Friday, 2025-01-10

*** tosky_ is now known as tosky09:33
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opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: Release python-vitrageclient for Epoxy-2 milestone
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: Release python-blazarclient for Epoxy-2 milestone
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: Release sushy for Epoxy-2 milestone
opendevreviewElod Illes proposed openstack/releases master: Release oslo.metrics for Epoxy-2 milestone
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: Release python-ironicclient for Epoxy-2 milestone
elodillesreminder: weekly meeting in ~5 mins13:54
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: Release python-heatclient for Epoxy-2 milestone
elodilles#startmeeting releaseteam14:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Fri Jan 10 14:00:36 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is elodilles. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'releaseteam'14:00
elodillesPing list: release-team14:00
ttxo/                                                                                                            14:01
elodillesso we are around line 18414:03
elodilleslet's start then14:04
elodilles#topic Review task completion14:04
elodilles1st task was:14:04
elodilles'Generate a list of all cycle-with-intermediary libraries which did not release since the YYYY-MM-DD date of milestone-1. (elod)'14:04
elodillesa bit less than 3rd part of them are missing reviews,14:05
elodillessome still waits for update or further team member reviews14:06
elodillesor 2nd +2s14:06
elodillesI'll double check the ones that has no response from team after the meeting and I guess we can release them if there's no issue with them14:07
armstrongOk I will take a look and review some14:07
elodillesarmstrong: thanks o/14:08
elodillesthere is a follow-up task for this in next weeks tasks, so this should be good14:09
elodillesoh one question though:14:09
elodillesi've seen a release patch for python-freezerclient14:09
elodillescommented on it ^^^14:09
elodillesis freezer officially back in this cycle?14:10
fungiit's still listed as inactive14:10
elodillesbecause in that case i think all its deliverables should be added14:10
* ttx looks up log14:10
elodillesso either we shouldn't add or add all necessary freezer deliverables14:11
ttxSo it's a bit uncertain14:12
elodillesthanks for the link14:13
elodillesthen the question is: should we add freezer deliverables, or just leave it to freezer folks to tag the releases manually (if we are not sure about its active state)14:13
fungiprobably the latter unless/until the tc takes it out of inactive state?14:14
ttxI think we give noonedeadpunk a bit more time to decide if it will be revived14:15
ttxBut yes we need closure on this well before milestone-314:15
fungiyeah, i mean, this is about the point in the cycle where if the tc hasn't decided then it's presumably deferred until next cycle, logistically14:16
fungithis week was their official deadline according to the schedule14:17
elodillesbut the release can be done anyway, it just won't show up in the coordinated release14:18
elodillesanyway, i'm adding a topic regarding this to next week's meeting, for a follow up14:19
elodillesOK, move on then14:20
elodilles2nd task was: 'To catch if there are acl issues in newly created repositories, run tools/ (ttx)'14:20
elodillesopenstack/whitebox-tempest-plugin (Quality Assurance) in openstack/whitebox-tempest-plugin.config14:21
ttxI ran the check and spotted one glitch14:21
ttxand proposed the project-config fix for it14:21
noonedeadpunkfwiw, I've pushed freezer client patch yesterday14:21
ttx#link 14:21
elodillesthis one i guess:14:21
ttxso we are all set14:22
elodillesnoonedeadpunk: i've seen it and commented on it14:23
noonedeadpunkaha, ok, let me check then :)14:23
elodillesnoonedeadpunk: feel free to ping us anytime to discuss the thing if needed14:23
noonedeadpunkelodilles: so I feel it being like a chicken-egg situation right now14:24
noonedeadpunkfor freezer to become active - a TC resolution should be made14:24
noonedeadpunkbut it's already a deadline for clients, and if client is not gonna be released - TC will point to absent release for lcient14:25
elodillesnoonedeadpunk: i think we are happy to add the deliverables (all of them at once) to deliverables/epoxy if you/TC ACKs they are ready to be part of 2025.1 Epoxy14:25
fungithe tc tells the release managers which projects will be included in the coordinated release14:25
noonedeadpunkok, so basically it should be TC resolution first to state that project is active...14:26
ttxyeah, and the sooner we know the better :)14:26
noonedeadpunkI just think I saw some different prespective, that a release could be a flag to TC... but I could misunderstood14:26
noonedeadpunkso right now CI is green, though a work is ongoing for some bigger re-factoring of the service14:27
noonedeadpunk(which potentially will be ready only by 2025.2)14:27
noonedeadpunkok. then I'll go and propose patch to governance I guess14:28
elodillesnoonedeadpunk: as I said some line above, if you are not that sure that freezer can be part of 2025.1, then there is the option to manually release the deliverables14:28
fungiyes, the projects' deliverables can presumably have releases this cycle, even if they're not officially included as part of the coordinated 2025.1/epoxy release14:29
fungibeing inactive doesn't necessarily block release requests for those deliverables14:29
elodillestagging rights need to be granted for a freezer core, and the tagging will trigger the release jobs. the releases will happen, but the deliverables won't be listed under 2025.1 Epoxy 14:29
fungior manual releasing like that i guess, right14:30
elodillesanyway, the sooner we have a more clear view / decision, is the better :) we don't have to decide on this meeting i guess :)14:31
elodillesso let's move on now - noonedeadpunk feel free to ping us any time next week if you have any further question14:32
elodillesttx: about whitebox-tempest-plugin14:32
elodillesis that added to releases repository somewhere?14:32
elodillesir will that be the next step to add?14:33
ttxit was already there14:33
elodilleshmmm. i don't find it14:33
ttxin _independent?14:34
elodillesah, there it is14:34
elodillessorry then, then all good14:34
elodillesOK, then this task is also covered14:35
elodilleswell, the topic as well14:36
elodillesso next topic:14:36
elodilles#topic Assign R-11 week tasks14:36
elodillesttx: could you chair next week's meeting?14:36
elodillesi've added my name to the release cycle schedule planning task, but feel free to hijack it if you have already some timeplan in your mind o:)14:38
elodillesttx: thanks o/14:38
ttxwas wondering if we have covered the "OpenStackSDK, Monasca and Freezer" task from this week 14:38
ttxWe discussed Freezer...14:38
ttxso maybe we need to push it back to next week?14:38
elodillesttx: oh sorry14:39
opendevmeetRemoving item from minutes: #topic Assign R-11 week tasks14:39
elodillesmissed it...14:39
elodilles'Chase OpenStackSDK, Monasca and Freezer PTLs re: deliverables defined in governance but not in deliverable files (see above)'14:39
ttxOpenStackSDK is kind of covered with the recent addition of codegenerator, openapi 14:40
ttxThat leaves Monasca14:40
ttxwhich I think is about to be removed14:41
elodillesyou mean from project-config repository, right?14:41
ttxFrom governance. we should probably add a check in a future week that it's been indeed cleaned up14:41
ttxI'll add it to a future week.14:42
elodillesttx: ACK, thanks.14:42
elodillesI can prepare a patch for that if needed14:42
fungii haven't seen changes yet to retire the monasca deliverables, but i do expect they're on the way soon yes14:42
elodillesif you haven't done yet14:43
ttxI think it's a decision for the TC to make14:43
ttxOK I think we can move on :)14:43
elodillesACK, thanks!14:44
elodilles#topic Assign R-11 week tasks14:44
elodillesall tasks taken14:44
elodilles#topic Review weekly countdown email14:45
elodillesplease review ^^^14:45
elodilleswill send it after the meeting14:47
elodilles#topic Open Discussion14:48
elodillesanything to discuss?14:48
fungi#link Allow pre-releases for independent deliverables14:49
fungii pushed that up for debate, i don't feel super strongly that it's needed, but we had a case where it would be nice14:49
elodillesi've had only a quick glance at the patch, i don't know the history of this o:)14:49
ttxI commented...14:50
fungiin particular, pbr's use as a setuptools plugin (setup_requires/build-backend) makes it very hard to test from source in packages that use it14:50
ttxI just have a very hard time remembering, but that corner case definitely rings a bell14:50
elodillesi'm also OK to +2 this if needed. we can revert if it turns out as a bad decision o:)14:51
fungittx: was my answer in the comment yesterday what you were thinking of, or was it something else?14:51
ttxMy memory is definitely associated with the ghost of Monty telling me we should really not allow that14:51
ttxah, missed the answer, checking14:52
fungibasically, yes pre-releases were a problem before all our supported platforms had pip 1.4 or later (which probably wasn't until at least 2016)14:52
elodillesspooky :S14:52
ttxOK, that sounds like the thing I remember (wrong version being installed and all)14:53
ttxWe should check that auto-proposal of global requirements constraints updates skip first, probably14:54
fungibut it did remind me, as i commented, that we probably want the constraints update proposal job to not run for pre-release versions (which may already be the case since the pre-release and release pipelines in zuul are separate)14:54
fungiyeah, looks like propose-update-constraints runs from the release pipeline specifically14:56
fungioh! we do also run it in the pre-release pipeline14:57
fungiso it's possible we're already putting pre-releases of things in constraints, just not independent release libs14:58
ttxfungi: yes but cycle-with-rc things are usually not use in dependencies14:59
elodillesbeta/milestone release are used though14:59
ttxWe require all libraries to be cycle-with-intermediary for that reason14:59
fungii see pyeclib there, for example, which is in constraints14:59
ttxI remember a library using pre-release versioning was a bad idea. maybe no longer since 201615:00
ttxso that's why we forced all libs to be cycle-with-intermediary15:01
fungii don't want to drag the meeting out, just bringing that change to everyone's attention, we can discuss async later15:01
elodillesfungi: ACK15:02
elodilleslet's end the meeting then15:02
elodillesand we can discuss this further if needed after the meeting15:03
elodillesthanks everyone o/15:03
opendevmeetMeeting ended Fri Jan 10 15:03:20 2025 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)15:03
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
fungiskimming upper-constraints.txt history, we do have a number of projects in there where we auto-propose their rc versions15:08
fungiat least ceilometer and tap-as-a-service15:09
fungii don't see any indication that the pyeclib 1.6.2rc1 tag ever made it into a review for requirements though15:10
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/releases master: [OpenStack-Ansible Roles] Transition 2023.1 Antelope to Unmaintained
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/releases master: [OpenStack-Ansible Roles] Transition 2023.1 Antelope to Unmaintained
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/releases master: [octavia-tempest-plugin] Tag 2023.1-last
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/releases master: [neutron-tempest-plugin] Tag 2023.1-last
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/releases master: [glance-tempest-plugin] Tag 2023.1-last

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