Monday, 2023-11-06

*** elodilles_pto is now known as elodilles11:39
*** gouthamr_ is now known as gouthamr16:09
clarkbfungi should we be prodding for a pbr release today?16:50
fungiclarkb: it would probably make sense, should we try to check in with stephenfin on it first?17:07
stephenfino/ what's the question?17:07
* stephenfin didn't read scrollback from Friday yet but was told by sean-k-mooney that they informed you of my laptop woes :)17:08
fungistephenfin: whether you're on board with (and its parent) or if there's anything else that needs to be wrapped into a pbr 6.0.0 first17:08
stephenfinOh, yeah, go for it. Sean's probably the a better person to ask but as long as the PEP-660 stuff is in there, I'm good (y)17:10
stephenfin*probably a17:10
fungithanks for checking!17:11
clarkbmy availability will get worse as the week progresses so my preference is to rip that bandaid off and send it :)17:13
fungiyeah, same17:37
fungiwell, not that i expect to have reduced availability, but the earlier in the openstack development cycle we do this the easier it will be to deal with any resulting fallout (and to make progress on the issues solved in newer pbr)17:37
elodillesclarkb fungi : the 'Fix PBR name check with new tox' patch looks ~OK to me. May I +W it now and release PBR afterwards?19:08
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clarkbelodilles: I think I'm as ready as I can be. Maybe if sean is around we can get sean to ack?19:25
clarkboh wait I htink I saw sean is out today19:25
elodillesshould we wait for them?19:29
tonybsean-k-mooney: indicated they'd be back at work on Tuesday.  So I expect that they'll be back in ~12-15 hours.19:35
tonybHaving said that, they don't seem to be in this channel19:36
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