Wednesday, 2025-02-19

fricklerelodilles: did you have a chance to look at the wallaby change yet? I'm going to duplicate it for the other eom branches today as discussed in the TC meeting yesterday. would be good to add any updates before that05:48
elodillesfrickler: note yet, but will do it today when i get there08:44
elodillesfrickler: i've taken a look on the wallaby-eol patch, and there is only one repo that i'd rather exclude if possible12:49
fricklerelodilles: ack, sounds reasonable, will update and try to keep that in mind if there are further added oslo repos in newer branches12:51
elodillesfrickler: i see some strange things though: it seems that some (?) tripleo-* repos still have stable/wallaby branches :S i guess those should move directly to EOL, but could be added that on a separate patch12:56
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: Release python-openstackclient 7.3.0 branch for epoxy
opendevreviewElod Illes proposed openstack/releases master: Move TripleO projects wallaby branch to End of Life
elodillesfrickler: fyi ^^^13:17
opendevreviewDr. Jens Harbott proposed openstack/releases master: Transition unmaintained/wallaby to EOL
fricklerelodilles: ah, yes, we never proceeded with , now we'll find a way to make to CI happy13:54
elodillesmeh, i forgot about that13:55
opendevreviewElod Illes proposed openstack/releases master: [doc] Add requirements bump check to process
opendevreviewElod Illes proposed openstack/releases master: Add python-openstackclient feature freeze
opendevreviewDr. Jens Harbott proposed openstack/releases master: Transition unmaintained/xena to EOL
opendevreviewElod Illes proposed openstack/releases master: Move TripleO projects wallaby branch to End of Life
elodillesgtema stephenfin : hi, now that we have lib freeze, and saw the generated openstacksdk final release patch, it reminded me that we wanted some kind of deadline or feature freeze to python-openstackclient as it usually released with the "leftovers" some time at the end of the cycle... is this FF proposal looks OK to you?
gtemaoh yeah, I completely forgot that15:12
elodillesi've now added it next to usual Oslo FF, which is two weeks before Milestone-3 (i.e. previous week in Epoxy cycle), but let me know if that is too early or if you have other preference15:16
elodillesand note that this is still kind of a project specific thing so it won't be picked up automated, but probably a bit easier not to forgot15:17
stephenfinelodilles: To be clear, we can still release post-freeze, right?15:18
elodillesstephenfin: bug fixes yes, features patches should be avoided15:19
stephenfinreason being that there may be new microversions added in a service, and service freeze happens after non-client lib freeze15:19
stephenfinhmm, I wonder if we want a different timeline would make sense in that case?15:20
elodillesi see. the problem before was that there were no python-openstackclient releases before in the cycle and a lot of things were not yet tested by others. now i see that there are already 3 releases in this cylce, so i guess that issue is less likely to happen15:21
elodillesstephenfin: it's your choice which week you want the FF :)15:21
stephenfincan we have a "soft" freeze?15:22
elodillesstephenfin: if you want it after non-client lib freeze that's OK to us i guess, the only thing is not release breaking changes too late o:)15:22
stephenfinidk how much value there is in that. basically, new features only where needed. Nothing breaking15:22
elodillesstephenfin: soft-freeze sounds OK to me, though note that the team needs to keep in mind that deadline15:23
elodillesof course if it will be added in the schedule then it is a bit more visible for everyone :)15:24
stephenfinthat's fair15:39
stephenfinelodilles: thanks for proposing that. gtema's call naturally but that looks good to me15:39
elodillesthanks too15:41
stephenfinleft comments per above on the review15:43
elodillesthanks stephenfin o/ let me update the patch quickly15:49
opendevreviewElod Illes proposed openstack/releases master: Add python-openstackclient feature freeze
elodillesthere it is ^^^15:53
opendevreviewDr. Jens Harbott proposed openstack/releases master: Transition unmaintained/yoga to EOL
fricklernoonedeadpunk: you mentioned you might have some comments about yoga or later, so I'll pause with ^^ for a bit (assuming it will be mostly osa-related?)16:37
noonedeadpunkI need to re-think that again:) but actually yeah - yoga as first non-official SLURP made quite some traction...16:49
* frickler just notes that this is pretty osa-heavy, too ;-)
opendevreviewBrian Rosmaita proposed openstack/releases master: [cinder] February 2025 releases from Dalmatian
opendevreviewBrian Rosmaita proposed openstack/releases master: [cinder] February 2025 releases from Caracal
opendevreviewBrian Rosmaita proposed openstack/releases master: Release cinder for stable/2023.2
opendevreviewElod Illes proposed openstack/releases master: Add python-openstackclient feature freeze

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