Monday, 2024-07-08

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opendevreviewPranali Deore proposed openstack/releases master: [Glance] Dalmatian milestone 2 release
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noonedeadpunkhey folks! I just spotted that redirects for eom/eol tags for constraints does not work actually. Basically - this part of the code:
noonedeadpunknot sure what has changed, as this totally worked a while ago...07:50
noonedeadpunkhuh, I guess I see the optimizations you've made....07:56
noonedeadpunkor maybe it was always like that....08:04
fricklernoonedeadpunk: which redirect do you think is not working?08:07
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noonedeadpunkI somehow thought that smth like that would detect the tag usage and redirect to tag08:15
noonedeadpunkAnd I have some distant memories of this working08:15
noonedeadpunk(at least with EOL)08:16
noonedeadpunkbut likely I've dreamed about that08:16
elodillesnoonedeadpunk: should work well in all cases08:17
elodillesif a branch is eol, then it will point to upper-constraints.txt at zed-eol, and when there are stable/zed or unmaintained/zed it will point to the right branch respectively08:18
elodilles(so it doesn't check out the zed-eom tag, rather the HEAD of unmtaintained/zed)08:23
fricklerfor eol branches it is kind of the other way round fwiw, ie redirects to
noonedeadpunkyeah, that just slightly was against how I assumed it was working, but it's fine08:31
noonedeadpunkI've renderred resulting .htaccess so know what to expect08:31
noonedeadpunkI've jsut recalled that I still haven't updated SHA for Zed /o\08:31
noonedeadpunkfor EOM08:32
*** thuvh1 is now known as thuvh09:06
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: [Glance] Dalmatian milestone 2 release
fricklerrelease-team: I just noticed that our workaround of retagging 28.0.0 as 28.0.1 for glance due to pypi failures is making the releasenotes page look weird , not sure why reno doesn't map it all to 28.0.1 like it does for nova where we did the same workaround?10:34
fricklerit is also strange that 28.0.1 is sorted after 28.0.0 there, usually tags should be in descending order, oldest one last?10:35
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opendevreviewPranali Deore proposed openstack/releases master: Release Glance stable branches
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opendevreviewPranali Deore proposed openstack/releases master: Release Glance stable branches
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opendevreviewElod Illes proposed openstack/releases master: nova: release nova stable versions
*** bauzas_ is now known as bauzas15:05

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