Friday, 2023-04-28

*** gthiemon1e is now known as gthiemonge07:12
opendevreviewElod Illes proposed openstack/releases master: [OSA-roles] Transition Xena to EM
opendevreviewJon Bernard proposed openstack/releases master: Cinder team releases for stable/2023.1
opendevreviewJon Bernard proposed openstack/releases master: Cinder team releases for stable/zed
opendevreviewJon Bernard proposed openstack/releases master: Cinder team releases for stable/2023.1
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ttxtime for a meeting!14:01
ttx#startmeeting releaseteam14:01
opendevmeetMeeting started Fri Apr 28 14:01:35 2023 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is ttx. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:01
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'releaseteam'14:01
ttxhberaud is off today so I guess that's just us, elodilles 14:02
ttx#topic Review R-24 task completion14:02
ttx- Process Extended Maintenance transitioning patches for stable/xena (all)14:02
elodillesthe patches:
ttxfor now I tried to prioritize releases over -em cuts...14:03
* fungi is also lurking, as usual14:03
ttxLooks like there are a couple I could push14:04
elodillesyes, some are ready for merge i think14:04
elodillesalso some team have prepared final releases14:04
elodillesa bit late, but at least they did :)14:04
elodillesso we are lagging a bit behind the plans, but this is EM, so not that big issue14:06
ttxSo let's continue to process them as we go?14:06
ttxworks for me!14:06
ttx-     Create & merge 'Set Xena status to Extended Maintenance' after every transitioning patch has merged (elod)14:06
ttxOK so those are ready, we just need to cfinish xena-em first14:07
elodillesof coruse we can only merge these after ALL deliverables got xena-em tags14:07
ttxhow about I add a task at next meeting to review progress on that14:08
elodillessounds like a plan!14:08
ttxthat way it does not fall between the cracks14:08
ttxThat's all for last week tasks14:08
ttx#topic Assign next week tasks14:09
elodillesi can manage them14:09
ttxcool, thanks!14:09
elodillesi mean the single task + the countdown mail (as I'll be the chair of the meeting next week)14:09
ttxI can take the meeting chair for R-21 because i won;t be around for R-2014:10
ttxHmm I guess nobody is14:10
elodillesyes, it seems we have to skip that meeting14:11
ttxI'll adapt tasks so that we can skip it14:11
elodilleswe can check the progress in the middle of that week if we want14:12
ttxok sounds good14:13
ttx#topic Open Discussion14:13
elodillesnote that i've proposed the rocky-eol patches14:13
ttxI've been a bit busy lately (and it won't get much better until Vancouver in June) so if something requires my urgent attention don;t hesitate to ping me14:13
elodillesttx: ack14:14
ttxrocky-eol... my dashboard will miss them14:14
ttxdo you have a link?14:14
elodillesjust a sec14:15
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: [zun] Transition Xena to EM
elodilleson the other hand, the review dashboard from our Reviewer Guide shows them:
ttxOK I'll do a pass on those that are ready14:16
elodillesttx: thanks in advance14:16
ttxanything else?14:17
elodillesnothing from me for now14:17
ttxalright then..14:18
opendevmeetMeeting ended Fri Apr 28 14:18:23 2023 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)14:18
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
ttxHave a great weekend14:18
fungifrom a vmt perspective, i'm interested in what the expected timeline is for completing the xena em transition14:18
fungiso that i know how to rearrange pending advisories14:18
fungibasically need to figure out which side of the em transition the publication dates fall on14:19
fungisince that will determine what releases we claim affected and how we link some backports14:19
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: [murano] Transition Xena to EM
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: [solum] Transition Xena to EM
elodillesfungi: we did not have a strict deadline in the past, but last year it slipped for quite long and we agreed to not let that happen again14:19
elodillesfungi: so i really hope next week we could mark Xena as in EM14:19
elodillesttx: have a great weekend to you too!14:20
fungithanks. i guess there's a bit of a race condition between preparing advisories in private and sending copies to downstream stakeholders without knowing what branches will be releaseable at publication. for now i'm working on the assumption that anything announced after the scheduled em transition last week is no longer maintained for xena14:21
elodillesfungi: note that most of the projects are already in xena-em14:21
fungiso probably good enough for our purposes. thanks!14:21
elodillesfungi: we just can't mark the whole Xena as EM until there are still not transitioned repos with stable/xena14:22
elodillesfungi: so yes, i think you can consider Xena as already in EM14:23
fungimakes sense. my main worry is that we assume something will be em but it's still not when we push fixes to the branch, and then that ends up in a point release we didn't account for in the advisory because we assumed xena was em14:23
fungibut i guess that's not the end of the world, we can issue errata, and the error is on the side of safety (indicating a version is affected when it isn't) rather than the other way around14:24
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elodillesfungi: for the record, these are the projects that haven't responded yet / just prepared their final releases / signaled that they need to prepare a final release:
elodillesall the others are already in EM14:30
fungithanks, i'll try to get folks involved in in-progress advisories for those to decide whether they'll be em before publication14:32
fungiso to pick a random example, 878882 (the cinder change) will probably be approved by release managers as soon as the check jobs pass from the recheck?14:33
fungisince it already has ptl-approved +114:33
elodillesfungi: yes, that is the plan14:34
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: [zun] Transition Rocky to End of Life
elodillesif another release is needed for cinder then best is to -1 the transition patch ASAP14:35
fungino need, it was just an example14:35
fungibut also the vmt doesn't care whether or not a repository is em as long as we know whether or not it will be em so we can adjust our messaging accordingly14:36
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: [ec2-api] Transition Rocky to End of Life
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: [senlin] Transition Rocky to End of Life
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: [magnum] Transition Rocky to End of Life
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: [watcher] Transition Rocky to End of Life
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: [blazar] Transition Rocky to End of Life
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: [vitrage] Transition Rocky to End of Life
fungiwe can refer readers to fixes for em branches just as easily as to maintained branches, we just present them differently because they won't be included in any point releases14:37
fungiso we have to make sure our messaging conveys that clearly14:37
elodillesmakes sense14:38
fungiand we provide advance copies of some of that to some organizations, so want to make sure it will match what we state later at publication14:39
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