Friday, 2024-06-14

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opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: New bugfix release oslo.service.
fricklernoonedeadpunk: any news on the osa caracal release? (just to have the status for the meeting later)09:36
noonedeadpunkwe were very unlucky into merging specific 2 changes during the week with having plenty of weird intermittent issues09:44
noonedeadpunkjust today proposed which should be used for RC3 and final one09:44
fricklernoonedeadpunk: ok, added to our etherpad, thx09:56
fricklerrelease-team: I added quite a number of reviews from our backlog to the agenda, maybe if you have a bit of time to look at these beforehand, most can be dealt with quickly09:57
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ttx#startmeeting releaseteam13:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Fri Jun 14 13:00:18 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is ttx. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.13:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'releaseteam'13:00
ttxPing list: release-team elod13:00
ttxOur agenda is at down to line 160 or so13:01
ttx#topic Review task completion13:02
ttx*  Propose patches to release trailing deliverables (hberaud)13:02
ttxLooks like this was done at
fricklerthose at least are all merged, yes13:03
ttx-     Review any remaining trailing project exceptions (all)13:03
fricklerosa is still struggling13:03
hberaudwe still have
hberaudat least
fricklerthey need an rc3 for that, which needs , which is failing CI13:04
ttxOK so we are still tracking that13:05
fricklerbut noonedeadpunk is aware and working 24x7 to get this resolved (or so I assume ;)13:05
hberauddo we want to abandon 921502 while this rc3 is not there?13:06
fricklercould just be rebased then?13:06
noonedeadpunkYeah, I'll rebase13:06
hberaudnoonedeadpunk: thanks13:06
elodillesthx noonedeadpunk o/13:06
ttx- Send the weekly email content ("Between Milestone-1 and Milestone-2") (ttx)13:07
ttxThis will be done in a minute13:07
ttx#topic Assign R-14 week tasks13:07
ttxThey were all assigned, thank you all13:07
ttx#topic Review countdown email for week R-1513:07
fricklerdo we want to mention something about the late osa release there (not to shame, but maybe people are waiting and not aware of the issues)?13:09
frickleror rather do a dedicated mail? maybe by noonedeadpunk?13:10
elodilles(hmmm, we don't have 'Membership-freeze' at the schedule, only its description)13:11
noonedeadpunkthis kinda makes sense from one perspective, but then also we're publishing RCs 13:11
fungimaybe an update from an osa representative that release candidates are available to try out but final release is delayed slightly?13:12
noonedeadpunkLike - if we can have a exact date when release will take place - email would make more sense13:12
frickler"will happen in next month" sounds wrong to me, is "will happen next month" better?13:13
noonedeadpunkand also we're not going to accept any more changes to the final release13:13
ttxfrickler: fixed13:13
noonedeadpunkBut I can come up with the email13:14
ttxyeah that would be great13:14
noonedeadpunkJust right now we're waiting for SHA bump to pass CI which will be the last thing13:14
ttxant other comment on the email?13:14
elodillesmail LGTM13:14
ttxAlright will send shortly after meeting13:15
ttx#topic Open Discussion13:15
ttxYielding the floor to frickler 13:16
frickleryes, I took the liberty to add some backlog stuff13:16
ttxNow is a good time!13:16
frickler1)  EOLing of feature branches13:16
fricklerI -1d both, but no more feedback after that13:17
fungiare those "failed" feature branches which were never merged back to master?13:17
fricklerwould have to ask timburke about that13:18
fricklerbut good point, maybe they can be deleted without tagging if they are actually obsolete13:18
fricklerand a branch from juno most likely would fit that13:19
fricklerI can followup with tim and then we can discuss this again another time if needed13:19
frickler2) zed-last tempest plugins13:20
fungiyeah, the branch names for those features aren't familiar to me, but good hygiene for feature branches which got merged eventually would be to delete the branches once they're done13:20
fricklerI think we already decided to override the missing ptl-approvals, any volunteer to actually do that?13:21
ttxWill do13:21
fungii think we maybe didn't delete feature branches originally because gerrit couldn't delegate branch deletion by pattern13:21
fungibut now it can13:21
elodillesi've started to reviewing them, but haven't finished with all the patches yet13:22
fricklerfungi: anyway, I would also volunteer to do the deletions if needed, tagging would be more work13:22
fricklerelodilles: ok, I can try to join in next week13:23
fungitagging a feature branch before deletion *might* make sense for features which got abandoned, but i'm skeptical. the changes are still in gerrit either way13:23
fricklerack, would need to check for open changes and abandon those, though, good point13:24
frickler3) fix for aclissues.py13:24
fricklerjust needs another review I think13:24
ttxyes please 13:24
ttx(I did push PTL+1 on every zed-last patch)13:25
fricklerttx: thx13:25
ttxNow updating inactivity scorecard13:25
frickler4) whitebox-tempest-plugin release + tag fixup13:25
fricklerthere was some discussion there about the multiple tags being added to the deliverables file13:26
fricklerbut I think it should be fine as noted in the comment, so also only waiting for another review13:26
elodillesare 0.0.1 and 0.0.2 existing tags?13:27
elodillesOK, i guess then it would be OK.13:27
elodillesi just wasn't sure whether our tooling could handle 3 releases on top of each other13:27
elodillesbut then it's technically 1 new tagging+release13:28
fricklerI'd hope the validation script would complain otherwise13:28
elodillesi hope the same :)13:28
fricklerand that's it from me, giving up the floor if someone else has a topic?13:29
ttxno other topic from me13:31
elodillesneither from me13:31
ttxAlright then...13:31
opendevmeetMeeting ended Fri Jun 14 13:31:59 2024 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)13:31
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
ttxThanks everyone!13:32
elodillesthanks all o/13:32
hberaudttx: thanks13:34
opendevreviewElod Illes proposed openstack/releases master: Add d-mf to schedule
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: release whitebox-tempest-plugin
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: Update team exceptions in ACL issues script
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