Monday, 2025-02-03

*** Guest7825 is now known as diablo_rojo_phone06:12
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: Transition unmaintained/victoria to EOL
elodillesi'm about to run the eol clean up script, as far as i see gerrit and zuul are functional08:53
elodillesand the result is:
elodillesnote that we got a couple of release job failures, though they can be ignored as far as i understand: publish-openstack-releasenotes-python3 jobs failed for retired projects13:16
ttxelodilles: thanks for checking13:17
*** ralonsoh_ is now known as ralonsoh15:00
fungi just merged to document releasing freezer17:45
clarkbare we releasing pbr today?17:47
fungii think we're still waiting for damani[m] to +1 the request as oslo ptl?17:47
damani[m]fungi, dome about pbr 19:09
fungithanks damani[m]!20:56
damani[m]fungi, you're welcome23:19

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