Friday, 2024-08-23

*** elodilles is now known as elodilles_pto05:18
*** bauzas_ is now known as bauzas06:25
opendevreviewMichal Nasiadka proposed openstack/releases master: pycadf: Release 3.1.2
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/releases master: Release oslo.messaging 14.9.0 for 2024.2 dalmatian.
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/releases master: Release oslo.messaging 14.9.0 for 2024.2 dalmatian.
ttxI might be late for the meeting in a few hours... I'm supposed to chair and I think it's only frickler and me today so probably better to wait for me than to have the meeting by yourself. Maybe we can start at 13:30utc instead of 13utc?09:40
fricklerttx: ack, works for me, thx for the headsup09:43
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ttxLooks like I won't make 13:30utc... frickler can you make 14utc instead?13:08
fricklerttx: yep13:15
ttx#startmeeting releaseteam14:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Fri Aug 23 14:00:15 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is ttx. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'releaseteam'14:00
ttxping release-team14:00
ttxSorry for being late...14:00
ttxOur agenda is on down to line 32214:01
ttx#topic Review task completion14:01
ttx    Propose autoreleases for cycle-with-intermediary libraries (excluding client libraries) which had commits that have not been included in a release. (frickler)14:01
fricklerplus a whole bunch done by the oslo team themselves14:02
ttx6 merges, 2 approved missing reviews, one in pause and 6 nmot being PTL-reviewed yet14:02
ttxI'll review the 2 approved now, and we'll likely handle the rest early next week14:03
fricklerI'm in particular unsure about the kuryr one, since that is to be retired14:03
fricklerI'll ping keystone and nova, too14:04
ttxanythign else on this?14:04
fricklerI don't think so14:05
ttx#topic Assign R-5 week tasks14:05
ttxUnfortunately I won't be able to take much as I'm traveling all week and will have very limited time14:06
fricklermaybe elodilles_pto or hberaud will want to take some when they're back on monday14:06
ttxthat does not mean you have to take them all frickler :)14:06
ttxyeah, we can keep some aunassigned14:06
ttxhmm, I'll take one and do it today14:07
ttxand yes that leaves a few for elodilles or hberaud 14:08
ttxincluding who gets to chair next meeting14:08
ttx#topic Review countdown email for week R-514:08
ttxLet me know if it works for you and I'll send it shortly after meeting14:09
ttx#topic Open Discussion14:11
ttxAnythign to discuss wit hthe limited attendance we have today?14:12
fricklernot from me14:13
ttxAlright, thanks for being here and sorry again for being late!14:14
opendevmeetMeeting ended Fri Aug 23 14:14:16 2024 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)14:14
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
fricklerthx ttx14:14
opendevreviewJeremy Stanley proposed openstack/releases master: Publish the 2025.1/Epoxy key for future use
fricklernot sure if this should be more of a TC discussion, but do we want to drop retired teams from ? or at least move them to some "ex-teams" section?15:45
ttxYeah that would be a good idea... that section is a bit confusing to read right now16:16
gmannfrickler: ++, or show the team only if team in governance.projects.yaml17:39
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*** bauzas_ is now known as bauzas21:46

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