Thursday, 2020-10-08

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openstackgerritBrian Rosmaita proposed openstack/releases master: Proposing victoria RC2 for cinder
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openstackgerritDmitriy Rabotyagov (noonedeadpunk) proposed openstack/releases master: Release OpenStack-Ansible Ussuri
openstackgerritDmitriy Rabotyagov (noonedeadpunk) proposed openstack/releases master: Release OpenStack-Ansible Train
openstackgerritDmitriy Rabotyagov (noonedeadpunk) proposed openstack/releases master: Release OpenStack-Ansible Ussuri
openstackgerritDmitriy Rabotyagov (noonedeadpunk) proposed openstack/releases master: Release OpenStack-Ansible Stein
openstackgerritMerged openstack/releases master: Release Neutron RC2 for Victoria
openstackgerritMerged openstack/releases master: Proposing victoria RC2 for cinder
openstackgerritMerged openstack/releases master: Release octavia-dashboard 6.0.0rc2
openstackgerritMerged openstack/releases master: Update final-rc process
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openstackgerritLuigi Toscano proposed openstack/releases master: sahara: tag ocata as EOL
openstackgerritLuigi Toscano proposed openstack/releases master: sahara: tag pike as EOL
openstackgerritLuigi Toscano proposed openstack/releases master: sahara: tag pike as EOL
openstackgerritMerged openstack/releases master: Create stable/victoria branches for Puppet OpenStack
openstackgerritMerged openstack/releases master: Release OpenStack-Ansible Ussuri
openstackgerritMerged openstack/releases master: Release OpenStack-Ansible Train
openstackgerritMerged openstack/releases master: Release OpenStack-Ansible Stein
armstrongHello smcginnis14:37
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smcginnisHey armstrong. I just realized a little while ago that my days are all mixed up. I guess we should have proposed those patches yesterday.14:43
smcginnisTotally felt like a Tuesday to me. :)14:43
smcginnisarmstrong: Is that something you can do now?14:44
hberaudsmcginnis, ttx: FYI I will likely missing a part of our meeting today14:45
smcginnishberaud: ack14:45
armstrongYes smcginnis14:53
armstrongsmcginnis:  I ran the script few minutes ago and similar result like what we got yesterday14:54
smcginnisarmstrong: Yeah, I think there were just a couple of RC2 patches that went through since yesterday. So the list should be pretty close to the same.14:56
smcginnisarmstrong: Are you going to use new-release or process_auto_releases? You can also edit the files manually, but that's not the most efficient option.14:57
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armstrongsmcginnis: I prefer to use a script but have no particular preference. Since I haven't used any yet.14:59
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smcginnisThen I think getting the list of repo names in a text file and using process_auto_releases is probably the most efficient.15:00
armstrongsmcginnis:  however, it seems I need to output the result of the first command into a text file to create a list from there? Or how do we get the list you mentioned?15:00
smcginnisarmstrong: You can either pipe the output from the first command into a file and delete 99% of it, or just edit a text file and paste or type in each one that's needed.15:01
smcginnisSince there were only a small number of repos that looked like they needed a new RC, might be easiest just copy/pasting from the command output into the file.15:02
smcginnisBut whatever works for you.15:02
armstrongsmcginnis:  it seems each line of the output begins with : "[ Unreleased changes in openstack/ XX (stable/victoria) ]"15:03
armstrongsmcginnis:  so the name of the project in the XX, has not yet release right?15:04
armstrongSmcginnis:  I will like to know how to interpret this output15:05
smcginnisarmstrong: You would want the namespace too, so the line in the file should be "openstack/XX", for each relevant repo to be released.15:05
smcginnisarmstrong: Not sure what you mean. Like we went through yesterday?15:06
armstrongsmcginnis:  it says changes between and 92f8bdc and nothing else15:08
armstrongsmcginnis: but some have more info, for example:15:09
smcginnisWell, we went through all of that yesterday. Let's try something different.15:10
smcginnisSince this output is per-repo, but we release per-"deliverable" that may contain more than one repo, you can just run the command:15:10
smcginnistox -e venv --notest; ./tools/ victoria $(.tox/venv/bin/list-deliverables --series victoria --cycle-based-no-trailing)15:12
smcginnisThat will go through every victoria cycle-with-rc deliverable.15:12
smcginnisYou can see if there are changes to be released from that output.15:13
smcginnisMost will not have anything to release, like the adjutant-ui example.15:13
smcginnisThose you can just answer N when promted whether to do a release.15:13
smcginnisBut the ones that have changes that are not just CI related or local configuration like we identified yesterday, answer Y when prompted and then select the option for an RC when prompted.15:14
smcginnisI'd have to look back, but I think there were only 5 or so (at least less than 10) that we say that had changes merged.15:14
smcginnisSo most of the time you will be just waiting for the output, then pressing N and enter.15:15
smcginnisBut it at least will let you review each deliverable.15:15
smcginnisDoes that make sense?15:15
armstrongi just ran the script and it output: "Enter review topic to use: "15:16
armstrongsmcginnis:  Are we running the right script?15:16
smcginnisYes, that looks right.15:17
smcginnisSo just pick a topic to use. Maybe victoria-final-rc?15:17
armstrongsmcginnis: ok15:17
smcginnisarmstrong: Then the commit message can be something like what was used in
armstrongsmcginnis: ok15:20
smcginnisBut as it states, use "PROJECT" as a placeholder in the message that will be updated with the actual name.15:20
smcginnisAnd break that long line into two shorter ones. ;)15:20
smcginnisarmstrong: How's it looking so far?15:22
armstrongsmcginnis:  "This creates a final release candidate for the Victoria release"15:23
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smcginnisarmstrong: Is that what you are using for the description in the commit message?15:24
armstrongsmcginnis: I want to follow the format on the link that you suggested.15:26
armstrongsmcginnis:  but where should the "PROJECT" fit in the commit msg?15:26
smcginnisThe first summary line of the commit message.15:26
smcginnisSo to match what was done last cycle: Final RC patch for PROJECT15:27
smcginnisThen a blank line.15:27
smcginnisThen maybe something like:15:27
smcginnisThis creates a new RC before the final release candidate deadline to15:27
smcginnisrelease the latest fixes and/or translations.15:27
smcginnisPlease ack with a +1, or if there is some reason to hold off, leave a -1.15:27
smcginnisarmstrong: Where are you at now?15:30
armstrongsmcginnis:  for the commit message we are creating the final RC  or new RC...?  I think this is the final RC15:30
smcginnisIt's a new final RC. :)15:30
smcginnisarmstrong: What point are you at now?15:32
armstrongsmcginnis:  it asked to create a stable branch and then [y/N] to continue15:35
smcginnisarmstrong: Good. And we're not creating a stable branch right now, so you just hit enter.15:35
armstrongsmcginnis:  meaning I should choose [N] and not [y]15:36
armstrongsmcginnis:  I asked the action on the second step15:39
armstrongcontinue with the processing?  [y/N]15:40
armstrongN is the default ?15:40
smcginnisYes, so if the example commit message output looks good and everything else, press "y" and enter.15:41
armstronglet me show you the msg15:41
smcginnisLooks fine to me.15:42
armstrongsmcginnis:  this is the first project15:43
smcginnisOK, we talked about what things need a release or not. Can you go through these? Do you understand what we are looking for?15:43
armstrongFrom what I understand, we are looking for projects. that jave not yet made any release yet15:46
smcginnisNot exactly.15:46
smcginnisLike the process guide says, we are looking for projects that have merged significant changes since their last RC release.15:46
smcginnisWe want to try to help make sure they get those final bugfixes and translations included in the RC so that the final coordinated release includes them.15:47
armstrongsmcginnis:  ok15:47
armstrongsmcginnis:  from the output of the first command, we see these projects of interest with commit activities for example kayobe?15:50
smcginnisYep. But kayobe is a cycle-trailing deliverable, so that one we skip.15:51
armstrongsmcginnis:  are we interested only with c-w-i and c-w-rc?15:53
smcginnisOnly the cycle-with-rc deliverables.15:54
smcginnisSorry, we're almost at the meeting start time, so I'd like to get these through quickly.15:55
armstrongsmcginnis:  ok15:55
smcginnisIf you don't mind, I'll quick do that, then we can catch up on any questions after the meeting.15:55
armstrongsmcginnis:  sure15:55
openstackgerritSean McGinnis proposed openstack/releases master: Final RC patch for cloudkitty
openstackgerritSean McGinnis proposed openstack/releases master: Final RC patch for heat-dashboard
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openstackgerritSean McGinnis proposed openstack/releases master: Final RC patch for neutron
openstackgerritSean McGinnis proposed openstack/releases master: Final RC patch for senlin-dashboard
openstackgerritSean McGinnis proposed openstack/releases master: Final RC patch for tacker
openstackgerritSean McGinnis proposed openstack/releases master: Final RC patch for trove
smcginnisarmstrong: The relevant deliverables (at least that I saw) are under
smcginnisThose all had either translations merged or bugfixes.15:58
armstrongsmcginnis:  ok15:58
smcginnis#startmeeting releaseteam16:00
openstackMeeting started Thu Oct  8 16:00:04 2020 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is smcginnis. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.16:00
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'releaseteam'16:00
smcginnisPing list: ttx armstrong sboyron damani16:00
smcginnis#link Agenda16:00
smcginnisWe're way down on line 460 now.16:00
smcginnisWill just wait a couple minutes for folks.16:01
* hberaud will surely eject soon16:01
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fungiremember to rewind before you eject16:01
smcginnis#topic Review tasks completion16:02
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smcginnisProcess remaining stable branch exceptions16:02
smcginnisLooks like we got all of those through.16:02
smcginnisNotify the documentation team - I think you got that covered hberaud?16:03
smcginnisWe skipped testing the release process.16:03
hberaud[doc] AJAeger submitted a related patch16:04
smcginnisAnd hberaud picked up a couple tasks to update our process based on changes to things like that.16:04
smcginnisarmstrong and I just went through the list_rc_updates task. There were only a few repos that have merged things, so just a few patches out there.16:04
smcginnisDeadline is today, so let's just give those a little time to respond.16:05
smcginnisShould we just push those through if no response? I think in the past we actually left it up to the teams to +1.16:06
smcginnisttx: Thoughts? ^16:07
hberaudallow them to +116:07
ttxallow them to +116:07
smcginnisOK. And just abandon if no response?16:07
ttxWe have a fallback16:07
smcginnisI think that's in line with how we've handled it in the past.16:08
ttxwe should only force when we have no solution16:08
smcginnisSome good fixes might not be in the coordinated release, but at least it will be easy to pick those up in stable releases soon.16:08
smcginnisNext task - countdown email.16:08
smcginnisThat and running the propose-final-release script will be done tomorrow.16:09
smcginnis#topic Review countdown email16:09
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smcginnisLooks like I got all the dates updated.16:10
smcginnis#topic Assign release week tasks16:10
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smcginnisHopefully it will be a quiet week. Nothing much should be happening until Wednesday.16:11
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* diablo_rojo joins late16:11
smcginnisttx: Did you want to kick things off early in the day again? Maybe with hberaud?16:11
* smcginnis marks diablo_rojo tardy16:11
fungii'll be around to help with any infra-related issues, though also doing (virtual) ansiblefest booth duty starting around 12:00 utc tuesday and wednesday16:11
smcginnisFun! :)16:12
ttxOfficial announce shall be shortly before 10am CT16:12
fungi(a.k.a. 15:00 utc)16:12
smcginnishberaud has signed up for teh missing-releases check.16:13
smcginnisThat checks to make sure tarballs are there and everything looks good before we (potentially) have a flood of people trying to pull them all down.16:13
smcginnishberaud: The update is pretty straight forward, but just ask if anything there isn't clear.16:14
smcginnisThen I will send out the release announcement email right around 1500 UTC to coordinate with the foundation press release.16:14
smcginnisAnd follow that up with the announcement to openstack-discuss.16:15
sboyronI'd like to join you hberaud on this point if you're ok16:15
hberaudsboyron: you're welcome16:15
fungii can also approve the openstack-announce moderation queue, just ping me16:15
smcginnisfungi: Oh right, I think I will need that.16:15
smcginnisI will ping you once it's sent.16:15
ttxI think I can do that too16:16
smcginnis#topic Open Floor16:16
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ttxif I can remember my password16:16
fungiyeah, either one of us, whoever's available16:16
smcginnisAnd that should be it for next weeks tasks.16:16
ttxwoohoo, another release!16:16
fungi#link Wallaby Cycle Artifact Signing Key16:16
smcginnisAnd that will be it for Victoria.16:16
fungii finally pushed that up a couple days ago16:16
fungiwill propose the change to switch to it after next week16:17
smcginnisHmm: No results found: No keys found16:17
fungioh, it may not be replicated to all of the pool yet16:17
smcginnisAh, ok.16:17
smcginnisNo need for a meeting next week, assuming nothing major happens with the final release.16:18
smcginnisSo once the final release is out and announcements are made, I will then pass the baton to hberaud. :)16:18
fungi#link alternate keyserver url16:18
hberaudsmcginnis: thanks :)16:19
smcginnisAnything else to discuss today?16:20
ttxwhen do we discuss PTG session content?16:20
hberaudnothing on my end16:20
fungidon't forget to vote if you got a ballot for teh tc or telemetry ptl elections!16:20
smcginnisGreat reminder16:20
ttxmaybe start an etherpad?16:20
elodhi, I have one question regarding stable/stein Extended Maintenance transition if it is OK :)16:21
hberaudttx: do we have an exiting template?16:21
smcginnisThere are etherpads from the past PTGs.16:21
smcginnisNot sure if that is captured anywhere once the ptg bot clears out the list though.16:22
smcginnisProbably buried in IRC logs somewhere.16:22
hberaudack, I'll do a speleo session16:22
ttxI usually started from the postmortem notes that we add at the bottom of the current tracking etherpad16:22
sboyronhberaud: sounds like it's time for you to code tool to search on irc logs like your wonderfull mail search script ;)16:23
ttxLike, anything weird we need to change/discuss, I add there16:23
hberaudttx: it's a good starting point16:23
ttxand then add anything you think we should change/do16:24
hberaudelod: the floor is yours16:25
elodso the deadline is in ~1 months16:25
elod2020-11-11 according to releases.o.o16:25
elodusually I prepare a mail some weeks prior the deadline16:26
armstrongHybrid:  if you don't mind, I will like to partner with you on your task  for this/next week to learn how it's done.16:26
elodi can prepare it for stein, too, if it's OK16:26
elodand the question is when should I do that?16:26
elodMaybe around Oct 19?16:27
hberaudno idea16:27
smcginnisI would say whenever you are ready.16:27
smcginnisDoesn't hurt to have a little extra notice on that.16:27
elodOK, then I'll do that next week16:28
armstrongtypo sorry about that16:28
smcginnisMight be interesting to see what unreleased commits are on stable/stein. We could propose (unofficially of course) some stable releases so there isn't a rush at the end to merge things before the deadline.16:28
eloda bit sooner, hopefully it does not interfere with the release :)16:28
armstronghberaud:   if you don't mind, I will like to partner with you on your task  for this/next week to learn how it's done.16:28
fungithe 19th is the first day of the open infrastructure summit and forum, so that's maybe a good opportunity to talk about em impact16:28
hberaudarmstrong: sure you are welcome too16:29
elodsmcginnis: yes, just wanted to ask whether we should do some stable release patch by ourselves :)16:29
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hberaudagreed with fungi16:30
smcginniselod: I think it helped last time I ran it. And it's pretty easy now that it's mostly automated.16:30
* ttx needs to run16:30
elodsmcginnis: yes, that helped a lot that you did that on july16:30
* hberaud eject as well, thanks16:31
elodsmcginnis: if the tool is in the repo then I can try to run that too16:31
elodsorry for hijacking the end of the meeting o:)16:31
smcginnisNo, this is good.16:31
hberaudnp :)16:32
smcginnisI think we can run: ./tools/ victoria $(list-deliverables --series stein)16:32
elodfungi: yes, I thought oct 19 is good because it's after the Victoria release and just the beginning of the summit :)16:32
elodsmcginnis: good, then I'll try to combine the mail and the auto-release ;)16:33
smcginnisSounds good!16:33
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smcginnisOK, anything else from anyone?16:35
sboyronnot on my side16:35
smcginnisOK, thanks everyone. Almost there!16:36
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openstackMeeting ended Thu Oct  8 16:36:33 2020 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)16:36
openstackMinutes (text):
sboyronsmcginnis thanks16:36
elodthanks smcginnis o/16:36
diablo_rojothanks smcginnis!16:38
armstrongthanks smcginnis16:40
armstrongsmcginnis:  do you have time to explain something in the process, we were working on?16:45
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smcginnisarmstrong: Sure!16:47
armstrong First, how can one figure out the release-cycle that a project follows based on the output of the first command I ran?16:48
openstackgerritSean McGinnis proposed openstack/releases master: Add recent release note links
smcginnisarmstrong: That script gets all deliverables for this release-cycle.16:49
armstrongsmcginnis: Sorry release model:  because the release model is not available16:50
smcginnisarmstrong: For the trailing ones that were picked up, that's more understanding what is a packaging-type project. Those can be verified by looking at their deliverables files under deliverables/victoria.16:50
smcginnisIn the deliverable file, it will have type: trailing16:50
smcginnisWe used to have a release model called cycle-trailing, but that was changed recently.16:50
smcginnisIt looks like our tools need to be updated to accomodate that.16:51
smcginnisNormally, you would not need to worry about it. For now, we need to just watch for those.16:51
armstrongsmcginnis:  ok, so we have to cross-reference with another file to know the model that a project follows?16:51
smcginnisarmstrong: Basically. To be precise, it does list all deliverables that follow the cycle-with-rc model. The gotcha is that now cycle-with-rc has two types: the standard one and the trailing one.16:52
smcginnisSo once we update the tooling to handle that right, it should make it a lot easier.16:52
armstrongsmcginnis:  secondly, what happens to projects that are not included here: ?16:56
armstrongsmcginnis:  are  they in good standing?16:56
smcginnisarmstrong: Nothing. The ones that are not included there are the ones that did not have changes committed that would be good to be released.16:56
armstrongsmcginnis:  even if they didn't make any change during the cycle?16:57
smcginnisarmstrong: All cycle-with-rc deliverables have at least an RC1 release by this point.16:58
smcginnisarmstrong: So the task was to look for any deliverables that have merged useful changes since RC1 to encourage them to do an RC2 (or RC3) before the deadline.16:59
armstrongsmcginnis:  ok  I got it now17:00
openstackgerritTerry Wilson proposed openstack/releases master: Release ovsdbapp 1.5.1
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/releases master: Add recent release note links
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/releases master: Final RC patch for cloudkitty
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/releases master: Final RC patch for trove
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