess things up for osc-placement then? since it's a client plugin that I said I'd change the type of at next release (today)?17:20
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melwittit has a stable/rocky branch already
prometheanfirethat's what's using os-vif17:21
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smcginnismelwitt: Oh crap, that got included in the blanket patch to branch all the non-client libs that hadn't included the branching. :/17:22
melwittsmcginnis: yeah ... so that means I'd have had to change the type of it last week, not wait until today. that would have prevented it, I'm guessing?17:23
smcginnismelwitt: Are there a lot of patches in master that did not make it into that stable/rocky branch?17:23
melwittsmcginnis: I don't think so, no17:24
smcginnisclarkb: Would it be possible to have an incorrectly created stable/rocky branch on the openstack/osc-placement repo deleted so we can create a new one?17:24
melwittjust not sure how the release will work, same as usual then? the only difference is that if any patches landed after the branch was cut, have to backport them?17:24
melwittthere might not be any difference. let me look17:25
clarkbsmcginnis: have changes merged to that branch yet? if not its pretty straightforward, if they have its a bigger cleanup than that17:25
smcginnismelwitt: If we can just delete it, then we can update the deliverable file. Otherwise we need to backport any missed commits and do a "stable release" off of that branch.17:25
clarkbmelwitt: yes and everyone that has osc-cloned has to update their branches17:25
clarkbwhich may require a force17:25
clarkbsmcginnis: melwitt what makes it hte wrong commit?17:25
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smcginnisI think it was just created this morning, so probably nothing could have been committed.17:26
melwittokay, there's no difference between master and stable/rocky17:26
smcginnisclarkb: I branched it as part of the non-client libs that had missed branching, but forgot that melwitt was changing that to be a client lib today. So deadline last week vs this week.17:26
smcginnismelwitt: Great!17:27
clarkbsmcginnis: so you want to move the branch backward in time?17:27
clarkbis there a technical advantage to that or are we just applying policy? I'd be inclined to leave it as is if we are only applying policy17:27
smcginnisOne second now. If there's no difference between the two then we might just be able to do a new tag.17:28
smcginnismelwitt: If they are the same, then the 1.2.0 tag is the final tag for rocky, right?17:28
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smcginnisSorry clarkb, I think we can figure it out from here. Thanks for your help.17:29
clarkbno problem17:29
melwittsmcginnis: yes, 1.2.0 was the most recent one that was supposed to be released at r-2 in june (but failed silently)17:29
melwittthe release for today would be 1.3.017:31
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smcginnismelwitt: But I thought there weren't any new commits?17:32
melwittsmcginnis: there are no new commits between stable/rocky and master17:32
melwittis that not what you were asking earlier?17:32
smcginnisI'm confused. stable/rocky was branched at 1.2.0, so if there are no new commits between stable/rocky and master, what would be 1.3.0?17:35
smcginnismelwitt: Actually looks like there are a few commits -
melwittyeah, I was doing a
melwittsigh ... it was because I had it backward17:37
smcginnismelwitt: Ah, yep. ;)17:37
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smcginnisclarkb: Sorry, can we get that stable/rocky branch deleted?17:37
smcginnisclarkb: We need to actually do one more release that should become stable/rocky and it would take some time to backport all the missed commits to that branch.17:37
smcginnismelwitt: Hah, no worries. We'll get it figured out.17:38
melwittguh :(17:38
clarkbsmcginnis: melwitt ok we are deleting the branch because you need to branch off of a future commit instead?17:38
clarkband no changes hav emerged to the existing branch?17:38
openstackgerritMerged openstack/releases master: TripleO rocky M3 release
smcginnisclarkb: Correct17:39
clarkband to double check remove stable/rocky from osc-placement ?17:39
smcginnisConfirmed. Looks right to you melwitt?17:40
melwittyes, that's right17:40
smcginnisclarkb: There are the bot proposed ones out there:
clarkbit hsa open changes that need to be abandoned17:42
smcginnisclarkb: Do we need to abandon those, or will gerrit figure that out when we create it again?17:42
clarkbyou need to abandon them. branches cannot be deleted with open changes17:42
smcginnisOK, I'll abandon those now.17:42
smcginnisclarkb: Done17:42
clarkbbranch is deleted17:43
clarkbfor historical record keeping 06b5738a3acf1f4fad850c88abf3415457dc73ee was the old branch head17:43
smcginnis\o/ Thanks clarkb!17:43
melwittthank you clarkb and smcginnis17:43
smcginnismelwitt: OK, now you should be able to go ahead with a 1.3.0 release changing the type and redoing the stable/rocky branch referencing 1.3.0 instead.17:44
melwittsmcginnis: awesome, thank you17:44
melwittdoing it now17:44
smcginnismelwitt: Great, thanks. Sorry I missed that in the list.17:44
smcginnisIt was unfortunately a long list.17:44
melwittsmcginnis: no worries. not an easy thing to remember. I should have proposed the type change earlier, or is it not able to work that way?17:45
melwittlike only the type change by itself17:45
smcginnismelwitt: Yeah, in retrospect that would have probably been the safer thing for me to recommend.17:46
melwittokay. that's just me learning how these things work. thanks17:46
smcginnisWe're always learning. ;)17:48
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smcginnisAlright, lunch time for me. I'll be back later.17:49
openstackgerritmelanie witt proposed openstack/releases master: rocky: release osc-placment 1.3.0
melwittsmcginnis: note the removal of the stable/rocky branch in ^ lemme know if that's not the right thing to do18:03
openstackgerritTelles Mota Vidal Nóbrega proposed openstack/releases master: Release of Sahara R3 and python-saharaclient
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openstackgerritIvan Kolodyazhny proposed openstack/releases master: Release Horizon rocky-3
openstackgerritBrian Rosmaita proposed openstack/releases master: Release python-glanceclient 2.12.1
openstackgerritEric Kao proposed openstack/releases master: congress client 1.10.1 and stable rocky branch
openstackgerritEric Kao proposed openstack/releases master: Tag congress R3
smcginnismelwitt: I think it could have been updated to be the right location and our automation would have recognized it wasn't there and created from the right point, but we can branch again with a follow up.18:54
smcginnismelwitt: Which might be good given recent history.18:54
melwittsmcginnis: so ... does that mean I should not remove the branch in the patch?18:57
smcginnismelwitt: Let's leave it how it is, that looks good.18:57
melwittokay thanks18:57
openstackgerritSean McGinnis proposed openstack/releases master: Senlin rocky-3 release
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openstackgerritSean McGinnis proposed openstack/releases master: Release Horizon rocky-3
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/releases master: rocky: release osc-placment 1.3.0
e0nesmcginnis: thanks! I appreciate your help19:40
smcginnise0ne: No problem. Looked like a pretty minor copy/paste error.19:40
e0neI checked sha but missed other value(19:41
smcginnise0ne: That's the more critical part. We can check the sha exists, but can't automate that you gave the right one. ;)19:42
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prometheanfiresmcginnis: paunch?20:03
melwittprometheanfire: re: raising the minimum vs not with the FFE release of os-vif, what is the default that happens when we release? I haven't chosen one or the other before20:03
prometheanfiredefault is no raise of the min20:04
melwittokay. that's what we want. and will upper-constraints get an update via automation or do I have to propose that manually?20:04
melwitt*get an update proposed20:04
prometheanfireit'll get an update20:04
melwittperfect, thx20:05
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openstackgerritTelles Mota Vidal Nóbrega proposed openstack/releases master: Release of Sahara R3 and python-saharaclient
openstackgerritMatthew Edmonds proposed openstack/releases master: PowerVMStackers Rocky-3 releases
smcginnisprometheanfire: paunch?20:32
prometheanfiresmcginnis: didn't it need a FFE?20:32
smcginnisprometheanfire: It shouldn't unless they have something misconfigured. It's marked as an "other" type that is cycle-trailing.20:33
smcginnisprometheanfire: Is it a lib used by other projects?20:33
prometheanfireheat-agents at least20:33
prometheanfire| heat-agents  | test-requirements.txt   |   10 | paunch>=1.0.0 # Apache-2.0 |20:33
prometheanfireneed to look up its release type20:33
smcginnisSo either paunch should not be cycle-trailing, or a cycle-following project should not be using it as one of its dependencies.20:34
smcginnismwhahaha: Are you around?20:35
mwhahahasmcginnis: sup?20:35
smcginnismwhahaha: Hey! Question about paunch.20:35
prometheanfirelooks like they use it for docker20:35
prometheanfireheat-config-docker-cmd/install.d/ paunch20:35
smcginnisSome background above, but this project is currently set as cycle-trailing, but it has a cycle-with-intermediary project consuming it as a dependency.20:36
prometheanfirethat's the only import20:36
* mwhahaha blames stevebaker 20:36
smcginnismwhahaha: So wondering if that should actually be a non-client lib and cycle-with-intermediary too.20:36
smcginnismwhahaha: Or if heat did a no no.20:36
clarkbsmcginnis: why do we assume they have to be tightly coupled together? couldn't heat just consume paunch's current release when heat makes a release?20:38
smcginnisclarkb: The problem ends up being requirements freeze with cycle-trailing having up to two months after the cycle ends to finalize.20:38
prometheanfireclarkb: we are in the freeze period, so my question is if paunch should be hard frozen or if they need to make a FFE request20:39
* mwhahaha throws things at EmilienM as well20:39
clarkbsmcginnis: prometheanfire just don't update the frozen heat if they make changes in that time?20:40
clarkbthen next release of heat can pick up those changes? similar to how we consume any other non openstack library?20:40
mwhahahathe specific thign being consumed by heat is unlikely to change20:40
mwhahahaand it's the heat agents specifically20:40
mwhahahait looks like it's being used as a way to invoke paunch20:41
mwhahahanot necessarily any actual logic20:41
prometheanfireclarkb: treating it like that is fine, that'd need them to change their release type though iirc20:41
mwhahahaso we can probably cycle-with-intermediary or whatever for paunch20:41
mwhahahabut it's more likely to just end up with additional release churn20:42
mwhahahaother no other reason than we like to do that a lot20:42
smcginnisMaking paunch cycle-with-intermediary is probably the easiest approach. Would that be possible? I really don't know anything about that to know if it actually needs the trailing time to get updated.20:42
mwhahahasince it's used to launch containers and is tightly coupled with tripleo, it's more of issue fixing after actual release20:43
mwhahahathough it's unlikely to have any features land after the end of the cycle20:43
mwhahaha(who knows in the future however)20:43
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mwhahahai'm actually not sure if anyone uses the docker-cmd stuff in the heat agents anwayy20:44
melwittsmcginnis: should I push a branch to add branches: - location: 1.3.0 name: stable/rocky for osc-placement? I didn't realize release proposers were supposed to do that at the last release before freeze20:47
smcginnismelwitt: Don't worry about it, I can run a script early next week to add it for all the releases that did not include it.20:47
melwittsmcginnis: okay, cool. thank you20:48
smcginnisprometheanfire: Should we just have a FFE for paunch for now, then maybe follow up with a little more discussion and time to consider this later?20:48
smcginnismelwitt: No problem, thanks for checking on that.20:48
prometheanfiresmcginnis: I think so, yes20:49
smcginnismwhahaha: Sound good to you? ^20:49
mwhahahafine with me20:49
prometheanfiretripleo owns paunch20:49
prometheanfireI imagine they are going to be making a bunch of releases coming up with a bunch of FFEs then :|20:50
mwhahahanot related to paunch i don't think20:50
mwhahahathat's a question for stevebaker20:50
prometheanfirestevebaker: ping, how do you feel about moving paunch to cycle with intermediary?20:51
mwhahahaso we used to be cycle-with-intermediary20:54
mwhahahain pike on paunch20:54
EmilienMwhat happens? sorry tl;dr plz20:54
mwhahahaEmilienM: paunch is cycle-trailing but heat depends on it so probably needs to be cycle-with-intermediary20:55
mwhahahait changed between pike/queens20:55
mwhahahado you remember why?20:55
mwhahahaor is it an accident20:55
mwhahahawhen we release it in queens20:55
stevebakermwhahaha, prometheanfire: I have no objection to that change. I don't recall why it is cycle-trailing20:55
stevebakerit is a standalone lib/tool, no reason for it to be released as one20:56
stevebakerfor it *not* to be...20:56
* mwhahaha blames EmilienM 20:56
prometheanfiresmcginnis: :D20:56
* mwhahaha also blames smcginnis 20:57
mwhahahasee no one remembers when/why we do things anyway20:57
mwhahahaso yea let's switch paunch back and we should probably document this somewhere20:57
smcginnisHah, guess I should have thought that through more and asked.20:58
smcginnisAny of those other ones really stand alone libs?20:58
stevebakerhmm, IMO all the os-*-config tools should go back to cycle-with-intermediary. heat-agents depend on those too20:58
mwhahahathey aren't really libs20:58
smcginnisSee, my problem is I trust EmilienM too much.20:58
stevebakerinstack-undercloud can remain cycle-trailing, that is actually a TripleO specific project20:59
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EmilienMsmcginnis: it's not a problem, it's actually a good thing :D21:01
EmilienMtrust is a good thing :)21:01
openstackgerritmelanie witt proposed openstack/releases master: rocky: release python-novaclient 10.4.0
* smcginnis sets up script to automatically -1 EmilienM's patches from now on...21:01
EmilienMwhat patch?21:01
smcginnisEmilienM: All the patches. :D21:01
EmilienMoh ok21:01
openstackgerritEric Kao proposed openstack/releases master: congress client 1.11.0 and stable rocky branch
* EmilienM sad face21:03
mwhahahaok so do we have to fix queens21:03
mwhahahaor do we just fix the rocky deliverables21:03
smcginnismwhahaha: Queens should be OK to leave as is unless we want to update it just for reference in case someone gets confused looking back.21:03
smcginnismwhahaha: It doesn't have to be today, but if the team can figure out which ones are more correct as cycle-i instead of cycle-t and propose a change, that would be good.21:04
mwhahahathe os-* ones are already cycle-intermediary21:05
mwhahahait's just paunch21:05
smcginnisOh, great.21:05
openstackgerritAlex Schultz proposed openstack/releases master: Fix some TripleO projects release model
mwhahahaso we don't forget21:07
openstackgerritMerged openstack/releases master: Release python-glanceclient 2.12.1
smcginnismwhahaha, stevebaker, EmilienM: Thanks guys!21:08
prometheanfiremwhahaha: as long as ironic-agent doesn't need new functionality it can be held back21:08
mwhahahaprometheanfire: wha?21:09
mwhahahaoh ok21:10
mwhahahai don't think we usually touch the heat-agents much21:10
mwhahahathey are old and crusty :D21:10
prometheanfireso holding back paunch isn't the biggest deal either21:10
openstackgerritMerged openstack/releases master: Release Horizon rocky-3
openstackgerritmelanie witt proposed openstack/releases master: rocky: release python-novaclient 11.0.0
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/releases master: Release of Sahara R3 and python-saharaclient
openstackgerritMerged openstack/releases master: PowerVMStackers Rocky-3 releases
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openstackgerritBrian Rosmaita proposed openstack/releases master: Release Glance
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/releases master: rocky: release python-novaclient 11.0.0
openstackgerritMerged openstack/releases master: Fix some TripleO projects release model
openstackgerritMerged openstack/releases master: congress client 1.11.0 and stable rocky branch
tonybsmcginnis: I'll keep an eye on the open reviews to keep the queue short during my day22:06
openstackgerritEric Kao proposed openstack/releases master: Tag congress R3
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openstackgerritmelanie witt proposed openstack/releases master: nova: release rocky
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smcginnisThanks tonyb23:32
smcginnistbarron: How's the manila release looking?23:38
smcginnismugsie: Probably too late there, but looks like python-designateclient has some commits and I don't see a release for it yet this cycle.23:39
openstackgerritMerged openstack/releases master: Tag congress R3
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openstackgerritLance Bragstad proposed openstack/releases master: Release keystone rocky-3
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