Friday, 2024-06-21

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opendevreviewJens Harbott proposed openstack/releases master: Sort output for tools/
fricklerrelease-team: I ran ^^ and there are quite a number of deliverables that need attention. freezer and monasco I'll check with gmann and gouthamr, puppet onces I think have been retired and missed to clean up
fricklerfor whitebox-tempest-plugin iiuc the "release-management: none" tag needs to be removed from governance?12:10
ttxfrickler: a few of those are long-standing, see previous run output at
ttx    barbican-ui: Added Oct 2019, never released yet. 5 commits, no activity for past 2 years12:17
ttx    rbd-iscsi-client: Added Jan 2021, never released yet. 3 commits in last two years. 12:17
fricklerah, nice. I've asked in the cinder channel about the latter12:17
ttxfor those two we are basically waiting for a signal from their team that they will be released in next release. It's becoming more unlikely each time :)12:18
ttxFreezer/Monasca dalmatian deliverable files should probably have been removed when they were removed from governance12:18
ttxFirst time I hear about codegenerator and openapi12:19
fricklerthose are new repos by gtema. I'm not sure about plans to release those, might simply be too early for them still12:20
ttxErr Freezer/Monasca, I suspect the governance is lagging (we already removed the deliverables)12:20
frickleryes, the are inactive, but not retired because some folks claim to be working to re-activate them. guess they'll likely stay in that state for another cycle12:21
ttxyeah there is a grey area in that consistency test, for deliverables that were just added but are not ready for immediate release12:21
ttxthat's why we document the output in the etherpad, to track status over time12:21
gtemafrickler, ttx: those are actually not intended to be released, at least not for now while we still develop things.12:22
ttxre: whitebox-tempest-plugin yes taht would be a way to solve the inconsistency12:23
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timburkefrickler, sorry for not following up earlier -- i think we're good to delete the branches. i would like to keep some record of the feature branches (hence the idea of having some eol-like tag in my one patch), but if nothing else, i've at least got those branches on my own github fork19:41
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