Friday, 2024-08-30

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ykareltkajinam, hi can you please check
fricklerforgot to check yesterday, but the latest bifrost reno publishing in the tag pipeline seems to have worked fine
fricklerheads-up that the latest release of python-openstackclient is breaking some things, so it will likely need another release after some fixes merged, cf.
frickleralso I'll be away before the meeting today, not sure if I'll be back in time, don't wait for me if I'm not08:23
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ykarelelodilles, frickler can you check
ykarelthx in advance08:32
elodillesykarel: +2'd09:15
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: Release oslo.serialization 5.1.2 for 2023.1 (Antelope)
opendevreviewElod Illes proposed openstack/releases master: Release final python-novaclient for 2024.2 Dalmatian
opendevreviewCarlos Eduardo proposed openstack/releases master: Release final python-manilaclient for 2024.2 Dalmatian
opendevreviewCarlos Eduardo proposed openstack/releases master: Release final python-manilaclient for 2024.2 Dalmatian
elodillesreminder: weekly meeting will start in 24 mins12:36
elodilles#startmeeting releaseteam13:02
opendevmeetMeeting started Fri Aug 30 13:02:24 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is elodilles. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.13:02
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'releaseteam'13:02
elodillesPing list: release-team elod13:02
elodilleswe are down at line 32813:03
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elodillesi'm feeling a bit alone :( but let's just walk through the agenda, and people can read the logs later.13:08
elodilles#topic Review task completion13:09
elodilleshi armstrong o/13:09
elodilles1st task was: 'Process any remaining library freeze exception (all)'13:09
elodillesas you can see we still have 3 open patches, that should be merged as soon as possible13:11
armstrongOk I will look at them soon13:11
fricklerI'm not sure about the kuryr release, but maybe we can just release these three, don't think it should hurt much13:13
armstrongThe patches don’t yet have PTL approval ?13:14
elodillesyeah, i just realised that i forgot to answer Artem on openstacksdk patch, now i've answered and +2'd the patch. we could release that, yepp.13:15
fricklerusually we would override ptl approval after having waited so long13:15
elodillesfrickler: yepp13:16
elodillesabout kuryr: gmann commented that Zun team is responsible now, but as you said, since we are over the deadline, let's merge and release that, too13:16
fricklerthe handover isn't official yet, but one can assume that the intention is to keep doing releases13:17
elodillesi've +2'd all 3 patches now, frickler would you mind reviewing them and +W them if you think they are OK?13:19
elodilles(could happen after the meeting if you have time)13:20
fricklerwill do13:21
elodilleslet's move on then13:22
elodilles2nd task was:13:22
elodilles'Propose autoreleases for cycle-with-intermediary client libraries. (frickler)'13:22
elodilleshalf of them have merged already13:22
fricklerelodilles did these, thx for that13:23
elodillesthe rest should be merged now, as the deadline have passed13:23
elodillesyepp, no problem, had some time on monday, so took over the task o:)13:23
fricklerso we're going to override ptls for these, too, I assume?13:24
fricklerover do some more pings and give them until monday?13:24
elodillesi'll continue reviewing the generated patches after the meeting, and either today, or early next week we should merge all the release patches if they are OK13:24
elodillesfrickler: yepp, PTL-Approved+1 will be necessary, so let's override them13:25
elodilleswe should have ping teams already as the deadline was Thursday13:25
fricklerok, I'll look at that and also add those to the "name-and-shame" list13:26
elodillesso let's just override them for now :/13:26
elodillesthx again o/13:26
elodilles3rd task was:13:26
elodilles'Evaluate any non-client libraries that did not have any change merged over the cycle to see if it is time to transition them to the independent release model if applicable. (elod)'13:26
elodillesi did a quick check, and actually found only (kuryr and) client libs:13:27
elodillespython-adjutantclient,     python-venusclient,     python-watcherclient13:27
fricklerwatcher is going to be leaderless, so that was maybe to be expected13:28
fricklerthe others are also not known to be super active13:28
elodillesyeah, maybe these will be the next retired projects :S13:29
elodillesso i'll propose release patches for these three, but won't initiate model change as they are tightly coupled with their service deliverables afaik13:29
elodillesat least their gate were passing recently :X13:29
elodillesmove on then13:30
elodilles4th task:13:30
elodilles'List cycle-with-intermediary deliverables that have not been released yet and send a separate email targeted to teams with such unreleased deliverables to remind them that they need to release before $rc1-deadline (ttx)'13:30
fricklerttx wanted to do that last Friday, but I'm not sure whether there were any such deliverables13:31
* elodilles is quickly looking at openstack-discuss13:31
fricklerah, found it
fricklerswift + ironic13:32
elodillesyepp, that's it13:32
elodillesand i remember i've seen ironic releases13:32
frickleryes, just need to check whether they did all of them13:33
elodillesso swift is the last one that needs a release13:33
fricklerand timburke also missed the PTL candidacy, so doing another ping here ;-D13:33
elodillesall ironic deliverables have a release, so we should be covered :]13:34
elodilleswe will have another checkpoint afair, so let's move on then :)13:35
elodilles5th task was:13:35
elodilles'On Friday, remind the requirements team to freeze changes to openstack/requirements by applying -2 to all open patches. Ensure that reviewers do not approve changes created by the proposal bot, but do approve changes for new OpenStack deliverable releases. (frickler)'13:36
fricklerleft a note in the reqs channel this morning. also added -2 to all relevant patches13:36
elodillesi've seen you did that on #openstack-requirements :)13:36
elodilleson the other hand all new-release patches should be merged ASAP :S13:37
elodillesmaybe we could have a quick check there13:37
frickleryes, some of them were failing CI. the one for osc even was abandoned13:37
elodillesfrickler: osc? you mean the released version couldn't be used? :-o13:38
frickleryes, they broke some column naming and some quota commands in certain scenarios13:39
elodillesthat sounds like we need a new osc release then :S13:40
elodilleswith a RFE (Requirements Freeze Exception) :S13:40
fricklerwell ... does the RFE hold for bugfix releases?13:41
frickleralso oslo.policy is still waiting for fixed in horizon and maybe other projects
elodillesyes, as RFE is not FFE (feature freeze exception) and we need to bump the upper constraints when it gets released13:42
fricklerheatclient seems to have dropped py3.8 support so that patch needs manual amending, I'll do that in a bit
elodilleslet's hope then that oslo.policy won't be this cycle's library that causes last minute churns :S fingers crossed13:43
elodillesthanks for updating heatclient13:44
fricklerwell gmann was pretty optimistic when I check with him two weeks ago ;)13:45
elodilles#info osc and oslo.policy library releases had failed cross-check jobs, so release team needs to keep an eye on them to sort out the problems as soon as possible13:45
elodillesthat's good then :)13:46
elodillesOK, that were all the tasks for this week13:46
elodilleslet's move on then to the next topic!13:47
elodilles#topic Assign R-4 week tasks13:47
elodillesttx will travel all week, and might be back in time for the meeting,13:47
elodillesso i'll chair the meeting then, just to be sure we'll have one :)13:48
frickleris there a script for the branch proposal patches? (I assume yes, but want to be sure before taking this task)13:49
elodillesi've added my name to the tasks, but feel free to hijack any if you'll have time13:49
frickleralthough I think it is the same as earlier?13:49
elodillesfrickler: as far as i remember, there is13:49
elodillesbut feel free to take it, and if you have any issue just ping me and either we check it together or i can do it o:)13:50
elodillesfrickler: 4th task in the R-4 week tasks in the process page:
frickleryes, already took it13:51
elodillescool, thanks o/13:51
elodilles#topic Review countdown email for week R-413:51
elodillesplease review ^^^13:51
fricklerrc1 on friday the 13th, nice ;)13:53
fricklerlgtm overall13:54
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: Release final kuryr for 2024.2 (Dalmatian)
elodillesyeah, to be honest, i like better the Thursday deadlines, even for RC1 and final RCs, but ttx usually argues that these can be Fridays as we usually talk about 'week of XY' for these o:)13:55
elodillesin the past i advertised Thursdays as deadlines for these RCs as well o:)13:55
fricklerin general I agree, but this one is cool13:56
elodilles(had to fix the dates in the mail proposal as well as at first i added the Thursday deadlines this time as well, but it came into my mind that ttx wrote Fridays in his mail last week o:))13:56
elodillesyeah, it's not a big deal anyway o:)13:57
fricklerah, ok13:57
elodillesgood-good. so if the mail looks OK to you then i'll send it after the meeting later today13:58
elodilles#topic Open Discussion13:58
elodilleswe have 1 minute to discuss any other topic if anyone has one :)13:58
elodilles(i don't have any)13:59
elodilleslooks not, so let's end the meeting! thanks armstrong and frickler for participating!14:00
opendevmeetMeeting ended Fri Aug 30 14:01:01 2024 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)14:01
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
armstrongThanks elodilles14:01
elodillesnp :)14:01
fricklerthx elodilles 14:02
elodillesthx too o/14:05
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: Release final keystonemiddleware for 2024.2 (Dalmatian)
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elodillesi've reviewed the dalmatian-milestone-3 patches, mostly needs now a second core review o:)
frickleryep, just started on those, thx. I'll give gtema a chance to respond on sdk release before proceeding there14:32
gtemafrickler: doing now14:33
opendevreviewElod Illes proposed openstack/releases master: Release python-adjutantclient for 2024.2 Dalmatian
opendevreviewElod Illes proposed openstack/releases master: Release python-venusclient for 2024.2 Dalmatian
opendevreviewElod Illes proposed openstack/releases master: Release python-watcherclient for 2024.2 Dalmatian
elodillesgtema: sorry for not answering earlier, i somehow missed your comment :/14:39
elodillesand yeah, python version support drop is somewhat on the border whether we should bump MAJOR version, but in some way it is backward incompatibility and we chose to mark it with a MAJOR bump14:40
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: Release final python-vitrageclient for 2024.2 Dalmatian
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: Release final osc-placement for 2024.2 Dalmatian
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opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: [Glance] Dalmatian milestone 3 release
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: Release final python-magnumclient for 2024.2 Dalmatian
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: Release final python-manilaclient for 2024.2 Dalmatian
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: Release final python-novaclient for 2024.2 Dalmatian
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: Release final python-designateclient for 2024.2 Dalmatian
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: Release final python-octaviaclient for 2024.2 Dalmatian
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: Release final python-mistralclient for 2024.2 Dalmatian
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