Friday, 2024-08-16

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elodillesreminder: weekly meeting will start in less than 30 mins12:33
fricklerI'm around, just might be some mins late12:53
elodilles#startmeeting releaseteam13:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Fri Aug 16 13:00:32 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is elodilles. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.13:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'releaseteam'13:00
elodillesPing list: release-team elod13:00
elodilleswe are around line 28913:01
elodillesand let's just wait a bit, maybe folks will join :)13:02
elodilles(thanks frickler for the heads up :))13:02
elodillestime is ticking, so let's start, people can read the logs anyway13:07
elodilles#topic Review task completion13:08
fricklersorry for the delay13:08
elodillesno problem :)13:08
elodilles1st task was: 'Oslo library freeze (elod)'13:08
elodillesthe countdown mail contained a section about this,13:09
elodillesand i've had a chat with damani , one of Oslo's release liaison,13:10
elodillesand he also sent out a reminder about this:
elodilles2nd task was: Notify the Infrastructure team to generate an artifact signing key (but not replace the current one yet), and begin the attestation process (ttx)13:11
fungiyeah, i'll hopefully get to that in the next week13:11
elodillesaccording to notes: fungi acked the request13:11
elodillesfungi: ACK-ACK :)13:11
elodillesthanks in advance o/13:12
fungiof course13:12
elodilles3rd task was:13:12
elodilles'Check with the Technical Committee (ttx)'13:12
elodilles* to make sure Python runtimes have been determined for the next development cycle
elodillesso there is the patch ^^^13:12
elodilles* Zuul job templates have been created to include those runtimes
elodillesditto ^^^13:13
elodillesso this is also on track13:13
elodilles4th task: 'Propose DNM changes on repositories where no patches merged recently to check that tests are still passing with the current set of dependencies (libraries, client libraries). (elod)'13:13
elodillespatches proposed:
elodillesonly cought 4 broken gates \o/13:14
elodillesi'll ping the teams to look at the failures13:14
elodilles(might be some of the gate failures are just temporary issues, we'll see)13:15
fricklermight also be worth looking at py312 failures13:15
fricklerjust to be prepared for the next cycle13:15
elodillesfrickler: i saw that there are more py312 failures, but those are non-voting so far13:16
elodillesand i hope that teams are aware of that :)13:16
fricklerI really wouldn't count on that for most teams, but yeah, not really a release team issue13:16
elodillesi saw py312 related patches in multiple projects, so hopefully teams are mostly on track with that13:17
elodillesbut yepp, a couple of weeks, and py312 jobs will be voting on master branch13:17
elodillesand that's all about the 'Review task completion' topic13:18
elodillesnext one:13:18
elodilles#topic Assign R-6 week tasks13:18
elodillesthere's only one task13:19
elodillesnote that i'll be off on Mon-Tue13:19
elodillesso i can take the task, but can only propose patches by Wednesday13:19
frickleris there some tool for that task?13:19
fricklerI could take a look then, but maybe also not earlier then Wednesday13:20
elodillesthis is the script ^^^13:20
fricklero.k., I'll take a look and bug you if I can't make progress13:21
elodillesfrickler: and here is the task description in the Release process:
elodillesfrickler: thanks in advance o/13:22
elodillesif you are unsure in something, then we can look at the task on Wednesday13:22
elodillesmove on then!13:23
elodilles#topic Review countdown email for week R-613:24
elodillesplease review ^^^13:24
elodillesi'll send it later on today if it looks fine for you13:25
fricklerlong one, but lgtm13:26
elodillesyepp. we are closer and closer to final release, so there will be more things to take care by PTLs & teams o:)13:27
elodillesthanks then!13:27
elodilles#topic Open Discussion13:27
elodillesanything to discuss?13:27
fricklerI have a patch open to update the update-constraints job
* elodilles clicks13:27
fricklersince it is difficult to test this ahead of time, it will need some care with the next release after it is merged13:28
fricklerthe most risky part is switching from focal to noble I think13:28
elodillesyepp, that's quite a jump :X13:29
elodillesotherwise it sounds like a plan13:29
frickleryes, but I didn't think that going to jammy would be much less risky, and this way we can skip one jump13:29
elodilleswhen do you plan to merge and check?13:30
fricklerso I guess I'll W-1 this until wednesday, so that we can make a release in time after merging it13:30
elodillesfrickler: sounds good to me!13:31
fricklerbecause doing this now before the weekend doesn't sound useful13:31
elodillesyepp, not a typical 'before weekend' task :]13:31
fricklerand that's already all I had13:32
elodillesmostly the py312 (default in noble) could cause issues, i guess13:32
elodillesbut fingers crossed13:32
elodilleswe can do test release with 'release-test' deliverable13:33
fricklerit should be easy to create the reqs patch manually if it fails and then fix the job or worst case revert13:33
fricklerrelease-test isn't in u-c, or is it?13:33
elodilleshmmm, you are right, i think it isn't13:34
elodillesanyway, as you said, should be easy to handle the fail case13:34
elodillesOK, if no more topics,13:34
elodillesthen let's close the meeting!13:35
elodillesthanks for participating o/13:35
opendevmeetMeeting ended Fri Aug 16 13:35:22 2024 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)13:35
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: hacking 7.0.0
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