Wednesday, 2024-05-22

*** ykarel__ is now known as ykarel08:10
elodillesfrickler: i think the error comes from the fact that there is no '.gitreview' file on the retired repository ("No '.gitreview' file found in this repository. We don't know where your gerrit is."; openstack/solum) but i might be wrong...08:46
fricklerelodilles: yes, that would make sense, but the logging in the release script regarding this could certainly be improved. also not sure what to do about this, seems the issue will repeat for the next retired repos?08:55
elodillesif the repo clean up happens before the 'retire' patch, yes, i think so08:56
frickleroh, actually other repos do still contain .gitreview, see e.g., seems this was a bug in the solum retirement to remove .gitreview and leave .gitignore in place instead
fricklergmann: ^^ do we want to add another retirement commit to fix this?09:01
elodillesthat explains why we don't have this error usually...10:01
ykarelfrickler, can be unblocked now, when you get chance13:27
fricklerykarel: ack, will wait for CI results before approving. you'll want #openstack-requirements though next time ;)13:30
ykarelfrickler, thx will join there too :)13:31
opendevreviewAndrey Kurilin proposed openstack/releases master: Release rally-openstack 3.0.0
clarkbhello openstack release team. We're looking at doing a short gerrit restart to update to the latest bugfix release of version 3.8. This is in preparation for the planned 3.9 upgrade at the end of next week. We want to ensure we're testing and upgrading from the latest 3.8 to the latest 3.9 versions16:42
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: There will be a short Gerrit outage while we update to the latest 3.8 release in preparation for next weeks 3.9 upgrade.17:02
gmannfrickler: oh, my bad. fixing it17:23

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