Thursday, 2023-11-09

opendevreviewHervĂ© Beraud proposed openstack/releases master: Version of the role was recently bumped in metadata
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: [manila] New zed release
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: glance_store: Release 4.3.2 (stable/2023.1)
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: Change blazar-nova's type from library to other
fricklerelodilles: ttx: please check if you have time, as it fixes a CI blocker09:54
elodillesfrickler: LGTM, +2+W'd12:08
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: Create new oslo.utils release for Caracal
fricklerwe again got lots of failures in the reqs patch created by ^^ because the new version was not yet available on pypi. maybe adding just a bit of sleep into the bot would help? not sure if adding a check for availability would help, since there is a cdn involved and thus possibly different levels of delay?14:45
frickler( is the reqs patch)14:45
JayFA large number of Ironic, specifically IPA in the case I'm digging but I have no reason to believe it's unique, haave been recreated, it seems, in gerrit.15:55
JayFAccording to infra the only way this likely could've happened is via release team automation scripts.15:55
JayFI need to root cause why they got created and make it stop.15:55
fungibranches specifically, i understand16:00
fungi(i think you left out the word "branches" here)16:01
elodillesJayF: yeah, we had that issue in the past, but i had a fix for that once, which is seemingly not enough then :S16:54
elodillesif we could find out when the branches were recreated then we could probably find the cause of the recreation16:55
JayFelodilles: I think we have some volunteers from the ironic community to look into it, and perhaps, assuming you all are willing, enhance the automation to just work with these branches16:59
elodillesJayF: sounds great, thanks! \o/17:00
elodillesthis was the fix in May:
elodilles(i need to commute to home, but be back later for some time if any help is needed from me)17:15
JayFclosing the loop; I think we were unable to identify a specific bug and suspect there's a good chance it was a human-factor in something done incorrectly during some of the retirements ... which as far as I'm concerned is even more reason to go fix the release tooling to properly support them :D 18:26
*** tosky_ is now known as tosky18:43

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